Scottish MPA Project Scottish MPA Selection Guidelines - Stage 5 assessment Northern feather star aggregations on mixed substrata Document version control Version Date Author Reason / Comments Version 1 28/05/2012 Katie Gillham Draft structure Version 2 31/05/2012 Ben James Map addition and assessment Version 3 24/06/2012 Katie Gillham Revised map and final edits Distribution list Format Version Issue date Issued to Electronic 2 31/05/2012 Michael McLeod, Sebastian Howell, Pete Chaniotis Electronic 3 24/06/2012 Michael McLeod, Sebastian Howell, Pete Chaniotis 1 Stage 5 assessment - Northern feather star aggregations on mixed substrata Introduction Northern feather star aggregations on mixed substrata have been confirmed within OSPAR Region III. The species has a wider distribution with sparse records from OSPAR Regions II and V and to the west of the Outer Hebrides within OSPAR Region III but with no confirmed aggregations. Examples of northern feather star aggregations are currently being considered for inclusion within 3 potential areas for MPAs. These are shown in Figure 1. Development of potential areas for MPAs Northern feather star aggregations on mixed substrata were first highlighted as a discrete feature in Loch Sunart in 2001 through an SNH commissioned study to map seabed habitats within the Special Area of Conservation. Whilst the terminology was new, the earliest record of the feature was also from Loch Sunart in 1989, with a small number of additional records subsequently collected through Marine Nature Conservation Review surveys in the 1990s within Loch Linnhe, Loch Laxford and Loch Broom. Targeted sampling in the Mingulay area by Marine Scotland Science in 2010 recorded extensive aggregations of the species on mixed muddy substrates and subsequent Marine Scotland funded surveys later in 2010 and in 2011 have recorded similar aggregations in Loch Broom and Little Loch Broom, off the mouth of Loch Gairloch, around the Small Isles and in the Little Minch. The important contribution that sea lochs could make to the protection of northern feather star aggregations on mixed substrata was recognised within a position paper presented to the 4th national MPA stakeholder workshop in March 2012. The paper also highlighted the known wider distribution of the feature. The Small Isles Community Council submitted a third-party MPA proposal for the Sound of Canna. The proposal is for a range of seabed habitats and species including northern feather star aggregations. Some, but not all, of the northern feather star aggregations are included within the third-party proposal boundary. The Marine Conservation Society’s third-party proposal for Loch Sunart does not encompass the northern feather star aggregations present there. 2 Figure 1 Map showing potential areas for MPAs being considered for northern feather star aggregations on mixed substrata 3 Stage 5 assessment Table 1 below sets out the assessment of northern feather star aggregations on mixed substrata within potential areas for MPAs and the contribution they might make to the network. Table 1 Summary of contribution of potential areas for MPAs for northern feather star aggregations to the Scottish MPA network OSPAR Potential Region area for an MPA / search location Representation Replication Linkages Geographic range and variation Resilience Equal ecological value III North-west sea lochs and Summer Isles Small but good example of the feature. NYA Extends coverage of geographic range to the north. Feature associated with the sill(s) in the sea lochs. III Small Isles Good example of the feature. Replication can be achieved within OSPAR Region III but not between different regions because of the restricted distribution of aggregations of the species. NYA Middle of geographic range in Scotland. Open coast examples of the feature which is distributed around a coastal island grouping. Additional replication within OSPAR Region III is proposed to address lack of replication between OSPAR Regions and the sensitivity of the feature within Scotland’s seas. III Loch Sunart Good example of the feature. NYA Extends coverage of geographic range to the south. Feature situated within the sea loch. Potentially the North-west sea lochs and Summer Isles and Loch Sunart may be considered to be of equal ecological value for northern feather star aggregations. However, these potential areas for an MPA extend the coverage of geographic range to the north and south. Neither are considered to be of equal ecological value to the Small Isles. NYA - Not yet assessed - pending results of MS connectivity modelling work. 4 In summary: Representation: Potential areas for MPAs for northern feather star aggregations on mixed substrata have been identified in OSPAR Region III where all Scottish records for aggregations of this species are located. Replication: Northern feather star aggregations on mixed substrata are included within more than one potential area for an MPA but these are all within OSPAR Region III i.e. there is no replication between regions. It is not possible to achieve replication between regions because aggregations of this species are only recorded in OSPAR Region III. Therefore this part of the guideline is considered to be met. Linkages: ? Not yet assessed - pending results of MSS work on connectivity. Geographic range and variation: The potential areas for northern feather star aggregations on mixed substrata reflect the known geographic range of the feature with the records in the North-west sea lochs and Loch Sunart extending the geographic coverage to the north and south respectively. There is no known ecological variation between different flame shell beds in Scotland but the recommended potential areas reflect the variation in environments within which the feature occurs (e.g. within sea lochs and on the open coast). Resilience: A greater proportion of northern feather star aggregations on mixed substrata should be included within the MPA network because i) it is not possible to achieve replication between different OSPAR Regions, and ii) because of the sensitivity of the feature within Scotland’s seas. It is therefore recommended that northern feather star aggregations on mixed substrata are proposed as a protected feature within all three of the potential areas for MPAs currently being assessed within OSPAR Region III. Equal ecological value: Each of the potential areas for an MPA could make a distinct contribution towards the MPA network. There are unknowns regarding the relative qualities of the examples of the feature and it is possible that the examples in a sea loch setting could be of equal ecological value in terms of assessment against the Stage 5 guideline. Conclusions & recommendations It is recommended that the following 3 potential areas for MPAs including northern feather star aggregations should be included within the Scottish MPA network: North-west sea lochs and Summer Isles Small Isles Loch Sunart 5