Intermediate Methods in Epidemiology 2008 Exercise No. 3 - Interaction Major topics to be covered in this laboratory exercise: Identification and assessment of interaction in case-control studies. Part I deals with an unmatched incidence-based case-control study, and covers the different approaches used to assess the additive and multiplicative models. Part II deals with a matched case-control study in which interaction between a matched variable and the exposure under study is evaluated. This laboratory exercise assumes familiarity with the following topics: Estimation of unmatched and matched odds ratios. Use of stratification in unmatched and matched case-control studies. Department of Epidemiology - Johns Hopkins University - Copyright 2001 PART I: Unmatched incidence-based case-control study This part of the exercise is based on a cohort study conducted in Bruneck (Bolzano Province, Italy) to determine risk factors of incident atherosclerosis (Kiechl et al: Circulation 2001; 103:1064-70.) The study population was a sex-age-stratified random sample of individuals in the community who were 40-79 years old. A total of 826 individuals who participated in the baseline examination (1990) returned and completed a follow-up examination 5 years later. At both examinations, the presence of carotid atherosclerosis was assessed using a highresolution duplex ultrasound scan. The development of new carotid plaques (“incident atherosclerosis”) was assessed in all subjects. Blood samples were drawn at the baseline exam and levels of inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein, CRP) were measured. “Chronic infection” was defined based on history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, chronic sinusitis, urinary tract infections, other chronic infections. The figure reproduced in the next page (figure 3) shows selected stratified results from this study. Based on the numbers shown in the bottom of the bars of the figure, please, complete the cells in the table below. Table 1 - Odds ratio* for incident atherosclerosis by CRP levels and history of chronic infection Chronic infection No CRP >1mg/L 1mg/L Incident atherosclerosis No atherosclerosis ______ ______ Yes Incident atherosclerosis No atherosclerosis ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ OR OR * Notice that the odds ratios that you calculate will be different than those shown in figure 3 of the original article because the latter were age-, sex- and baseline atherosclerosis adjusted OR’s. E5-2 You will start examining the possibility that interaction is present by using the homogeneity approach (Strategy #1 in your hand-out.) (1) Calculate the crude OR’s for high CRP (>1 mg/L) for each stratum of chronic infection. (2) Are the odds ratios homogeneous for the two chronic infection categories? (3) Solely on the basis of your response to Question 2 above, what can you conclude regarding presence and type (additive or multiplicative) of interaction? E5-3 Now, you will examine presence of interaction by estimating the expected joint effect, and comparing it with the observed joint effect of chronic infection and CRP (Strategy #2 in your hand-out..) Remember that the formulas to calculate the expected joint effects are: For the additive model: EXPECTED OR++ = OR+- + OR-+ - 1.0 And, for the multiplicative model: EXPECTED OR++ = OR+- x OR-+ [Note: the OR’s denoted by ‘+-‘ and ‘-+’ relate to the independent effects of chronic infection and CRP, respectively]. So that you can estimate the expected joint effect, you need to build a table which will allow you to calculate the independent effects of CRP and chronic infection: Chronic infection High CRP No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Atherosclerosis Controls OR OR 1.0 1.0 1.0 [Note that, in this table, you are asked to separate the effects of both risk factors. This is accomplished by using the category where both risk factors are absent as the reference with an OR of 1.0, and calculating the odds ratios across the two independent categories (“no/yes” and “yes/no”). The last column is included at this point for your information: its odds ratios are the same that you have already calculated for table 1, that is, the OR’s for high CRP stratified by chronic infection.] E5-4 (4) What is the independent effect of high CRP (that is, when the risk factor “chronic infection” is absent)? OR for high CRP = (5) What is the independent effect of chronic infection (that is, in individuals with normal/low CRP levels)? OR for chronic infection = (6) What is the expected joint additive effect of high CRP and chronic infection? Expected joint additive effect OR = (7) What is the expected joint multiplicative effect? Expected joint multiplicative effect OR = (8) What is the observed joint effect OR? Observed joint effect OR = (9) Compare the expected OR’s with the observed OR. Assuming no random variability, what can you conclude regarding presence and type of interaction? (10) In the abstract of the paper (see above), the authors stated that “Among subjects with chronic infections, atherosclerosis risk was highest in those with prominent inflammatory response.” In view of your above calculations, do you agree with this conclusion? What does it say about the presence/absence of interaction? E5-5 PART II: Matched case-control study This exercise is based on a hypothetical case-control study, which aims at examining the role of an exposure X (whose presence or absence are denoted by the symbols + or - ) on disease Y. The potential effect modifier (A third variable=) is sex. SEX CASES CONTROLS female + - female - + female + - female - + male + - male + - male + - male - + (1) Calculate the overall OR using the matched pair approach (ratio of discrepant pairs): ORoverall = (2) Calculate the OR’s for males and females separately: ORmale = ORfemale = (3) Are the OR’s homogeneous by sex? (4) What can you conclude regarding presence and type of interaction between sex and exposure? E5-6 (5) Is it possible to apply the additive interaction formula, [Expected OR++ = OR+- + OR-+ - 1.0] using data from table 1? Why? (6) Is there confounding by sex? Are you now convinced that confounding and interaction are distinct phenomena? E5-7