HKCEE CIT (Mod D) Web Design Web Design (9) Learning CSS Soft copies of this handout and related demo web pages can be found at: What is CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)? 1. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a simple mechanism for adding style(s) to web documents. Styles define how to display HTML elements. Examples include (but not limited to): a) Setting the text color and background color of the whole page or some elements. b) Setting fixed background image that does not scroll with the page. c) Changing font size, font family, font color, character spacing, text alignment, etc. d) Adding font styles (e.g. bold, italic, underline, etc) to text. e) Adding border to different elements. f) Setting width, height, margins and padding of block elements. g) Changing the opacity of different elements. Ref: 2. There are three methods to add style to a web document: a) Inline: adding a style attribute. Example: <p style="text-align: center; font-size: 16px" /> ... </p> (Center this paragraph, and set the font size in this paragraph is to be 16px) Note: i. This method is not recommended, as it is difficult to maintain the styles. ii. Every element has its own style attribute, and we must look into the HTML codes to update styles of all elements. iii. It is only a quick way to add a few styles to a specific element. b) Embedding a style sheet by inserting a style element in head element. Example: <style type="text/css"> body { background: #ffffcc; font-family: Arial } p { text-align: center; font-size: 16px } </style> (Set a pale yellow background color; Use the Arial font; Center ALL paragraphs, etc.) Note: i. It provides the flexibility of adding the same set of styles to more than one elements ii. It is suitable for adding styles to a single web page. iii. Every web page has its own embedded style sheet. If there are several web pages, each HTML document must be modified when some styles are to be updated. Supplementary Notes – Web Design (9) P.1/6 HKCEE CIT (Mod D) c) Web Design Linking an external style sheet by using a link element in head element. Example: <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" media="all" /> Refer to Web Design (7) for more details of the syntax. Ref: Note: i. It is suitable for adding styles to a group of web pages. ii. Since the styles are stored in an external file, the file size of the HTML file can be reduced. The download time is reduced for downloading multiple web pages with the same CSS file. iii. It is easy to maintain the styles, as they are stored in a single file. iv. It is easy to keep the design (including color scheme and layout) consistent across all the web pages in the same web site. 3. CSS Syntax: a) A style sheet contains a list of rules; b) Each rule-set consists of one or more selectors and a declaration block; c) Declaration block, enclosed by curly braces { }, contains one or more declarations. d) Each declaration consists of a style property with its values, separated by colon (:); e) Declarations are separated by semi-colons (;). Ref: Example: Colon between property and value Separated by semi-colon body { background: #ffffcc; font-family: Arial } Selector Property Value Another property and value Why CSS? 4. What are the advantages of using CSS? a) CSS provides more formatting features than HTML. b) It is more flexible to set styles for a group of elements at a time. c) It is easier to maintain because we can apply one style sheet to several web pages. d) We can separate the content (in HTML) from its presentation (by using CSS) e) See the demonstrations at CSS Zen Garden: 5. Semantic HTML is a way of writing HTML to reinforce the meaning of information rather than to define its presentation. In an HTML file, we focus on the information and its structure (headings, sections, etc.), and the presentation is left to CSS to handle. It is not recommended to use presentation markup tags (e.g. b) but to use semantic markup tags (e.g. strong). Ref: Supplementary Notes – Web Design (9) P.2/6 HKCEE CIT (Mod D) Web Design How to Write CSS 6. Different CSS Selectors: a) Element body { background: #ffffcc; font-family: Arial } h3 { color: #0c2; border-bottom: 1px dashed #0c2 } b) Class .warning { color: red; font-weight: bold } To define the class of an element, add a class attribute. Different elements can have the same class value. <span class="warning"> ... </span> c) Identifier (ID) #copyright { font-size: 80%; text-align: center; border-top: 1px #00f solid } It is easier to read it we write in multiple lines. To define the ID of an element, add an id attribute. No two elements can have the same id value. <div id="copyright"> ... </div> d) Combinations of the above: Selector div#A span.X div#B .Y .X , .Y , .Z div.X img a:hover div.Z a:hover Matching a div element of ID “A” a span element of class “X” Any element of class “Y” inside a div element of ID “B” Any element of class “X”, “Y” or “Z” Any img element inside a div element of class “X” Any a element when mouse is over it Any a element when mouse- over inside a div element of class “Z” Ref: 7. Common CSS Units: a) Measurement: i. %: percentage ii. em: current font size iii. px: pixel b) Color: i. #rrggbb: HTML color code (short form: #rgb) ii. rgb(x, x, x): RGB value with x ranges from 0 to 255 iii. rgb(x%, x%, x%): RGB value with x ranges from 0 to 100 Ref: Supplementary Notes – Web Design (9) P.3/6 HKCEE CIT (Mod D) Web Design CSS properties 8. Background: Property background-color background-image background-repeat background-attachment background-position background Values Color code or Color name none or url('path') repeat or repeat-x or repeat-y or no-repeat fixed or scroll top or center or bottom left or center or right x% or y% xpos or ypos Specifying all the above properties in one declaracion Ref: Example: Setting background color of a web page body { background-color: #fff; background-image: url(flower.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: top right } The above lines can be combined to: body { background: #fff url(flower.jpg) no-repeat fixed top right } 9. Text formatting (color, alignment and other styles): Property color text-align text-decoration text-indent text-transform font-style font-weight font-size font-family font Values Color code or Color name left or center or right or justify none or underline or overline or line-through Length (in px, em, etc.) or Percentage (for first line only) none or capitalize or uppercase or lowercase normal or italic normal or bold Length (in px, em, etc.) or Percentage or xx-small to xx-large Font family name (e.g. Arial, Serif, Sans-serif, etc.) Specify the above font properties in one declaracion (at least size and family) Ref: Examples: body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif } h1 { text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase } h2 { text-decoration: underline; text-transform: capitalize } p { text-align: justify; text-indent: 3em } p.test { font: italic 20px Arial } p#copyright { text-align: center; font-size: 80%; font-weight: bold } Supplementary Notes – Web Design (9) P.4/6 HKCEE CIT (Mod D) Web Design 10. List (for UL or OL): Property Values list-style-type For UL: disc or circle or square; For OL: decimal or lower-roman or upper-roman or list-style-position list-style-image list-style lower-alpha or upper-alpha inside or outside none or url('path') Specify the above list properties in one declaracion Ref: Examples: ul { list-style-type: square } ul ul { list-style-type: circle } 11. Border / Margin / Padding / Width / Height: a) If not set, border is zero. b) Margin is the space outside the border. c) Padding is the space between the border and the content. d) Each element has its own default margin and padding. CSS Box Model Property border-width border-style border-color border margin padding width height Values Length (in px, em, etc.) or thin or medium or thick none or dotted or dashed or solid or double or grove or ridge or inset or outset Color code or Color name Specify the above border properties in one declaracion Length (in px, em, etc.) or Percentage or auto Length (in px, em, etc.) or Percentage Length (in px, em, etc.) or Percentage Length (in px, em, etc.) or Percentage Note: margin and padding can have one to four values, for top, right, bottom and left respectively. Each of border, margin, padding can be added “-top”, “-right”, “-bottom” and “-left”. Ref: Examples: p#copyright { border-top: 1px solid blue } h1 { border-bottom: 2px dotted #f00 } img { margin: 5px 10px } img { padding: 1px 2px 3px 4px; } Description: The paragraph element (p) with ID “copyright” has a blue solid top border of 1px width. The heading 1 element (h1) has a red dotted bottom border of 2px width. All image (img) have 5px-thick top and bottom margins, 10px-thick left and right margins. All div elements have padding of: top=1px, right=2px, bottom=3px and left=4px. Supplementary Notes – Web Design (9) P.5/6 HKCEE CIT (Mod D) Web Design Special Notes 12. An element can have more than one class: <div class="A B C"> ... </div> 13. CSS pseudo-classes are used to add special effects to some selectors: a) Anchor pseudo-classes (for hyperlinks): a:link { color: blue } /* Unvisited Link */ a:visited { color: green } /* Visited Link */ a:hover { backgrond: yellow} /* Mouse over Link */ a:active { color: red } /* Selected Link */ b) The “:hover” pseudo-class can also be applied to other elements, such as div. c) However, IE does not support it. div.test { opacity: 0.5 } /* Semi-transparent */ div.test:hover { opacity: 1.0 } /* Opaque when mouse over */ The “:first-child” denotes and element which is the first child of the parent element. Note: for IE to support it, DOCTYPE must be declared. div.main p:first-child { background: #ffcccc } The above matches the first p in the following HTML code: <div class="main"> <p> ... </p> <p> ... </p> </span> Ref: Browsers Compatibility Issue 14. Some browsers may not follow the CSS standard to render web pages. For example, IE includes padding and border in the width and height. To fix it, declare DOCTYPE. Ref: 15. ie7-js is a JavaScript library to make MS Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many HTML and CSS issues. <!--[if lte IE 8]> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <![endif]--> Ref: Useful Links CSS Tutorial at W3C School CSS Reference at W3C School CSS 2.1 Specfication Next Topic: Opacity, Display property, Overflow Control, Styling Table, etc. Supplementary Notes – Web Design (9) P.6/6