Love CV word - Marine Science Institute, UCSB

Marine Science Institute
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
(805) 893-2935--W
Date of Birth: 10 March 1947
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California
M.A. 1974
Ph.D. 1978
Biology (Honors)
University of California, Santa Barbara, California
University of California, Santa Barbara, California
University of California, Santa Barbara, California
Research Biologist, Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa
Associate Research Biologist, Marine Science Institute, University of
California, Santa Barbara
Assistant Research Biologist, Marine Science Institute, University of
California, Santa Barbara
Science Writer.
Past assignments:
Howard Hall Productions, wrote narrative for PBS special Mountain in the Sea.
Jean-Michel Cousteau Productions, Santa Barbara, CA and Enteractive Media
Inc., Washington, D. C. Co-wrote and edited the CD-ROM Coral Reefs.
MARE (Marine Activities, Resources and Education),
Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley. Wrote
teachers' guides to MARE curricula.
MacGillivray Freeman Films, Laguna Beach, CA. Edited company newsletter.
MacGillivray Freeman Films, Laguna Beach, CA. Created the education
package for, and assisted in the script of, the IMAX film The Living Sea.
California Seafood Council, Santa Barbara, CA. Developed elementary school
curricula on California fisheries.
Commentator, KPCC, Off-Ramp.
Contributor, Fish Facts, Sport Fishing Magazine
Science Editor.
Dolphin Log, Cousteau Society
Columnist: Dive Travel Magazine, Ocean Realm, Scuba Times
Associate Research Biologist, Marine Science Institute, University of
California, Santa Barbara Science Institute.
Assistant Research Biologist, University of California, Santa Barbara, Marine
Science Institute
Project Director, VANTUNA Research Group, Occidental College, Los
Angeles Supervised and coordinated research on the population structures, life
histories and diseases of fishes inhabiting reefs and soft substrata.
1976 - 1978
Sea Grant Trainee, University of California, Santa Barbara."Analysis of the
Santa Barbara Inshore Partyboat Sportfishery and Aspects of the Life History
of the Olive Rockfish, Sebastes serranoides". Field and lab work.
Associate in Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
Taught "Introduction to Ecology and Environmental Pollution".
Research Assistant, University of California, Santa Barbara. Lab and field
work on life history of the olive rockfish.
Research Assistant, University of California, Santa Barbara. Lab and field
work on ecology of Goleta Slough.
Commercial Fisherman, Santa Barbara.
American Fisheries Society, Carl R. Sullivan Award (for conservation of fishery
Association of Educational Publishers, Distinguished Achievement Award (for
the series Critter Creatures in Cousteau Kids).
1998 - 2008
Member, Board of Directors, Pacific Marine Conservation Council
California Department of Fish and Game
Size and Age of Maturity of California Halibut (Paralichthys californicus)
California Environmental Affairs Agency
Development of a Market and Fishery for the Dogfish Shark, and Aspects of Its Biology
California Environmental Affairs Agency
The Biology and Fishery of the Pacific Hagfish (Eptratretus stouti) off Southern California
California Environmental Affairs Agency
Research into Marketing Under- and Non-utilized Fish Species, with Particular Attention to the
Live Fish Market
Minerals Management Service
Effects of OCS Oil and Gas Production Platforms on Rocky Reef Fishes and Fisheries
National Underwater Research Project
Rockfishes of the Northeast Pacific Workshop
National Biological Service
The Ecological Role of Natural Reefs and Oil and Gas Production Platforms on Rocky Reef
Fishes in Southern California.
Biological Resources Division, U. S. Geological Survey
The Ecological Role of Natural Reefs and Oil and Gas Production Platforms on Rocky Reef
Fishes in Southern California.
Biological Resources Division, U. S. Geological Survey
The Ecological Role of Natural Reefs and Oil and Gas Production Platforms on Rocky Reef
Fishes in Southern California.
Biological Resources Division, U. S. Geological Survey
The Ecological Role of Natural Reefs and Oil and Gas Production Platforms on Rocky Reef
Fishes in Southern California.
Biological Resources Division, U. S. Geological Survey
The Ecological Role of Natural Reefs and Oil and Gas Production Platforms on Rocky Reef
Fishes in Southern California.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Identifying habitat areas of particular concern to assist in rebuilding the bocaccio population off
central and southern California
Sea Grant
Linking early fish growth and transport to circulation using otolith microstructure and
California Artificial Reef Enhancement Program
Creating an Artificial Reef Database Website
Sea Grant
Creating an Internet-accessible Video Library of Pacific Coast Fishes
Biological Resources Division, U. S. Geological Survey
The Ecological Role of Natural Reefs and Oil and Gas Production Platforms on Rocky Reef
Fishes in Southern California.
California Artificial Reef Enhancement Program
The Ecological Role of Natural Reefs and Oil and Gas Production Platforms on Rocky Reef
Fishes in Southern California.
Packard Foundation
A Fish and Habitat Survey Essential to the Rebuilding of Overfished Groundfish Populations
along the West Coast of North America
United States Geological Survey
Rocky Reef Fish and Trophic Interactions Associated with Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms in
Southern California
Minerals Management Service
Ecological Performance of OCS Platforms as Fish Habitat off California: A Pilot Study
Minerals Management Service
Assessing the Fate of Juvenile Rockfishes at Offshore Platforms and Natural Reefs in the Santa
Barbara Channel
Minerals Management Service
Reproductive Ecology and Body Burden of Resident Fish Prior to Decommissioning
Minerals Management Service
Fish Assemblages Associated with Platforms and Natural Reefs in Areas Where Data are Nonexistent or Limited
Occidental College, Instructor, Ichthyology
UCSB, Lecturer, Zoology 105, Biology of Fishes; Biology 105, Aquaculture.
UCSB, Lecturer, Zoology 161, Fishes.
UCSB, Lecturer, EEMB 161, Fishes.
Annual Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists - “Isolation of Olive Rockfish
Populations in Southern California.” June 1980.
American Fisheries Society - “Aspects of the Life History of the White Croaker,
Genyonemus lineatus.” January 1980.
West Coast Groundfish Conference - “Biology and Fishery of the White Croaker,
Genyonemus lineatus.” January 1984.
West Coast Groundfish Conference - “A Summary of Knowledge of Rockfish
Movements.” January 1986.
West Coast Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia - “The Effectiveness of the Fish
Diversion System of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating System.” May 1986.
West Coast Groundfish Conference - “Aspects of the Life Histories of 19 Species of
Rockfish (Sebastes spp.). February 1989.
Minerals Management Service - “Status of Knowledge of Fishes Living Around Offshore
Oil Platforms Off Southern California.” March 1989.
Joint U.S.- Japan Symposium on the Early Life History of Rockfishes - “Life History of
Benthic Juvenile Rockfishes.” June 1989.
Minerals Management Service - “Techniques for estimating fish populations around oil
platforms.” March 1991.
Minerals Management Service - “Effects of offshore platforms on local fisheries.” June
Joint Conference American Fisheries Society, Cal-Neva and Humboldt Chapters "Wake-Up Lecture for Fisheries Nerds". March 1994.
West Coast Groundfish Conference - "What we did on our fall vacation." January 1996.
Minerals Management Service - “Fish communities of California offshore platforms.”
March 1997.
Minerals Management Service - California State Lands Commission, Decommissioning
and Removal of Oil and Gas Facilities Offshore California - “Recreational Fisheries”.
September 1997.
West Coast Groundfish Conference - “More fun in the little yellow submarine”. February
Living Marine Resources of California Conference, UCLA - “Evidence for decline in
rockfish populations in the southern California Bight”. April 1998.
California Islands Symposium - “Fishes of the mussel mounds of production platforms of
southern and central California”. March 1999.
Pacific Section Convention, American Association of Petroleum Geologists - “What we
know about fish assemblages around the deepwater production platforms of southern
and central California”. April 1999.
International Artificial Reef Symposium, San Remo, Italy - “Summary of work on fishes
around California offshore oil platforms”. October 1999.
California State Lands Commission, Rigs to Reef Workshop - “Fish assemblages of
production platforms”. December 1999.
Coalition for Enhanced Marine Resources - Discussion of platform animals assemblages.
April 2000.
West Coast Groundfish Conference, Sitka, Alaska - “Five years of fun in the little yellow
submarine, now it can be told”. May 2000.
Ichthyology and Herpetology Conference, La Paz - “Fish assemblages on deepwater
habitats off southern and Central California”. June 2000.
American Fisheries Society, Southern Division - “Oil platforms as fish habitat”.
February 2001.
Monterey Bay Aquarium, Saving Our Seas Forum - “Rockfish at Risk”. April 2001.
California Artificial Reef Enhancement Program workshop - “Fish Assemblages of
southern California oil platforms”. November 2002.
National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Fisheries Center, Seattle, Washington - “Oil
platforms as fish habitat”. January 2003.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Springs, Maryland - “Oil
platforms as fish habitat”. March 2003.
Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. - “Oil platforms as fish habitat”. March
World Wildlife Fund , Washington, D. C. - “Oil
platforms as fish habitat”. March
Minerals Management Service Symposium, Oceanology International, New Orleans,
Louisiana - “Oil platforms as fish habitat”. May 2003.
House of Representatives, Energy Subcommittee, Washington, D. C. - Testified on
possible importance of platforms as fish habitat. September 2003.
Heritage Foundation and American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D. C. - Discussed role
of platforms as fish habitat. September 2003.
People for Puget Sound, Friday Harbor, Washington - “History of rockfish fisheries in
southern California”. September 2003.
Mineral Management Service, Decommissioning Offshore Platforms and Piplines:
Environmental Studies Workshop, Catalina Island - “Fish Assemblages of
southern California oil platforms”. October 2003
Pt. Lobos Association, Monterey, California - “Oil platforms as fish habitat”. January
Western Groundfish Conference, Victoria, British Columbia - “For now we see through a
glass, darkly: a potpourri of observations on the fish assemblages of oil/gas
platforms and natural reefs in southern California”. February 2004.
Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior Ensenada (CICESE),
Ensenada, Mexico - “Oil platforms as fish habitat”. March 2004.
Friends of Moss Landing, Moss Landing, California. “The role of oil and gas platforms in
fish production and aggregation in southern and central California.” July 2004.
University of Alaska, Juneau. “The role of oil and gas platforms in fish production and
aggregation in southern and central California.” July 2004.
Center for Image Processing in Education, Ocean Explorers Think Tank, Camarillo,
California. “The role of oil and gas platforms in fish production and
aggregation in southern and central California.” January 2005.
International Conference on Artificial Reefs and Artificial Habitats, Biloxi, Mississippi.
Keynote Address. “More fun than working for a living – tales of 10 years of research
on the fishes of California oil platforms.” April 2005.
California State Lands Commission, Long Beach, California. “The role of oil and gas
platforms in fish production and aggregation in southern and central California.” May
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, Santa Barbara and Ventura. “Rockfishes of the
Northeast Pacific”. July 2005.
American Fisheries Society. Anchorage, Alaska. “The role of oil and gas platforms in fish
production and aggregation in southern and central California.” September 2005.
Petrobras, the Brazilian Oil Company. 3 locations in Brazil. “The role of oil and gas
platforms in fish production and aggregation in southern and central California.”
November 2006.
Society of Petroleum Engineers, Galveston, Texas. “The role of oil and gas platforms in
fish production and aggregation in southern and central California.” March 2007.
Santa Paula Oil Museum. “The role of oil and gas platforms in fish production and
aggregation in southern and central California.” April 2007.
Orange County Coast Keeper, Huntington Beach, California. “The role of oil and gas
platforms in fish production and aggregation in southern and central California.”
March 2007.
Cailliet, G.M., P.Y. Setzer and M. Love. 1971. Everyman's guide to ecological living. New
York: MacMillan, 119 pp.
Love, M. and G.M. Cailliet. 1979. Readings in ichthyology. Santa Monica, CA: Goodyear
Publishing Company, 525 pp.
Cailliet, G.M., M. Love and A.W. Ebeling. 1986. Fishes: a field and laboratory manual on their
structure, identification, and natural history. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Press, 194
Love, M. 1991. Probably more than you want to know about the fishes of the Pacific Coast.
Santa Barbara, CA: Really Big Press, 226 p.
Love, M. 1996. Probably more than you want to know about the fishes of the Pacific Coast.
2nd Ed. Santa Barbara, CA: Really Big Press, 335 p.
Love, M., M. Yoklavich, and L. Thorsteinson. 2002. The rockfishes of the northeast Pacific.
University of California Press.
Heifetz, J., J. DiCosino, A. J. Gharrett, M. S. Love, V. M. O’Connell, and R. D. Stanley
(eds). 2007. Biology, assessment, and management of North Pacific rockfish. Alaska Sea
Love, M. 2011. Certainly more than you want to know about the fishes of the Pacific Coast.
Really Big Press, Santa Barbara, California.
Butler, J. L., M. S. Love, and T. E. Laidig. 2012. A guide to the rockfishes, thornyheads, and
scorpionfishes of the northeast Pacific. University of California Press.
Love, M. 1999. The common rockfishes of California. Pacific Marine Conservation Council and
Biological Resources Division, U. S. Geological Survey.
Jean-Michel Cousteau's World. 1995. Vol. 1. Cities under the sea - corals reefs. Jean-Michel
Cousteau Productions, Santa Barbara, CA and Enteractive Media Inc., Washington,
D. C.
Articles: Technical
Love, M. and R. Lee. 1974. New geographic and bathymetric records for fish from southern
California. Calif. Fish Game 60:212–216.
Moser, M. and M. Love. 1975. Henneguya sebasta sp. n. (Protozoa, Myxosporida) from
California rockfish, Sebastes spp. J. Parasitol. 61:481–483.
Moser, M., M. Love and L. Jensen. 1976. Myxosporida (Protozoa) in California rockfish,
Sebastes spp. J. Parasitol. 62:690–692.
Love, M. and M. Moser. 1976. Davisia reginae sp. n. (Protozoa, Myxosporida) from four
California marine fish. J. Parasitol. 62:982–983.
Love, M. and M. Moser. 1978. Common parasites of California marine fish. Calif. Dept. Fish
Game, Mar. Res. Leaflet 10.
Love, M. and A. Ebeling. 1978. Food and habitat of three "switch-feeding" fishes in the kelp
forests of Santa Barbara, California. Fish. Bull. 76:257–271.
Love, M. and R. Larson. 1978. Geographic variation in the occurrence of tympanic spines and
possible genetic differentiation in the kelp rockfish (Sebastes atrovirens). Copeia (1):53–
Love, M. 1980. Isolation of olive rockfish, Sebastes serranoides, populations off southern
California. Fish. Bull. 77:975–983.
Love, M. 1981. Evidence of movements of some deepwater rockfishes (Scorpaenidae: genus
Sebastes) off southern California. Calif. Fish Game 67:246–249.
Love, M. and W. Westphal. 1981. Growth, reproduction and food habits of olive rockfish,
Sebastes serranoides, off central California. Fish. Bull. 79:533–545.
Love, M., D. Teebken-Fisher, J. E. Hose, J.J. Farmer III, F.W. Hickman and G.R. Fanning. 1981.
Vibrio damsela, a marine bacterium, causes skin ulcers on the damselfish, Chromis
punctipinnis. Science 214:1139–1140.
Love, M. and W. Westphal. 1981. A correlation between annual catches of Dungeness crab,
Cancer magister, along the west coast of North America and mean annual sunspot
number. Fish. Bull. 80:794–796.
Love, M. and M. Moser. 1983. A checklist of parasites of California, Oregon and Washington
marine and estuarine fishes. NMFS Tech. Rept. SSRF-777, 576 pp.
Love, M., K. Shriner and P. Morris. 1984. Parasites of olive rockfish Sebastes serranoides
(Scorpaenidae) off central California. Fish. Bull. 82:530–537.
Love, M., G. McGowen, W. Westphal, R. Lavenberg and L. Martin. 1984. Aspects of the life
history and fishery of the white croaker, Genyonemus lineatus. Fish. Bull. 82:179–198.
Stephens, J. S., Jr., P. A. Morris, K. Zerba and M. Love. 1985. Factors affecting fish diversity on
a temperate reef II: The fish assemblages of Palos Verdes Point, 1974–1981. Env. Biol.
Fish. 11:259–275.
Love, M., W. Westphal and R. A. Collins. 1985. Distributional patterns of fishes captured aboard
commercial passenger fishing vessels along the northern Channel Islands, California.
Fish. Bull. 83:243–251.
Love, M., J. S. Stephens, Jr., P. A. Morris, M. M. Singer, M. Sandhu and T. Sciarrotta. 1986.
Inshore soft substrata fishes in the Southern California Bight, an overview. CalCOFI
Rept. 27:84–106.
Love, M., B. Axell, P. Morris, R. Collins and A. Brooks. 1987. Life history and fishery of the
California scorpionfish, Scorpaena guttata, within the Southern California Bight. Fish.
Bull. 85:99–116.
Stephens, J. S., Jr., J. E. Hose and M. Love. 1988. Fish assemblages as indicators of
environmental changes in nearshore environments. In Marine organisms as indicators,
D.S. Soule and G.S. Kleppel (eds.), Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 91–106.
Love, M., M. Sandhu, J. Stein, K. T. Herbison, R. H. Moore, M. Mullin and J. S. Stephens, Jr.
1989. An analysis of fish diversion efficiency and survivorship at the San Onofre nuclear
generating station fish return system. NMFS Tech. Rept. 76. 16 p.
Love, M. and A. Brooks. 1990. Size and age at first maturity of the California halibut,
Paralichthys californicus, in the Southern California Bight. pp. 167-174 In: C.W. Haugen
(ed)., The California halibut, Paralichthys californicus, resource and fisheries. Calif.
Dept. Fish Game, Fish Bull. 174.
Love, M., P. Morris, M. McCrae and R. Collins. 1990. Life history aspects of 19 rockfish species
(Scorpaenidae: Sebastes) from the Southern California Bight. NMFS Tech. Rept. 87, 38
Love, M. and W. Westphal. 1990. A comparison of fishes taken by a sportfishing party vessel
around oil platforms and adjacent natural reefs near Santa Barbara, California. Fish. Bull.
Love, M., M. Carr and L. Haldorson. 1991. The ecology of substrate-associated juveniles of the
genus Sebastes. Env. Biol. Fish. 30:225–243.
Boehlert, G.W., M. Love, J. Wourms and J. Yamada. 1991. A summary of the symposium on
rockfishes and recommendations for future research. Env. Biol. Fish. 30:273–280.
Haldorson, L. and M. Love. 1991. Maturity and fecundity in the rockfishes, Sebastes spp. Mar.
Fish. Rev. 53(2):25–31.
Love, M. 1992. California scorpionfish; Blackgill rockfish. In: Leet, W., C.M. Dewees and C.W.
Haugen (eds.). California Living Marine Resources and Their Utilization. Davis,
California: University of California Sea Grant Extension Program.
Yoklavich, M. M., H. G. Greene, G. Moreno, G. M. Cailliet, D. Sullivan, D. Watters, M. Love.
1992. The importance of small-scale refugia to deepwater rockfishes (Sebastes spp) - A
pilot study in Soquel Canyon, Monterey, CA. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical
Union, 052A-01.
Cailliet, G. M., L. Ferry, M. S. Love and B. M. Leaman. 1994. Report on aging and senescence
in fishes. Moss Landing Marine Laboratories.
Love, M., J. Hyland, A. Ebeling, T. Herrlinger, A. Brooks and E. Imamura. 1994. A pilot study
of the distribution and abundance of rockfishes in relation to natural environmental
factors and an offshore oil and gas production platform off the coast of Southern
California. Bull. Mar. Sci. 55:1062–1085.
Allen, L. G., T. E. Hovey, M. S. Love and J. T. W. Smith. 1995
The life history of the spotted sand bass (Paralabrax maculatofasciatus) within the
southern California Bight. CalCOFI Rpt. 36:193–203.
Love, M. S., A. Brooks, D. Busatto, J. Stephens and P. A. Gregory. 1996.
Aspects of the life histories of the kelp bass and barred sand bass (Paralabrax
clathratus and P. nebulifer) from the southern California Bight. Fish. Bull.
Love, M. S., A. Brooks and J. R. Ally. 1996. An analysis of commercial passenger
fishing vessel fisheries for kelp bass and barred sand bass
in the southern California Bight. Calif. Fish Game. 82:105–121.
Love, M. S. and R. Lea. 1997. Range extension of the quillback rockfish, Sebastes
maliger, to the southern California Bight. Calif. Fish Game. 83:78–83.
Love, M. S., M. Nishimoto, D. Schroeder, A. Gharrett, and A. Gray. 1997. The ecological role
of natural reefs and oil and gas production platforms on rocky reef fishes in southern
California. USGS/BRD/CR-1997-0007.
Love, M. S., J. Caselle and K. Herbinson. 1998. Declines in nearshore rockfish recruitment and
populations in the southern California Bight as measured by impingement rates in coastal
electrical generating stations. Fish. Bull. 96:492–501.
Love, M. S., J. Caselle and W. Van Buskirk. 1998. A severe decline in the commercial
passenger fishing vessel rockfish (Sebastes spp.) catch in the southern California Bight,
1980-1996. CalCOFI Rept. 39:180–195.
Love, M. S. and K. Johnson. 1998. Aspects of the life histories of the grass rockfish (Sebastes
rastrelliger) and brown rockfish (S. auriculatus) from southern California. Fish. Bull.
Love, M. S., J. Caselle and L. Snook. 1999. Fish assemblages on mussel mounds surrounding
seven oil platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel and Santa Maria Basin. Bull. Mar.
Sci. 65:497–513.
Love, M. S., M. Nishimoto, D. Schroeder, and J. Caselle. 1999. The ecological role of
natural reefs and oil and gas production platforms on rocky reef fishes in Southern
California. Final Interim Report. OCS Study MMS 99-0015.
Love, M. S., J. E. Caselle and L. Snook. 2000. Fish assemblages around seven oil platforms
in the Santa Barbara Channel. Fish. Bull. 98:96–117.
Parker, S. J., S. A. Berkeley, J. T. Golden, D. R. Gunderson, J. Heifetz, M. A. Hixon, R. Larson,
B. M. Leaman, M. S. Love, J. A. Musick, V. M. O’Connell, S. Ralston, H. J. Weeks, and
M. M. Yoklavich. 2000. Management of Pacific rockfish. Fisheries 25(3):22–30.
Yoklavich, M. M., G. H. Greene, G. Cailliet, D. Sullivan, R. N. Lea and M. S. Love. 2000.
Habitat associations of deep-water rockfishes in a submarine canyon: An example of a
natural refuge. Fish. Bull. 98:625–641.
De Wett-Oleson, K. and M. Love. 2001. Observations of cleaning behavior of giant kelpfish,
Heterostichus rostratus, island kelpfish, Alloclinus holderi, bluebanded goby,
Lythrypnus dalli, and kelp bass, Paralabrax clathratus, on giant sea bass, Stereolepis
gigas. Calif. Fish Game 87:87–92.
Love, M. 2001. Bank rockfish, blackgill rockfish, California scorpionfish, olive rockfish. In
Leet, W.S., C.M. Dewees, R. Klingbeil, and E. Larson (eds.). California's Living Marine
Resources: A Status Report. California Department of Fish and Game. 592 pp.
Love, M. S., M. Nishimoto, and Donna Schroeder. 2001. The ecological role of natural reefs and
oil and gas production platforms on rocky reef fishes in southern California 1998–1999
Survey Report. OCS Study MMS 2001-028.
Caselle, J. E., M. S. Love, C. Fusaro, and D. Schroeder. 2002. Trash or habitat? Fish
assemblages on offshore oilfield seafloor debris in the Santa Barbara Channel,
California. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 59:S258–S265.
Schroeder, D. M. and M. S. Love. 2002. Recreational fishing and marine fish populations
in California. CalCOFI Rep. 43:182–190.
Love, M. S., D. M. Schroeder, and M. M. Nishimoto. 2003. The ecological role of oil and gas
production platforms and natural outcrops on fishes in southern and central California: a
synthesis of information. U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey,
Biological Resources Division, Seattle, Washington, 98104, OCS Study MMS 2003-032.
Brock, R. J., J.A. Bohnsack, M.J. Fogarty, S.A. Murawski, M.M. Yoklavich, and M.S.
Love. 2003. Marine fisheries of the USA: moving from single-species management to a
more holistic ecosystem-based approach. pp. 521-531, In (Beumer, J.P., A. Grant, and
D.C. Smith, eds), Aquatic Protected Areas: What Works Best and How Do We Know?,
University of Queensland Printery, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia. 689 pp.
McCosker, J. E., S. Anderson, J. Richards, and M. Love. 2004. First record of the Cape cigarfish,
Cubiceps capensis (Family Nomeidae), from California waters. Calif. Fish Game
Schroeder, D. M. and M. S. Love. 2004. Ecological and political issues surrounding oil platform
decommissioning in the Southern California Bight. Ocean and Coastal Management
Berkeley, S. A., M. A. Hixon, R. J. Larson, and M. S. Love. 2004. Fisheries sustainability via
protection of age structure and spatial distribution of fish populations. Fisheries
Matala, A., A. Gray, A. Gharett, and M. Love. 2004. Microsatellite variation indicates
population genetic structure of bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis). N. Amer. J. Fish.
Management. 24:1189–1202.
Love, M. S. and A. York. 2005. A comparison of the fish assemblages associated with an
oil/gas pipeline and adjacent seafloor in the Santa Barbara Channel, Southern California
Bight. Bull Mar. Sci. 77:101–117.
Love, M. S. D. M. Schroeder, and W. H. Lenarz. 2005. Distribution of bocaccio (Sebastes
paucispinis) and cowcod (Sebastes levis) around oil platforms and natural outcrops off
California with implications for larval production. Bull. Mar. Sci. 77:397–408.
Love, M. S., C. W. Mecklenburg, T. A. Mecklenburg, and L. K. Thorsteinson. 2005.
Resource inventory of marine and estuarine fishes of the West Coast and Alaska: A
checklist of North Pacific and Arctic Ocean species from Baja California to the AlaskaYukon border. OCS Study MMS 2005-030.
Baskett, M. L., M. Yoklavich, and M. S. Love. 2006. Predation, competition, and the recovery
of overexploited fish in marine reserves. Can. J. Fish Aquat. Sci. 63:1214–1229.
Emery, B. M., L. Washburn, M. S. Love, M. N. Nishimoto, and J. C. Ohlmann. 2006. Do oil
and gas platforms off California reduce recruitment of bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) to
natural habitats? Analysis on trajectories derived from high frequency radar. Fish. Bull.
Li, Z., A. K. Gray, M. S. Love, and A. J. Gharrett. 2006. A key to selected rockfishes (Sebastes
spp.) based on mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment analysis. Fish. Bull. 104:182–
Li, Z., A. K. Gray, M. S. Love, T. Asahida, and A. J. Gharrett. 2006. Phylogeny of members of
the rockfish (Sebastes) subgenus Pteropodus and their relatives. Can. J. Zool. 84:527–
Li, Z., M. M. Nishimoto, A. K. Gray, M. S. Love, and A. J. Gharrett. 2006. Identification of
southern California juvenile rockfish (genus Sebastes spp.) by restriction site analyses of
the mitochondrial ND3/ND4 region. Fish. Bull. 104:376–382.
Love, M. S. 2006. Subsistence, commercial and recreational fisheries, p. 567–594. In L. G.
Allen, D. J. Pondella II, and M. H. Horn (eds.). The ecology of marine fishes: California
and adjacent waters. University of California Press.
Love, M. S. and D. M. Schroeder. 2006. Ecological performance of OCS platforms as fish
habitat off California. OCS Study MMS 2004-005. Marine Science Institute, University
of California, Santa Barbara. MMS Cooperative Agreement Number 1435-01-03CA72694.
Love, M. S. and A. York. 2006. The role of bottom crossbeam complexity in influencing the
fish assemblages at California oil and gas platforms. Fish. Bull. 104:542–549.
Love, M. S., D. M. Schroeder, and B. Lenarz. 2006. Gimme shelter: the importance of crevices
to some fish species inhabiting a deeper-water rocky outcrop in southern California.
CalCOFI Rep. 47:119–126.
Love, M. S., D. M Schroeder, W. Lenarz, A. MacCall, A. Scarborough-Bull, and L.
Thorsteinson. 2006. Potential utility of offshore marine structures in rebuilding an
overfished rockfish species, bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis). Fish. Bull. 104:383–390.
Love, M. S. and M. Yoklavich. 2006. Fishes on deep rock habitats, p. 253-266. In L. G. Allen,
D. J. Pondella II, and M. H. Horn (eds.). The ecology of marine fishes: California and
adjacent waters. University of California Press.
Scarborough-Bull, A., M. S. Love, and D. M. Schroeder. 2006. Artificial reefs as fishery
conservation tools: contrasting the roles of offshore structures between the Gulf of
Mexico and the southern California Bight. American Fisheries Society Symposium, p.
Tissot, B. N., M. M. Yoklavich, M. S. Love, K. York, and M. Amend. 2006. Structure-forming
invertebrates as components of benthic habitat on deep banks off southern California
with special reference to deep sea corals. Fish. Bull. 104:167–181.
Gharrett, T., Z. Li, A.P. Matala, A. K. Gray, M. S. Love, J. Heifetz, and A. W. Kendall. 2007.
Genetic Studies of Sebastes rockfish: identification, relationships, and population
structure. In Conservation of North Pacific Rockfishes: Ecological Genetics and Stock
Structure. NOAA Tech. Mem. NMFS-NWFSC-80.
Goddard, J. H. R. and M. S. Love. 2007. Megabenthic invertebrates on shell mounds under oil
and gas platforms off California. U.S. Minerals Management Service, OCS Study MMS
Hamilton, S. L., J. E. Caselle, J. D. Standish, D. M. Schroeder, M. S. Love, J. A. Rosales-Casian,
and O. Sosa-Nishizaki. 2007. Size-selection harvesting alters life histories of a temperate
sex-changing fish. Ecol. Appl. 17:2268–2280.
Li, Z., A. K. Gray, M. S. Love, A. Goto, and A. J. Gharrett. 2007. Are the subgenera of
Sebastes monophyletic? In J. Heifetz, J. DiCosimo, A. J. Gharrett, M. S. Love, M. M.
O’Connell, and R. D. Stanley (eds.). Biology, Assessment, and Management of North
Pacific Rockfishes. Alaska Sea Grant, Lowell Wakefield Symposium.
Love, M. S. and D. M. Schroeder. 2007. A characterization of the fish assemblage of deep
photic zone rock outcrops in the Anacapa Passage, Southern California, 1995 to 2004.
with evidence of a regime shift. ÇalCOFI Rep. 48:165–176.
Love, M. S., E. Brothers, D. M. Schroeder, and W. H. Lenarz. 2007. Ecological performance of
young-of-the year blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) associated with oil platforms and
natural reefs in California as measured by daily growth rates. Bull. Mar. Sci. 80:147–157.
Love, M. S., M. M. Yoklavich, and B. Black. 2007. Age of black coral (Antipathes
dendrochristos Opresko, 2005) colonies, with notes on associated invertebrate species.
Bull. Mar. Sci. 80:391–400.
Nishimoto, M. M., M. S. Love, L. Washburn, D. M. Schroeder, and B. M. Emery. 2007.
Assessing the fate of juvenile rockfish at offshore petroleum platforms and natural reefs
in the Santa Barbara Channel. U. S. Minerals Management Service, OCS Study MMS
Page, H. M., J. E. Dugan, D. M. Schroeder, M. M. Nishimoto, M. S. Love, and J. C.
Hoesterey. 2007. Trophic links and condition of a temperate reef fish:
comparisons among offshore oil platform and natural reef habitats. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.
Yoklavich, M., M. S. Love, and K. A. Forney. 2007. A fishery-independent assessment of
cowcod (Sebastes levis) using direct observations from an occupied submersible. Can. J.
Fish. Aquatic. Sci. 64:1795–1804.
Love, M. S. and M. Yoklavich. 2008. Habitat characteristics of juvenile cowcod, Sebastes levis
(Scorpaenidae), in Southern California. Env. Biol. Fish. 82:195–202.
Love, M. S., D. M. Schroeder, L. Snook, A. York, and G. Cochrane. 2008. All their eggs
in one basket: a rocky reef nursery for the longnose skate (Raja rhina Jordan & Gilbert,
1880) in the southern California Bight. Fish. Bull. 106:471–475.
Nishimoto, M. M., M. S. Love, L. Washburn, D. M. Schroeder, and B. M. Emery. 2008.
Assessing the fate of juvenile rockfish at offshore petroleum platforms and natural reefs
in the Santa Barbara Channel. Minerals Management Service OCS Study, MMS 2007008.
Scarborough-Bull, A., M. S. Love, and D. M. Schroeder. 2008. Artificial reefs as fishery
conservation tools: contrasting the roles of offshore structures between the Gulf of
Mexico and the Southern California Bight. Amer. Fish. Soc. Symp. 49:899–915.
Love, M. S., M. Yoklavich, and D. M. Schroeder. 2009. Demersal fish assemblages in the
Southern California Bight based on visual surveys in deep water. Env. Biol. Fish.
Love, M. S. and S. R. Goldberg. 2009. A histological examination of the ovaries of Pacific
sanddab, Citharichthys sordidus, captured at two oil platforms and two natural sites in the
southern California Bight. Bull. S. Calif. Acad. Sci. 108:45–51.
Love, M. S., M. Nishimoto, and M. Saiki. 2009. Reproductive ecology and body burden
of resident fish prior to decommissioning. MMS OCS Study 2009–019. Marine
Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, California. MMS
Cooperative Agreement Number 1435–01–05–CA–39315.
Lowe, C. G., K. M. Anthony, E. T. Jarvis, L. F. Bellquist, and M. S. Love. 2009. Site fidelity
and movement patterns of groundfish associated with offshore petroleum platforms in the
Santa Barbara Channel. Mar. Coast. Fish.: Dynamics, Manag. Ecosystem Sci. 1:17–89.
O’Farrell, M. R., M. M. Yoklavich, and M. S. Love. 2009. Assessment of habitat and predators
effects on dwarf rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) using multi model inference. Env. Biol. Fish
Pavoine, S., M. S. Love, and M. B. Bonsall. 2009. Hierarchical partitioning of evolutionary and
ecological patterns in the organization of phylogenetically-structured species
assemblages: application to rockfish (genus: Sebastes) in the southern California Bight.
Ecol. Lett. 12:898–908.
Field, J. C., A. D. MacCall, S. Ralston, M. S. Love, and E. F. Miller. 2010. Bocaccionomics:
the effectiveness of pre-recruit indices for assessment and management of boccacio.
CalCOFI Rep. 51:77–90.
Goddard, J. H. R. and M. S. Love. 2010. Megabenthic invertebrates on shell mounds associated
with oil and gas platforms off California. Bull. Mar. Sci. 86:533–554.
Love, M. S., L. Snook, and B. Lenarz. 2010. A survey of the reef fishes in the vicinity
of Farnsworth Bank, Santa Catalina Island, with notes on the occurrence of the purple
hydrocoral, Stylaster californicus (Verrill, 1866) and distribution of marine debris. Bull.
Mar. Sci. 86:35–52.
Love, M. S., M. Nishimoto, and D. Schroeder. 2010. Fish assemblages associated with
platforms and natural reefs in areas where data are non-existent or limited. BOEMRE
OCS Study 2010-012.
Nishimoto, M. M. and M. S. Love. 2010. Spatial and seasonal variation in the biomass
and size distribution of juvenile fishes associated with a petroleum platforms off the
California coast, 2008–2010. BOEMRE OCS Study 2011-08. Marine Science Institute,
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA. MMS Cooperative Agreement No. M08AX
Nishimoto, M. M., L. Washburn, R. R. Warner, M. S. Love, and G. L. Paradis. 2010. Otolith
elemental signatures reflect residency in coastal water masses. Environ. Biol. Fish.
Zalmon, I. R., M. McCrea, and M. S. Love. 2010. Abundance, size and habitat relation of
reef fish on biogenic structures (structure-forming invertebrates) at Anacapa Island,
southern California. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U. K. 91:1295–1305.
Yoklavich, M., T. Laidig, L. Krigsman, A. Taylor, D. Watters, M. Love, L. Lundstein,
and B. Negrete. 2011. A characterization of the coral and sponge community on
Piggy Bank Seamount in southern California from a survey using a remotely
operated vehicle. A Report to NOAA Deep-sea Coral Research and Technology
Program August 31, 2011.
Love, M. S., M. Nishimoto, S. Clark, and D. M. Schroeder. 2012. Recruitment of youngof-the-year fishes to natural and artificial offshore structure within central and southern
California waters, 2008–2010. Bull. Mar. Sci. 88:863–882.
Anthony, K. M., M. S. Love, and C. G. Lowe. 2012. Translocation, homing behavior and
habitat use of groundfishes associated with oil platforms in the east Santa Barbara
Channel, California. Bull. S. Calif. Acad. Sci. 111:1–28.
Gale, R. W., M. J. Tanner, M. S. Love, M. M. Nishimoto, and D. M. Schroeder. 2013.
Comparison of aliphatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
polychlorinated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenylethers, and organochlorine
pesticides in Pacific sanddab (Citharichthys sordidus) from offshore oil platforms
and natural reefs along the California coast: US Geol. Surv. Open-File Report
2013–1046, 31 p. and supplemental tables.
Huff, D. D., M. M. Yoklavich, M. S. Love, D. L. Watters, F. Chai, and S. T. Lindley.
2013. Environmental factors that influence the distribution, size, and biotic
relationships of the Christmas tree coral Antipathes dendrochristos in the southern
California Bight. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 494:159–177.
Love, M. S., M. K. Saiki, T. W. May, and J. L. Yee. 2013. Whole-body Concentrations of
Elements in Three Fish Species from Offshore Oil Platforms and Natural Areas in the
Southern California Bight, USA. Bull. Mar. Sci. 89:717–734.
Yoklavich, M., T. Laidig, A. Taylor, D. Watters, L. Krigsman, and M. Love. 2013. A
characterization of the Christmas tree black coral (Antipathes dendrochristos) community
on three seamounts in the southern California Bight from a survey using the manned
submersible. A Report to NOAA Deep-Sea Coral Research and Technology Program
July 15, 2013.
Claisse, J. T., D. J. Pondella II, M. Love, L. A. Zahn, C. M. Williams, J. P. Williams, and A. S.
Bull. 2014. Oil platforms off California are among the most productive marine fish
habitats globally. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 111:15462–15467.
Love, M. S., M. M. Nishhimoto, S. Clark, and A. S. Bull. 2015. Identical response of caged
rock crabs (genera Metacarcinus and Cancer) to energized and unenergized undersea
power cables in southern California, USA. Bull. S. Calif. Acad. Sci. 114:33–41.
Tuset, V. M., R. Imondi, G. Aguado, J. L. Otero-Ferrer, Linda Santschi, A. Lombarte,
and M. Love. 2015. Otolith patterns of rockfishes from the northeastern Pacific. J.
Morph. 276:458–469.
Claisse, J. T., D. J. Pondella II, Milton Love, L. A. Zahn, C. M. Williams, and A. S. Bull. 2015.
Impacts from partial removal of decommissioned oil and gas platforms on fish biomass
and production on the remaining platform structure and surrounding shell mounds. PLOS
One 10(9): e0135812. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0135812.
Pondella, D. J. II, L. A. Zahn, M. S. Love, D. Siegel, and B. B. Bernstein. 2015. Modeling fish
production for southern California’s petroleum platforms. Integrated Environmental
Assessment and Management 11:584–593.
Articles: General
Love, M. Guests and hosts. Nat. Hist. 88(6):84.
Love, M. The alien strategy. Nat. Hist. 89(5):30-32.
Love, M. Oh sex, where is thy sting? Nat. Hist. 89(11):26-28.
Love, M. With a little help from my friends. Nat. Hist. 90(11):16-19.
Love, M. Poem. No paean. J. Amer. Med. Assoc. 245:1668.
Love, M. Once upon a time. New Sci. 93:391.
Love, M. A rose by any other name. New Sci. 94:431-432.
Love, M. The mass media science show. New Sci. 96:851.
Love, M. Scientific promotions (inc.). New Sci. 97-673.
Love, M. Never cross a potential reviewer. New Sci. 98:158.
Love, M. Rampant scientists. New Sci. 99:806.
Love, M. Incompatible relations. New Sci. 100:41.
Love, M. Small relationships. New Sci. 100:680.
Love, M. Hairy chested earwig story. New Sci. 101:32-33.
Love, M. Taken to exitus. New Sci. 101:48-49.
Love, M. Mother Nature's gardeners. New Sci. 101:36-37.
Love, M. Eat, drink, and be sad. New Sci. 103:50-51.
Love, M. The public face of science. New Sci. 103:31.
Love, M. Survival of the smartest. New Sci. 104:44.
Love, M. Symbiosis. Ocean Realm. Summer, p. 47-52.
Love, M. Camouflage. Ocean Realm. Fall, p. 49-57.
Love, M. Sex in the sea. Ocean Realm. Spring, p. 60-67.
Love, R.M. Marine parenting. Ocean Realm. Summer, p. 40-43.
Love, R.M. Cleaning stations. Ocean Realm. Fall, p. 68-72.
Love, R.M. Love’s way. Ocean Realm. Winter, p. 16-17.
Love, R.M. Kelp canopies. Ocean Realm. Spring, p. 48-51.
Love, R.M. Asteroids, stars of the sea. Ocean Realm. Summer, p. 27-31.
Love, R.M. Things I bet you don’t know about marine migration. Ocean Realm. Fall, p.
Love, R.M. Living shells, jewels of the sea. Ocean Realm. January, p. 67-73.
Love, R.M. Marine bioluminescence. Ocean Realm. July/August, p. 54-59.
Love, R.M. Nudibranchs. Ocean Realm. October, p. 61-71.
Love, R.M. Frogfish. Ocean Realm. December, p. 41-43.
Love, R.M. Sponges get no respect. Ocean Realm, February, p. 58-67.
Love, R.M. Venomous fishes. Ocean Realm, April, p. 70-78.
Love, R.M. Urchins. Ocean Realm, July, p. 80-87.
Love, R.M. Living arrangements in the sea. Ocean Realm, September, p. 44-51.
1993 Love, R.M. and T. Thys. Molas. Ocean Realm, November, p. 43-47.
1994 Love, R. M. That naughty El Nino. Ocean Realm, April, p. 9.
1994 Love, R. M. Mangroves. Ocean Realm, April, p. 68-73.
1994 Love, R. M. Jellyfish. Ocean Realm, June, p. 68-75.
1994 Love, M. Creature Feature: Mola mola. Dolphin Log, July, p. 12-13.
1994 Love, R. M. Squid. Ocean Realm, September, p. 50-56.
1994 Love, R. M. Synchronicity. Ocean Realm, November, p. 49-51.
1995 Love, R. M. Decorator crabs. Ocean Realm, February, p. 50-55.
1995 Love, M. A Sea of energy-savers and recyclers. Dolphin Log, March, p. 4-5.
1995 Love, M. Cool blue shark. Dolphin Log, March, p. 12-13.
1995 Love, M. The strange ways of nature. Calypso Log, April, p. 17-19.
1995 Love, R. M. Sea snakes. Ocean Realm, April, p. 48-56.
1995 Love, M. The frogfish. Dolphin Log, May, p. 12-13.
1995 Love, M. Sponge scene. Dolphin Log, July, p. 12-13.
1995 Love, M. The case of the piscine proteus. Dive Travel, Fall, p. 15-16.
1995 Love, M. Yikes, spikes! Dolphin Log, September, p. 12-13.
1995 Love, R. M. Weird and wonderful sand creatures. Ocean Realm, September p. 48-63.
1996 Love, M. Look for the tattoo. Dive Travel, Winter, p. 12-14.
1996 Love, M. High-flying hawkfishes. Dolphin Log, January, p. 12-13.
1996 Love, R. M. Strange and startling stingers in the sea. Ocean Realm, January, p. 40-55.
1996 Love, M. Sex! Sex! Dive Travel, Spring 1996, p. 10-14.
1996 Love, M. What a mouthful! Dolphin Log, March, p. 4-5.
1996. Love, M. Hey, squirt! Dolphin Log, March, p. 12-13.
1996 Love, M. More than most people know-or maybe want to know-but should know about
the uses of algae. Ocean Realm, March/April, p. 32-35.
1996 Love, M. Dolphins sound off. Dolphin Log, May, p. 12-13.
1996 Love, M. Otters suck. Dive Travel, Summer, p. 18, 20.
1996 Love, M. Coral, it’s what’s inside that counts. Dolphin Log, July, p. 12-13.
1996 Love, M. Look, don’t touch! pufferfish. Dolphin Log, September, p. 12-13.
1996 Love, M. Scorpionfish and space aliens. Dive Travel, Fall, p. 16-17.
1997 Love, M. Things we all should know. Dive Travel, Winter, p. 16.
1997 Love, M. Ooh, orca! Dolphin Log, January, p. 12-13.
1997 Love, M. The stuff bass, and other fishes. Dive Travel, Spring, p. 20.
1997 Love, M. Hammerhead sharks, full speed ahead. Dolphin Log, March, p. 12-13.
1997 Love, M. Those lovable oil platforms. Dive Travel, May/June, p. 20.
1997 Love, M. Just stop it! Dive Travel, July/August, p. 18.
1997 Love, M. Eels! Dolphin Log, September, p. 12-13.
1997 Love, M. Peces Sapos. Mundo Marino, November/December, p. 4-9.
1997 Love, M. Think pink! Dolphin Log, November, p. 12-13.
1998 Love, M. Gray whales. Dolphin Log, January, p. 12-13.
1998 Love, M. Marine extinctions. Dive Travel, January/February, p. 22.
1998 Love, M. Not just for dishes. Dive Travel, March/April, p. 22.
1998 Love, M. Crustaceans. Dolphin Log, March, p. 12-13.
1998 Love, M. Of rockfish and commies. Dive Travel, May/June, p. 28.
1998 Love, M. Clams. Dolphin Log, July, p. 12-13.
Love, M. Tide Pools. Discover Diving 16(5):66-69.
Love, M. Octopi! Dolphin Log, November, p. 8-9.
Love, M. Bare knuckle barnacles, Scuba Times, p. 90.
Love, M. Wow, the walrus. Dolphin Log, January, p. 6-7.
Love, M. Cleaners. Dolphin Log, March, p. 8-9.
Love, M. Pinnipeds. Calypso Log. April, p. 7-9.
Love, M. Crabs. Dolphin Log, May, p. 10-13.
Love, M. Megamouth. Dolphin Log, February, p. 5-7.
Love, M. Tiny terrors of the sea. Dolphin Log, March/April, p. 10-11.
Love, M. Rockfishes. Dolphin Log, May/June, p. 8-9.
Love, M. Giant Groupers, Dolphin Log, January/February, p. 12-13.
Love, M. Sea Sponges, Dolphin Log, March/April, p. 8-9.
Love, M. Cowcod: In need of management. Calypso Log, September, 14-15.
Love, M. Cuttlefishes. Dolphin Log, May/June, 12-13.
Love, M. Sharks. Cousteau Kids, September/October, p. 10-11.
Love, M. Coral Reef. Cousteau Kids, November/December, p. 6-7.
Love, M. Krill, Cousteau Kids, January/February, p. 6-7.
Love, M. Penguins, Cousteau Kids, November/December, p. 6-7.
Love, M. Grunts, Cousteau Kids, January/February, p. 6-7.
Love, M. Seals, sea lions, and walruses. Cousteau Kids, November/December, p. 6-7.
Love, M. A deckhand “fester” story. Fisheries 39(10):478.
Love, M. A meditation on food habit studies. Fisheries 39(12):624.
Love, M. Do you want hash browns with those? Fisheries 39(11):572.
Love, M. The things we do for science. Fisheries 39(9):436.
Love, M. Did you know? Rockfishes. Fisheries 40(2):92.