Figwort (Basic text revue)

Scrophularia nodosa
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Common names: Throatwort,
Carpenters Square, scrofula plant
(Irish) Rose Noble
(Welsh) Deilen Ddu (`good leaf’)
(French) Herb du Siege
The flowers are especially visited by wasps. (Grieves)
Carried around the neck or on person by Divers for health.
The whole fresh herb is collected and dried.
A decoction for external use
Used also as an Ointment
Constituents: harpagophytum iridoid glycosides, cardioactive glycosides, saponins (diosmin,
hesperidin), flavonoids (incl. aucubin), alkaloid, organic acids, pectin
aucubin (iridoid glycoside), diosmin (flavonoid glycoside), glycosides - cardiac, hesperidin
Parts used: above ground parts
Mild remedy minimal chronic toxicity
Bitter, a bit pungent, cool, dry
Dissolving, decongesting
Ground: all krases, constitutions and biotypes.
Tropism: Kidneys, Liver, intestines, heart, pancreas, fluids, blood, lymph
Fluid Air Bodies
Meridians: Liver, heart, large intestine
NOTES FROM HOLMES: Energetics of Western Herbs.
Figwort root and herb is another example of a iletoxicant remedy that operates by altering the fluid
environment in tissues. lymph and skin. The remedy qualifies as one of the finest systemic
detoxicuut and may safely be used in many types of toxicosis conditions. This property is due to
two anti-iii/10 n-;uutorr iridoids that also found in Devils claw. Harpugophrtum procumbens, and
several other plants such as Mullein (all of which belong to the same plant family). The two
saponins also contribute a major skin-specific dctovicant action. From the vitalistic viewpoint,
Figwort releases wind, damp and heat from the skin and meridians, and clears damp heat from
the liver.
Like any remedy. Figwort herb excels at certain functions more than others. It is a prime agent
for the glandular system as a whole, and should be used in any disorder involving it. The lymphatic
system especially is .stimulated, decongested and cleansed. Through a combination of lymphatic
detoriticution, capillary stimulation and liver stimulation, Figwort addresses a variety of eczemas.
especially with redness and itching present. Figwort's many names (in European languages) allude to its
reliable detumescent action on lumps and tumors, including lymph node swelling from lymphadenitis.
Because it works at the ground level of the fluid body and connective tissue, Figwort excels at altering
disharmonies at the chronic and degenerative stage of disease. As with the similar Chinese remedy,
Trachelospermum Luo Shi Teng, inflammation of any kind also calls for Figwort, whether due to
chronic conditions such as lymphangitis and arthritis, or due to acute ones from injury.
There are some similarities between this species of Figwort, used in Western phytotherapy, and the
Black figwort, Scrophularia Xuan Shen (Scrophularia nodosa), commonly used in China. Both remedies
are given in formulas for their refrigerant, anti-inflammatory and detoxicant properties. These address
heat toxin such as low-grade, chronic infectious sores and boils. Their uses also divide, however. Black
figwort possesses sedative and hypotensive properties used in Yin deficiency syndromes; Figwort does
not. This effectively shifts the overall therapeutic emphasis of Black figwort from a detoxicant, alterant
type remedy to a draining one.
As a cardiotonic for heart Qi deficiency (note the glycosides), Figwort root and herb is also very
useful for chronic weak heart conditions. Finally, this botanical is superlative for symptom relief and firstaid use. Burns, injuries, sprains, irritations and swellings of many kinds can quickly be relieved with it.
 Called the Scophular plant – due to its value in all cutaneous eruptions.
 Abscesses, wounds, etc.
 Diuretic
 Anodyne
 Alterative
Promotes Detoxification and Clears Damp Heat.
Reduces Liver Congestion,
Resolves accumulation
Relieves constipation and Eczema
Reduces lymph congestion and Tumours
In conditions of metabolic toxicosis and damp heat: prone to skin rashes swellings and
Liver and Intestinal Qi stagnation and damp heat: constipation (chronic), distension,
indigestion, skin rashes
 Skin Damp Heat: Wet, red skin rashes, vesicles, itching
 Eczema, hives, scrofula, lymphadenitis (chronic), psoriasis
 Tumours (incl. lymphoma)
Promotes Detoxification and clears Toxic Heat.
Reduces inflammation
Promotes urination
Drains fluids
Relieves Oedema
 Microbial toxicosis with heat: chronic low grade sores, swollen boils,
abscesses, low grade fever.
 Inflammatory supparative lesions and swellings (esp. dermatitis, mastitis,
orchitis, lymphangitis)
 Fungal/Parasitic Skin Infections: incl. tinea, ringworm, scabies, lice, scurf
 Haemorrhoids: hot and painful
 Kidney inflammation: including Nephritis
 Goiter (struma)
 Fluid congestion: liver and kidney: general or local water retention, fatigue
 Oedema
 Rheumatic: arthritis, gouty conditions, hyperuricemia
Promotes Menstruation and Expels Afterbirth
Delayed, scanty, clotted period, palpitations : Uterus Qi stagnation
Retained Placenta
Tonifies Heart Qi and Restores the Pancreas
Chest oppression, palpitations
Pancreatic insufficiency
Diabetes (supportive)
Promotes tissue repair and reduces inflammation, swelling and clotting
Wounds and Ulcers (esp. atonic/chronic, with redness, swelling and pain; around
Burns, scalds, erysipelas, stings, nappy rash and other skin
Contusion (bruising) from injury, PMS breast pain, menstrual clots
Inflammation, oedemqa, fluid congestion
Wounds and diseased parts… especially scrophulous and gangrene.
Supparative lesions
Bruised leaves have been used on burns.
Dysmenorrhoea, retained placenta,
Eczema, Psoriasis, pruritis
Grieves: Hydrophobia: powdered knots of the root are spread on bread and butter in the
morning. “Then let the patient be well clad in woolen garments and made to take a long,
fast walk until in a profuse perspiration. The treatment being continued for seven days”
For Scab in Swine: Decoction
Contra Indications
Extract: 20 to 40 mL per week (1:2) (
1: Phytother Res. 2002 Feb;16(1):33-5.
Wound healing activity of acylated iridoid glycosides from Scrophularia
Stevenson PC, Simmonds MS, Sampson J, Houghton PJ, Grice P.
Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, TW9 3DS, UK.
Three acylated iridoid glycosides (E)-6-O-(2", 4"-diacetyl-3" -O-p-methoxycinnamoyl)-alphaL-rhamnopyranosyl catalpol (scopolioside A) (1), (E)-6-O-(2"-acetyl-3", 4"-di-O,O-pmethoxycinnamoyl)-alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl catalpol (scrophuloside A(4)) (2) and (E)-6-O(2",3"-diacetyl-4"-O-p-methoxycinnamoyl)-alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl catalpol
(scrovalentinoside) (3) have been isolated from the dried seed pods of Scrophularia nodosa
by HPLC. Their structures were determined by 1D and 2D NMR, UV/Vis and mass
spectroscopy and by comparison with published data. All three compounds were shown in
vitro to stimulate the growth of human dermal fibroblasts. The effect was negatively dosedependent for 2 and 3 for which fibroblast growth stimulation was highest at 0.78 microg/mL
but was not significantly different from the control at 100 microg/mL. The presence of these
compounds in the mature seed pods may explain the ethnobotanical use of this plant in
Europe for healing wounds. Copyright 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
PMID: 11807962 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
1: Plant Cell Rep. 2003 Aug;21(12):1194-8. Epub 2003 May 13.
Genetic transformation of the figwort, Scrophularia buergeriana Miq., an
Oriental medicinal plant.
Park SU, Chae YA, Facchini PJ.
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, T2N 1N4, Calgary, Alberta,
Scrophularia buergeriana Miq. (figwort) contains a diverse group of bioactive natural products
and is used to treat a variety of ailments, including fever, constipation, neuritis, and laryngitis.
A transformation protocol was established for S. buergeriana using Agrobacterium
tumefaciens. Kanamycin-resistant plants were regenerated from leaf explants co-cultivated
with A. tumefaciens strain GV3101. The shoot regeneration medium was supplemented with
2 mg l(-1) 6-benzylaminopurine and 70 mg l(-1) putrescine to improve the efficiency of
organogenesis. Detection of the neomycin phosphotransferase gene, the presence of high
levels of beta-glucuronidase (GUS) transcripts and enzyme activity, and the histochemical
localization of GUS confirmed the genetic transformation of S. buergeriana. This work
demonstrates the potential of using A. tumefaciens to efficiently transfer foreign genes into a
commercially and culturally important Oriental medicinal plant.
PMID: 12910369 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Modern Herbal. M Grieves.
Energetics of Western Herbs: Holmes.3rd Edition.
Health Canada Sante Canada
PubMed Medline
- PMID: 11807962
- PMID: 12910369