DIVISION A -- BEEF Superintendents: Ralph Lents, Carl Ford, Doug Wallace, Dan Brownlee, Beth Baudler BEEF GENERAL RULES 1. All breeding heifer, bucket/bottle calf, cow-calf, and feeder calf exhibitors must report to the scale house between 7 am and 9 am on Thursday, July 19, during market beef weigh-in to verify entries. 2. Painting, dyeing, use of color agents, artificial tail heads or tail fins, are not allowed. (Colored grooming aids may be used on hooves only.) Beef projects which show evidence of this, when rubbed with either a towel or hand, will not be permitted in the show ring. 3. Animals showing evidence of sharp practices (such as surgical removal of excess brisket or dewlap skin, filling with oil or air, etc.) will be barred from the show. 4. Free standing fans will not be allowed. All fans must be securely mounted as high as possible. 5. It will be the judge’s decision as to whether or not to name a champion in each division. BEEF SHOW SCHEDULE: Friday, July 20 – Bucket/Bottle Calf Exhibitor interviews will be scheduled after entries are received Friday, July 20 –3:30 pm– Bucket/Bottle Calf Show Saturday, July 21 – 8:30 a.m. – Jr. Feeder Pens, Cow/Calf Pens Saturday, July 21 – 1:00 p.m. – Beef Breeding Heifer, Lead Cow-Calf, Feeder Calf, and Market Beef Show, and Beef Showmanship SECTION I --BREEDING HEIFERS AND COWS BREEDING HEIFERS (Superintendent – Carl Ford) 1. An exhibitor may show a total of 3 breeding heifers and 2 pairs in cow-calf classes. 2. All heifers must be born between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011, and must be tattooed. 3. Breeding heifer exhibitors must report to the scale house between 7 am and 9 am on Thursday, July 19 to verify entries. 4. Heifers will be judged from standpoint of breed characteristics, type, quality, and conformation. Future usefulness as a breeding cow is primary consideration. 5. Heifers will be divided into classes based on number of entries and the birth date of the animal, with a maximum age spread of no more than 150 days in any class. 6. Registered entries must submit a copy of the registration papers with the county fair entry. All registration papers must either be in the name of the exhibitor or show a logical family relationship. 7. A registered breed show will be held for every breed with entries. To show in a breed show, the heifer needs to be 75% of the specified breed; otherwise, the heifer will be placed in the commercial division. 8. No lactating heifers or cows will be allowed to be shown in this section. Lactating animals must be entered in the cow-calf section. CHAMPION AND RESERVE REGISTERED HEIFER (Each Breed) CHAMPION AND RESERVE COMMERCIAL HEIFER CHAMPION AND RESERVE MATURE BUCKET/BOTTLE CALF BREEDING HEIFER (Must have been exhibited in the bucket/bottle calf show by the same exhibitor at the 2009 Adair County Fair.) CHAMPION AND RESERVE SUPREME BREEDING HEIFER (Winners from above divisions.) LEAD BEEF COW-CALF 1. Calf must be dropped between January 1, 2012 and June 1, 2012. 2. Cow may be former heifer or purchased cow. Both cow and calf must be haltered and led in the show ring. 3. Lead cow-calf pairs may not be exhibited in the pen cow-calf pair class. 4. Lead cow-calf exhibitors must report to the scale house between 7 am and 9 am on Thursday, July 19 to verify entries. 5. Classes will be broken by breed, if there are sufficient entries. CHAMPION AND RESERVE LEAD COW-CALF BEEF COW-CALF PEN (Superintendent – Doug Wallace) 1. Cow-calf pairs will be shown in pens. 2. Calf must be dropped between January 1, 2012 and June 1, 2012. 3. Neither cows nor calves should be tied in pens. Animals should be clean, but be displayed and shown in pasture condition (no grooming). 4. Judging will be based on visual appraisal, records as summarized on special cow-calf poster, and general knowledge of beef industry. 5. All cow-calf pens must be on the grounds and stalled by 9:00 a.m. Thursday, July 19. 6. All cow-calf pens are released at 10:30 a.m., Sunday, July 22. Cow-calf pens must be empty and clean by 1:30 p.m. in order to prepare for sale. COMMERCIAL COW-CALF PEN Commercial cow-calf pair (Intended purpose of calf is as a market animal.) CHAMPION AND RESERVE COW-CALF PEN/COMMERCIAL SEEDSTOCK COW-CALF PEN Seedstock cow-calf pair (Intended purpose of calf is as a replacement heifer or bull.) CHAMPION AND RESERVE COW-CALF PEN/SEEDSTOCK SECTION II -- CALVES BUCKET/BOTTLE CALF (Superintendent – Beth Baudler 1. An exhibitor may identify 3 calves, and show 2 at the county fair. All bucket/bottle calves must be tagged with a special tag (obtained at the Extension Office) and listed on the ID form. ID forms must be on file in the Extension Office by May 15. 2. Calves must be born between January 1and May 15, 2012. 3. Calves must be in the possession of member by May 15. 4. Calf must be bucket or bottle fed. Calves will be shown on halter. 5. All calves must be treated for parasites (deloused and dewormed) between June 15 and July 15. 6. Bucket/Bottle calves may not be exhibited in the feeder calf show. 7. Record book should consist of Form BB/94, available at the Extension office and online http://www.extension.iastate.edu/adair/news/records.htm (required); a one page story (optional). No additional pages will be allowed. Estimate the approximate value of your calf at fair time so financial records can be closed. 8. Judging will be based on: a) What member learned about care and management of calf. b) Showing the calf. c) Cleanliness, general health, condition and management of the calf and the exhibitor's knowledge of this area. d) Complete and accurate records of the project. Quality and conformation of the calf will not be considered in this program. 9. Bucket/bottle calves may be weighed between 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon on Thursday, July 19. 10. Bucket/bottle calf records must be submitted to the 4-H office by 1:00 p.m. Thursday, July 19. 11. Bucket/bottle calf exhibitors will be scheduled for a 10-minute interview with the judge as their calf records are being evaluated. Schedule will be determined by number of bucket/bottle calf exhibitors. 12. Classes will be divided at the discretion of the superintendent. Exhibitor’s grade in school will be considered. BUCKET/BOTTLE CALF CLASS WINNERS CHAMPION BUCKET/BOTTLE CALF BUCKET/BOTTLE CALF SHOWMANSHIP 4th Grade Showman 5th - 6th Grade Showman 7th - 12th Grade Showman SPECIAL Adair County Farm Bureau will provide each exhibitor in the bucket/bottle calf division a check for $20. In addition, the Farm Bureau will arrange for each exhibitor to be photographed with their calf. Exhibitors will be presented a copy of the photograph at the annual Farm Bureau meeting. FEEDER CALVES (Superintendent – Ralph Lents) 1. An exhibitor may identify 3 calves and show 2 at the county fair. All feeder calves must be identified with an ear tag and be listed on the member’s ID form. ID forms must be on file in the Extension Office by May 15. 2. Feeder calves must be born between January 1 and May 15, 2012. 3. Feeder calves must be broke to lead. 4. Feeder calves may not be shown in the bucket/bottle calf class. 5. Feeder calves, which are not part of a cow-calf pair, must be on the fair grounds by 10:00 a.m. Saturday, July 21. Exhibitors must check in with Ralph Lents between 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. These calves will not be stalled and will be released immediately following the feeder calf show. CHAMPION AND RESERVE FEEDER CALF/Heifer CHAMPION AND RESERVE FEEDER CALF/Steer and Bull SECTION III -- MARKET BEEF MARKET STEERS/MARKET HEIFERS (Superintendent – Dan Brownlee) 1. A member may weigh a maximum of 6 head, and show 3 head at the county fair. 2. All entries must have been weighed and ear tagged at the county weigh-in December 26, 2011. 3. All market beef must weigh a minimum of 900 pounds to exhibit in this division. Market steers/heifers will be shown by weight on fair entry day. 4. If the permanent central incisor teeth are up and in wear, an animal is not eligible to show. Animals with horns will not be eligible for market classes. 5. Lead market steers will qualify for purple and blue awards only if they have an average daily gain of 2.3 or more pounds. Lead market heifers will qualify for purple and blue awards only if they have an average daily gain of 2.1 or more pounds. 6. Separate market steer and market heifer divisions will be offered. Animals will be classed by weight within divisions. No heifer may be shown in both the market heifer class and the breeding heifer class. 7. After placing a class in the show ring, officials reserve the right to re-inspect animals for sharp practices. 8. The first and second place animals from each class will compete for champion and reserve of each weight group, provided they were awarded a purple or blue award. 9. To be eligible to exhibit in the Mature Bucket/Bottle Calf Class, the animal must have been exhibited by the same exhibitor at the previous Adair County Fair. 10. If a division first or second place animal is disqualified, the second and third place animals will move up. If a division champion is disqualified the reserve division champion will move up to champion. (The reserve champion will not be replaced.) CHAMPION AND RESERVE MATURE BUCKET/BOTTLE CALF CHAMPION AND RESERVE MARKET HEIFER CHAMPION AND RESERVE LIGHTWEIGHT MARKET BEEF CHAMPION AND RESERVE MIDDLEWEIGHT MARKET BEEF CHAMPION AND RESERVE HEAVYWEIGHT MARKET BEEF GRAND AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION MARKET BEEF RATE-OF-GAIN/MARKET BEEF Highest average daily gain for an individual market beef. JUNIOR FEEDER PEN (Superintendent – Ralph Lents) 1. A member may weigh a maximum of 6 head, and show only one pen of 3, 4, or 5 steers or heifers. 2. Calves had to be weighed and ear tagged at the county weigh-in December 26, 2011. They need not be halter broke, washed, or trained. 3. Average weight of all animals in the pen must equal or exceed 900 pounds. 4. To qualify for a purple or blue award they must have an average daily gain of 2.4 or more pounds. 5. Animals exhibited as an individual in the market beef classes are not eligible for this class. 6. An information form summarizing production costs will be provided to each exhibitor prior to the fair. Exhibitors must complete and post this form at the fair. 7. A trophy will be awarded to the junior feeder pen that averages the best retail value per day on feed as part of the beef performance contest. All animals that are shown in the pen at the fair must participate in the performance contest for the pen to be eligible for this award. CHAMPION AND RESERVE LIGHTWEIGHT JR. FEEDER PEN CHAMPION AND RESERVE HEAVYWEIGHT JR. FEEDER PEN GRAND CHAMPION AND RESERVE JUNIOR FEEDER PEN RATE-OF-GAIN/JUNIOR FEEDER Highest average daily gain based on entire pen BEEF SHOWMANSHIP Advanced Senior (9th – 12th Grade) Intermediate (7th & 8th Grade) Junior (4th – 6th Grade) SECTION IV -- 4-H/FFA BEEF PERFORMANCE CONTEST 1. An exhibitor may enter any number in this division. 2. All entries in this division must have been tagged and weighed at the county weigh-in December 26, 2011. 3. All beef performance entries will be processed at the Tyson processing plant in Denison. They will not accept cattle with a live weight greater than 1500 pounds. 4. Steers and heifers that were not shown in regular classes (market or junior feeder pen) must be entered at the fairgrounds scale building, Sunday, July 22, from 1:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. 5. All steers and heifers sold through the livestock sale will be automatically entered in the performance contest unless the buyer designates they want possession of the animal at the time of purchase. 6. Carcasses will be placed based on retail value per day on feed. The winter weigh-in weight will serve as the starting point. 7. $15 will be deducted from the exhibitor’s payment check for each animal entered in the contest to help defray the cost of trucking, insurance, and data collection. In addition, a dark cutter assessment of $.50/cwt. will be charged each participant. 8. Injury to carcass or portion thereof, condemnation, or a lower price than expected, is the responsibility of the animal’s owner. 9. A trophy will be awarded to the junior feeder pen that averages the best retail value per day on feed. All animals that are shown in the pen at the fair must participate in the performance contest for the pen to be eligible for this award. 10. Premiums paid on carcass placing by Adair County Cattlemen Association: 1st – $150; 2nd – $100; 3rd – $75; 4th – $50. 11. Results of the Beef Performance Contest will be announced at the supper/meeting held at the 4-H and FFA Center Thursday, August 2, 7:00 p.m. CHAMPION INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE BEEF CHAMPION JR. FEEDER PERFORMANCE BEEF SPECIAL SALE INFORMATION 1. Exhibitors are expected to present their animal/s in the sale ring. 2. Only market beef animals that were shown at the fair are eligible for the premium sale. 3. All market beef animals will be automatically entered in the beef performance show unless the exhibitor notifies the 4-H office by 5:00 pm Saturday, July 21, that their animal will not be in the sale. The base bid will be the carcass bid provided by the harvest facility. If the premium buyer wants to take actual possession of the animal instead of sending it to the harvesting facility, they must announce their intention before the animal leaves the ring. In that case, the animal will be sold on fair weigh-in weight and the base price announced at the beginning of the sale. 4. All beef animals entering the sale ring must be sold. Only the premium bidder can take possession of an animal. No animals shall return to the home of the exhibitor without prior approval of the beef superintendent. Approval must be granted no later than noon on Sunday, July 22. Failure to follow this rule will result in forfeiture of premium and the exhibitor will be banned from future participation in the sale. 5. Premium bids will be solicited for each group of animals. The premium bid will be by the head. (i.e. If the premium bid is $10 and you have 5 animals in your group, your total premium is $50). OPEN CLASS BEEF PERFORMANCE SHOW 1. Steers and heifers will be entered at the fairgrounds scale building Sunday, July 22, 1:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. No live show. 2. An exhibitor may enter any number of steers or heifers, however no animals with horns will be accepted. No bulls or stags will be allowed. 3. No animals weighing 1500 pounds or more can be accepted due toTyson requirements. 4. Members of the Adair County Cattlemen Association will have $25 deducted from their payment check for each animal entered in the contest to help defray the cost of trucking, insurance, and data collection. In addition, a dark cutter assessment of $.50/cwt will be deducted from the check. Nonmembers of the Adair County Cattlemen Association will have the actual cost of insurance, trucking, and data collection fee deducted from their check along with the dark cutter assessment. 5. All beef producers planning to enter the contest need to stop by the Extension Office located on the fairgrounds or call the Extension office at 743-8412, before noon on Friday, July 20 and indicate how many head they plan to enter so trucking can be arranged. 6. Injury to carcass or portion thereof, condemnation, or a lower price than expected, is the responsibility of the animal’s owner. 7. Final placing will be based on retail value. 8. Premiums paid on carcass placing by the Adair County Cattlemen Association: 1st – $100; 2nd – $75; 3rd – $50. 9. Results of the Beef Performance Contest will be announced at the supper/meeting held at the 4-H and FFA Center Thursday, August 2, 7:00 p.m.