EUROPEAN SOIL BUREAU RESEARCH REPORT NO. 9 Status of Soil Surveys, Inventory and Soil Monitoring in the Czech Republic Jan Němeček Josef Kozák Department of Soil Science and Geology, Czech University of Agriculture, 165 21 Prague 6 - Suchdol, Czech Republic Introduction The Czech Republic stretches over an area of 78,870km2, of which 54.35% is agricultural land (arable land 39.31%, grassland 12.01%) and 33.4% forests. The distribution of the main reference soil units is given in the Table 1. Table 1: Distribution of soils in agricultural and forest areas (%) Soil Group Leptosols Arenosols Fluvisols Chernozems + Phaeozems Luvisols+Albeluvisols Stagnosols Cambisols Podzols Gleysols+Histosols Agricultural land (%) Forest (%) 4.0 1.2 5.9 3.2 1.6 2.4 13.2 0.3 17.8 6.7 45.1 1.5 4.6 6.7 12.0 58.8 9.6 5.4 Large Scale Soil Surveys The soil survey in the Czech Republic has a long history. Agro-geological soil surveys started at the beginning of the 20th century. Soil bodies delineated on the maps (at scales 1:10,000-25,000) reflect practically soil series of soil families. Their profiles were displayed in the soil map margins. They were characterised by morphological features, soil texture and soil parent material. Since the 1920s, soil profiles have been linked to genetic soil types. Systematic soil survey of agricultural lands at a large scale, using field sheets at the 1:10,000 scale, was implemented in the period 1960-1972 (Němeček et al., 1967). The primary soil map for use on farms comprises taxonomic soil units (soil type+ subtype + variety), parent materials, erosion and accumulation. The separate soil map displays soil texture and rock fragments in the plough layer and their changes in the profile along with hydric groups of soils (temporary, permanent water logging, full saturation). Soil maps were compiled for administrative districts at a scale of 1:50,000. On the soil map, the soil cover is grouped into regions, characterised by specific soil unit combinations, similar geomorphology, lithology and climate. A map of soil parent and underlying materials completes the set of district maps. This map represents a detailed Quaternary geological map, using the legend recommended by the Institute of Geology. The programme was entrusted to the former Soil Survey Institute and Soil Research Institute for Crop Production Prague-Ruzyně. Later reorganizations (1981, 1990) led to a merger with the Research Institute for Land Reclamation and later with the Institute for Soil and Water Conservation, Prague-Zbraslav, following its foundation. Soil survey of forested areas, using field sheets at 1:5,000 scale, was carried out within the framework of the forest-typological mapping (1955-1975) by the Forest Management Institute Brandýs n. L. (Houba 1965, 1970). In the Czech Republic, systematic soil survey at large scale has been completed for the whole country, except for urbanised areas. In the period 1972-1980, additional soil-ecological surveys of agricultural land were carried out (Klečka et al., The Status of Soil Surveys in Czech Republic. Němeček and Kozák 103 EUROPEAN SOIL BUREAU RESEARCH REPORT NO. 9 Figure 1: Example of soil map at scale 1: 250,000 1984) in the framework of the soil productivity rating, in cooperation with the Institute of Agricultural Economics. Soil-ecological maps (at present in a digital form) at a scale of 1:5,000 display grouped soil units - soil forms (76), relief features (slope classes, exposition), content of rock fragments, soil depth classes and 10 climatic regions. Concerning soil-ecological problems and the planning of forest management, the forest typological system (ÚHÚL 1991) was created, which involves defining 10 vegetation zones and 25 edaphic (16 trophic and 9 hydric) categories. Consequently, there exist two pragmatically oriented cartographic products, comprising soil and site information. Medium and Small Scale Survey Soil maps at scales 1:500,000 and 1:200,000 (modus 1:250,000) have been compiled. They are all based on the large-scale maps of agricultural and forest soil surveys. They have been digitised. Soil maps at a scale of 1:50,000 have been completed for half of the total area of the Czech Republic. A soil map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 was designed (1974) and revised (1996) for international cooperation. All Czech soil maps are based on soil taxonomic units and classification of parent materials. 104 For the SOVEUR project, a SOTER soil map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 was prepared. A soil map at a scale of 1:250,000 (Figure 1) is being transformed into the soil map using the SOTER methodology. In addition to soil taxonomic maps, some maps of single soil properties have been compiled, mostly at a scale of 1:500,000: Parent and underlying materials; Soil texture classes; Hydromorphic classes; Humus content (plough layer, depth 1m); pH (plough layer); CEC (plough layer); Base saturation (depth 0.6m); Background trace elements; Trace element contents in plough layers (Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr); Available nutrients (P, K, Mg). Soil Classification in the Czech Republic The soil classification used in soil maps at large, medium and small scales is based on a taxonomic approach. Soil mapping units of large-scale maps reflect ‘pure’ pedotopes and soil combinations. Soil maps at medium and small scales depict soil associations and regions and their dominance, The basic taxonomic classification used for large-scale The Status of Soil Surveys in Czech Republic. Němeček and Kozák EUROPEAN SOIL BUREAU RESEARCH REPORT NO. 9 mapping of agricultural soils is based on the use of diagnostic soil horizons and features (Němeček et al., 1967), derived from the 7th approximation of the Soil Taxonomy. The concepts of soil types, subtypes, varieties and soil forms reflect the systems not only in nomenclature, but also in concepts. The results of the unification efforts (Němeček, 1981; Šály, 1977; Hraško et al., 1991; Němeček et al., 1990; Macků and Vokoun, 1991) were used in the compilation of maps at small and medium scales. Nowadays a unified soil classification system has been completed (Němeček et al., 2001). The new Czech taxonomic classification system represents a unification of the classification of soils under different land uses. The main principles of the system are: To keep comparable soils with different uses (agriculture, forestry, no biological use) at the same high taxonomic level (reference class, soil type, subtype); these aims can be achieved when we make use of diagnostic horizons and features within the control section 0.25-1.20m (base saturation 0.2-0.7m in forest soils, 0.40.7m in agricultural soils, to avoid liming consequences); To qualify differences in topsoil between 0.00.25m from the mineral surface at variety levels (shallow melanic, umbric horizons, micropodzolization); To introduce ecological phases (humus forms of forest soils); To characterise anthropogenic impacts (contamination, erosion) on lands with different uses as degradation phases (contamination in Ap, F, H horizons); To introduce Anthrosols at the reference class level. The devised taxonomic soil classification system is a multicategoric hierarchical system with the following taxonomic levels: reference classes (ending-sols), soil types, subtypes, varieties, subvarieties, soil-ecological phases, degradation phases. The interconnection with parent materials at any level represents the soil form. The classification system can readily be correlated with the WRB except in the case of Stagnosols, as recommended by Spaargaren et al., (1994). Classification of the Soil Cover Whereas taxonomic soil classification has achieved a high degree of international unification, the principal problem of harmonisation of soil maps at approaches of the German soil classification (Mückenhausen et al., 1962). The influence of the German soil classification is also apparent in the classification of forest soils (Houba, 1965). But there were some small differences between the medium and small scales is the correlation of soil associations and soilscapes. In the Czech Republic, an analysis of soil associations and regions has been published (Němeček and Tomášek, 1983). Soil associations are defined in terms of combinations of dominant, co-dominant, accompanying and accessory soil taxonomic units. They are characterised by the combination of extrinsic factors and land use. In the second variant (Němeček and Zuska, 1989) attributes of soil associations have been enriched by: soil rating, limiting factors, erosion hazards, soil workability. In the first version, 248 soil associations were identified in 13 soil regions; in the second version 243 associations in 11 regions. The next step in our soil-geographical scheme is being implemented within the framework of the modified SOTER project, coordinated by ISRIC. The first version at a scale of 1:1,000,000 involves 8 geomorphic regions and 38 SOTER units, characterised by lithology and soil associations. The SOTER map at a scale of 1:250,000 is being compiled. The first approximation involves 7 regions with deep sedimentary deposits and 8 regions covered with transported weathering products of hard and consolidated rocks. The first group of regions occurs on level geomorphic surfaces (alluvial valleys, terraces, plains, plateaux and flat hilly areas). The second group involves hilly areas, highlands and mountains, subdivided into flat and dissected ones. Symbols reflect geomorphology, lithology and the prevailing grouped soils (e.g. AV06f - alluvial valley, alluvial deposits, Fluvisols, PA02c - plains with aeolian deposits, Chernozems, MF08d - flat mountainous areas with transported weathering products of granites, hyperdystric Cambisols). This first thematic SOTER layer is accompanied by the following layers at scale 1:250,000: geomorphic regions, parent materials, slope classes, and soil associations. Soil Survey Interpretations Soil survey interpretations, especially those based on pragmatic site classifications, are used for productivity assessments. The criteria include site productivity assessments on crops, grasslands, and forests on experimental plots and on their economic evaluation. Soil management in agriculture is supported by data on specific The Status of Soil Surveys in Czech Republic. Němeček and Kozák 105 EUROPEAN SOIL BUREAU RESEARCH REPORT NO. 9 features of behaviour of biogenic elements in addition to soil testing. Figure 2: Hydromorphic groups of soils in Czech Republic Attention was paid to N (prediction of mineralisation, nitrification, migration), P and K release, immobilisation - fixation (Neuberg et al., 1990). The workability of soils can be derived from measurements of the specific ploughing resistance, correlated with soil texture, slope etc. For soil reclamation, detailed soil hydropedological surveys are carried out. They are supported by a more detailed classification of hydromorphic features and field and laboratory measurements of infiltration, hydraulic conductivity and retention curves. Later, more attention was paid to interpretations, which concern soil degradation and soil pollution. For the assessment of soil vulnerability against water erosion, the USLE was adopted. For the main soil forms of subtypes, K values were derived (Zuska and Němeček, 1986). Small-scale maps of background concentrations of trace elements are based on the matching of the upper limits of the content of trace elements in soil parent materials and the map of soil parent materials (Figure 3). Maps of soil vulnerability against trace elements reflect the application of the results of investigations into the mobility of trace elements in principal soil units and their transfer into crops after a simulated contamination of representative soils by soluble salts of trace elements. (Podlešáková and Němeček, 1997). Kd values for atrazine (Figure 4) and other pesticides in Ap horizons, subsoils and both layers, 106 have been derived within the framework of systematic research into pesticide behaviour. They were calculated from Freundlich adsorption isotherms. The effect of soil properties on adsorption was described by means of multidimensional regression and correlation analysis. The equation described the extent of the participation of clay, CEC, pH and Cox on sorption of pesticides. These soil characteristics were derived from the digitised map at the scale of 1:200,000 (Kozák and Vacek, 2000). Background values of trace elements have been derived for the main soil parent materials. The upper values of their variability are taken as contamination limits (except in the case of extreme geogenic contents). Soil specific critical contents and mobilities of trace elements in soils for the transfer pathway soil-plant (zoo-, phyto-toxicity) have been experimentally established. They will serve as limiting values for the protection of the quality and quantity of agricultural production (Podlešáková et al., 2002). Soil Inventory and Monitoring Soil taxonomic units are taken for correlative sets of characteristics, which enable us to predict some other characteristics and qualities, that have not been determined directly. This procedure has limitations, especially concerning inputs of The Status of Soil Surveys in Czech Republic. Němeček and Kozák EUROPEAN SOIL BUREAU RESEARCH REPORT NO. 9 contaminants, nutrients, soil additives etc. An inventory of soil contaminants is very important for planning a monitoring network. Figure 3: Small-scale maps of background concentrations of trace elements in soils (Co, Cr, Ni, V, Mn, Cu) Figure 4: Kd values for atrazine in Ap horizons The Status of Soil Surveys in Czech Republic. Němeček and Kozák 107 EUROPEAN SOIL BUREAU RESEARCH REPORT NO. 9 An inventory of trace elements Cd, Pb, Cr (in 2M HNO3 cold) and Hg (total content) has been completed for the Czech Republic by the Central The Research Institute for Soil and Water Conservation continues to make inventories of both trace elements (total contents) and organic xenobiotic compounds, preferentially in regions with expected local anthropogenic or geogenic loads. The results of these inventories are displayed in maps and stored in databases. Institute for Agriculture. The aims were either to confirm or reject the anticipated high degree of soil pollution and loss of organic matter that developed during the period of intensification of agriculture and development of industry during the past 25-30 years. Neither accelerated soil pollution nor loss of organic matter (except in some Cambisols and drained soils) has been found. This kind of monitoring is based on the comparison of samples taken during the systematic soil survey and samples taken 25-30 years after the original surveys. It was found that higher levels of soil contamination occur only exceptionally as a result of the long-term process of industrialisation. Contaminated sites are found often in areas of Fluvisols, in the neighbourhood of some (mainly metallurgic) industry and in large cities. Retrospective monitoring is considered to be a tool to speed up the strategy for systematic monitoring. Soil Information Systems Two separate systematic monitoring systems have been implemented in the Czech Republic: Monitoring of the agricultural land on 200 observation plots, which started in 1992 (Mazanec, 1996); Monitoring of observation plots in forests (Materna, 1996; Moravčík, 1996). The Central Institute for Supervision and Testing in Agriculture has been entrusted with the monitoring of soils in agricultural use. The following soil properties are being monitored: pH, available nutrients (P, K, Mg), biogenic and hazardous trace elements (B, Be, Cu, Cr, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn), CEC, Cox, mineral N, microbiological and edaphalogical characteristics, and organic contaminants. The monitoring of soil characteristics is accompanied by the observation of atmospheric emissions. Two systems of monitoring forest soils also exist. The first system started at the beginning of the 1980s and was aimed at studying the input of S and N into soils and their direct effects (along with ozone) on 500 forests sites in endangered areas (Materna, 1996). Supervision and Testing in The second system is being performed within the framework of the international cooperative programme (ICP) for forest monitoring. Monitoring sites are distributed on a regular grid for analysis: C, N, pH, CEC, exchangeable cations, base saturation, trace elements, composition of the soil solution taken by vacuum suction lysimeters. Soil information systems are generated in three complementary ways: Soil GIS for practical uses, mainly taxation and land tenure appraisal of agricultural lands and separately for forests; Databases of soil monitoring; Soil GIS (PUGIS) for development of concepts and international cooperation on different projects. The last mentioned PUGIS (Kozák et al., 1996; Němeček, 2000) is handled in the Department of Soil Science and Geology of the Czech University, Prague. PUGIS consists of: 1. Polygons of digitised soil maps (at scales 1:1,000,000, 1:500,000, 1:200,000, 1:250,000); 2. Thematic layers of geomorphology, climate, geology, vegetation; 3. Thematic layers of some soil properties (humus, base saturation, hydric groups, texture); 4. Attributes of soil associations and soil regions used in soil taxonomic maps and in a SOTER map; 5. Database of pedon characteristics of 2,500 selected profiles with a standardised set of characteristics and 250 profiles with additional data from agriculturally used soils. At present the pedon database contains only the most representative soil profiles from the total 30,000 profiles with the following standardised set of analyses: pH, soil texture, CaCO3, humus content, CEC, base saturation. The selected set of profiles includes additionally: exchangeable cations, effective CEC, exchangeable Al, free Fe and Al, clay minerals, humus quality, macro-and microelements, fundamental physical properties and micromorphological features. The pedon database of forest soils is progressing. Conclusions The whole of the Czech Republic (except urban areas) is covered by large-scale soil maps. 108 The Status of Soil Surveys in Czech Republic. Němeček and Kozák EUROPEAN SOIL BUREAU RESEARCH REPORT NO. 9 Generalised and digitised medium and small-scale maps of soil associations (1:500,000, 1:200,000, 1:250,000 (partly 1:50,000) are based on largescale surveys. The implementation of the pedon database is progressing. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Grant No. 526/00/0620 of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GA ČR) The Czech Republic is ready to participate in the the 1:250,000 European Soil map project, in a modified SOTER system and in all related projects. International collaboration should focus mainly on harmonisation of soil associations, soil geomorphological relations and delineation of soil regions. The SOTER system at the scale of 1:250,000 should be adapted for more and more territories . References Houba, A. (1965, 1970). Soil types and lower taxonomic soil units of the typological soil survey. ÚHÚL Zvolen, Brandýs n. L., 20pp. Hraško, J. et al. (1991). 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Němeček and Kozák