OHIO AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER 2014 North Central Agricultural Research Station Projects Department Horticulture & Crop Science Horticulture & Crop Science Horticulture & Crop Science Investigator Dr. Francis & Deb Liabeuf GS Dr. Francis & Caleb Orchard - GS Dr. Francis & Troy Aldrich Horticulture & Crop Science Dr. Francis & Troy Aldrich Horticulture & Crop Science Dr. Francis & Troy Aldrich Horticulture & Crop Science Horticulture & Crop Science Dr. Francis & Troy Aldrich Dr. Francis & Troy Aldrich Horticulture & Crop Science Dr. Francis & Troy Aldrich Horticulture & Crop Science Dr. Francis, Troy Aldrich and Chunxiao Jiang – HM breeder Plant Pathology S. Miller Plant Pathology S. Miller Plant Pathology S. Miller Horticulture & Crop Science D.Doohan Plant Pathology S. Miller USDA ARS, IR-4 Leona Horst Project Genetics and Selection for Bacterial Spot Resistance plots utilizing genetic mapping, selection of desirable traits. Funding Source ODA Specialty Crops grant & Mid-America Food Processors, RECGP SEEDs, & OPBC The effect of promoter variation at the B locus on betacarotene levels in tomato. Funding sources Mid-America Food Processors, RECGP SEEDs Multi-Location Breeding Variety Trial funding source MidAmerica Food Processors Pedigree Selection and Breeding Evaluation F2 – F6 plots. Funding sources Mid-America Food Processors, Industry gifts, royalty return. Pedigree Selection and Breeding Evaluation F2 – F8 plots. Funding sources Mid-America Food Processors, Industry gifts, royalty return. Recombinant Inbred Line Advancement and Evaluation. Funding sources USDA, SoLCAP. Tangerine Tomato Evaluation and Selection. Funding source National Cancer Institute Test Cross Evaluation (Ohio and industry cooperative) Funding sources Mid-America Food Processors and Seed Company cooperation / gift Cooperative trials with Harris Moran evaluating yield and performance of hybrids and selection of inbred lines, including joint hybrids. Control of tomato Septoria/Early Blight evaluating 10 various fungicide compounds in conjunction with Dain Bruins, Syngenta and Marsha Martain, DuPont Control of tomato BLS evaluating 8 various fungicide compounds in conjunction with Dain Bruins with Syngenta Control of tomato BLS evaluating 13 various fungicide compounds in conjunction with Gowan, Bayer & Dow Chemical Controlling weeds in tomatoes evaluating 6 herbicide compounds in conjunction with Joe Reed of FMC Corporation Controlling White Mold and other foliar diseases in edible beans evaluating 8 various fungicide compounds in conjunction with Cheminova Minor use pesticide efficacy and crop safety residue evaluation of Acifluorfen herbicide on Edamame beans to Crop Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato Snap Bean Edamame beans USDA ARS, IR-4 Plant Pathology & NCSU Entomology & Plant Pathology Leona Horst S. Miller & Gerald Homes Celeste Welty, S. Miller, & Fulya Gurel Plant Pathology S. Miller Sandusky Co. Extension A.Gahler Harris Moran Seed Co. J.Molyet USDA ARS, IR-4 Leona Horst Plant Pathology S. Miller Sandusky Co. Extension A. Gahler Entomology C. Welty Sandusky Co. Extension A. Gahler Sandusky Co. Extension A.Gahler Crookham Seed J. Rucker Crookham Seed J. Rucker USDA ARS, IR-4 Leona Horst USDA ARS, IR-4 Leona Horst Horticulture & Crop Science D.Doohan Horticulture & Crop Science Clay Sneller & L. Herald Sandusky Count Juvenile Court Phil Colson control weeds Minor use pesticide efficacy and crop safety residue evaluation of Acifluorfen herbicide on Edamame beans to control weeds. Lima Bean Cucumber downy mildew sentinel plot program predicting the disease, hosts and severity. Cucurbits Muskmelon disease and insect pest management using perimeter trap crops of squash and annual rye grass Cucurbits Control of pumpkin Plectosporium with 6 various experimental fungicide compounds in conjunction with BASF Chemical Cucurbits Processing cabbage observation and evaluation trials in conjunction with the Fremont company and Hirzel canning (14 varieties) Cabbage cultivar observation trials with John Molyet from Harris Moran Seed Minor use pesticide residue evaluation of nitrapyrin on cabbage to establish food safe tolerance levels. Brassica Brassica Brassica Controlling Pepper BLS evaluating 10 various fungicide compounds in conjunction with several pesticide Pepper registrants Northern Ohio Pepper variety evaluation Peppers (50 varieties) Controlling European Corn Born in peppers with 12 various insecticide compounds in conjunction with pesticide Peppers registrants. Northern Ohio SE sweet corn variety evaluation Sweet (6 varieties). Corn Northern Ohio SH2 sweet corn variety evaluation Sweet (34 varieties). Corn Crookham Seeds SH2 sweet corn breeder observation trials Sweet (20 varieties) with Joe Rucker from Crookham Seed Co. Corn Crookham Seeds SE sweet corn breeder observation trials Sweet (20 varieties) with Joe Rucker from Crookham Seed Co. Corn Minor use pesticide residue evaluation of Etoxazole Sugar Insecticide on sugar beet to control mites. beet Minor use pesticide residue evaluation of Fluazinam Pea fungicide on garden pea to control white mold Controlling weeds in potatoes evaluating 6 herbicide compounds in conjunction with Joe Reed of FMC potatoes Corporation Breeding and cultivar evaluations, advanced drill strip trials Wheat & rod-row nurseries Genesis program, vegetable gardening for at risk youth with Misc. Phil Colson of Sandusky County Juvenile Court and Judge Vegetable Brad Smith, Juvenile Court