Uranium traces found in Southern California, U

Uranium traces found in Southern California, U.S.A. children
Uranium may not be found in significant amounts in your own local water supply, but with the world shrinking
foodstuffs grown in places thousands of miles away may have been watered by water from an aquifer which was
contaminated by a lethal cocktail of uranium and other toxic metals. Animals for slaughter might have imbibed
water which was contaminated. Hence one needs to be fairly suspicious of everything which you ingest.
Typically, if the uranium is from contamination by coal fire power plants there will be cocktail of other lethal
metals found in the children, such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, etc. not just uranium.
Checking for the daughters of uranium, like Radon emissions in and around your home and where the children
spend a lot of time, would be wise.
There are no easy ways to alleviate the body of its uranium burden – with a half-life of 4.47 billion years the
consequences of a toxic environment are beyond imaginable. However, here are some pointers which you may
wish to discuss with your Defeat Autism Now! Practitioner:
1. Uranium injures the kidneys, so levels of other toxic metals are often under-recorded, because the challenge
testing isn’t reliable. Doing a kidney function test BEFORE doing a urinary chelation challenge test is crucial to
establish kidney function.
2. High dosage (IV) Vitamin C – upwards of 25 grams preceding the chelation challenge would be wise too – if
you can’t get anyone to do IV-Vit C for your children, then contact LivOn Labs for liposomal encapsulated Vitamin
C and give at least 5 – 7 sachets daily during detoxification.
3. This lab also has liposomal encapsulated GSH (Glutathione) which I highly recommend – about 4 sachets per
day. This is not easy to get into kids, but I have found that if one pours a glass of tonic water and drips the
liposomal encapsulated compounds into the water carefully, they float on top and one can swallow them down
without much of the taste affecting you. Tonic water has certain benefits so is a good way of getting the
substances down.
4. Always combine with high dosage, good quality B-Complex – such as Kirkman’s B-Complex PRO Support – 4
capsules per day for liver, kidney and adrenal support.
Magnesium Chloride and Iodine. “Magnesium chloride (or sulfate) is used commonly in emergency
rooms and even ambulances to save heart attack sufferers as well as stroke victims.
6. Iodine - protect sour thyroids and maintains normal mitochondrial function. With increasing radiation levels
and fluoride threatening our thyroids and the fact that iodine also helps eliminate heavy metals like mercury and
lead, it has become extremely important. Lugol’s solution protects against radiation and one should use this
compound daily in a small amount of apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach.
Sodium thiosulfate and Sodium bicarbonate. “Sodium thiosulfate is a natural substance found in hot
water springs. It is one of the secret ingredients that gives hot springs their healing power. Sodium thiosulfate not
only removes heavy toxic metals from the body, but also, with the help of magnesium, will cause children with
autism to sleep restfully. Sodium thiosulphate offers protection against nephrocalcinosis
and renal failure. Sodium thiosulfate is emerging as a treatment for calciphylaxis. It is capable of donating its two
unpaired electrons, is a scavenger of reactive oxygen - nitrogen species, and may generate glutathione.
8. Sodium bicarbonate. “Sodium bicarbonate injection is indicated in the treatment of metabolic acidosis
which may occur in severe renal disease, diabetes, circulatory insufficiency due to shock or severe dehydration,
extracorporeal circulation of blood, cardiac arrest and severe primary lactic acidosis. Sodium bicarbonate is further
indicated in the treatment of certain drug intoxications, including barbiturates. “The kidneys are usually the first
organs to show chemical damage upon uranium exposure, military manuals suggest doses or infusions of sodium
bicarbonate to help alkalinize the urine if uranium exposure occurs. This makes the uranyl ion less kidney-toxic and
promotes excretion of the nontoxic uranium carbonate complex. “Neither of these treatments mentioned above
offers a complete treatment but they do offer almost instant respites from life threatening illness. A second chance
is gained to correct causes in ways that are preventive of relapses.
9. Iodine and magnesium though are substances that address causal factors.
10. “Selenium is also important when taking up iodine levels. A central pillar in the any uranium (toxic metal)
detoxification protocol is Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA). ALA and magnesium, are crucial substances for the
treatment of diabetes. Together they are the ideal protocol for treating diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy, and other
diabetic complications. ALA has the ability to salvage and recycle other antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin
E, and glutathione. - ALA is a rate-limiting coenzyme for ATP production via the Krebs cycle and sensitizes cells
to insulin.
11. “A full protocol has to include substances that increase glutathione levels inside the cells, agents that revive
mitochondrial function, while at the same time chelating heavy metals and detoxifying toxic chemicals from both
sides of the blood brain barrier. The central all in one formula that covers most of this territory is a formulation that
contains selenium, magnesium,
13. Spirulina, a second generation probiotics designed especially to reproduce rapidly, and calcium bentonite
taken orally. “In Chernobyl, for instance, spirulina was used to help save many children from
radiation poisoning. By taking 5 grams of spirulina a day for 45 days, the Institute of Radiation Medicine in Minsk
proved that children on this protocol experienced enhanced immune systems, T-cell counts
and reduced radioactivity.
14. “Pure water is also a basic element in a proper anti-radiation and detoxification protocol. Exceptionally pure
water itself has a strong pulling power on the impurities in the body the problem is how to purify and then how to
treat the water before drinking. Distilled and Reverse Osmosis water is thought not safe by many health care
practitioners because they lack bicarbonates and minerals which leads to the formation of acid in the body. Part of
the reason our bodies become acidic is the body lacks enough bicarbonate necessary to neutralize the acid. This
problem is easily corrected in our protocol for the sodium bicarbonate and thiosulfate is added to the water. Full
hydration with pure water provides the very foundation of successful medical treatment.
15. “Dr. Tatsuchiro Akizuki, the head internist at St. Francis Hospital in Nagasaki, Japan says that when the atomic
blast hit his city in August, 1945, he protected his patients and staff by feeding them a strict diet of miso soup, sea
vegetables, brown rice and Hokkaido pumpkin. No one there succumbed to radiation sickness even though other
hospitals much further from the blast suffered severe fatalities.”
This introduction is meant to serve as an impetus for deeper investigation. In Australia, Eric
Davis is considered one of the world’s leading experts in mercury detoxification. His protocol
stresses deep nourishment while detoxification takes place. Courtesy of
Some of his dietary recommendations are:
16. Diet high in quality (grass-fed) animal fat to assist the body in transporting heavy metals from the blood.
17. Do not fast in any way
18. Avocado eaten daily as well as lamb and veal which have large amounts of glutathione
19. Heal the Gut with gelatin rich bone broths, high animal fat and protein diet and rebuild the mucousal
membrane with his mucous membrane rebuilder recipe. Replace bowel bacteria. Lactobacilis Bacteria has
been known to swallow up mercury in the bowel and transport it from the body. Mercury is also known to
interfere with replication of bowel bacteria.
20. Supplementation and chelation designed specifically for each body
21. Finally, don’t underestimate the role magnesium sulfate baths can play in assisting the body in detoxifying.
120 Sixth Ave, Georginia, Roodepoort, Gauteng, South Africa
Suite 575, Postnet Town Square, Private Bag X09, Weltevreden Park, 1715
Tel. +27-11-760-2951
Fax. As above
E-mail: carinsmit@eircom.net