Policy layers/types p e r m i r s i s g i h o t n o b l i g a t i o n c o n s t r a i n t Right = relational claim assigned to a right-bearer with respect to an implicit or explicit other, the counterparty (who has an obligation) [O. O’Neill; Cambridge University Press, 2002]; constraints that permit or forbid some action Obligations = event triggered condition-action rules for policy-based management (i.e. the set of conditions, requirements and expectations that must be fulfilled by the system, e.g. for privacy or fair use regulations; constraints that require some action to be performed, or else serve to waive such a requirement. e v e n t d s p a s c r e b Constraint = condition that must be met during a state change based on measurable constructs (e.g. true/false, less than ten, equal to, etc.) Event = change of state in a system that triggers further changes (e.g. disposal of an item on a predefined date) rule state info (result of rule application) Policy: A persistent declarative specification, derived from management goals, of a rule defining choices in the behavior of a system* (from PONDER) 1 Enterprise-level 1.1 Regulatory requirements *systems can include people and workflows in addition to computer applications X X X Flag for which compliance reg. is needed Flag for existence of ERM policy 1.2 e-Records Management X X X 1.3 Accessibility X X X Flag for whether ADA is required 2 Archive-level X Names of governing institution, source of funding, lifetime of funding 2.1 Business case definition notes X X Policies apply at the highest level to which they apply and inherit downwards Policies apply to entire organization and all systems under its control Does the organization have obligations to comply with HIPAA, FIRPA, Sarbanes-Oxley, or other federal regulations that apply to archived material? Does the organization have documented rules for electronic records retention and destruction of different types of electronic records? If so, they will be defined at the collection-level Does the organization require ADA compliance for system user interfaces (e.g. W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) Policies apply to the particular archive and may differ from other archives within the enterprise Business goals for archive and plan for sustainability 2.2 Management framework X X X X 2.3 Security X X 2.4 Monitoring X X X 2.5 Business systems contingency X X X X 2.6 Business process reengineering 2.7 X X 2.8 Reporting System quality management 2.9 Federation X 2.10 Archive system (software) copyright 2.11 General security/access control (i.e. right to use) 2.12 Selection criteria (collection development) List of management roles (collection creation, metadata update, write file, superuser, group administrator, security level, etc.) and of individuals with permissions for each role Flags for client-based encryption (all data stored in encrypted form), firewall existence, whether all accesses are audited, whether system log files are audited. X X X X X Check frequency Check frequency; Send reports X X X X X X X X X X Check roles; flags on access and deletion General system security (i.e. is archive classified? is there a network firewall? are security audits performed? etc.) Flag for turning on SRB monitoring log file Flag for whether collections are replicated at another enterprise, Name of alternate enterprise. (corresponds to zone in SRB federation) What overall system metrics (e.g. storage usage, network usage) are tracked Flag for frequency of architecture review; list of members of review committee Flag for summary report generation frequency; list of persons receiving reports How often should the system requirements and architecture be reviewed and with what procedure? Flag for whether ISO compliant TDR compliance, ISO 9000 Identity management across sites (e.g. Shibboleth) X X X How is the system managed, by whom, with what skills and/or credentials? Flag for existence of copy of source; location of sources; type of license Roles for access controls; lists of persons with permissions for each role; flag for holding data, whether held data can be deleted Flag for allowed data genres, sources, formats, or other rules for deposit. Accession template specifying amount of data Disaster recovery plan Who is notified of success, problems, and how? What usage reports are available? If the system software is copyrighted, is there an open source license? Which users are eligible for access? Is the system classified? Scope eligibility, including both high-level criteria for inclusion as well as case-by-case decisions – can also be applied at collection level 2.13 Content usage policies 2.14 Persistent identifiers 2.15 X X X Storage X 2.16 Access time X 2.17 X 2.19 Authenticity (provenance) Preservation standards compliance Media migration/refreshing frequency 2.20 Export formats supported 2.18 X X X X X X X X Validate usage constraint and X enforce roles Create handle on data X X insertion Support data staging of heavily used data to achieve required X response time Validate access log files for compliance X X with metric X X Flag for type of AIP required Flag for frequency of media migration Check X frequency X Search/browse X X X 2.22 Metadata harvesting X X X 2.23 Open systems environment X Flag for response time metrics (average delay versus longest delay) List of events and roles that will be monitored 2.21 X Flag for staging data; list of storage types, average response time per storage type Generate X X history events X X Roles created for each type of usage constraint List of types of GUID. lists of locations of handle systems for creating GUIDs X 2.24 Deposit license X X X 2.25 User privacy X X X Flag for type of DIP Check for required indexes Check metadata access role Check format flag Check if required license provided List of required indexes Object level requirement? Flag for formats allowed Flag for deposit license Constraints on content usage (i.e. rights management). e.g. CC license allowing derivative works, holds, litigation, MOUs, gift agreements, etc. Which type are assigned and to what? Are multiple identifiers for an item supported? E.g. HSM, disk or tape, access time vs cost, access fulfillment requirements that drive tape migrations, etc. Can vary by collection, format type SLA for mean time to access a given archived item What life cycle events are tracked (defined as Digiprov or History system metadata) e.g. include user events like file reads? Metadata updates? Can vary by collection e.g. PERM and ISO9015.2; compare to DTR checklist How often is storage media updated? e.g. METS, MPEG21 or IMS-CP; items, collections, or entire archive Are there standard indexes that will be available for search/browse (e.g. DC title, author, keywords, pub date)? Is metadata publicly available or accessrestricted? What formats can be harvested? e.g. MA state policy on OpenDoc formatted documents Is copyright transfer or another license (standardized or customizable ala CC) required for deposit? Is end-user usage data publicly available? Used internally for data mining? Locked down? With what technical mechanism? Examples: 2.26 Customer service 3 Collection-level X X X 3.1 Deposit X X X 3.2 Organization X X X 3.3 Metadata X X X 3.4 Retention schedule(s) X X -- sanitize or destroy usage data after some defined period of time -- procedure for employees responding to HSA requests for usage data Is there a defined procedure for providing user support? e.g. defined turnaround time for trouble tickets? Policies with apply uniformly to every item in a given collection within the archive Check collection update role Check roles List of registered persons who may exercise collection role Schema for collection/subcollection hierarchy List of persons with metadata editing rights; List of persons with annotation rights. Flag for METS profile. Date to apply X X disposition Flag for type of retention (delete, archive, migrate to another enterprise 3.5 Disposition 3.6 Destruction 3.7 Withdrawal 3.8 Physical location 4 Item-level 4.1 Risk management X X X X X X X X X Enforce overwrites on X X delete Check each access/ deletion for whether person has X X required role X Check X location data Flag for allowed storage locations X Whether access can be X to master or Flag for master copy X Flag for number of overwrites of deleted data if media reused, or flag for destruction of media Roles for read access. Flag for deletion ability Who can deposit items into the collection How is the collection organized (i.e. order of submission, owner-specified order, grouped by like formats, etc.) What metadata is required, allowed? Who can supply (e.g. user annotations)? What is the system of record? Is all metadata kept indefinitely? How long are records kept, e.g. for records management, Sarb-Ox compliance, nondestruction holds during litigation, etc. Local policies for records retention, if any. what can a curator specify as the outcome once the record's retention period expires -- e.g. destruction or permanent archiving How and to what degree? With what assurance? Can collections or individual items be withdrawn or suppressed from access Where is the data allowed to sit physically? Any restrictions e.g. only in this state, only in this country, etc. Individual unit of preservation, e.g. an electronic record or complete digital object. Can be composed of multiple files or bitstreams with any level of complexity Level of concern (e.g. is this file the archival master or a delivery copy?) must be to a replica 4.2 Format 4.4 Version 4.5 Dissemination 4.6 4.7 4.8 Protection Preservation Replication X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4.9 Service replication X 4.10 Integrity (provenance) X 4.11 Audit Frequency X List of supported formats and flag for SLA support level for each X X X X Which version event is being created List of retained version events X Place data in staging area rather than X X collection Check for format obsolescence, migrate deprecated format to next supported X X format Create required copies on X ingest Try alternative(s) in order if original is not X available Whether file format is accepted, preservation SLA for each accepted format; Also any requirements for quality within format (e.g. compliance with TIFF 6.0 acceptance specs) Number of versions retained (e.g. first, last, intermediates). Versions relates to different editions (FRBR manifestations) rather than different file formats of identical intellectual content (e.g. PDF and Word) Are there constraints or obligations for “rendered” content? e.g. must provide a bitstream disseminator in addition to specialized viewing tools Flag for whether data must be staged E.g. virus checking of new submissions. Related to risk management; encoding formatdependent List of supported formats, deprecated formats; For each forma, flag for whether to preserve across format obsolescence If archive plans to preserve contents, detect preservation event (e.g. via GDFR) and apply preservation methodology; Can vary at the collection-level (i.e. do not preserve an entire collection for some business reason) Flag for number of copies required; list of replica locations Number of copies to be made, and which specific location(s), business rules, preferences for order of replication use Report X discrepancies Flag for checking integrity Fail-over rules for system unavailability (i.e. is there another copy somewhere else? In what order of preference?) Defined as no unintended changes to the contents of the archive (i.e. checksum checking) Check X frequency Flag for frequency of auditing How often does the integrity audit run List of service instances, duplicate service providers