VCS 2007 Validation Report Template Voluntary Carbon Standard 2007 Validation Report Template 19 November 2007 Validation Report: Name of Verification company: Date of the issue: Report Title: Approved by: Client: Project Title: Summary: The summary should contain: - a brief description of the validation project and the GHG project - the purpose and scope of validation - the methodology and criteria used for validation - any restrictions or uncertainties related to the validation - main conclusions and corrective action requests when relevant - summary of the validation conclusion Work carried out by: Number of pages: [Table of Contents] 1 VCS 2007 Validation Report Template Introduction 1.1 Objective The objective of the validation should explain the purpose of validation 1.2 Scope and Criteria The scope and criteria of the validation should be described. 1.3 VCS project Description A brief description of the VCS project should be described. 1.4 Level of assurance The level of assurance of the validation report should be defined. 2 Methodology Explain the means of validation used. 2.1 Review of Document Explain how the validation is performed as an audit where the project design documents and any other supporting documents are reviewed and compared with identified and stated requirements. 2.2 Follow-up Interviews Identify any personnel who have been interviewed and/or provided additional information to the presented documentation. 2.3 Resolution of any material discrepancy This section should explain how material discrepancies were resolved raised by the validation team were resolved during communications between the Client and the validation team if there were any. . 3 Validation Findings 3.1 Project Design The conclusions regarding: the technology used project duration, crediting time and project start date Ownership o Proof of title 2 VCS 2007 Validation Report Template o Double counting and whether the project participated in another emission trading programme Project applicability to the VCS for projects rejected under other GHG programme (if applicable) Whether the project is eligible under the VCS Any relevant findings relating to the project should be summarised in this section. 3.2 Baseline The conclusions regarding: Approval of the baseline methodology, Correct application and justification of selected baseline methodology, Application of methodology deviations or revisions (if applicable), Appropriate setting of baseline scenario, and Assessment and demonstration of additionality should be summarised in this section. 3.3 Monitoring Plan The conclusions regarding: Approval of the monitoring methodology, Correct application and justification of selected monitoring methodology, and Whether the monitoring plan provides detailed information related to the collection and archiving of all relevant data needed to: Estimate or measure emissions occurring from GHG sources, sinks and reservoirs Determine the baseline emissions Estimate changes in emissions from the site Should be summarised in this section. The frequency, responsibility and authority for registration, monitoring, measurement and reporting activities must be discussed. 3.4 Calculation of GHG Emissions The conclusions regarding: The appropriateness of the source, sink and reservoir, The correctness and transparency of formulas and factors used, The assumptions made for estimating GHG emission reductions, and Uncertainties should be summarised in this section. 3 VCS 2007 Validation Report Template 3.5 Environmental Impact The conclusions regarding: Requirements for and approval of an Environmental Impact Assessment (if applicable) The sufficient documentation of environmental impact should be summarised in this section. 3.6 Comments by stakeholders Any comments received from stakeholders should be summarised in this section. 4 Validation conclusion The validation conclusion should clearly state whether the project meets the relevant criteria for VCS project activities whether the project is likely to achieve estimated emission reductions, and whether any quantifications or limitations should be added to the validation outcome. _________________________________________________________ ____________ 4