Name______________________________ Date_____________

Ecology Powerpoint Presentation Requirements
Ecology of the Northeast marine estuary and rocky intertidal zone
Directions: After watching the about ecology and the Northeast marine
estuary and rocky intertidal zone, pick one organism out of the list provided to do
research on. You must create a power point presentation that includes the following
information about ecology and your organism. Your project needs to be emailed to
me at by Friday May 24th. It will be out of 30
points. Please use your name and class color when saving and naming your
Slide #1 – Title slide (2 pts)
 Your name ____
 Your class color _____
 Ecosystem of Rocky Intertidal Zone ____
 Picture of your organism _____
Slide #2 – Biotic and Abiotic factors (6 pts)
 A definition of biotic and abiotic factors _____
 Examples of biotic and abiotic factors in rocky intertidal zone _
 Explanation of how at least 1 biotic and 1 abiotic factor
interact with your organism _____
Slide #3 - Feeding relationships (6 pts)
 A description or definition of a food web ____
 A food web for your organism including at least 8 organisms ___
Slide #4 – Feeding relationships continued (6 pts)
 Definition of producer, consumer, decomposer ____
 A list of all of the producers shown in your food web ____
 A list of all of the primary consumers in your food web ____
 A list of all the secondary consumers in your food web ____
Slide #5 – Symbiosis (4 pts)
 Definition of Symbiosis ____
 Definition of the 3 types of symbiosis (mutualism,
commensalism, parasitism) and a picture of each ____
Slide #6 – Symbiosis continued (4 pts)
 An example (pictures) and an explanation of one type of
symbiosis that your organism has with another organism in
the rocky intertidal zone ____
Slide #7 – Bibliography (2 pts) ____
Total _________
Arthropods (pp. 370-378)
 Atlantic Horseshoe Crab
 Northern Lobster
 Northern Rock Barnacle
 Sand Shrimp
Mollusks (pp. 360-364)
 Bay Scallop
 Blue Mussel
 Common and Rough Periwinkles
 Channeled Whelk
 Eastern Oyster
 Hard-shelled Clam
 Long-finned Squid
 Northern Moon Snail
Echinoderms (pp. 380-383)
 Common Sea Star
 Purple Sea Urchin
Polychaetes (pp. 367-368)
 Clam Worm
Birds (pp. 428-435)
 Bufflehead
 Common Goldeneye
 Common Tern
 Double-crested Cormorant
 Great Black-backed Gull
 Herring Gull
 Laughing Gull
 Red-breasted Merganser
Fish (pp. 399-406)
 Alewife
 American Eel
 Atlantic Menhaden
 Atlantic Silverside
 Banded Rudderfish
 Bluefish
 Butterfish
 Common Mummichog
 Cunner
 Little Skate
 Northern Searobin
 Red Hake
 Sandtiger Shark
 Spiny Dogfish
 Striped Bass
 Summer Flounder
 Winter Flounder
Cnidarians (pp. 339-342)
 Lion's Mane Jellyfish
 Moon Jellyfish
 Orange Striped Sea Anemone
Porifera (pp. 336-338)
 Red-beard Sponge
 Boring Sponge, Sulfur Sponge
 Common Southern Comb Jelly
 Sea Gooseberry
 Asian Stalked Sea Squirt
 Atlantic Rough Sea Squirt
Mammals (p. 436-444)
 Harbor Seal
Sea grasses
 Eelgrass
Algae (pp. 211-214)
Phaeophyceans (Brown)
Chlorophytes (Green)
Rhodophytes (Red)