click here to read friday night fury

The Sandman - Welcome ladies and Gentlemen to this edition of Fury!!!!… Tonight is
just a small card but packed with Pay Per View tension.
T-Roy - That’s right tonight we have Storm teaming with the U.S Champion Jason Briggs
to take on the Gimmick Champion Andrew Day and Colossus, Ricky Styles will go one
on one with Master Funk, the rookies Disciple will continue his war against the XTC by
challenging RC Extreme one more time, and Mike Mahoney will challenge the man who
will be facing Ghostface at Rise to Glory Jake Briggs…
The Sandman - You can’t forget the Main Event of the evening, where we will have a
mixed tag team match, one competitor of each of the four tag teams will be teaming with
another. Surge and Vile will team up to challenge Blade and Jackhammer…
T-Roy - Yea, I guess that’s a Main Event for Fury if I ever saw one… But let’s get down
to the ring for our first match up where the competitors of the Gimmick Title Match and
US Title match are all going to tangle.
Richard Storm & Jason Briggs vs Andrew Day & Colossus
** The camera switches over to a view of the entrance way and the MWATron goes
blank for a second, then all of a sudden throughout the arena you here a booming high
pick voice scream SEGA!!!!! And the words come across the screen, the camera sees
Stewart sitting at the technicians table playing his NHLPA ’93, Jason Briggs music plays
and he walks out looks at the screen and shakes his head. He hops down and unhooks the
Sega and Stewart seems upset and picks up his Sega and walks back to his dressing room.
Storm’s music hits and the crowd is full of cheers, he walks down to the ring and hops up
onto the ring apron and flips over the top rope. He and Briggs exchange a look but shake
hands. **
** Andrew Day’s music hits and he makes his way out to the ring, he stops a few feet
before the ring and waits for his partner. All of a sudden there’s a massive pyro and
Colossus’s music plays and out walks the seven foot monster. He gets to the ring, but
Storm runs jumps onto the top rope and planchas out onto Colossus, who tries to catch
him but gets knocked down by the force. Day slides into the ring and he and Briggs start
to slug it out. Storm goes to smack Colossus’s face on the guardrail but he gets picked up
and launched over the top rope from on the ground. Colossus goes to his corner, and
Storm get’s up and walks to his corner as well. **
** Day and Briggs tie up in the center of the ring and Briggs hits Day with a knee to the
gut. Grabs Days head and drops him with a snap DDT. Briggs grabs Day by the arm and
picks him up, he wrenches Day’s arm and clubs him across the shoulder sending him
back down to the ground but he gets jerked up to his feet quickly. Day over powers
Briggs and flips him, and rolls to the other side of the ring to make a tag. Colossus comes
in the ring and catches Briggs with a huge clothesline. Briggs stands up, and Colossus
knocks him back down. He turns grabs Storm and whips him over the rope into the ring
as well… Storm stands up and Colossus whips him into the corner, he grabs Briggs and
whips him into the corner with Storm. He turns around and in the fashion of the late great
Andre The Giant repeatedly backs into the two men. He stops and both men crash onto
the mat. Colossus feels he’s got the upper hand so he signals for The Wonder, Storm is
the first to his feet and Colossus wraps his massive hand around the neck of Storm Storm
quickly panics and starts hitting Colossus with vicious martial arts kicks to the legs,
eventually Colossus falls to one knee and releases his hold on Storm, Storm winds and
boots Colossus in the face, but Day is now in the ring and knocks Storm down with a
forearm to the back of the head. Briggs grabs Day and hits him with a big impact german
suplex. Storm hops up on the rope and waits on Colossus, he gets to his feet and Storm
goes for a cross body, but Colossus catches him and drops quickly… **
T-Roy - My God! Colossus just crushed Storm! Good thing Storm’s been making him
diet lately…
** Day grabs Briggs and picks him up for a powerbomb, but when he’s up Colossus
comes running and clotheslines Briggs of his shoulders. Storm rolls out of the ring and
pulls Briggs out to regroup. Colossus comes over grabs them by their heads and pulls
them back up, but with Storm’s flexibility he manages to kick Colossus in the face by
kicking over his own shoulder. Colossus let’s them go and they hop back down. Briggs
and Storm both grab a leg of Colossus and pull him out of the ring and being pummeling
on him. Once he’s down Briggs picks up Storm and gorilla presses him onto Colossus. **
The Sandman - Briggs and Storm have some pretty good teamwork together seeing as
how different they are…
** Briggs slides in the ring and is met by Day who beings to boot away on Briggs. Storm
on the outside has gotten the upper hand on the massive Colossus. The referee isn’t
paying attention to the action on the outside, and while Colossus is down, Storm grabs a
chair from the front row of the crowd and clocks Colossus over the head with it. Colossus
is down, and Storm hops up onto the ring apron then up to the top rope… He signals…
and hits the Final Storm! **
T-Roy - Final Storm from the top rope to the outside of the ring very impressive move by
the young Richard Storm…
The Sandman - Well he used a chair to get him down so it’s not all that impressive Jones!
T-Roy - The hell it isn’t Storm is practicing for his Gimmick Title shot at Rise to Glory
anything goes man!
** Storm slides into the ring where Day is still getting the best of Jason Briggs, Storm
still with the chair in his hand clubs Day over the back of the head with it! Day stumbles
forward and Storm hits him again! The referee signals for the bell! **
ANDREW DAY!!!!!!!!!!
T-Roy - They might be the winner but hell in their cases I’d rather be the losers right
** Storm hits a face buster on Day has him laid out in the middle of the ring, Briggs to
one corner, Storm to the other, Storm jumps first FINAL STORM! Quickly rolls out of
the way, BELIEVE THIS!! Day is down, Colossus has made it back to his feet, he steps
on the ring apron and over the top rope. Storm goes to hit him with the chair, but gets the
chair punched in his face instead. Colossus grabs Briggs…THE WONDER! Briggs is
down, Storm is up and turn just in time for Colossus to grab him by the throat… He
walks over to the edge of the ring… THE WONDER TO THE OUTSIDE!!!! **
The Sandman - My God!! Storm just got sent crashing down to the arena floor! He’s out
cold! Folk we’ll be back after a short word from our sponsers…
***** Camera cuts to commercials *****
The Sandman - Alright everybody we’re back to the show, our first match was a fantastic
Hold on were being told there’s some commotion going on in the back.
{The view goes to a messed up room and Coal is throwing things left and
right, Surge walks in and quarks an eyebrow as he is throwing things left and right}
Surge: Coal whats wrong?
Coal: *twitch* He's gone! I love him! He loves me!
Surge: Who?! Gnomey?! Where is that cute little lawn Sculpture buddy?!
Surge: I have a feeling I know who has him! Coal lets go pay Rainbow
Brite a visit!
Coal: She's a whore!!! *Twitch* She's a rapest!! *twitch* She's
EEEEEVIL!! One time at band camp…..
Surge: Yeah I know Kid Lets go! I think its time to take some Trash
Coal: NOO! Gnomey isn't Trash! He's MINE! He’s real! I can hear him! IM
{Surge walks as coal runs out and pass Richard Storm}
Surge: Hey Richie Rich!
Storm: Looks at Coal, looks at Surge! HERE!
{Storm gives Coal a nurf bat, Coal Twitches and hits the ground}
Storm: I'm sure you'll need this before I do!
Coal: DIE!! Bright Rainbow!
T-Roy: What WEIRDO!!! Lets get to our next match feature two young stars here in the
MWA, being Disciple and RC Extreme...
Disciple vs RC Extreme
** The camera cuts to the ring where Disciple is already standing waiting for his opponet
patiently… XTC’s music hits the speakers and a few pyros goes off, out walks RC
Extreme and Triple X. Disciple gets a look of worry on his face, seeing that the odds are
being stacked against him. **
The Sandman - Well now this just isn’t fair, they are going to turn this into a damn
handicapped match! Send him back to the locker rooms ref!
T-Roy - What are you talking about man, haven’t you ever heard the old saying all is fair
in love and wrestling… Triple X probably just wants a ring side seat to watch his Pay Per
View opponent…
** the members of XTC get in the ring, and all of a sudden One Step Closer by Linkon
Park blares over the speakers and standing on the ramp way is none other then Hate of
Heavy Metal… He walks down to the ring and goes and stand at ringside. **
The Sandman - What… Heavy Metal doing something fair, watching the back of
someone who isn’t Creeper or Marshall… That’s weird indeed!
** RC extreme is looking at Triple X trying to figure out why Hate is at ringside, but
Disciple runs up behind him and drop kicks him in the back of the head. Extreme pops up
and is instantly met with an armbar takedown, Extreme gets up and is looking fairly
confused. He goes to lock up but Disciple quickly spins around him and and drops him
with a reverse DDT. He follows it up by dropping a double ax handle smach to the
sternum of Extreme. He goes for the cover the referee counts 1…2.. No! Extreme kicks
out, Disciple pulls him up but Extreme sends him into the ropes, when the referee isn’t
looking Triple X trips Disciple. This triggers Hate to run over to where Triple X is and hit
him with a flying clothesline. Extreme grabs Disciple and delivers a perfectly executed
suplex. He floats over on top of Disciple and starts laying in the rights and lefts to
Disciples face. The referee breaks it up. On the outside Triple X has retreated to the other
side of the ring and Hate gives him a stern warning of what will happen if he interferes.
T-Roy - Hate handled that pretty well, and just to inform you Sandman, I don’t think
Hate’s out here to help Disciple I think he’s out here to get a piece of Extreme before
their big Pay Per View Tag Title Match-up…
** Disciple is up and Extreme goes to send him into the corner, Disciple reverses it and
follows him in with a powerful clothesline which sends Extreme over the top and
crashing down to the arena floor. Triple X heads over to help him up, meanwhile Hate
has grabbed a chair. Disciple has the referee distracted and Hate runs over and clocks
Extreme with a chair! He turns and does the same to Triple X! He rolls Extreme back into
the ring and Disciple makes the cover. 1…2...No! Extreme kicked out again! Hate grabs
Triple X and whips him into the guardrail and hits him one more time with the chair for
good measure. Disciple picks up the fallen Extreme and looks over at Hate who is
signaling for him to hit Walk In The Park… Disciple sets up and delivers! Disciple makes
the cover the referee counts it. 1…2…3!! **
** Hate slides into the ring and raises Disciples hand, he smiles and shakes hands with
Hate then Disciple walks away. Hate turns and hops up onto the top rope, poses for a
second and hits Extreme with a Heavy Hangover! He stands above Extreme showing off
and turns but Triple X is there and smokes Hate across the head with a chair! Hate
staggers around Triple X grabs a hold of him and hits him with X-Rated!! XTC music
plays and Triple X picks up Extreme and brings him to the back. **
The Sandman - Well let's waist no time and head down to the ring for our next match-up
between Mike Mahoney and Jake Briggs...
Mike Mahoney vs Jake Briggs
** The camera switches to the entrance way and eerie music begins to play then BooM!!
A massive blue explosion on stage, and out from the back walks The Man Monster Mike
Mahoney, he walks to the ring, and steps over the top rope into the ring. He prepares for
the arrival of his opponet, then Jake Briggs music plays and from the back steps Jake
Briggs. **
T-Roy - Man did Team Marshall ever do a number on him before, if you ask me marshall
posse is better of only being Heavy Metal and Creeper anyways, the best singles wrestler
and the best tag wrestlers...
The Sandman - That's only your opinion Jones remember that...
** The bell sounds and Briggs charges at Mahoney, Mahoney goes for the big boot but
Briggs slides under it and pulls out his other leg on the way by. He goes to stand up but
Briggs delivers a dropkick to the need of The Man Monster. Briggs has him on one knee
and beings to feed him shots to the face. Mahoney is rocking but keeps making his way to
his feet, he slaps his hand across Briggs throat and whips him into the corner and starts
attacking him with a series of elbows to the head... He picks Briggs up and perches him
on the top rope, grabs him by the sides and wields him across the ring. Briggs rolls under
the bottom rope and falls to the arena floor. **
T-Roy - Wow... Mahoney throwing Briggs around like a bitch!
** As Mahoney picks up Briggs the camera has noticed that Ghostface has made his way
down the aisle and now has a ringside seat to watch his opponet for Rise to Glory. Briggs
gets up and blantly kicks Mahoney in the groin, Mahoney falls to one knee and clinches
in pain, Brigg perches himself on the second turnbuckle and dropkicks Mahoney in the
back of the head. Briggs gets on top of Mahoney and locks him in some sort of choke
hold, the referee breaks it up but Briggs is right back on top of him, he starts pulls the
back of Mahoney's mask. **
The Sandman - I can't believe this guy he's trying to unmask Mahoney!
T-Roy - He better keep that mask on nobody wants to see his ugly kisser.
** Mahoney overpower Briggs and rolls to the outside of the ring where he is instantly
met with a light chairshot to the head by Ghostface, Mahoney is unaffected and seems
confused, Ghostface motion to wait a minute and the referee signals for the bell... **
** Briggs is standing i the ring and looks really pissed off... Ghostface just gets a smile on
his face and heads back to the locker rooms. Mahoney follows but Briggs is still standing
is the ring furious! Briggs turns around and punches the referee for making the call, he
shakes his head and heads back down to the locker rooms. **
The Sandman - Welll, that was definetly interesting... Well our next match is between
Ricky Styles and The Self Proclaimed King of the Cruiserweights Master Funk.
Jayson Reign vs. Gnomey
Cruiserweight Title match
MM: Well we've certainly come to a VERY weird match up, and for the
Cruiserweight Title even.
JN: I guess Jayson is quite desperate to have a title around his waist
MM: Yeah really, I mean, he's gonna be rassle'n a Lawn ornament!
JN: Is it just me but does everyone think the damn Gnome is a living
MM: Well Coal does……
JN: Besides Coal!
MM: Um Surge?
{Reign's Music blares and he walks out with Dela Destiny, the Crowd
begin to boo as they walk out, Jayson Reign begins to talk some crap to
some buff dude in the crowd, he then pulls Dela in front of him and
just laughs as she tells the dude to "Suck it" Reign runs and slides
into the ring and the crowd begin to boo louder.}
JN: Well Reign has this match in the bag baby, but does Dela look a bit
MM: Well now that u say, she does look like she's got a small beer gut
{Reign grabs the mic and begins to speak}
Reign: Now I know were surrounded by a bunch of Rednecks that talk to
more than just Lawn Ornaments. I'm talk'n about, PIGS, COWS, U know
dirty animals! Well I'm here tonight to be something that Gnome will
never feel. A CHAMPION! In fact, the Cruiserweight Champion. Apparently
Coal doesn't need it no more since he's the IC/Tag Champ. So
Considering He's SUCH a busy person.
{Dela pulls up her shirt and reviels Gnomey}
Reign: We'll just take care of this business Right NOW!
{Reign Just drops Gnomey on the mat and covers him, the ref counts
1-2-3….SUDDENLY Surge's Music blares and the Crowd are on there feet as
the Pyro explodes and Surge stands in a confident stanze look'n to the
ring. The lights go on again and Reign is looking at Surge who is on
the enterance ramp.}
MM: Look there's something going on in the crowd….
JN: ITS COAL!!!!!!
{Coal slides in and taps Reign on the shoulder and Reign just wipes it
off as Surge begins to speak, And the crowd go nutz}
Surge: Hey Reignbow! Knock Knock!
Reign: ok ok I'll bite! Who's there?
Surge: Happy Pills!
Reign: Happy Pills who?
Surge: Look out Jr. Happy Pills are gonna be shoved down your throat!!!
{Reign gives a gulp and slowly Turns around, Coal gives a huge
clothesline and Reign goes over the top rope and falls in a heap on the
cement. Coal suddenly looks over at Dela who is scrambling outta the
ring. Surge pulls out a green bandanna and the crowd goes nutz as does
Coal as he pulls out a multi colored bandanna. Coal also holds up
Gnomey and the crowd goes crazy}
MM: Reign just went over the top rope and Surge Is holding up a
JN: Coal is putting on a bandanna!!!!! HE GOES OFF THE ROPES, HE JUMPS,
MM: HAPPY PILLS!!!!!! Its happy pills!!! Coal is holding Gnomey up high
and is hugging him…..Surge walks down and pats coal on the head as they
{Surge and Coal raise there arms and the crowd are wild as they
leave…..Reign is being helped up by Dela who is holdin the MWA
cruiserweight title}
MM: Well Jayson may have won the battle but he didn't get far without
an ass kicking!
Ricky Styles vs Master Funk
** Ricky Styles is already in the ring, when #1 by Nelly hits the speakers and the
MWATron starts to flash the words Let's Get Funky! He comes walking down to the ring
and slides under the bottom rope he hops around for a minute and then the bell sounds **
** Styles gives Funk a swift kick to the face. Styles lifts Funk to his feet and gives him a
series of chops. Funk backs up into the corner. Styles grabs Funk and tosses him to the
other corner. Funk bounces off and walks towards Styles. Styles nails Funk in the
stomach and hits a Russian leg sweep. Styles goes for the pin. 1..2..kick out! Styles lifts
Funk to his feet and executes a suplex. **
The Sandman: Nicely executed by Styles! Styles seems to be in total control.
T-Roy: Shut up man!
** Styles slowly lifts Funk to his feet. Funk uppercuts Styles groin and hits a quick DDT.
Funk hops to his feet and runs to the ropes. He jumps on the bottom rope and hits a lion
sault. Funk goes for the pin. 1..2..kick out!! Funk yells at the ref and then gets to his
feet. Funk lifts Styles to his feet and tosses him to the ropes. Funk swings trying to hit a
clothesline, Styles ducks and runs to the other side of the ring. Funk turns around to see
Styles hitting him with a super kick! Styles moves down for another cover. 1..2..kick out
by Funk! Styles gets frustrated and lifts Funk up to his feet. Styles reels back and looks
for a round house kick, Funk grabs Styles’s leg and hits a powerbomb! Both men lie still.
After a moment or two both men start to get to their feet. They begin to trade punches.
Funk get the upper hand and backs Styles up to the ropes. Funk tosses Styles to the
ropes, Funk bends down looking for a back body drop. Styles stops and hits a sweeet
spinning neck breaker! Styles drops down on Briggs. The ref moves down to count.
1..2.No!! Its not over yet! **
** Styles is standing by Funk and when Styles goes to pick him up Funk grabs his ankle
and makes him fall, Funk starts laying the shots into Styles lower back stands over top of
him and just drops down on him. Funk drops an elbow on Styles back as well. Styles is
back on his feet and delievers a perfectly executed dropkick in the back of Funks head
which sends him bouncing off the ropes back to Styles who hits a roll up pin, the referee
slides in to makes the count 1...2.. No Funk kicks out at the last second! Styles stands up
and drops a guillotime legdrop on Funk and then heads up to the top rope. **
**Styles jumps and hits a beautiful elbow drop,Styles makes the cover, the referee counts
1...2...3!! **
** All of a sudden from the back rushes Rage, he slides into the ring he grabs ahold of
Styles and hits him with The Ragged Edge! Styles is laying there limp bodied, Rage just
stands over his fallen foe and poses for the crowd then leaves. **
The Sandman - This night is definetly full of the Pay Per View Tension thats for sure...
T-Roy - Well the match everyone has been waiting for is about to take place Vile and
Surge teaming up to face Blade and Jackhammer... Let's get down to ringside...
Surge & Vile vs Blade & Jackhammer
** Surge's music hits and out from behind the curtains steps Surge and Coal, wearing
their MWA Tag Team Title Belts... They get down to the ring and when they get there
Surge slides in the ring and Coal stands at ringside. Heavy Metal's music plays and from
behind the curtains steps Vile and Hate, they get to the ring, Vile step onto the ring apron
and over the top rope and Hate stands at the side of the ring. C.O.D. music plays and out
comes Jackhammer and Chaos, Jackhammer gets into the ring and Chaos stands on a
third side of the ring. Last to come out is Blade with RC Extreme at his side, Blade slides
into the ring as Extreme gives Hate a death stare. **
The Sandman - Whoa if looks could kill eh Jones...
T-Roy - You'd be a serial killer! HA! I crack myself up!
** Surge will be starting the match off against Blade of XTC, Surge grabs ahold of Blade
and send him into the ropes, Surge bounce off the other ropes and connects with a
springboard elbow to the face of Blade.
The Sandman - Well this next match is sure to be a brawl, none of these men like each
other and all will be against each other come Rise to Glory...
T-Roy - Well my moneys still on Vile and Surge to come away from this one with a win...
** Jackhammer's music plays and out from the back comes Jackhammer and Chaos, they
make it down to the ring and wait on the outside of the ring. Next XTC music plays and
out from behind the curtains steps Blade and RC Extreme, they get down to the ringside
area and they wait on another sidde of the ring. Next Heavy Metal's music can be heard
blarring through the arena and when they make their way down the aisle the arena is full
of a mixture of boos and cheers. **
The Sandman - The MWA fans just don't know what to think about Heavy Metal, they
are a team that you love to hate...
** After Heavy Metal gets into the ring, Surge's music blares and out comes Surge
wearing his Tag Team Title and Coal carrying his IC and Tag Team Title over each
shoulder, they get down to the ring and when they get there the referee signals that all
wrestlers not participating in this match have to go back to their locker rooms, and the
four other men are pissed! They all leave one after another and once the ringside area is
empty Vile and Surge go to one side of the ring and Jackhammer and Blade go to the
other... Surge and Vile start talking and then Surge gets in the ring first... On the other
side Jackhammer has decided to start the match off first, Vile and Blade go on the ring
apron and the bell sounds to start the match. **
** Surge starts the match by ducking the tie up attempt by Jackhammer and catching him
with a boot to the gut, then he quickly grips ahold of him and starts spinning around him
and eventually drops him with a drop toe hold. He goes to grabs hsi legs for The Surge
but Jackhammer crawls over to the bottom rope so Surge couldn't apply the hold.
Jackhammer gets up and signals for Surge to go for a test of strength... Surge looks a little
worried, but eventually locks up and Jackhammer immediately gets the upperhand on
Surge, he gets Surge down to one knee then kicks him in the gut so he will topple over,
then he follows it up with a couple punches to the back of his head. Surge makes his way
over to make the tag to Vile, when he does Blade tries to enter the ring and the referee
goes and stops him, Surge tags in Vile and Vile charges in full force and knocks down
Jackhammer with a massive clothesline but the referee is telling Vile to get back to his
spot because he didn't see any tag. Vile puts up and fight and Blade jumps in and he and
Jackhammer hit Surge with a double suplex, then Blade hops back onto the ring apron
and Jackhammer makes the tag which the referee sees. Blade hops up to the second rope
and hits Surge with a guillotine leg drop, he goes and makes the cover 1...2.. No Vile
breaks up the count! Vile goes back to the apron and awaits a tag, Blade picks up Surge
and whips him against the ropes, Vile tags himself in as Surge bounce past, Blade leap
frogs Surge on the way back and catches him with a drop kick on the other side, he turns
around to be nailed in the face with a huge boot to the face by Vile. Surge rolls out of the
ring and goes to his respective corner. Vile grabs ahold of Jackhammer on the apron and
brings him into the ring the hard way! Blade runs at Vile but Vile almost effortlessly
picks up Blade and thorws him out of the ring!! **
** Vile looks over at Surge and makes some sort of signal to him, Vile grabs ahold of
Jackhammer and walks towards the ropes he picks him up for a powerbomb and on the
way down Surge leaps from the corner and catches Jackhammers head for a reverse DDT!
Blade slides back in the ring and attempts a clothesline on Vile Vile dodges it and Surge
connects with a hip toss on Blade. Blade and Jackhammer both roll to the outside to
regroup and as they are standing their Surge taps Viles should and nods, he runs to one
side of the ring and on his way back Vile launches him over the top rope at Jackhammer
and Blade, all three men are down... Vile gets that familar evil grin on his face and he
climbs to the top rope. HEAVY HANGOVER ON BLADE!!!!!! From inside the ring to
the arena floor!!! RC Extrme comes running to ringside and he leaps on Vile knocking
him over and connecting with a series of punches to his head! The referee calls for the
bell! Hate, Coal and Chaos are all know at ringside as well... Coal is battling it out with
Jackhammer, Hate grabs ahold of Blade, Chaos has Surge, and Vile and Extreme are still
scrapping! **
The Sandman - My god these men just couldn't wait a few more days!!
** Vile just throws Extreme head first into the guard rail and when he goes to stand up
Vile botts him in the face sending him flying over the guard rail into the crowd! Chaos
goes for the Fameasser on Surge but Surge moves and locks Chaos in THE SURGE!!!!
Vile and Hate grabs ahold of Blade and whip him into the ring, Vile climbs one
turnbuckle and hate punches onto the other.... DOUBLE HEAVY HANGOVER!! Coal is
perches on the ring apron and Jackhammer has a hold of him... No! Coal has a hold of
him.... COAL DUST!!! Jackhammer and Chaos both retreat up the rampway, and Blade
and RC Extreme retreat through the crowd... Surge and Coal are both standing on the
outside of the ring and Heavy Metal standing in the ring... Heavy Metal is signalling for
them to come in... Coal slides in and Hate and Vile start to stomp on him, Surge goes
over and pulls Coal out of the ring... Coal and Surge walk away as Heavy Metal is left
standing alone in the ring... **
The Sandman - If this is a shade of things to come we could be looking at the next MWA
Tag Team Champions right now Jones...
T-Roy - All I know is my money is one Heavy Metal at Rise to Glory those are the two
craziest motherf*ckers in the business and they proved tonight that they still have what it
takes to go... Wait A Minute!! What the F*ck!!!
** Brett Daniels and Vince Matthews sneak in from behind Heavy Metal, Vile and Hate
have no idea whats going on Daniels spins around Vile and hits him with The Dirty
Deed! Matthews spins around Hate and hits him with The Vinicator!! They start to lay
punches to the back of their head, all of a should from the rampway you see Creeper
sprint out to the ring, he gets to the ring and clotheslines Daniels out of the ring, he turns
to go after Matthews but Matthews slides out of the ring... The camera fades to black as
Creepers music plays and he helps Vile and hate to their feet... **