Duties of Evacuation Team

Evacuation Team Guidelines
Duties of Evacuation Team
I. Evacuation Manager
 Maintain detailed knowledge of the written Emergency Response and
Evacuation Plan and evacuation procedures.
 Ensure that a Fire Warden and sufficient deputies are identified on each floor
to facilitate an effective implementation of the Emergency Response and
Evacuation Plan in the event of an emergency.
 Provide listing of Fire Wardens and deputies to the Security Operations
Center and the Energy Control Center.
 Identify and ensure training of employees to serve as the building’s
Emergency Response Team and Bomb Sweep Team.
The team comprises all floor wardens and deputies, as well as SCADA
technicians, Facility Service Coordinator(s), Security personnel, and Energy
Control Shift Supervisors who fulfill responsibilities as detailed in the
Emergency Response and Evacuation Manual.
 Oversee the operation of the Emergency Response Team and facilitate
resolution of issues raised by team members.
 Maintain current list of Evacuation Team members
 Conduct semi-annual fire evacuation drills.
Responsibilities in the event of an emergency –
 Confirm that emergency response authorities have been called, according to
the procedure defined in the Emergency Response and Evacuation Plan
 During evacuations, take position outside the main entrance at the bottom of
the front steps to receive reports from Facility Services and SCADA Tech
personnel regarding the incident.
 Receive reports from Floor Wardens regarding status of personnel from each
floor – ie. floor is evacuated; mobility impaired person awaiting assistance.
Receive reports from supervisors at muster area regarding any employees
unaccounted for
 Serve as Incident Commander and liaison to the Fire Department in the
event of an emergency response
 Brief the on-scene Incident Commander for the Fire Department on the
situation status, including any available information about the problem area,
information on any employees waiting at the stairwell for assistance in
evacuation, and any employees unaccounted for
 The Security Operations Center (ext. XXXX) when building evacuation is
 Do NOT allow personnel to re-enter facility until “all clear” is given by
appropriate officials
 Participate in Bomb Sweep team should a bomb threat ever be received. See
“Bomb Sweep Guidelines” later in this document.
II. Facility Service Coordinator
 Schedule and conduct semi-annual evacuation drills in coordination with the
Evacuation Manager
 Maintain records that document the results of fire drills and inspections
 Coordinate inspections, testing and maintenance of fire safety equipment
 Verify that all valves controlling water flow to the fire sprinkler system are in
the “open” position. Sprinkler control valves should be in the “open” position
at all times, except as required to perform maintenance on the system. The
fire Department dispatch should be notified any time the sprinkler system is
taken out of service.
Responsibilities in the event of an emergency –
 Shut down the HVAC system during hazmat spills or chemical/biological
incidents, as directed in the Emergency Response and Evacuation Manual
 Coordinate with SCADA Technicians and Energy Control Center dispatchers
in locating the source of the alarm or verifying the fire or smoke
 Provide all available information about the problem area to the Evacuation
Manager or the Fire Department on-scene Incident Commander
 Participate in Bomb Sweep team should a bomb threat ever be received at .
See “Bomb Sweep Guidelines” later in this document.
III. Floor Wardens
Note – Evacuation Team members for each floor should determine who will serve as
Floor Wardens (positioned at stairwells) and who will do the floor searches. In absence
of the designated Floor Warden, a Deputy Warden will assume the role of Floor
 Maintain knowledge of the Emergency Response and Evacuation Plan
 Maintain knowledge of location and operation of fire alarms and fire
 Maintain list of all deputy wardens on designated floor
 Oversee evacuation operation for assigned area on a designated floor
 Be familiar with all exits on assigned floor
 Be familiar with HVAC shut-down procedure for assigned floor.
Responsibilities in the event of an emergency –
 Direct the orderly evacuation of the floor when alarm sounds, utilizing
stairwells only
 Take position at stairwells to facilitate orderly and safe evacuation
 Receive floor status reports from Deputy Wardens
 Determine status of any personnel with mobility impairments and their
 After floor is evacuated, confirm that office and fire doors have been closed
 Do NOT allow personnel to re-enter facility until “all clear” is given by
appropriate officials
 Report status of floor evacuation (ie – Person awaiting assistance; All Clear;
etc) to the Evacuation Manager outside
IF DIRECTED by Evacuation Manager or other authority, shut down HVAC
system. Facility Services Coordinator has primary responsibility for this
Participate in Bomb Sweep team should a bomb threat ever be received. See
“Bomb Sweep Guidelines” later in this document.
IV. Deputy Wardens
Note – Evacuation Team members for each floor should determine who will serve as
Floor Wardens (positioned at stairwells) and who will do the floor searches. In absence
of the designated Floor Warden, a Deputy Warden will assume the role of Floor
 Assist in directing an orderly evacuation of assigned area
 Be aware of all available exits from designated floor
 Confirm that any mobility impaired personnel are being assisted by their
designated “buddies”. Determine where they will wait for assistance from Fire
Department personnel
 Search areas of intermittent use such as closets, rest rooms, kitchens, etc.
 Knock on closed doors, announce building evacuation
 Close all open doors
 Respond to any additional instruction given by the Floor Warden or
Evacuation Manager
 When floor is clear and doors are closed, proceed to stairwell and inform
Floor Warden of status, including information on status of any person with
mobility impairment and their buddy
 Do NOT allow personnel to re-enter facility until “all clear” is given by
appropriate officials
 IF DIRECTED by Evacuation Manager or other authority, shut down HVAC
system. Facility Services Coordinator has primary responsibility for this
 Participate in Bomb Sweep team should a bomb threat ever be receive. See
“Bomb Sweep Guidelines” later in this document.
V. Security
 Enforce after-hours sign-in/sign-out policy for non-scheduled employees and
 Ensure that 911 has been contacted to respond to emergencies as outlined in
the Emergency Response and Evacuation Plan
 Secure the parking lot gate open for emergency responders and direct
responders to the specific site of the emergency
 After Hours Alarms – Check sign-in/sign-out sheet against personnel who
have evacuated to determine if building is clear of unscheduled employees;
inform evacuated employees when it is safe to return to the building as
directed by emergency response personnel.
 Participate in Bomb Sweep team should a bomb threat ever be received.
Asset Protection personnel will be responsible to conduct the search of the
building exterior. See “Bomb Sweep Guidelines” later in this document.
VI. Supervisors and Managers
 Account for all employees at meeting place.
 Report any unaccounted for employees to the Evacuation Manager
 Hold employees at the muster point until released by the Evacuation Manager
or other emergency official
 Provide all new employees with a copy of the Emergency Response and
Evacuation Manual. Manuals are available from the Chair of the Site Safety
 Determine the appropriate response to a telephone or written bomb threat
based on input from emergency response personnel
Bomb Search Guidelines
Bomb search team will be contacted via alpha-pager if a bomb threat has
occurred. Team will convene in Basement Training Room for specific
instructions and assignment of area to be searched.
All handheld and mobile (in vehicles) two-way radios must be turned off.
Teams of two will be assigned to search specific areas of the building.
Bomb search team members will be given colored tape for use in marking
areas in which search has been completed.
Priority of Search
Exterior areas - this search will be handled by the Security staff. Search
includes the evacuation muster point, building perimeter, dumpsters, intake
vents, shrubs and greenery, etc.
Indoors, common areas will be searched first – lobbies, rest rooms, break
rooms, meeting rooms, janitorial closets, elevators, and the basement
equipment rooms
Finally, private office areas may be searched. If an evacuation is conducted,
workers will be asked to assess their own space prior to evacuating.
Search Procedure
First, stand quietly, eyes closed, in various parts of the room listening for a
clockwork device. If nothing is detected,
Divide the room into two virtually equal parts. This equal division should be
based on the number and type of objects in the room to be searched and not
on the size of the room. An imaginary line is then drawn between two objects
in the room; e.g., the edge of the window on the north wall to the floor lamp
on the south wall.
The first searching height usually covers the items in the room from floor to
hip height.
First sweep - Both team members go to one end of the room division line and
start from a back-to-back position and starts searching his/her way around the
room, working toward the other person, checking all items resting on the floor
around the wall area of the room. They should then work together and check
all items in the middle of the room up to the selected hip height, including the
floor under the rugs. This first searching sweep should also include those
items which may be mounted on or in the walls, such as air conditioning
ducts, baseboard heaters, and built-in wall cupboards, if these fixtures are
below hip height.
Second Sweep – Beginning back-to-back from the original room division line,
conduct a sweep looking at everything from the chin or top of the head
around the walls and through the middle of the room. This sweep usually
covers pictures hanging on the walls, built-in bookcases, and tall table lamps.
Third Room Searching Sweep – Search the area between the chin and the
ceiling. This sweep usually covers high mounted air conditioning ducts and
hanging light fixtures.
Fourth Room Searching Sweep – Check ceiling tiles for any that may have
been moved, or any other indication such as dust that has been disturbed.
Use colored tape at the entrance to indicate “Search Complete”
If a suspicious object is located
Do not approach it or touch it.
Cordon off the area (300 ft. radius is preferred) to prevent others from walking
near it
Report the object to the Evacuation Manager with as much detail of its
location and appearance as possible. This information will be relayed to APD
Evacuate the building if evacuation has not already taken place. Evacuating
employees should be kept away from the suspicious object.
Evacuation Manager Check List
Complete Not Complete
Confirm alarm is legitimate
Confirm 911 has been called
HVAC System off (if appropriate)
Confirm Gate Secured Open
Notes from Facilities/SCADA tech reports ~
Basement Floor Warden Report
Basement (including HVAC Room) Wardens
& Deputies
Basement Clear?
Anything unusual? What and where?
Basement Notes
First Floor Warden Report
First Floor Wardens & Deputies –
First Floor Clear?
Anything unusual? What and where?
First Floor Notes
Second Floor Warden Report
Second Floor Wardens & Deputies
Second Floor Clear?
Anything unusual? What and where?
Second Floor Notes