VITA Spring, 2012 CAROLYN GARRISON Professor of Education Campbellsville University 1. Academic Degrees B.A. M.A. Ed. D. Berea College, Berea, KY; in Elementary Education; 1969. Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY; in Elementary Education with an Emphasis in Reading; 1972. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, in Reading/Curriculum & Administration; 2007. 2. Professional Teaching Experience 1969-1971 1972-1973 1993 1980-90 1973–2007 2008—Pres. First Grade Teacher, Lake Valley Navajo Boarding School, Crownpoint, New Mexico Fourth Grade Teacher, Mt. Vernon Elementary School, Mt. Vernon, Kentucky Taught a Rain Forest Unit, 3 weeks of summer school at Taylor County Middle School (voluntarily) Every year, presented our experiences teaching Navajos to our children’s classes or to a gymnasium of children Instructor/Assistant/Associate Professor of Education, Campbellsville College/University Professor, School of Education, Campbellsville University 3. Faculty and Administrative Load: Campbellsville University Fall, 2011 ED 411 Classroom Management ED 658 Transforming Schools SED 600 Reading Theory Assessment Coordinator for School of Education: Developed program templates and assisted in developing the program for Spanish Certification, P-12 Did major revision to the P-5 program submission for our next accreditation visit Worked with Gwen Sampson on EPSB, ETS and Westat Databases exit reports for Title II Served on a planning team to implement LiveText e-Portfolios in fall of 2011. NCATE Standard 2 Chair Advisor of P-5 Majors CAP 3 Coordinator for ED 411 Kappa Delta Pi: Co-Sponsor Diversity Committee Praxis II PPDs for ED 411 students KTIP Committe in local schools Spring, 2012 ED 411 Classroom Management SED 699 Reading Theory ED 675 Action Research Project Practicum II Assessment Coordinator for the School of Education: Did major revision to the P-5 program submission for our next accreditation visit Worked with Gwen Sampson on EPSB, ETS and Westat Databases exit reports for Title II Analyzed assessment data and made presentation for School of Education Retreat, May, 2012 Superviser of Student Teacher CAP 3 Coordinator for ED 411 Praxis II PPDs for ED 411 students Kappa Delta Pi: Assisted with Literacy Alive Event Diversity Committee Promotion/Tenure Committee Carolyn Garrison Vita Fall, 2008 SACS Committee on Program Coordinators KTIP Committee Summer, 2011 Rewriting the continuous assessment plan for NCATE Member of assessment committee to work with LiveText to conduct follow up surveys and prepare to use electronic portfolios in School of Education Developing two new courses with Learning House---one for the MAE and one for the MASE: ED 658, ED 675, SED 699. 4. Current/Recent Professional and Academic Memberships International Reading Association (IRA) Kentucky Reading Association (KRA) Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators (KATE) Kentucky Association of College Teacher Educators (KACTE) Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society 5. Professional Assignments and Activities 2010-12 Assessment Coordinator for School of Education Teacher Education Advisory Council Diversity Committee Professional Development Committee Co-Adviser, Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society for Education Pre-Professinal Development Workshops for Majors Interviews for CAP 2 Coordinator of CAP 3 for ED 411/414 Spring, Fall Previews Summer LINCs: Pre-Registration KY Teacher Internship Program, Teacher Educator—Off Campus SACS Committee Chair on Program Coordinators Supervisor of Student teacher Past Teacher Quality Grant, Coordinator Educational Enhancement Committee General Education Committee Initial Assessment Committee, Chair Coordinator of Teacher Admissions Technology Committee (Title III) ThinkPad University AdHoc Committee Secretary, Faculty Forum SACS Committee Chair on Faculty Load 6. Publications Dissertation: Racial and Ethnic Diversity: Teacher Preparation at Private Colleges in KY, 2007. 7. Presentations Broome, B., Garrison, C., & Howard, J. Ethnocentrism. Fall Conference of the Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators, October, 1992. Garrison, C. Tropical Rain Forest Literature-Based Unit. Kentucky Council of the International Reading Association, Lexington, Ky., on September 24, 1993. Garrison, C. Tropical Rain Forest Literature-Based Unit. KEA-SP Student Program, 1996. Garrison, C. & King, P. Performance Assessment and Hypermedia. TLTR, Campbellsville University, 2 Carolyn Garrison Vita Fall, 2008 3 September, 1998 Garrison, C. & King, P. Performance Assessment and Hypermedia. Fall Conference of the Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators, Lexington, Kentucky, September, 1998. Garrison, C. & King, P. Performance Assessment and Hypermedia. Appalachian College Association, ACA Technology Summit, Knoxville, Tennessee, October, 1998. Garrison, C. & King, P. Performance Assessment and Hypermedia. International Conference on Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, Florida, April, 1999. Pirkle, J., King, P. & Garrison, C. Transformation of Teacher Education with Technology, Appalachian College Association Technology Summit, Knoxville, Tennessee, October, 1999. Garrison, C. & King, P. Computer Labs: A Millennial View, International Conference on Teaching and Learning , Jacksonville, Florida, April, 2000. Garrison, C. Curriculum Alignment. Shakertown. April 27-28, 2006. Garrison, C. Diversity. Campbellsville University Staff Workshop. August 16, 2007. Garrison, C., Davis, D., Ennis, B. & Sullivan, L. Pathways to Teaching. Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators, September 28, 2007, Lexington, KY. Garrison, C. Wimba/Learning House Training for CU Faculty/Staff, January, 2008 Garrison, C. & Ennis, B. Read Across America: KDP Literacy Alive Event, Poster Session, KDP Convo 2011, Indianapolis, IND, Nov, 2011 Pre-Professional Development Sessions Kappa Delta Pi: Fall, 2011 Front of the Class: Video, follow-up Discussion, March 29, 2012 8. Other Scholarly Activities December 1994 Coordinated visit of Alison Drewsbury from Australia for a one day, First Steps Conference, on campus. May 31-June 3 1998 Board of Examiners Training for Accreditation of Teacher Education, NKU 1998/99 Field Researcher, Kentucky Institute of Educational Research, U.K. 1998-1999 Feb. 1999 Reviewer for Revision of Core Content, Kentucky Department of Education, Louisville, Ky. June 1998/ 01 Kentucky Teacher Internship Training Update March 12-15 2000: Board of Examiner’s Team: Accreditation Visit-Brescia University, KY May 17-18 2001: NCATE 2000 Training for Board of Examiners. Lexington, KY. March 2-6 2002 NCATE/BOE Accreditation Team to Asbury College in Wilmore March 11 2002 EPSB Accrediation Team to ACES in Jefferson County January 2006: Learning House—Teaching Online Courses September 23 2006 KTIP/TPA Training at UK in Lexington, KY Fall 2006 Collaborated with Dr. Teresa Spurling and Linda Handley to research and present a PPD on Reflection. April 20 2007 Webinar on Formative Assessment, Campbellsville University Spring 2007 BOE team for EPSB accreditation for Midway College in KY September 19 2007 Analytics: Moving to the Next Level to Improve Student Success Internet Seminar October 2007 Post Secondary Task Force—Kentucky Center for School Safety October 8 2007 Teaching with LE Live, Webinar, CU October 29 2007 LE Live Training, Part 2, Webinar, CU March 2008 EPSB/BOE Accreditation Team to Alice Lloyd College April 30 2008 Training to be member of CARC (Continuous Assessment Review Committee) of EPSB Fall 2008 Organized two PPDs by Population Connection out of Washington, D. C Spring 2009 KEA-SP Winter Conference on our campus Spring 2009 Submitted an article on assessment to ASCD, rejected. Fall, 08, Spring 2009 Researched and developed a template for an IECE program submission; worked with IECE faculty Fall, 08, Spring 2009 Served as university representative to the 21st Century Grant at Taylor County Elementary School Spring 2009 Submitted an application to KDP to begin a collegiate chapter on our campus Fall 2009 Research for the Professional Development on Cultural Diversity for public schools Fall 2009 EPSB/BOE Accreditation Team to St. Catharine College Carolyn Garrison Vita Fall Fall Spring Spring 2009 2009 2009 2010 Fall 2010 May 17 Spring June 14 December 2011 2011 2011 2011 Courses taken for Doctorate Spring 1993: Spring 1994: Fall 1994: Spring 1995: Summer 1995: Summer Fall Spring Spring Summer Fall Fall Spring Summer 1995: 1995: 1996: 1996: 1996: 1996: 1996: 1997: 1997: Fall 1997: Fall, 2008 KY Literacy Council on Response to Intervention in Lexington, KY. Accompanied ED 411 students to Safe Schools’ Conference in Louisville, Ky; serve on Board Researched and developed a new course syllabus on teaching diverse learners for the Rank I. Researched and developed a new course syllabus on content area reading at the elementary level for the New teacher leader masters in education Researched requirements and developed template and program along with two faculty for the Spanish certification Training at St. Catharine on Senate Bill 1 Multiple Webinars on the Common Core Standards, Deconstructing Standards Webinar by Collaborative Learning, Inc. on Common Core Standards/ELA for Content Areas Best Practice for Teaching Online, Learning House 45 hours. EDC 618 Advanced Study in the Teaching of Reading (3 hours) EDC 641 Research & Theory of Reading (3 hours) EDC 642 Research & Theory of Language Arts (3 hours) EDP 548 Educational Psychology (3 hours) EDC 621 Linguistic & Cognitive Foundation of Reading in Early Childhood (3 hours) EDC 550 Teaching the Culturally Different (3 hours) EPE 570 Gathering, Analyzing, & Using Educational Data (3 hours) LIS 611 Critical Analysis of Children’s Literature (3 hours) EDC 777 Seminar in Curriculum & Instruction (3 hours) EPE 621 Advanced Topics & Methods of Evaluation (3 hours) EDC 619 Assessment of Reading Growth & Development (3 hours) ANT 660 Ethnographic Research Methods (3 hours) EDC 620 Design & Implementation of Reading Instruction (3 hours) EDC 730 Problems School Curriculum: Cultural Diversity and the Teaching of Reading (3 hours) EDC 712 The Elementary School (3 hours) Extra Graduate Courses Completed: 24 hours Summer 1970: Arizona State University: EE 522 Dev. Soc. Exp. Ch. Ed. (3 hours) EE 526 Language Arts in Elementary School (3 hours) Spring 1972: Eastern KY University: ELE 522 Creat Exp in Child Ed. (3 hours) Summer 1972: Eastern KY University: SED 536 Teaching Children with Behavioral Learning Disorders (3 hours) Fall 1972: Eastern KY University: SED 560 Speech Problems and the Teacher (3 hours) Summer 1973 EKU: ESE 574 Teaching Reading in Secondary Schools (3 hours) Fall 1973: Western KY University: CNS ED 558 Counseling Theory & Procedures (3 hours) Summer 1993: Drake University, Iowa: EDEX 152-605 Assertive Discipline (3 hours) Summer 1994: University of Missouri: C360 The Role of the Mentor Teacher (3 hours) November 2001: LERN: Desigining OnLine Courses (online course0 July 2001: LERN: Building Learning Communities in Cyberspace ( online course) Nominated for membership in Kappa Delta Pi at UK; now a member at CU. Conferences/Professional Meetings Attended: September 1993: Kentucky State Council of International Reading Association Fall Conference in Lexington, KY October 15 1993: Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators Annual Conference in Lexington, KY December 1993: Technology Conference (Integrating Technology Across the Curriculum) in Louisville, KY 4 Carolyn Garrison May September January June June June July October 20 October November November 20 March 5-8 September 25 October 1-3 April 13-17 April July 7-10 September October October November March April 5 April Oct. 12-14 November 9 April 5 April 19-20 April 21 April 25 May 14 June 18 June 21 Fall April 12 May 16 May 23 August 9 September 27 October 24-26 November 8 February 3 April 2 April 3 & 4 September September 12-14 October October January 23 January 30 February 3 March 1 March 5-6 April 2-3 April 15-16 Vita 1994: 1994: 1995: 1996: 1997: 1997: 1997: 1997: 1997: 1997: 1997: 1998: 1998: 1998: 1999: 1999: 1999: 1999: 1999: 1999: 1999: 2000: 2000: 2000: 2000: 2000: 2001: 2001: 2001: 2001: 2001: 2001: 2001: 2001: 2002: 2002: 2002: 2002: 2002: 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 Fall, 2008 International Reading Conference in Toronto, Canada INTERNATIONAL Kentucky State Council of International Reading Association Fall Conference, KY Premier of Windows ’95 Conference in Louisville, KY Technology Conference, Lexington, KY Technology Conference, Lexington, KY Powerpoint Training, Lexington, KY Bethune Institute’s 2nd Annual Conference on Building Cultural Bridges, Lexington, KY Higher Education Alliance, Frankfort, KY Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators Annual Conference in Lexington, KY National Council of Social Studies, Cincinnati, OH Higher Education Alliance, Frankfort, KY Kentucky Education Technology Conference, Louisville, KY Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators, Lexington, KY ACA Technology Summit, Knoxville, TN International Conference on Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, FL. Kentucky Association of College Teacher Educators, Lexington, KY ACA Summer Institute, Williamsburg, VA Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators, Lexington, KY Safe Schools Conference, Louisville, KY ACA Technology Summit, Knoxville, TN Reading Committee for Program Approval, Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board ACA Planning Committee: Kingsport, TN Reading Committee of the Education Professional Standards Board, Frankfort, KY International Conference on Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, FL ACA Technology Summit: Planning Committee, TN Reading Committee of the Education Professional Standards Board, Frankfort, KY Reading Committee of the Education Professional Standards Board, Frankfort, KY KACTE (Kentucky Association of College Teachers of Education), Louisville, KY Children’s Literature Conference, Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, KY Steven Covey Leadership Conference, Lexington, KY Education Professional Standards Board, Frankfort, KY. Education Professional Standards Board, Frankfort, KY. Reading Committee, Education Professional Standards Board, Frankfort, KY. Reading Committee, Education Professional Standards Board, Frankfort, KY KACTE in Louisville Think Tank on Policies and Procedures Regarding Alertnative Routes to Certification at EKU. Lincoln Trail Area P-16 Council at Elizabethtown Community College, KY Data Systems Training by EPSB, Georgetown College, Georgetown, KY KATE, Lexington, KY. ACA Technology Summit, Johnson City, TN KACTE Fall Conference, Georgetown, KY Food, Land and People, Campbellsville University, KY Marcopolo Technology Training Session, Campbellsville Univeristy, KY KACTE Spring Conference, Louisville, KY KRA Fall Conference, Louisville, KY KEA Praxis Train the Trainers, Louisville, KY KEA-SP Fall Conference, Louisville, KY Safe Schools Conference, Louisville, KY KATE Board Meeting, Lexington, KY KACTE Board Meeting (Conference Call) EKU Livetext Meeting, AIKCU, Frankfort TaskStream and Calk and Wire Meeting, AIKCU, Frankfort KEA-SP Winter Conference, Campbellsville, KY KEA-SP Delegate Assembly, Louisville, KY KACTE Board Meeting and Conference, Georgetown, KY 5 Carolyn Garrison May 13 March 3 April 7 April 27-28 June 29 October 3 October 6 January 27 April 20 June September 28 October 2 November 1 November 13 February 23 February 29 May 3 May 4-8 June 16 Spring April 3, 4 Fall Fall Sept. Fall March 3-4 November Vita 2004 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 Fall, 2008 6 CU SE Teacher Quality Alignment Institute, Campbellsville, KY K-ITEP Symposium, Georgetown, KY K-ITEP Symposium, Georgetown, KY Curriculum Alignment, Shakertown, KY Praxis Evaluation, AIKCU, Georgetown, KY Safe Schools Conference, Louisville, KY KATE in Georgetown, KY KEA-SP Winter Conference, Campbellsville University, KY KACTE at Georgetown College, Georgetown, KY Values Added Assessment at the Spindletop, Lexington, KY KATE, Georgetown, KY Safe Schools’ Conference, Louisville, KY Rafe Esquith, EKU Mix It Up at Lunch, CU, KY (organized) KEA-SP Winter Conference, CU, KY KACTE Spring Conference, Georgetown College, KY Teaching the Holocaust in Kentucky’s Schools, Campbellsville, KY International Reading Association, Atlanta, GA Helping Stuggling Readers, Phil Howell, Hodgenville High School, KY KACTE Spring conference, Georgetown College, KY KEA-SP state Student Assembly in Lexington Served on the BOE team for St. Catharine College Safe Schools Conference in Louisville, KY KRA: Fall Conference in Lexington, KY KATE Fall Conference, Georgetown, KY KACTE Spring Conference, Georgetown, KY Kappa Delta Pi, KDP Convo 2011, Indianapolis, IND. Honors: Nominated for Whos’ Who Among America’s Teachers, 1994, 2004, 8th Edition, 2005, 9th Ed. nd 2006, 10th Ed., 2008, 2011, Received the CU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2005.