UPGRADATION OF WATER QUALITY LABORATORIES IN CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION 1.0 Introduction: Central Water Commission has a well established ‘Water Quality Monitoring Network’ consisting of monitoring stations at 433 key locations covering all the major river basins of India. The water quality monitoring network consists of 258 field laboratories called the level-I laboratories located at field water quality monitoring stations on various rivers of India for monitoring of in-situ parameters, eighteen (18) level-II laboratories for the analysis of 25 physico-chemical plus bacteriological parameters, and five (05) level-III/II+ laboratories for the analysis of 41 parameters including heavy metals / toxic parameters and pesticides. Besides the monitoring of river water quality, Central Water Commission has an important role to play in the day to day activities of Ganga River Basin Authority, National River Action Plan (NRAP), Water Quality Assessment Authority (WQAA), and Ganga River Basin Authority. 1.1 Water Quality Monitoring Network in CWC at present At present, Central Water Commission follows a three tier laboratory system for providing analytical facilities for the analysis of river water samples collected from 433 water quality monitoring stations belonging to the Water Quality Monitoring Network and covering all the major river basins of India. Present Laboratory set up: The present up of laboratories is depicted in chart (1) below: WQM Network In CWC WQM Stations (433) Level-I Laboratories (258) Level-II Laboratories (18) Level-III / II+ Laboratories (05) Chart (1): Present set up of laboratories in CWC 2 The three tier laboratory system consists of: 1) Level - I Laboratories: These are the field laboratories which are located at field water quality monitoring stations on various rivers of India where in-situ values of five (05) physical parameters and one biological parameter (Dissolved Oxygen) of river water are monitored. There are a total number of 258 level-I laboratories located at field water quality monitoring stations on various rivers of India. 2) Level-II Laboratories: There are 18 level-II laboratories located at division offices to analyse 25 physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters of river water. The list of level-II laboratories in CWC depicted in chart (2) below: Level II Laboratories (18) (18) Lower Brahamaputra Division, Jalpaiguri U.B. Division, Dibrugarh Cauvery Division, Bangalore Hydrology Division, Chennai SWR Division, Cochin Chenab Division, Jammu Upper Krishna Division,Pune Lower Ganga Division, Berhampore Middle Ganga Division -V , Patna Eastern Rivers Division, Bhubaneswar Mahanadi Division, Raipur WainGanga Division, Nagpur Narmada Division, Bhopal Mahi Division, Gandhinagar Tapi Division, Surat Himalayan Ganga Division, Dehradun Middle Ganga Division -I , Lucknow Lower Yamuna Division, Agra Chart (2): Level-II laboratories in CWC 3) Level-III/II+ Laboratories: There are five (05) regional level-III / II+ laboratories for analysis of 41 parameters including heavy metals / toxic parameters and pesticides. These laboratories are located at the places given in chart (3) below: Level-III / II+ Laboratories (05) National River Water Quality Laboratory (NRWQL), New Delhi Southern Rivers Division, Coimbatore Middle Brahmaputra Division, Guwahati Chart (3): Level-III/II+ laboratories in CWC 3 Middle Ganga Division-3, Varanasi Upper Godavari Division, Hyderabad National River Water Quality Laboratory (NRWQL), New Delhi: The level-III laboratory at New Delhi under Yamuna Basin Organisation is, in fact, a National Laboratory and is named as “National River Water Quality Laboratory (NRWQL), New Delhi” which, in addition to its regional responsibilities, also undertakes the following activities: Referral Activities: National River Water Quality Laboratory (NRWQL), New Delhi has been designated as the ‘Referral Laboratory’ to ensure uniformity in physico-chemical and biological analysis of surface waters in India. Besides conducting the Special Studies assigned by the Ministry of Water Resources, NRWQL also caters to the referral needs of various organizations in the field of water quality analysis. AQC Exercises: NRWQL undertakes the Analytical Quality Control (AQC) Exercises among various laboratories of CWC in order to have an assessment of the quality (accuracy) of analysis being done in the laboratories. Capacity Building through Training Programmes and Workshops: NRWQL aims to provide professional and need based training with a wide outreach in environment and water quality related topics. Hands-on training is provided in the laboratory, where participants can improve their skills in analyzing water and wastewater samples. Analysis of Trace & Toxic elements: NRWQL undertakes analysis of Trace & Toxic elements for all the regions of India. This exercise is done three (03) times a year. 1.1.2 Parameters analysed and instruments used in the three levels of laboratories: The list of parameters analysed and instruments used in the three levels of laboratories is given in Annexure-3. The depiction of parameters analysed in the three levels of laboratories is given in the following chart : (i) Parameters Analysed in a Level-I Laboratory: The parameters analysed in a level-I laboratory are depicted in chart (4) below: 4 Parameters Analysed in a Level-I Laboratory Temperature Colour Odour Electrical Conductivity/ Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) pH Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.) Chart (4): Parameters Analysed in a Level-I Laboratory (ii) Parameters Analysed in a Level-II Laboratory: The parameters analysed in a level-II laboratory are depicted in chart (5) below: Parameters Analysed in a Level-II Laboratory Temperature Electrical Conductivity/ Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) pH Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.O.D.) Chemical Oxygen Demand (C.O.D.) Sodium Calcium Magnesium Potassium Iron Boron Carbonate Bicarbonate Fluoride Chloride Sulphate Nitrate Nitrite Silicate Phosphate Total Coliform Total Plate Count F. Coliform E. Coliform Chart (5): Parameters Analysed in a Level-II Laboratory 5 (iii) Parameters Analysed in a Level-III/II+ Laboratory: The parameters analysed in a level-III/II+ laboratory are depicted in chart (6) below: Parameters Analysed in a Level-III/II+ Laboratory Temperature Electrical Conductivity/ Total Dissolved Solids pH Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.O.D.) Chemical Oxygen Demand (C.O.D.) Sodium Calcium Magnesium Potassium Iron Boron Carbonate Bicarbonate Fluoride Chloride Sulphate Nitrate Nitrite Silicate Phosphate Total Coliform Total Plate Count F. Coliform E. Coliform Total Kjeldhal Nitrogen Cyanide Ammonia (Nitrogen) Pesticides (Cholorohydrocarbon) (06 Nos.) T.O.C. (Total Carbon Analyser) Arsenic Cadmium Mercury Chromium Lead Zinc Chart (6): Parameters Analysed in a Level-III/II+ Laboratory 6 1.1.3 Classification of water quality monitoring stations: In accordance with the definition given in the “Uniform Protocol on Water Quality Monitoring Notification” issued by the Water Quality Assessment Authority, Ministry of Environment & Forests dated 17th June, 2005 water quality monitoring stations are classified as follows: (i) Baseline Station: A Baseline Station means the monitoring location where there is no influence of human activities on water quality; (ii) Trend Station: A Trend station means the monitoring location designed to show how a particular point on a watercourse varies over time due, normally, to the influence of man’s activities; and (iii) Flux Station or Impact Station: A Flux station or Impact station means the location for measuring the mass of particular pollutant on main river stem for measuring the extent of pollution due to human interference or geological feature at any point of time and is necessary for measuring impact of pollution control measures adopted; CWC has 226 Base stations, 179 Trend stations and 28 Flux stations. The classification of monitoring station in CWC is depicted in chart (7) below: Water Quality Monitoring Stations in CWC (433) Baseline Stations (226) Trend stations (179) (189) Flux or Impact Stations (28) (179) (28) Chart (7): Classification of monitoring station in CWC 7 Table 4. List of Parameters and Instrument required for analysis Sl. N. Water Quality Parameters Instrument Required Physical parameters 1 2 3 4 5. Temperature pH Electrical Conductivity Turbidity Total Dissolved Solids Digital Thermometer pH Meter Conductivity Meter Nepheloturbidit Meter Oven 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Carbonate Bicarbonate Chloride Nitrate (N) Nitrite (N) Ammonia (N) Fluoride Phosphate Digital Burette Digital Burette Digital Burette Ion Meter Visible Spectrophotometer Visible Spectrophotometer Ion Meter Visible Spectrophotometer 1 2 3 4 5 Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Boron Burette Burette Flame Photometer Flame Photometer Visible Spectrophotometer, water bath Dissolved Oxygen Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand Chemical Oxygen Demand DO Meter / Burette DO Meter / Burette, BOD Incubator COD Digistor Chemical parameters Cations Anions Oxygen Demand 1 2 3 Microbiological 1 2 3 Test tube with plastic cap, bacteriological incubator, water bath Total Coliform Faecal Coliform E.Coli Toxic Metals (level III parameters) Arsenic 1 Cadmium 2 Chromium 3 Lead 4 Mercury 5 Zinc 6 Nickel 7 Iron 8 Pesticides Alpha BHC, Beta BHC, Gama BHC (Lindane), OPDDT, PP-DDT, Alpha Endosulphan, Beta Endosulpham, Aldrin, Dieldrin, 2, 4-D, Carbaryl (Carbamate), Malathian, Methyl, Parathian, Anilphos Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) / Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) Gas chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) 8 Table 5. Instrument required in National Laboratory in CWC Name of the Instrument Quantity Tentative cost for each in Rs. Balance, Analytical (Electronic) 3 50 thousand Electronic Pipette Controller 5 20 thousand Magnetic Stirrer 4 20 thousand Refrigerator 3 30 thousand Dispensor 10 20 thousand Ultra Water Purification System 1 6 lakhs pH Meter 2 70 thousand Conductivity Meter 1 50 thousand Turbidity Meter 1 1.5 lakhs Hot Air Oven 2 65 thousand Digital Burette 5 70 thousand Ion Meter 1 1.5 lakhs UV Visible Spectrophotometer 1 5-8 Lakhs Flame Photometer nicroprocessor based with PC controled 1 85 thousand DO Meter 1 80 thousand BOD Incubator PSD controller 1 90 thousand Colorimeter 1 1.2 lakhs COD Digistor 1 1.5 lakhs Bacteriological incubator 1 80 thousand Laminar Air Flow 1 50 thousand Fume Hood in SS 1 80 thousand Auto Clave 2 45 thousand Water Bath PSD controller 2 35 thousand Ion Chromatograph 1 40 Lakhs Auto titrator with auto sampler 1 50 Lakhs Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) with GTA and VGA 1 45 lakhs Total Organic Carbon Analyser (TOC) 1 42 Lakhs Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) 1 1.20 Crores Gas chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) with Head Space and Purge & Trap with Auto sampler 1 80 Lakhs Air Conditioner 6 35 thousand Mobile Laboratory with instrument 1 1.0 Crores Water Geyser (Heater) 2 8 thousand 9 Table 4. Instrument required in National Laboratory in CWC Name of the Instrument Quantity Tentative cost for each in Rs. Level II Balance, Analytical (Electronic) 2 50 thousand Yes Level II+ / III Yes Electronic Pipette Controller 3 20 thousand Yes Yes Magnetic Stirrer 2 20 thousand Yes Yes Refrigerator 1 30 thousand Yes Yes Dispensor 5 20 thousand Yes Yes Yes Ultra Water Purification System 1 6 lakhs Yes pH Meter 2 70 thousand Yes Yes Conductivity Meter 1 50 thousand Yes Yes Turbidity Meter 1 1.5 lakhs Yes Yes Hot Air Oven 2 65 thousand Yes Yes Digital Burette 4 70 thousand Yes Yes Ion Meter 1 1.5 lakhs Yes Yes UV Visible Spectrophotometer 1 5-8 Lakhs Yes Yes Flame Photometer microprocessor based with PC controlled 1 85 thousand Yes Yes DO Meter 1 80 thousand Yes Yes BOD Incubator PSD controller 1 90 thousand Yes Yes Colorimeter 1 1.2 lakhs Yes Yes COD Digistor 1 1.5 lakhs Yes Yes Bacteriological incubator 1 80 thousand Yes Yes Laminar Air Flow 1 50 thousand Yes Yes Fume Hood in SS 1 80 thousand Yes Yes Auto Clave 2 45 thousand Yes Yes Yes Water Bath PSD controller 2 35 thousand Yes Ion Chromatograph 1 40 Lakhs No No Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) with GTA and VGA 1 45 lakhs No Yes Total Organic Carbon Analyser (TOC) 1 42 Lakhs No Yes 1 1.20 Crores No No No Yes Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) Gas chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) with Head Space and Purge & Trap with Auto sampler Air Conditioner Water Geyser (Heater) 1 80 Lakhs 4 35 thousand Yes Yes 1 8 thousand Yes Yes 10 Deployment of Scientific Manpower: Total Manpower required in CWC Scientific Cadre . S. No. Name of Post No. of Posts Pay Band Grade Pay 1 Chief Research Officer (CRO) 01 PB-4: 37,400- 67,000 8700/- 2 Senior Research Officer (SRO) 04 PB-3: 15600-39100/- 6600/- 3 Research Officer (RO) 12 PB-3: 15600-39100/- 5400/- 4 Assistant Research Officer (ARO) 31 PB-2: 9,300 – 34,800 4600/- 5 Senior Research Assistant (SRA) 54 PB-2: 9,300 – 34,800 4200/- Total 102 11