EMT101-02_Spr05_MF - Heartland Community College

Heartland Community College
Division for Health & Human Services
Course Syllabus for Students
Course Prefix and Number: EMT 101-02
Course Title: Emergency Medical Technician - Basic
Credit Hours: 8
Lecture Hours: 7
Laboratory Hours: 2
Days and times the course meets: TR 6:00 - 9:50 PM (02) in ICB Room 1803
Catalog Description:
Prerequisite: Healthcare Provider CPR certification. An introduction to the principles and
practices of pre-hospital emergency care based upon the current U.S. Department of
Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety national standard curriculum for providers of
primary medical care at scenes of accident and/or illness. This course contains a variety of skills
which require fine-motor coordination. Students must also be physically able to lift and transfer
patients safely and correctly. EMT 101 meets federal and state guidelines for basic EMT
training, and students who successfully complete this course will be able to take the National
Registry EMT-Basic licensure exam.
Instructor Information:
Instructor's name: Michael Fry
Phone number to contact instructor: (309) 275-9429
Instructor e-mail address: ixlnemsusa@yahoo.com
Location of instructor's office: ICB Suite 2800, mailbox drop-off only
Hours and days of instructor's office hours: By appointment
Instructor’s name: Jason Freeman
Phone number to contact instructor: (309) 275-4249
Instructor e-mail address: medic4500@yahoo.com
Location of instructor’s office: ICB Suite 2800, mailbox drop-off only
Hours and days of instructor’s office hours: By appointment
Coordinator’s name: Bob Reynolds
Phone number to contact instructor: (309) 268-8747
Instructor e-mail address: bob.reynolds@heartland.edu
Location of instructor's office: ICB 2815
Hours and days of instructor's office hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 12:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Grant, Harvey D., et al. (2005) Brady Emergency Care. 10th ed.
Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, text and workbook.
Relationship to Academic Development Programs and Transfer:
EMT 101 was designed to meet the specific student needs either individually or within a
program. Transferability of this course will be determined by each transfer situation. Please
see an academic advisor for an explanation concerning transfer option. EMT 101 will
prepare students to gain licensure by taking the National Registry EMT-Basic examination.
It also serves as prerequisite for EMT-Intermediate and EMT-Paramedic training courses.
Course Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
Students who successfully complete EMT 101 should be able to perform the following functions
at the minimum entry level:
Recognize the nature and seriousness of the patient's condition or extent of
injuries to assess requirements for emergency medical care.
Administer appropriate emergency medical care based on assessment findings of
the patient's condition.
Lift, move, position and otherwise handle the patient to minimize discomfort and
prevent further injury.
Perform safely and effectively the expectations of job descriptions requiring basic
EMT certification.
Course/Lab Outlines:
Introduction to Emergency Medical Care
Well-Being of the EMT-Basic
Medical/Legal and Ethical Issues
The Human Body
Baseline Vital Signs and SAMPLE History
Lifting and Moving Patients/Spinal Immobilization
Evaluation: Preparatory Module
Practical Skills Lab: Airway
Evaluation: Airway Module
Patient Assessment
Scene Size-Up
Initial Assessment
Focused History & Physical Exam--Trauma Patients
Focused History & Physical Exam--Medical Patients
Detailed Physical Exam
On-Going Assessment
Practical Skills Lab: Patient Assessment
3.10 Evaluation: Assessment Module
Medical/Behavioral Emergencies & Obstetrics/Gynecology
General Pharmacology
Respiratory Emergencies
Cardiovascular Emergencies
Diabetes/Altered Mental Status
Environmental Emergencies
Behavioral Emergencies
4.10 Practical Skills Lab: Medical/Behavioral Emergencies &
4.11 Evaluation: Medical/Behavioral Emergencies & Obstetrics/Gynecology
Bleeding & Shock
Soft Tissue Injuries
Musculoskeletal Care
Injuries to the Head & Spine
Practical Skills Lab: Trauma
Evaluation: Trauma Module
Infants & Children
Infants & Children
Practical Skills Lab: Infants & Children
Evaluation: Infants & Children
Ambulance Operations
Gaining Access
Evaluation: Operations
Methods of Instruction:
Method of Evaluation (Tests/Exams, Grading System):
Course Examinations: Students will take six (6) quizzes and four (4) module exams,
achieving 80% or higher on each exam. One (1) retake will be permitted on any module
exam scored less than 80%. Retakes are scheduled with the course instructor and must be
completed within one week of the original. Students failing any two (2) module exams will
lose licensure eligibility but may remain in class for grade. If 80% is not achieved on
quizzes, students have the option of a retake. Original and retake quiz scores will be
averaged. If students are absent on exam day, they must contact the course instructor to
reschedule and take the exam prior to the next scheduled class session. Students receive a
zero score and must follow the retake exam procedure if the above policy is not followed.
Final Examination: Students must pass the final written and practical exams with an 80% or
higher score. Two (2) retakes of the final written exam are permitted. An 85% or higher
score on the first retake or 90% or higher score on the second retake is required. One (1)
retake of each of the final practical exam stations will be permitted.
Grading Scale:
100 – 90% = A
89 – 80% = B
79 - 70% = C
69 - 60% = D
below 60% = F
Participation (Attendance)
Students are expected to attend all classes and participate meaningfully in the activities
each class day. Students will meet with the course lead instructor upon accumulating
three (3) absences from class or scheduled clinical time. Three inexcused absences from
class or scheduled clinical time will result in dismissal from the course.
Refer to the college catalog for official college policy.
Required Writing and Reading:
All reading assignments are from the textbook or from supplemental information sheets or
directed readings provided by the instructor. Writing assignments comprise workbook
Special Note: Treatment in emergency situations arising while the student is in the clinical
area will be obtained either through the health facility in which the clinical is scheduled or
the student’s choice of physician (except in cases of significant exposure to body fluids). It
is recommended that all students carry health care insurance coverage. The cost of all
care arising from any emergency situation occurring on campus or clinical area is the
student’s financial responsibility.
Note to Student Riders: Lifeline Mobile Medics requires a criminal background check
of potential student riders. Costs for the background check are the students’
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a fundamental principle of collegial life at Heartland Community College
and is essential to the credibility of the College’s educational programs. Moreover, because
grading may be competitive, students who misrepresent their academic work violate the right of
their fellow students. The College, therefore, views any act of academic dishonest as a serious
offense requiring disciplinary measures, including course failure, suspension, and even expulsion
from the College. In addition, an act of academic dishonesty may have unforeseen effects far
beyond any officially imposed penalties.
Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to cheating, aiding or
suborning cheating or other acts of academic dishonesty, plagiarism, misrepresentation of data,
falsification of academic records or documents and unauthorized access to computerized
academic or administrative records or systems. Definitions of these violations may be found in
the college catalog.
Plagiarism is the presenting of others’ ideas as if they were your own. When you write a paper,
create a project, do a presentation or create anything original, it is assumed that all the work,
except for that which is attributed to another author or creator, is your own. Plagiarism is
considered a serious academic offense and may take the following forms:
Copying word-for-word from another source and not giving that source credit.
Paraphrasing the work of another and not giving that source credit.
Adopting a particularly apt phrase as your own.
Using an image or a copy of an image without crediting its source.
Paraphrasing someone else’s line of thinking in the development of a topic as if it
were your own.
Receiving excessive help from a friend or elsewhere, or using another project as
if it were your own.
Note that word-for-word copying is not the only form of plagiarism.
The penalties for plagiarism may be severe, ranging from failure on the particular piece
of work, failure in the course or expulsion from school in extreme cases.
[Adapted from the Modern Language Association’s MLA Handbook for Writers of
Research Papers. New York: MLA, 1995: 26]
Support Services:
Heartland Library Information
The Library, located in the Students Commons Buildings at the Raab Road campus, provides
Heartland students with a full range of resources including books, online journal databases,
videos, newspapers, periodicals, reserves, and interlibrary loan. Librarians are available to assist
in locating information.
For more information please call the Library (309) 268-8200 or (309) 268-8292
Tutoring Center
Heartland Community College offers tutoring in various forms at no cost to
Heartland students at the Academic Support Center (ASC) in Normal and at the Pontiac
and Lincoln Centers. Tutors are available at convenient times throughout the week.
Study groups, group tutoring facilitated by a specially-trained tutor, are also available by
request. For more information about services available at each location, please call the
ASC in Normal (309) 268-8231; the Pontiac Center (815) 842-6777; the Lincoln Center
(217) 735-1731.
Testing Center
The Testing Center provides a quiet environment for students to complete make-up exams,
online exams, and exams for students with special accommodations. Students may be able to
complete exams in the Testing Center if arrangements are made with their instructor. For more
information, contact the Testing Center at (309) 268-8231.
Course Calendar:
EMT-Basic Course
TR 1800-2200
1. 08/19/04
2. 08/24/04
3. 08/26/04
4. 08/31/04
5. 09/02/04
6. 09/07/04
7. 09/09/04
8. 09/14/04
9. 09/16/04
10. 09/21/04
11. 09/23/04
12. 09/28/04
13. 09/30/04
14. 10/05/04
15. 10/07/04
16. 10/12/04
17. 10/14/04
18. 10/19/04
19. 10/21/04
20. 10/26/04
21. 10/28/04
22. 11/02/04
23. 11/04/04
24. 11/09/04
25. 11/11/04
26. 11/16/04
27. 11/18/04
28. 11/30/04
29. 12/02/04
30. 12/07/04
31. 12/09/04
32. 12/14/04
Introduction to Emergency Medical Care
Well-Being of the EMT-Basic
Medical-Legal and Ethical Issues
Quiz 1 – The Human Body
Lifting and Moving Patients/Spinal Immobilization Lab
Airway Management
Module Exam 1
Airway Management Practical Skills Lab
Patient Assessment
Scene Size-Up, Initial Assessment, and Vital Signs/SAMPLE
Patient Assessment
Trauma/Medical Focused History and Physical Examination
Quiz 2 – Trauma/Medical Assessment Skills Lab
Patient Assessment
Ongoing Assessment, Communications, Documentation
Patient Assessment and Documentation Skills Lab
Module Exam 2 – Patient Assessment Skills Testing
General Pharmacology, Respiratory Emergencies
Cardiac Emergencies
Cardiac Emergencies (cont.)
Quiz 3 – Respiratory/Cardiac Assessment/AED Skills Lab
Diabetic Emergencies, Altered Mental Status, Allergic Reaction
Poisoning and Overdose, Environmental Emergencies
Quiz 4 – Medical Emergency Assessment and Interventions Skills
Behavioral Emergency, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Module 3 Exam – Medical Assessment and Interventions Skills
Bleeding and Shock, Soft Tissue Injuries
Musculoskeletal Trauma
Quiz 5 – Trauma Assessment, Bandaging and Splinting Skills Lab
Head and Spine Trauma
Infants and Children
Quiz 6 – Trauma Skills Testing
Ambulance Operations/Overviews
Module Exam 4 – Final Practical Skills Testing
Final Practical Skills Testing
Final Written Exam