Recertification - University of Oregon School of Law

We require incoming first-year students to update and correct answers to the Character and Fitness questions of
the 2015-2016 First-Year Application for Admission, which concern students’ academic, professional and
criminal histories. The reasons are twofold: (1) to allow the School of Law to determine whether you remain
admissible and (2) to allow you to forestall any inconsistency between your law school application and any state
bar application you may eventually file. The failure to make a required disclosure on a law school application
may result in an investigation by a state bar and, if the omission is significant, an applicant may be denied
admission to the bar. Therefore, please:
 Read each of the seven questions below carefully. The term “updates” refers to incidents that have occurred
since the date you submitted your law school application. The term “corrections” refers to incidents that should
have been, but were not, disclosed or were not fully disclosed on your law school application.
 Even if you have no updates, you must answer “Yes” or “No” to each question.
 If you check “Yes” and you originally answered “No” in your application, you must also either check
“update” or “correction.”
 For every update/correction, you must submit a separate written statement describing the event, the date it
occurred (month and year), where it happened (city, state, country), and other pertinent information. This
statement should also describe any disciplinary actions that were or will be taken.
 If you are correcting your law school application, please also provide an explanation for the different
response(s) in your law school application.
 Please sign, date, and print your name at the end of this form.
1. Have you ever been accused of academic dishonesty or been placed on academic warning, probation,
suspension, disqualification, dismissal, or any other similar action during your postsecondary educational
experience (includes college, university, graduate school, professional school, and law school)?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Update
☐ Correction
2. Have you ever had an academic scholarship, fellowship, or other similar award revoked?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Update
☐ Correction
3. Have you ever been charged with any action that could have resulted in social or judicial
(nonacademic) warning, probation, suspension, disqualification, dismissal, or any other similar
action during your postsecondary educational experience (includes college, university,
graduate school, professional school, and law school)?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Update
☐ Correction
4. Have you ever been placed on social or judicial (nonacademic) warning, probation,
suspension, disqualification, dismissal, or any other similar action during your postsecondary
educational experience (includes college, university, graduate school, professional school, and
law school)?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Update
☐ Correction
5. Have you ever been suspended, expelled, placed on probation, or otherwise disciplined by any professional
organization or state agency?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Update
☐ Correction
6. Have you ever been cited for, arrested for, charged with, or convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Update
☐ Correction
7. Are there any such disciplinary actions, charges, or proceedings referenced in the six questions above
pending or expected to be brought against you?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Update
☐ Correction
I certify that:
I have provided truthful, accurate and complete information on this Recertification Form.
I understand that all official documents submitted in support of this Recertification become the property of the
University of Oregon and cannot be returned, copied, or transferred to a third party.
I understand that failure to list all colleges attended or falsification of official documents may result in rescission
of admission or disciplinary action, including dismissal from the UO School of Law.
I authorize the release of any information submitted by me in connection to any person, firm, corporation,
association or government agency, but only to verify or explain the information.
I understand admission to law school and the successful completion of the program requirements for the J.D.
degree do not imply admission to the bar.
I should acquaint myself with the bar admission requirements of the state(s) in which I intend to practice.
I am required to disclose to the law school admissions office, in writing, any changes in my application after I
submit my application and prior to matriculation. This includes personal and contact information, as well as any
academic or disciplinary sanctions, criminal arrests, investigations, or convictions not previously disclosed. If
any aspect of my application changes, I understand my admissions status can also change.
I also understand that inconsistencies between the contents of my law school application, this Recertification
Form and/or a subsequent bar application could result in an investigation by a state bar or the denial of
admission to a state bar.
Signature ___________________________________________ Date ____________________
Print legal name _______________________________________________________________
Last name
First name
Middle name
This form can be mailed or returned in person to:
UO School of Law, ATTN: Nicole Commissiong
1515 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403
DEADLINE: August 17, 2015