NMHU Academic Integrity Policy

HPS 402 Syllabus Fall 2012
Department of Exercise & Sport Sciences
HPS 402- Motor Learning
Fall 2012 PE RM 113
Instructor: Dr. Joe G. Schmalfeldt.
E-mail address: jschmal@nmhu.edu
Office: PE 235
Phone: 454-3032
Class Location: PE 113
Office Hours: MW 1-3PM, W 5-6PM
TR 8:30 – 9:30AM
Catalog Description: Information will be presented on motor learning with an emphasis on
the learning process, the individual learner, and the task and instructional procedures that
may be employed by those working in a movement setting of any kind.
Text: Coker, C (2009). Motor Learning & Control for Practicioners. (2006). Holcomb
Hathaway Inc
All Course Information can be obtained at Dr. Joe’s website: www.jschmal.com/nmhu
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
NOTE: “In accordance with federal law, it is university policy to comply with the Americans
With Disabilities Act (ADA). If you believe that you have a physical, learning, or
psychological disability that requires an academic accommodation, contact the Coordinator of
Disability Services by phone at (505) 454-3188 or 454-3252, via e-mail at
desquibel@nmhu.edu, or visit Room 108 of the Felix Martinez building on the Las Vegas
campus. If you need the document upon which this notice appears in an alternative format,
you may also contact the Coordinator of Disability Service.” David Esquibel Student
Advisor/Coordinator of Testing and Disability Services
Academic Honesty/Dishonesty – NMHU Academic Integrity Policy
Because academic dishonesty in any form compromises the University's reputation and thus
devalues the NMHU degree, it simply will not be tolerated. Consequently, students caught
cheating, plagiarizing, or doing anything which involves trying to pass off someone else’s
intellectual work as their own will be subject to disciplinary action. Depending upon the
severity of the infraction, repercussions may include, but are not limited to: (1) a failing grade
on the project in question; (2) dismissal from the class; (3) a failing grade in the class; (4)
suspension or expulsion.
NMHU Four Learning Traits:
Mastery of content knowledge and skills
Effective communication skills
Critical and reflective thinking skills
Effective use of technology
HPS 402 Syllabus Fall 2012
Objectives: At the conclusion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate understanding of the stages of motor development. (Traits 1&3)
2. Demonstrate understanding of the stages of growth and development. (Traits 1,2&3)
3. Ability to apply understanding of motor development & learning and growth and
development principles their implications to movement activity programs. (Traits 3&4)
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
Below 60% = F
Class participation
All Course Information can be obtained at Dr. Joe’s website: www.jschmal.com/nmhu
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
NOTE: “In accordance with federal law, it is university policy to comply with the Americans
With Disabilities Act (ADA). If you believe that you have a physical, learning, or
psychological disability that requires an academic accommodation, contact the Coordinator of
Disability Services by phone at (505) 454-3188 or 454-3252, via e-mail at
desquibel@nmhu.edu, or visit Room 108 of the Felix Martinez building on the Las Vegas
campus. If you need the document upon which this notice appears in an alternative format,
you may also contact the Coordinator of Disability Service.” David Esquibel Student
Advisor/Coordinator of Testing and Disability Services
Academic Honesty/Dishonesty – NMHU Academic Integrity Policy
Because academic dishonesty in any form compromises the University's reputation and thus
devalues the NMHU degree, it simply will not be tolerated. Consequently, students caught
cheating, plagiarizing, or doing anything which involves trying to pass off someone else’s
intellectual work as their own will be subject to disciplinary action. Depending upon the
severity of the infraction, repercussions may include, but are not limited to: (1) a failing grade
on the project in question; (2) dismissal from the class; (3) a failing grade in the class; (4)
suspension or expulsion.
Electronic Devices in the Classroom
Computers may be used to support the learning activities in the classroom. These include such
activities as taking notes and accessing course readings under discussion. However, non
academic use of laptops and other devices are distracting and seriously disrupt the learning
process for everyone. Neither computers nor other electronic devices are to be used in the
classroom for non academic reasons. This includes emailing, texting, social networking and
use of the internet. The use of cell phones during class time is prohibited and should be set on
silent before class begins. In the case of an emergency, please step out of the room to take the
HPS 402 Syllabus Fall 2012
call. Failure to meet these expectations may result in a loss of participation points or to be
asked to leave class.