Sustainability Lesson Plan: Recycling & Water Bottles (K-2)

Riley Schwartzott – Early Education Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Sustainability – recycling, and the specific effects of water bottles on the
environment and self.
Grade Level: K-2
Time required: Week – varies on amount of recycling time teacher wants to give
Topic: Water bottles
Essential Question:
How can our classroom drink water in a sustainable healthy way?
Prerequisites (Prior knowledge)
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Content Area Standard(s) (include complete standard, not just standard #)
Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment
Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a
safe and healthy environment.
Standard 3: Resource Management
Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community
Objectives (Should define what students will know and be able to do.) - Students will understand the
harmful effects water bottles can have on themselves and their environment, and how to prevent this.
Students will know…
Facts about waste in the USA
What recycling does
How to recycle
What harmful effects water bottles have
on their bodies
What harmful effects water bottles have
on the environment
How to prevent this
Other sustainable activities
Student will be able to…
Use their knowledge of water bottles to
create a healthy body and environment
Convey the sustainable methods they
learned into practice
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Students will demonstrate their learning/understanding in the following way(s):
Teacher-Created Assessments
Pre-test: K-W-L – what students know, what students want to know
Post-test: What students learned
(Performance Assessments: )
 Create your own water bottle activity - see if they understand the concept
(Other Assessments: Peer, Self)
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities
Instructional Strategies/Learning Activities: e.g., demonstration, discussion, small groups,
role play, etc.
Power point presentation
Water bottle activity
Introducing the lesson: (capturing students’ attention, accessing students’ prior knowledge).
Interesting facts about water bottles
Instructional Sequence: (representing the content: teaching/learning activities, connecting to students’
prior knowledge, etc.)
Teacher activity
Ask children what they know about
Sustainability, recycling &
water bottles
Ask children what they would like
to know about sustainability,
recycling, & water bottles
Student activity
Answer/ depending on age write on the overhead projector,
chalk board, or white board
Answer/ depending on age write on the overhead
projector, chalkboard, or white board
Present power point presentation
Watch, ask questions, discuss
Introduce the need to recycle
To raise money to buy the
Lesson materials
Starting on Monday of that week recycle their cans/bottles
and bring in their change in order to purchase materials
Purchase glass or sports water bottle
Water bottles based on the revenue
Brought in, and the age of students
(younger = Sports bottle)
Paint and decorate their individual water bottles to use
in the classroom
If extra money: purchase a filter
For water to promote even more
Sustainable living
when complete wash water bottles daily in the classroom
and fill with filtered tap water from the classroom
Discussion and Assessment of Learning:
(Pointing out to students how what they are learning is related to the driving question;
assessing students’ learning as a result of the lesson)
During the process of making their own water bottles encourage discussion about how
creating this helps them, and the environment.
Extensions for early finishers:
Help other students, clean up area, color a picture of a recycling symbol
Assistance for struggling students:
Extra help decorating their water bottles, more time
Procedures: (already established procedures to be used and procedures to be taught for this
Lesson Development Resources
Technology Tools and Materials: (classroom set-up, preparations, resources, etc.)
 Computer – create power point
 Sharpies to decorate their water bottles
 Water bottles
 Sports water bottles (younger grades) -
 Glass water bottles -
 Option: Water filter for classroom
(Parent/Community Resources)
Give a list of recycling areas to parents to help the cause
Know what is recyclable and provide a list to parents so they can raise money with the
proper recyclable material
(Contact Information)