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Newfoundland and
Labrador Council
(709) 726 1116
(800) 565 8111
(709) 726 4045
63 Roosevelt Ave
St. John’s NL
A1A 0E8
Over the years, Girl Guides of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Council, has had the benefit of
businesses, organizations, and/or individuals who have believed in what Girl Guides does and have
provided financial support or "in kind" support on a continuing basis. In order to recognize this
continuing contribution, the Provincial Council, through the Department of Membership, Marketing,
and Public Affairs has designed a series of awards to be presented on an annual basis for this
outstanding continued support. These awards are known as the Provincial Trefoil Awards and are
awarded based on a determination of the monetary value of the contribution given.
Levels of Awards:
Blue Trefoil Award
Bronze Trefoil Award
Silver Trefoil Award
Gold Trefoil Award
Platinum Trefoil Awards
under $500
over $10,000.00
Criteria for Award:
The level of award being considered must describe either the monetary value or the value of the
"in kind" contribution being considered and how this monetary value or level of "in kind'
contribution was determined;
The submission should include a description of how this business, organization, or individual has
supported Guiding in the local/provincial community;
The submission should also include a recommendation from the appropriate Committee or
Council and be supported by the Provincial or Area Council, as appropriate;
The Provincial Awards Committee will review the level of award being applied for and determine
if this level is appropriate;
The submission should be forwarded to the Provincial Awards Committee, c/o Provincial Office,
fax 709-726-4045, or Email: provoffice@ggcnf.org
Design of Award:
The Trefoil Award is an 8 x 10 in. parchment, with appropriate language to denote the contribution to
Guiding in Newfoundland and Labrador. The parchment has an edging in the color of the level of the
award being presented, which signifies the monetary level of the contribution given. When the award
is presented by the Provincial Council, it is appropriately matted and framed in recognition of the
continuing partnership with the business, organization, or individual. If the award is being initiated by
an Area or District Council, the parchment will be duly inscribed before being sent to the submitting
Council. The submitting Council will be responsible for appropriate matting and framing and for
arranging a suitable opportunity for presentation.
Cost: $11.00, which includes the cost of the parchment, printing and inscription. Shipping & Handling
is additional.
Approved: Provincial Executive Committee, February 28, 2007
Charitable Organization Registration Number: 11893 8554 RR 0027