Lead Deadwood School District Art Department Course Title: DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY SD DOE Common Course Number: 05175 Course Description SEMESTER (½ CR) / 9-12 Gr. This class will begin with the basics of learning how to use a digital camera and progress to manipulating photographs through Adobe Photoshop CS. Advanced digital photography will focus on a higher degree of difficulty and expectations, while giving the student more freedom in choosing specific projects. Teacher Introduction: Oliver Burgoyne Teacher Contact Information: Email: oliver.burgoyne@k12.sd.us & Classroom Phone Extension: 2133 State Content Standards Alignment: Insert year aligned: NA Course Concepts and Standards and Direction: Content Standards to be covered 18 Week Outline Standards Delivered/Assessed: Concepts Covered: STANDARD ONE: Understanding: Shutter Speed, ISO, Apertures, Compostion and Exposure Students will understand and use visual arts as means for creative selfexpression and interpersonal communication. STANDARD TWO: Students will understand the media, techniques and processes used in the production of visual arts. STANDARD THREE: Students will understand the relationship between visual arts and history, culture, and society. STANDARD FOUR: Students will demonstrate a capacity for critical and sensitive response to various visual arts experiences. Projects: Pattern Reflections Leading Lines Motion/Movement Angles (birds eye and worms eye view) Portraits In this course students will learning the basics of photography, real world applications, and photo editing during this semester long class. A new photo assignment will be introduced at the begining of each course followed by a critique. Textures Scavenger Hunt Framed Images Nature Color Capturing Light During the second half of the semester students will be introduced to photograph editing/illstration using Adobe PhotoShop. The computer software program Adobe PhotoShop is the industry standard for advertisers, graphic artists, illustrators and professional photographers. Many of the lessons I teach are practiced by various visual artists based on real-world experiences. PhotoShop and other Photography inspired Assignments: Photoshop Basics (colorize photographs, alter/distort, filters,creating brushes, etc) School Inspired Posters Package Design Photo Resortation Assessment Types: Example: May include the following: Announced quizzes, surprise quizzes, tests, art work critiques (oral and written) and projects. On a daily basis, students should prepare as if they expect a surprise quiz over either the material just covered or the next lesson before it is covered in class. Students are expected to participate and work constantly. Grading Scale and Policy: Points shall be awarded for homework, cooperative leaning (group work), quizzes, tests, exams, and participation. Letter grades will be used for reporting to parents/guardians for each marking period. Letter grades and GPA will be based on the Lead Deadwood School District policy. The following grading scale will be used by all departments and all instructors and will determine grade point average (GPA), class rank, and honor graduate status. The LDSD grading scale is as follows: 100 95-99 93-94 A+ A 4.33 4.00 A- 3.66 91-92 88-90 86-87 B+ B B- 3.33 3.00 2.66 4.17-4.33 3.83-4.16 3.50-3.87 3.17-3.49 2.83-3.16 2.50-2.82 84-85 80-83 78-79 76-77 72-75 70-71 69< C+ C CD+ D DF 2.33 2.00 1.66 1.33 1.00 0.66 0.00 2.17-2.49 1.83-2.16 1.50-1.82 1.17-1.49 0.83-1.16 0.50-0.82 0.00 Grading Based on the Following: Creativity and Originality: Effort and Participation: Craftsmanship: Attention to the Details of the Assignment: Grading Rubric “A” quality work, Displays the following: 1. Creativity and Originality: Student displayed originality and creativity by trying unusual combinations of ideas. Demonstrated problem solving skills and was open to suggestions and experimenting. 2. Effort and Participation: Student continued the project until it was completed working hard and executing the assignment with pride. The student was pleasant and demonstrated a yearning to learn and improve. Shows ability to go above and beyond. 3. Craftsmanship: The student created an aesthetically pleasing image that shows a high level of finish. The student was attentive toward minor details and used the techniques that were demonstrated successfully. 4. Attention to the Details of the Assignment: Student was careful and successful including all dimensions of the assignment, following directions, and implementing techniques. “B” quality work, Above Average work, Very good Student Work. Displays the following: 1. Creativity and Originality: Used Inspiration, but was able to make the image their own. Very original work. 2. Effort and Participation: Student worked hard to complete the project and projected a positive attitude and tone. 3. Craftsmanship: The student demonstrated finish and implementation of demonstrated techniques. 4. Attention to the Details of the Assignment: The student’s image included all aspects of the assignment and directions. “C” quality work Meets Requirements, but lacks polish, just ‘did’ the assignment and displays the following: 1.Creativity and Originality: The student’s work demonstrates a capacity to be original and creative. Work shows room for continued improvement. 2. Effort and Participation: Student completed the project while following the rules by meeting the minimum requirements of the assignment. 3. Craftsmanship: The student’s craftsmanship is average. It is adequate, but lacking finish, technique, and attention to detail. 4. Attention to the Details of the Assignment: The student’s image included aspects of the assignment and directions. “D” and “F” Below Average Work, Needs major improvements. Student did not stay on task and was distracting toward the learning process. The student’s work was finished with little effort. Student did not follow directions. Art Course Grading Scale 50 Percent Projects 30 Percent Effort and Participation 10 Percent Quizzes 10 Percent Final: Project plus Test Classroom Expectations Be Respectful: Every student has the right to a safe and secure classroom; you do not have the right to impede or jeopardize that in any way. Be respectful of yourself, your environment, your fellow classmates, and your teacher. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Be Responsible: The Oxford Dictionary defines responsible in this way: “Liable to be called into account. 2 morally accountable for one’s action, capable of rational conduct.” Act rationally; choose wisely. Recognize your own role in building a fun and productive community of learners. Understand there will be consequences, both good and bad, for your actions. Be Safe: Think about where you are and whom you are with. We must guarantee against harm or injury to another. Think. Ask yourself is it worth it? Would I want this done to me? I will not tolerate, nor should you, any behavior that takes away from the safety of this classroom, nor will the school. Be Cooperative: Time and again you will be asked to do something that you may not like or think is worthless. Be mature; work through it. You may find that “getting there” is half the fun. Our world demands that you work well with others. Think—choose wisely. Be A Worker: Do your job! Challenge yourself to be productive. You are here; use your time wisely. Be Peaceful: Here again, The Oxford Dictionary defines peace as: “Freedom from disorder. 2a quiet; tranquility, b serenity. 3 a mental calm.” Simply put, be kind to each other—exercise self-control. Incompletes All grades reported as incomplete must be removed within two weeks following the end of a grading period unless special permission for an extension is granted by the building administration. An incomplete will be recorded as an “F” if it is not removed within two weeks. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the work and hand it in to the instructor. Materials: Pencil, Notebook and Laptop (provided by the Lead-Deadwood School District). All other art supplies will be provided by the Lead-Deadwood School District. Attendance Policy: MAKE-UP WORK: It is the responsibility of the student to manage his or her make-up work. You must get the assignments, take the make-up tests etc. When possible, this can be done via your school email account. It is suggested you do so before/after school or during SRB immediately returning to school. Do not expect your teachers to automatically inform you and schedule your make-up work. You will be expected to use the course website when applicable and other tools to avoid falling behind. The late-work policy from the student handbook appears below: High School students who are absent for more than five (5) days of a block class during a school semester will not receive credit for the course work without special extenuating circumstances and the recommendation of exception from the principal. Students may request an appeal to the loss of credit through a committee of five teachers selected by the student and the building principal. The building Principal is granted the right to make exceptions to this minimum attendance standard in extra-ordinary cases. If a student reaches the absence limit and thus will potentially lose credit, he or she must continue in the course until the end of a semester unless approved by the building administration. Students who are permitted to withdraw with no credit will be assigned to the “CABIN” for the remainder of the semester. The student is allowed (2) school days for make-up work for each excused absence.