BOOK TITLES Handbook of animal husbandry Handbook of animal husbandry Handbook of animal husbandry Handbook of animal husbandry AUTHOR (S) ICAR ICAR ICAR CALL NUMBER 636 636 636 636 REMARKS AH AH AH AH Genetic diversity and conservation of animal genetic resources 636.0824 AH Genetic diversity and conservation of animal genetic resources Picture breed of chicken Poultry diseases Small scale preparation of dairy products Service management in livestock development 636.0824 636.5 636.5089 637 6,360,068 AH AH AH AH AH 6,362,142 63,600,971 363.089 KAN 363.738 KUM 500 HAS 571.1 CUN AH AH AH AH AH AH 571.1 ECK 571.1 REC AH AH 571.1 SHE 571.1 SHE AH AH Advances in dairy animal production Dairy husbandry in Canada Clinical biochemistry of domestic animals Pharmaceuticals in the environment Animal Kingdom Textbook of veterinary physiology Animal physiology mechanisms and adaptations Physiology of Domestic animals Animal Physiology Animal Physiology: From Genes to organisms Jordan, F.T.W Gunter Kleemann Mudgal V.D/ Singhal K.K/ Sharma D.D. Kaneko Jiro J Kummerer Klaus Hashmi, A.H/Garg Cunningham James G Eckert Roger, Randall David, Augustine George Reece, William O Sherwood Lauralee, Klandorf Hillar, Yancey Paul H Sherwood Lauralee, Klandorf Hillar, Yancey Paul H Dukes physiology of domestic animals Swenson Melvin 571.1 SWE AH An Introduction to plant structure and development Colour atlas of large animal applied anatomy Beck, Charles B Clay Hilary M, Flood Peter F 571.3 BEC 571.3 CLA AH AH Anatomy and physiology of farm animals Anatomy and physiology of tropical livestock Applied anatomy of the domestic animals Applied anatomy of the domestic animals Applied anatomy of the domestic animals Fundamentals of the histology of domestic animals Fundamentals of the histology of domestic animals Frandson, R.D/ Spurgeon, T.L Heath E & Olusanya S Ommer P A and Harshan K R Ommer P A and Harshan K R Ommer P A and Harshan K R Trautmann Alfred, Fiebtger Josef Trautmann Alfred, Fiebtger Josef 571.3 FRA 571.3 HEA 571.3 OMM 571.3 OMM 571.3 OMM 571.5 TRA 571.5 TRA AH AH AH AH AH AH AH Current concepts in fertility regulation and reproduction Puri, Chander. P/ Look, Paul F.A 571.864 PUR AH Diseases of animals transmissible to man Heat shock Response A manual for genetic engineering advanced bacterial genetics Thapliyal.D.C Nover Lutz Davis R.E/Boststein D/ Roth J.R 571.91 THA 571.93467 NOV 571.993 DAV AH AH AH General Parasitology Cheng, Thomas C 571.999 CHE AH Introduction to Quantative Genetics Falconer, D.S/ Mackay, Trudy, F.C 572.86 FAL AH Introduction to Quantative Genetics Introduction to quantitative genetics Falconer, D.S/ Mackay, Trudy, F.C Falconer D.S 572.86 FAL 572.86 FAL AH AH Phillipine Coral Reefs: A natural History guide Textbook of Microbiology Essential of veterinary bacteriology and mycology White, Alan T Burrows, William Cater G.R/ Wise Darla J 578,7789 WHI 579 BUR 579 CAR AH AH AH Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology Holt, John G/ Krieg, Noel 579 HOL AH Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology: International edition Holt, John G/ Krieg, Noel 579 HOL AH Microbiology Pelczar, Michael/ Chan/ Krieg 579 PEL AH Microbiology 579 PEL AH Microbiology Pelczar, Michael/ Chan/ Krieg Prescott Lansing/ Harley John P/ Klein Donald A 579 PRE AH Textbook of Veterinary Protozoology Bhatia, B.B 579.4 BHA AH Botany: An introduction to plant Biology Mauseth, James D 580 MAU AH Crop Physiology: applications for genetic improvement and agronomy Transport of ions and water in animals Sadeas, Victor O/ Calderini, Daniel F Gupta B.L/ Moreton R.B 581.1 SAD 591.1 GUP AH AH A text book on animal genetics A Textbook of Animal Behaviour Farm animal behaviour and welfare Physiology and behaviour of animal suffering Animal behaviour: A synthesis of ethology and comparative psychology Kanakraj P Singh, Harjindra Fraser A.F/ Broom D.M Gregory Neville 591.15 KAN 591.5 SIN 591.51 FRA 591.51 GRE AH AH AH AH Hinde Robert A 591.51 HIN AH Animal behaviour Animal behaviour Prasad S Ranga M.M 591.51 PRA 591.51 RAN AH AH Guide to the study of animal popolutions Tanner, James T 591.788 TAN AH Medical veterinary entomology Immunochemistry and the biosynthesis of antibodies A colour atlas of avian anatomy Kettle, D.S Haurowitz Felix Mclellaan J 595.7 KET 596 HAU 598.2 MCL AH AH AH Experimental Design and analysis in Animal Sciences Morris, T.R 599.00724 MOR AH Experimental Design and analysis in Animal Sciences Morris, T.R 599.00724 MOR AH Meat and meat products in human nutrition in developing countries Dender Arnold 613.2 BEN AH Handbook on human nutritional requirements The pharmacological basis of therapeutics FAO Goodman Louis S/ Gilman Alfred 613.2 FAO 615.7 GOO AH AH Food borne Diseases Cliver, Dean O/ Riemann, Hans P 615.954 CLI AH Handbook of foodborne diseases of biological Orgin Bacterial pathogensis A molecular approach Rechcigl, Miloslav Salyers Abigail A/ Whitt Dixie D 615.954 REC 616.16 SAL AH AH Handbook series in Zoonoses Steele, Jamesh 616.92 STE AH Handbook series in Zoonoses Steele, Jamesh 616.92 STE AH Horses, Oxen and technological innovation Langdon John 631.371 LAN AH Feeding the herds Roder, Walter/Wangdi, Kinzang 633.0095498 ROD AH Feeding the herds Roder, Walter/Wangdi, Kinzang 633.0095498 ROD AH Feeding the herds Roder, Walter/Wangdi, Kinzang 633.0095498 ROD AH Forage Husbandry The grasses of Burma, ceylon, India and Pakistan Bayer, Wolfgang/ Bayer, Ann waters Bor N.L 633.2 BAY 633.2 BOR AH AH Fodders for the near east: annual medic pasture An introduction to the grasses Chatterton, , Lynne/ Bryan Chapman G.P 633.2 BRY 633.2 CHA AH AH Silage and hy making Chatterjee,BN/ Maiti,S 633.2 CHA AH Improved grassland management Frame, john 633.2 FRA AH Prosopis tamarugo, fooder trees for arid zones Habit, Mario A/ David/Gonzalaz 633.2 HAB AH Grazing management science into practice Ghodgson, john 633.2 HOD AH Developing forage technologies with smallholder farmers Horne, PeterM/ Stur, werner W 633.2 HOR AH Developing forage technologies with smallholder farmers Horne, PeterM/ Stur, werner W 633.2 HOR AH A guide to better pastures for the tropics and sub tropics Humphreys, L.R 633.2 HUM AH Tropical pasture seed production Humphreys, L.R/ Riveros, F 633.2 HUM AH Tropical pastures and fooder crops Humphreys, L.R 633.2 HUM AH Roughage Processing Technology Kundu,S.S/ Mahanta,S.K/ Singh Sultan 633.2 KUN AH Roughage Processing Technology Kundu,S.S/ Mahanta,S.K/ Singh Sultan 633.2 KUN AH Roughage Processing Technology List of Bombay Grasses and their uses Kundu,S.S/ Mahanta,S.K/ Singh Sultan Lisboa J.C/ 633.2 KUN 633.2 LIS AH AH Roots , tubers, plantationa and bananas in animal feeding Machin, David 633.2 MAC AH Feed from animal wastes: states of knowledge Muller, Z.O 633.2 MUL AH Livestock feeding on pasture Nicol, A.M 633.2 NIC AH The prickly pear Pareek, O.P/ Singh, R.S/ Nath, Vishal 633.2 PAR AH Forage conservation an feeding Raymond, Franl/ Shepperson, gordon/ Waltham, Richard 633.2 RAY AH Mulberry for animal production Forage grasses and legumes Tropical forage legumes Sanchez, M.D Singh L.N/ Singh A/ Singh J Skerman P.J 633.2 SAN 633.2 SIN 633.2 SKE AH AH AH Tropical forage legumes Skerman, P.J 633.2 SKE AH Tropical grasses Skerman, P.J/ Riveros,F 633.2 SKE AH Tropical grasses Skerman, PJ/ Riveros,F 633.2 SKE AH Legume trees and other fodde trees as protein sources for livestock Speedy. Andrew/ Pugliese 633.2 SPE AH Developing forage technologies with smallholder farmers Stur, Werner W/ Horne, peterM 633.2 STU AH Developing forage technologies with smallholder farmers Stur, Werner W/ Horne, peterM 633.2 STU AH Forage production: A handbook for feed and fodder development Kesang Wangchuk/ Issac Lepcha/ worker in Bhutan Pema Wangda 633.2 WAN AH Forage production: A handbook for feed and fodder development Kesang Wangchuk/ Issac Lepcha/ worker in Bhutan Pema Wangda 633.2 WAN AH Forage production: A handbook for feed and fodder development Kesang Wangchuk/ Issac Lepcha/ worker in Bhutan Pema Wangda 633.2 WAN AH Forage production: A handbook for feed and fodder development Kesang Wangchuk/ Issac Lepcha/ worker in Bhutan Pema Wangda 633.2 WAN AH Forage production: A handbook for feed and fodder development Kesang Wangchuk/ Issac Lepcha/ worker in Bhutan Pema Wangda 633.2 WAN AH Forage production: A handbook for feed and fodder development Kesang Wangchuk/ Issac Lepcha/ worker in Bhutan Pema Wangda 633.2 WAN AH Forage production: A handbook for feed and fodder development Kesang Wangchuk/ Issac Lepcha/ worker in Bhutan Pema Wangda 633.2 WAN AH Grasses Ward, H.M 633.2 WAR AH GrassLand seeds Wheeler, William 633.2 WHE AH Fodder trees of India Singh, R.V 633.200954 Sin AH Practical guide for feeding Dairy cattle in Bhutan Ibrahim,M.N.M/ Gyeltshen, Jambay 633.2085 IBR AH Practical guide for feeding Dairy cattle in Bhutan Ibrahim,M.N.M/ Gyeltshen, Jambay 633.2085 IBR AH Manual of pig production in the tropics The Harnessing of Draught Animals Modern Livestock and poultry production Livestock and poultry enterprises for rural development Extension training manual for animal husbandry field extension staff Serres,H Barwell, Ian/ Ayre, Michael Gillespie, James R C A Gopalakrishnan, G M M Lal 634.1 SER 636 BAR 636 GIL 636 GOP AH AH AH AH Satish K. Jaiswal 636 JAI AH Maijala, K 636 MAI AH World Animal Science : genetic Resources of Pig, Sheep and Goat Little-known Asian animals with a promising economic future 636 NAP AH Micro Live stock" Little-known small animals with a promising economic future Scientific farm animal production 636 NAP 636 ROG AH AH 636 STA 636,2 CAL AH AH 636,2 ETG 636,2142 HMS 636,3145 MAH 636,5 SIL AH AH AH AH Dairy Cattle feeding and Management Dairy Herd fertility Wool Production -environment and management Small scale poultry processing Ralph Bogart, Robert E. Taylor Starkey, paul/ Teklu, Sirak/ Goe, Michael R Straiton, Eddie Etgen, William/ James, Robert/ Reaves, Paul M HMSO Maher, A.P/ Wilkinson Silverside,D/ Jones, M Nutrient Requirements and feeding of Buffaloes and cattle Sheep production Mandal, A.B/ Paul,S.S/ Pathak, N.N Owen John B 636..0825 MAN 636.0 OWE AH AH Animal Husbandry in the tropics, its economic importance and potentialties Text book of animal Husbandry and livestock extension Hauitema, H P. Mathialagan 636.00193 HAU 636.007 MAT AH AH Textbook of animal husbandry and livestock extension Trends in Livestock Research Mathialagan P Kaushish, K.S AH AH Hil and upland livestock Production Sustainable animal production from small farm systems in south_east Asia Sustainable animal production from small farm systems in south_east Asia T.J. Maxwell and R.G. Gunn 636.007 MAT 636.00724 KAU 636.00941 MAX C. Devendra 636.00959 DEV AH C. Devendra 636.00959 DEV AH Animal Traction An annoted Biblographic Database Calving the cow and care of the calf AH Practical manual of genetic improvement in livestock and poultry Parekh, H.K.B/Sricvastava, P.N 636.0428 PAR AH Diseases of Animals in tropical countries Edmonds, C.R/ Walker, G.K 636.08 90913 EDM AH Livestock production: a global approach Hormones in animal production BOnsma, Jan FAO 636.08 BON 636.08 FAO AH AH Liner Models for the prediction of Animal Breeding Values Morde, R.A 636.08 MOR AH livestock production Peters, walter H/ Gurmmer, Robert H 636.08 PET AH An Introduction to Animal husbandry in the tropics Williamson,G/ Payne,W.J.A 636.08 WIL AH Veterinary Reproduction Obstetrics Reproduction in domestic animals Arthur, Goeffery H/ Noakes, David E Perry T. Cupps 636.082 ART 636.082 CUP AH AH Reproductions in Domestic Animals Cupps, Peter T 636.082 CUP AH Reproductions in Domestic Animals Reproduction in farm animals Cupps, Peter T E.S.E. Hafez 636.082 CUP 636.082 HAF AH AH Reproduction in farm animals Hafez, E.S.E 636.082 HAF AH Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants II Lamming, G.E/ Flint, A.P.F/Weir 636.082 LAM AH Reproduction in farm animals Reproduction in dairy cattle 1 Hafez, E.S.E STOAS 636.082 LAM 636.082 STO AH AH PCR Protocols: aguide to methods and applications Genetic improvement of cattle and sheep Genetic improvement of cattle and sheep Innis, michael a/ Gelfand, David H/ White Simm Geoff Simm Geoff 636.0821 INN 636.0821 SIM 636.0821 SIM AH AH AH Exercise in Applied genetics Crossbreeding bos indicus and bos taurus for milk praduction in the tropics Evaluation of breeds and crasses of domestic animals Burnet, Lynn 636.0824 BUR AH Cunningham E.P, Syratad O Dickerson Gordon E 636.0824 CUN 636.0824 DIC AH AH Evaluation of breeds and crosses of domestic animals Sire and breed selection Animal breeding: Selected articles from the World animal review Animal breeding: Selected articles from the World animal review Dickerson, Gordon E Elvidge D.G 636.0824 DIC 636.0824 ELV AH AH FAO 636.0824 FAO AH FAO 636.0824 FAO AH Animal genetic resources conservation and management FAO 636.0824 FAO AH Genetics and the behavior of domestic animals Breeding plans for ruminant livestock in the tropics grandin, Temple Mason I.L, Buvanendran V 636.0824 GRA 636.0824 MAS AH AH Breeding plans for ruminant livestock in the tropics Minear models for the prediction of animal breeding values Mason I.L, Buvanendran V Mrode R.A 636.0824 MAS 636.0824 MRO AH AH Animal Genetic Resources of Bhutan NBC 636.0824 NBC AH Animal Genetic Resources of Bhutan NBC 636.0824 NBC AH Animal Genetic Resources of Bhutan NBC 636.0824 NBC AH Animal genetic and breeding practices Prasad, jagdish 636.0824 PRA AH Animal genetic and breeding practices Prasad, jagdish 636.0824 PRA AH Animal genetic and breeding practices Prasad, jagdish 636.0824 PRA AH Animal genetic and breeding practices fertility and hatchability of chicken and Turkey Egg Prasad, jagdish Taylor Lewts W 636.0824 PRA 636.0824 TAY AH AH Breeding improvement of farm animals Animal breeding Warwick, Everett James Laurence M. winters 636.0824 WAR 636.0824 WIN AH AH Training manual on artificial insemination in sheep and goats 636.08245 CHE AH Training manual for embryo transfer in cattle Chemineau,P/ Cagnie y George E. Seidel & Sarah Moore Seidel 636.08245 SEI AH Analytical Techniques in Animal nutrition research Pathak, N.N/ Kamra, D.N/ Agarwal,N 636.0825 PAT AH Pathak, N.N/ Kamra, D.N/ Agarwal,N Fowler Murray E 636.0825 PAT 636.083 FOW AH AH Restraint and handling of wild and domestic animals Farm animal welfare Cattle, pigs, and poultry Farm animal welfare Cattle, pigs, and poultry Sainsbury David Sainsbury David 636.083 FOW 636.083 SAI 636.083 SAI AH AH AH Feeding farm animals Kundu,S.S/ Singh, Sultan/ Mahanta. S.K 636.085 KUN AH Feeding farm animals Kundu,S.S/ Singh, Sultan/ Mahanta. S.K 636.085 KUN AH Vitamins in animal nutrition: comparative aspects to human nutrition Mcdowell, Lee Russell 636.085 MCD AH Better utilization of crop residues and by-products in animal feeding Preston, TR 636.085 PRE AH Better utilization of crop residues and by-products in animal feeding: State of knowledge Preston, TR 636.085 PRE AH Better utilization of crop residues and by-products in animal feeding: State of knowledge Preston, TR 636.085 PRE AH Analytical Techniques in Animal nutrition research Pathak, N.N/ Kamra, D.N/ Agarwal,N 636.0852 PAT AH Ruminant Nutrition Chesworth 636.0855 CHE AH 636.0855 HMS AH Analytical Techniques in Animal nutrition research Restraint and handling of wild and domestic animals Energy allowances and feeding systems for ruminants Feeds and feeing Morrison, FrankB 636.0855 MOR AH Start your woen Pet-Sitting Business Kimball, Cheryl 636.088 KIM AH Essentials of Veterinary Bacteriology and mycology Carter,G.R/ Wise, Darla J 636.089 CAR AH Essentials of Veterinary microbiology Carter,G.R/ Chengappa.MM/Roberts 636.089 CAR AH The ecology and economic impact of poisonous plants on livestock production James, Lynn F/ Ralphs, Michael H/ Nielsen 636.089 59 JAM AH Gorgis Parasitology for veterinarians Bowman, Dwight D 636.089 696 BOW AH Veterinary diagnostic bacteriology: a manual of laboratory procedures for selected diseases of livestock Practical animal handling Haemorrhagic septicaemia Alton, GG/Carter, GR/ Kibor/ Pesti Anderson R.S/ Edney A.T.B Bain R. V. S 636.089 ALT 636.089 AND 636.089 BAI AH AH AH Techniques in diagnostic virology Bansal, R.P 636.089 BAN AH Techniques in diagnostic virology Diagnostic atlas of veterinary ophthalmology Saunders manual of small animal practice Bansal, R.P Barnett Keith Bircharrd/Sherding 636.089 BAN 636.089 BAR 636.089 BIR AH AH AH Handbook of veterinary procedures emergency treatment Bistner Stephen I, Ford Richard B 636.089 BIS AH Diagnostic methods in veterinary medicine Boddie, Geo.F 636.089 BOD AH Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics Booth, Nicholas H/ McDonald. Leslie E 636.089 BOO AH Immunology and serology Carpenter, philip L 636.089 CAR AH Veterinary Diagnostic virology: A practitioner's cuide A textbook of veterinary general pathology Castro, Anthony E/ Heuschele, Werner P Chauhan H.V.S 636.089 CAS 636.089 CHA AH AH Manual of General Veterinary parasitology Chaudhri, S.S/ Gupta, S.K 636.089 CHA AH Textbook of clinical veterinary medicine Veterinary laboratory diagnosis Veterinary laboratory diagnosis Chakrabarti, Amalendu Chauhan R.S Chauhan R.S/ Chandra Dinesh 636.089 CHA 636.089 CHA 636.089 CHA AH AH AH Veterinary laboratory diagnosis Chauhan, R.S 636.089 CHA AH Introduction to veterinary pathology Cheville, Norman F 636.089 CHE AH Veterinary laboratory medicine interpretation and diagnosis Meyer, D.J/ Coles/Rich 636.089 COL AH Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and specialities CPS I.Ap Dewi, R. F.E. Axford, I. Fayez M. Marai, H. Omed 636.089 CPS AH 636.089 DEW AH Pollution in livestock priduction systems Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy Dyce,K.M/Sack 636.089 DYC AH Principles of Veterinary therapeutics Einstein,R// Jones/ Knifton/Starmer 636.089 EIN AH Testbook of veterinary internal medicine Ettinger, Stephen J Ettinger Stephen J, Feldman Edward C Ettinger Stephen J, Feldman Edward C Ettinger Stephen J, Feldman Edward C 636.089 ETT AH 636.089 ETT AH 636.089 ETT AH 636.089 ETT AH FAO 636.089 FAO AH FAO 636.089 FAO AH FAO 636.089 FAO AH Fowler, Murray E 636.089 FOW AH 636.089 GER 636.089 GOL 636.089 GOL 636.089 GRA AH AH AH AH 636.089 GUP AH Text book of veterinary internal medicine Text book of veterinary internal medicine Text book of veterinary internal medicine Food losses due to non-infectious and production diseases in developing countries Guidelines doe strengthening animal health services in developing countries Guidelines doe strengthening animal health services in developing countries Zoo and wild animal medicine current therapy Immunology and immunopathology of domestic animals Immunology Part 1 Cell interactions Immunology Part II Cell interactions Case study: Village animal healthcare Manual of veterinary entomology and acarology Gershwin Laurel J/ Krakowka Steven/ Olsen Richard G Golub Edward S Golub Edward S Gupta, SK Pharmaceutics , practical notebook Gupta,A.K 636.089 GUP AH Pharmaceutics , practical notebook 636.089 GUP AH Veterinary emergency & critical care procedures Gupta,A.K/ Jain, VK Hackett Timothy B, Mazzaferro Elisa M 636.089 HAC AH Human Livestock Interactions: the stockperson and the productivity and welfare of Intensively farmed animals Hemsworth,P.H/ Coleman, G.J 636.089 HEM AH Manual of Veterinary investigation: laboratory techniques HMSO 636.089 HMS AH Manual of Veterinary investigation: laboratory techniques A handbook on veterinary local anaesthesia A handbook on veterinary local anaesthesia HMSO Hussain Syed Sajjad Hussain Syed Sajjad 636.089 HMS 636.089 HUS 636.089 HUS AH AH AH The bristol veterinary handbook of antimicrobial therapy Global livestock health policy Johnston, dudley E Kahrs Robert F 636.089 JOH 636.089 KAR AH AH Laboratory Diagnosis of livestock abortion Infectious tropical diseases of domestic animals Kirkbride, Clyde A Losos George J 636.089 KIR 636.089 LOS AH AH A laboratory manual of veterinary bacteriology mycology and immunology Malik,B.S 636.089 MAL AH Laboratory Manual of veterinary microbiology Malik, B.S 636.089 Mal AH Laboratory Manual of veterinary microbiology Malik, B.S 636.089 Mal AH Laboratory Manual of veterinary microbiology Malik, B.S 636.089 Mal AH Laboratory Manual of veterinary microbiology Malik, B.S 636.089 Mal AH Veterinary epidemiology: principles and methods Martin, S Wayne/ Meek /Willeberg 636.089 MAR AH Veterinary Epidemiolohy: principles and methods Clinical textbook for veterinary technicians Martin, S Wayne/ Meek Mccurnin Dennis M 636.089 MAR 636.089 MCC AH AH Trends in veterinary pharmacology and toxicology Miet, Van/ Frens, J/Kreek 636.089 MIE AH Veterinary phamacology meteria medica and therapeutics Milks Howard Jay 636.089 MIL AH Veterinary phamacology meteria medica and therapeutics Milks Howard Jay 636.089 MIL AH Veterinary phamacology meteria medica and therapeutics Milks Howard Jay 636.089 MIL AH Neumann, L.G 636.089 NEU AH Nicoletti Paul 636.089 NIC AH Application of Quantitative methods in veterinary epidemiology Noordhuizen, J.P.T.M/ Frankena.K/ Thrusfield 636.089 NOO AH Veterinary bacteriology and virology Merchant, IA/Packer 636.089 PAC AH Treatise on the parasites and parasitic diseases of domesticated Animals Diagnosis and vaccination for the control of brucellosis in the near east Veterinary Bacteriology and virology Merchant,I.A/ Packer. R.A 636.089 PAC AH Veterinary Bacteriology and virology Merchant,I.A/ Packer. R.A 636.089 PAC AH Manual for the production of mereks disease, guboro dosease and inactivated newcastle disease vaccines Palya V 636.089 PAL AH Manual for the production of mereks disease, guboro dosease and inactivated newcastle disease vaccines Palya V 636.089 PAL AH Manual for the production of mereks disease, guboro dosease and inactivated newcastle disease vaccines Palya V 636.089 PAL AH Manual for the production of mereks disease, guboro dosease and inactivated newcastle disease vaccines Pharmaceutical analysis Basic and clinical immunology Palya V Parimoo P Peakman Mark/ Vergani Diego 636.089 PAL 636.089 PAR 636.089 PEA AH AH AH 636.089 PRA AH Large animal anesthesia: Principles and techniques Essential immunology Essential immunology Prasad,B Riebold T.W/ Geiser D.R/ Goble D.O Roitt Ivan Roitt Ivan 636.089 RIE 636.089 ROI 636.089 ROI AH AH AH Veterinary Pathology Biology of growth of domestic animals Sastry, Ganti A Colin G. Scanes 636.089 SAS 636.089 SCA AH AH Veterinary clinical diagnostic technology Biology of growth of domestic animals Colin G. Scanes 636.089 SCA AH Pathology and parasitology for veterinary technicians Clinical veterinary surgery Shapiro Leland S Shuttleworth A.C/ Smith R.S 636.089 SHA 636.089 SHU AH AH Clinical veterinary surgery Fundamental techniques in immunology & serology Shuttleworth,A.C/ Smith. R.S Singh Ajit 636.089 SHU 636.089 SIN AH AH Fundamental techniques in immunology and serology Singh, Ajit 636.089 SIN AH Fundamental techniques in immunology and serology Singh, Ajit 636.089 SIN AH Fundamental techniques in immunology and serology Singh, Ajit Sloss Margaret W/ Kemp Russel L/ Zajac Anne M 636.089 SIN AH 636.089 SLO AH Veterinary clinical parasitology Current advances in veterinary science and animal production in India Current advances in veterinary science and animal production in India Sloss, Margaret.W/ Kemp/ Zajac 636.089 SLO AH R. Somvanshi, R.R. Lakeshwar 636.089 SOM AH R. Somvanshi, R.R. Lakeshwar 636.089 SOM AH Fundamentals of Animal hygine and epidemilogy Veterinary epidemology Thapliyal, D.C/ Misra Thrusfield Michael 636.089 THA 636.089 THR AH AH Essentials of small animal anesthesia and analgesia Thurmon, JohnC/ Tranquilli, william J/ Benson, G, John 636.089 THU AH Veterinary clinical parasitology Textbook of preventive veterinary medicine A textbook of veterinary special pathology Biopharmaceutics and phamacokinetics Veterinary entomology Upadhayay, A.K Vegad J.L/ Katiyar Venkateswarlu V Wall Richard/ Shearer David 636.089 UPA 636.089 VEG 636.089 VEN 636.089 WAL AH AH AH AH Small animal clinical diagnosis by laboratory mathods William Michael D/ Tvedten Harold/ Turnwald Grant H 636.089 WIL AH Pharmaceutical Practice Winfield, A.J/ Richards, RME AH Echinococcosis/hydatidosis surveillance, prevention and control Clinical dissection guide for large animals Eckert J Constantinnescu Gheorghe M 636.089 WIN 636.0890913 ECK 636.0891 CON Poisionus Plants and related toxins Acamovic,T/ Stewart,C.S 636.08959 ACA AH Breeding for Disease Resistance in farm Animals Axford, R.F.E/Bishop,S.C 636.0896 AXF AH Krik's Current Veterinary Therapy xII Bonagura, John D AH Parasitology for veterinariens Bowman Dwight D 636.0896 KIR 636.089696 DOW Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques in Animal Reproduction Zemjanis, R 636.0898 ZEM AH Veterinary Reproduction and obstetrics Arthur,GH/ Noakes/ Pearson 636.08982 ART AH Veterinary Obstetrics, including certain aspects of the physiology and pathology of reproduction in domestic animals Benesch, Franz/ Wright, john G 636.08982 BEN AH AH AH AH Veterinary Obstetrics, including certain aspects of the physiology and pathology of reproduction in domestic animals Benesch, Franz/ Wright, john G 636.08982 BEN AH Fleming's Veterinary Obstetrics Craig, J.F 636.08982 CRA AH Fleming's Veterinary Obstetrics Craig, J.F 636.08982 CRA AH Fleming's Veterinary Obstetrics Craig, J.F 636.08982 CRA AH Laboratory Diagnosis of livestock abortion Kirkbride, Clyde A 636.08982 KIR AH Arthur's Veterinary reproduction and Obstetrics Noakes, David E/Parkinson, timothy J 636.08982 NOA AH Reproductive disorders in Indian Livestock Rao, A. Ramamohana 636.08982 RAO AH Horse genetics Bowling, Ann T 636.1 BOW AH Equine husbandry in the mountains: A socio economic analysis The equine manual Equine practice 3 The colours and markings of Horse Horse owners veterinary handbook Diseases and parasites of horese and mules Chauhan S.K Higgins Andrew J/ Snyder Jack R Melling Margaret, Alder Martin Packer Diahnne/ Hli Thlib M Giffin James M/ Gore Tom Hambidge Gove Kobluk Calvin N, Ames Trevor R, Geor Raymond J Kobluk Calvin N, Ames Trevor R, 636.1 CHA 636.1 HIG 636.1 MEL 636.1 PAC 636.1089 GIF 636.1089 HAM AH AH AH AH AH AH 636.1089 KOB 636.1089 KOB AH AH The horse diseases and clinical management The horse diseases and clinical management Geor Raymond J Breeding gorses Morel Mina Davis 636.1089 MOR AH Manual of Equine emergencies Treatment & procedures Adams Lameness in horses Adams Lameness in horses Handbook of equine anaesthesia Donkey keeping and breeding Orsini / Divers Stashak Ted S Stashak Ted S Taylor P M/ Clarke K W Barrows Angela 636.1089 ORS 636.1089 STA 636.1089 STA 636.1089 TAY 636.182 BAR AH AH AH AH AH Cattle Fertility and sterility Asdell, S.A 636.2 ASD AH Cattle Fertility and sterility Asdell, S.A 636.2 ASD AH Reproduction in cattle Manual on crossbred cows Ball, P.j.H/ Peters,A.R Deore, P.A Etgen, William/ James, Robert/ Reaves, Paul M FAO Hall J.M, Sansoucy R 636.2 BAL 636.2 DEO AH AH 636.2 ETG 636.2 FAO 636.2 HAL AH AH AH 636.2 IBD AH Dairy Cattle feeding and Management Sheep and goat breeding Open yard housing for young cattle Dairy herd fertility Tree foliage in ruminant nutrition Leng, RA 636.2 LEN AH Introduction to Dairy farming Moylan,P/ Caherleske/ Callan G.W. Salisbury, N.L. Van Demark, J.R. Lodge 636.2 MOY AH 636.2 SAL AH Physiology of reproduction and artificial insemination of cattle Physiology of reproduction and artificial insemination of cattle G.W. Salisbury, N.L. Van Demark, J.R. Lodge 636.2 SAL AH Practical guidelines for Modern dairy farming in tropical and subtropical regions STOAS 636.2 STO AH Practical guidelines for Modern dairy farming in tropical and subtropical regions STOAS 636.2 STO AH Reproductive efficiency in cattle Understanding the dairy cow Vandeplassche, M Webster John 636.2 VAN 636.2 WEB AH AH Linton's Animal Nutrition and Veterinary Dietics Abrams, john T 636.2085 ABR AH Energy and protein requirement of ruminants AFRC 636.2085 AFR AH Applied animal Nutrition, feeds and feeding Cheeke, Peter R 636.2085 CHE AH Applied animal Nutrition, feeds and feeding Cheeke, Peter R 636.2085 CHE AH Application of biotechnology to nutrition of animals in developing countries Leng,R.A 636.2085 LEN AH Application of biotechnology to nutrition of animals in developing countries Leng,R.A 636.2085 LEN AH Application of biotechnology to nutrition of animals in developing countries Leng,R.A 636.2085 LEN AH Application of biotechnology to nutrition of animals in developing countries Leng,R.A 636.2085 LEN AH Application of biotechnology to nutrition of animals in developing countries Leng,R.A 636.2085 LEN AH Manual of Animal nutrition Mathur,M.M/Arora,N 636.2085 MAT AH Manual of animal nutrition 636.2085 MAT AH Animal Nutrition Mathur,M.M/Arora,N Mcdonald P, Edwards R.A, Greenhalgh J.F.D 636.2085 MCD AH Animal Nutrition McDonald, P/ Edwards, R.A 636.2085 MCD AH Animal Nutrition McDonald,P/ Edwards, RA/ Morgan,CA 636.2085 MCD AH Modelling Nutrient uti;ization in farm animals MCHamara,JP/ Beever D/ France J 636.2085 MCN AH Modelling Nutrient uti;ization in farm animals MCHamara,JP/ Beever D/ France J 636.2085 MCN AH Farm anima; metabolisim and nutrition Mello, J.P.F 636.2085 MEL AH Nutrient requirement of Dairy Cattle NAP 636.2085 NAP AH Recent trends in Animal nutrition and feed technology for livestock, pets and laboratory animals Pandey,D.N/ Bajpai,Amita 636.2085 PAN AH Recent trends in Animal nutrition and feed technology for livestock, pets and laboratory animals Animal nutrition and feeding practices Pandey,D.N/ Bajpai,Amita Ranjhan S K 636.2085 PAN 636.2085 RAN AH AH Feeding dairy cows in the tropics Speedy, Andrew/ Sansoucy, Rene 636.2085 SPE AH Feeding dairy cows in the tropics Bovine medicine Diseases and husbandry of cattle Speedy, Andrew/ Sansoucy, Rene Andrews A.H 636.2085 SPE 636.2089 AND AH AH Veterinary medicine: textbook of the diseases of cattle, sheep, pigs and horses Blood/Henderson/ radostits 636.2089 BLO AH Heard health and production management in dairy practice Brand, A/ Noordhuzein 636.2089 BRA AH Herd Health and production Management in Dairy Practice Brand, A/ Noordhuizen 636.2089 BRA AH Herd Health and production Management in Dairy Practice 636.2089 BRA AH Diseases of cattle: A text and reference work Preparation of Foot--and-mouth disease contingency plans Preparation of Foot--and-mouth disease contingency plans Brand, A/ Noordhuizen Fincher M.G, Gibbons W.J, Mayer Karl, Park S.E Geering William A, Lubroth Juan Geering William A, Lubroth Juan 636.2089 FIN 636.2089 GEE 636.2089 GEE AH AH AH Viral diseases of cattle Bovine practice 2 Khars, Robert F Melling Margaret, Alder Martin 636.2089 KHA 636.2089 MEL AH AH Animal By-Product Processing and Utilization Ockerman, HW/ Hansen, CL 636.2089 OCK AH Metabolic and nutrional deseases of cattle Payne, J.M 636.2089 PAY AH Manual on the Diagnosis of renderpest Scott, G.R/ Taylor,W.P 636.2089 SCO AH Bovine mastitis and udder affections Singh Satyavrat, Jaiswal Sonu, Singh Desh Deepak, Singh Harnam 636.2089 SIN AH Bovine mastitis and udder affections Singh Satyavrat, Jaiswal Sonu, Singh Desh Deepak, Singh Harnam 636.2089 SIN AH Bovine mastitis and udder affections Singh Satyavrat, Jaiswal Sonu, Singh Desh Deepak, Singh Harnam 636.2089 SIN AH 636.2089 SIN AH 636.2098 FIN AH 636.2142 BER AH Advances in dairy animal production Dairy cattle Management Dairy cattle Management Principles and practices of Dairy farm management Berg, Van Den Mudgal V.D/ Singhal K.K/ Sharma D.D. Pal, R.N Pal, R.N Prasad, Jagdish 636.2142 MUD 636.2142 Pal 636.2142 Pal 636.2142 PRA AH AH AH AH The principles of dairy farming Domestic water buffalo Slater Ken Fahimuddin M 636.2142 SLA 636.293 FAH AH AH Bovine Mastitis and udder affections Diseases of cattle: A text and reference work Strategy for dairy development in the tropics and subtropics Singh, Satyavrt/ Jaiswal, Sonu/ Singh Desh Deepak Fincher M.G, Gibbons W.J, Mayer Karl, Park S.E A bovine of Indian orgin The Yak Gupta S C/ Gupta Neelam/ Nivsarkar A E Wiener Gerald Nivsarkar A.E/ Gupta S.C/ Gupta Neelam 636.293 GUP 636.293 LIC AH AH Arora C L/ Garg R.C Arora C L/ Garg R.C Boden Edward 636.293 NIV 636.3 636.3 ARO 636.3 ARO 636.3 BOD AH AH AH AH AH Improving Goat production in the tropics Peacock, Christie 636.3 PEA AH Sheep production Vol 1: Breeding and reproduction Wickham G.A/ Mcdonald M.F 636.3 WIC AH Sheep production: Breeding and reproduction 636.3 WIC AH Quantitative genetics in sheep breeding Wickham, G.A/ McDonald, m.F Turner Helen Newton/ Young Sydney S.Y 636.30824 TUR AH Supplementry feeding All about goats Goat husbandry Goat husbandry Drew, K.R/ Fennessy, P.F Hetherington Lois Mackenzie David Mackenzie David 636.3085 DRE 636.39 HET 636.3908 MAC 636.3908 MAC AH AH AH AH The nutrition of goats Controlled reproduction in pigs A quantitative biology of the pig Any Fool can be a pig farmer AFRC Ian Gordon Kuriazakis I Robertson James 636.39085 ARC 636.4 GOR 636.4 KYR 636.4 ROB AH AH AH AH Yak production Sheep production and goat management Sheep production and breeding Sheep production and breeding Sheep and goat practice Pig production planning management and monitoring Saxena C.B/ Saxena R.K 636.4 SAX AH Pig production planning management and monitoring Swine production The neonatal pig development and survival The neonatal pig development and survival The science and practice of pig production The science and practice of pig production The science and practice of pig production The science and practice of pig production Pig production in the tropics Saxena C.B/ Saxena R.K Sharda D P Varley M.A Varley M.A Whittemore Colin Whittemore Colin Whittemore Colin Whittemore Colin Eusebio J A AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH Manual of pig production in the tropics Serres H/ 636.4 SAX 636.4 SHA 636.4 VAR 636.4 VAR 636.4 WHI 636.4 WHI 636.4 WHI 636.4 WHI 636.40013 EUS 636.400913 SER Manual of pig production in the tropics Serres, H 636.400913 SER AH Nutrient requirement s of swine NAP 636.4085 NAP AH An outline of swine diseases A handbook Cowart, Ross/ Casteel 636.4089 COW AH Diseases and parasites of sheep and goats Hambidge, Gove 636.4089 HAM AH Diseases and parasites of swine Hambidge, Gove 636.4089 HAM AH Diseases and parasites of swine Hambidge, Gove 636.4089 HUM AH AH Commercial meat and egg production Poultry production in hot climate Poultry Science Introduction to poultry rearing Modern poultry farming Modern poultry farming Modern poultry farming Commercial broiler production Commercial broiler production Commercial broiler production Commercial broiler production Bell Donald D/ Weaver William D Daghir N.J Ensminger Gobbons M Hurd Louis M Hurd Louis M Hurd Louis M Johari D.C/ Hussain K.Q Johari D.C/ Hussain K.Q Johari D.C/ Hussain K.Q Johari D.C/ Hussain K.Q 636.5 BEL 636.5 DAG 636.5 ENS 636.5 GIB 636.5 HUR 636.5 HUR 636.5 HUR 636.5 JOH 636.5 JOH 636.5 JOH 636.5 JOH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH Broiler Breeder production Leeson S/ Summers J.D 636.5 LEE AH Broiler Breeder production Leeson S/ Summers J.D 636.5 LEE AH Principles and practice of poultry husbandry Newman Tom 636.5 NEW AH Poultry Production Panda,B/ Mohapatra 636.5 PAN AH Welfare of the laying hen Poultry health and management Poultry Perry G.C Sainsbury David Smith Anthony J 636.5 PER 636.5 SAI 636.5 SMI AH AH AH Poultry production Manual for community and extension use Dukpa, Toula 636.507 DUK AH Poultry production Manual for community and extension use Dukpa, Toula 636.507 DUK AH Poultry production Manual for community and extension use Dukpa, Toula 636.507 DUK AH Poultry production Manual for community and extension use Dukpa, Toula 636.507 DUK AH Poultry production Manual for community and extension use Successful poultry management Successful poultry management Successful poultry management Successful poultry management Dukpa, Toula Jull Morley A Jull Morley A Jull Morley A Jull Morley A 636.507 DUK 636.508 JUL 636.508 JUL 636.508 JUL 636.508 JUL AH AH AH AH AH Measuring and auditing broiler welfare Weeks C.A/ Butterworth A 636.5083 WEE AH Commercial poultry Nutrition Lesson, S/ Summers. J.D 636.5085 LEE AH Commercial poultry Nutrition Lesson, S/ Summers. J.D 636.5085 LEE AH Feed from animal wastes: feeding manual Muller, Z.O 636.5085 MUL AH Nutrient requirement of Poultry NAP 636.5085 Nap AH Feeding of poultry Panda, A/ Reddy, V.R/ Sadagapan 636.5085 PAN AH Handbook of Poultry Nutrition Reddy, V. Ramasubba/ Bhosale, Disesh T 636.5085 RAD AH Poultry feeding Rauch, E 636.5085 ROU AH Poultry Feed technology: feed formulation and manufacturing Saxena, H.C 636.5085 SAX AH Poultry Feed technology: feed formulation and manufacturing Saxena, H.C 636.5085 SAX AH Poultry nutrition HAndbook Poultry feed technology Summers, John D/ Leeson, Steven Saxena H.C 636.5085 SUM 636.5088 SAX AH AH Avian immunology Diseases of poultry 636.5089 BEN 636.5089 CAL AH AH Diseases of poultry and their control Benedict, Albert A Calnek B.W Chandra Rajesh, Rao V.D.P, Gomez-Villamandos J.C, 636.5089 CHA AH Poultry Diseases Jordan F.T.W 636.5089 JDR AH Diseases of free-range poultry Roberts Victoria 636.5089 ROB AH Handbook of poultry diseases A beside-Guide Shukla Rakest Kumar 636.5089 SHU AH Advanced pathology and treatment of diseases of poultry Poultry meat and egg production Singh C.D.N/ Singh S.D/ Verma S.P/ Prasad I.N Parkhurst Carmen R/ Mountney 636.5089 SIN 636.513 PAR AH AH George J Poultry Meat and egg production Parkhurst, Carmen R/ Mountney, George J 636.513 Par AH Poultry Meat and egg production Parkhurst, Carmen R/ Mountney, George J 636.513 Par AH Poultry Meat and egg production Parkhurst, Carmen R/ Mountney, George J 636.513 PAR AH Poultry meat science Richardson,R.I/ Mead GC 636.513 RIC AH The development of the chicken egg Uyterwaal,CS 636.5142 UYT AH Poultry nutrition handbook Summers, John D/ Leeson, Steven 636.5805 SUM AH Text book of Small Animal Surgery Slatter, Douglas 636.7087 SLA AH Textbook of veterinary internal medicine 636.7089 ETT AH Guide to the dissection of the dog Diseases and parasites of dogs and cats Small animal dermatology Ettinger, Stephen J/Feldman Evans Howard E, Alexander de Lahunta D.V.M Hambidge Gove Moriello Karen A 636.7089 EVA 636.7089 HAM 636.7089 MOR AH AH AH Atlas of General small animal Surgery Dollars veterinary surgery Caywoo, Dennis D/ Lipowitz, Alan J J O'Conner 636.70897 CAY 636.70897 CON AH AH An atlas of veterinary surgery Hickman, John/Houlton, John/Edwards, Barrie 636.70897 HIC AH An atlas of surgical approaches to the bones of the dog and cat Clinical veterinary surgery Clinical veterinary surgery Clinical veterinary surgery Clinical veterinary surgery Piermattei.D.L/ Greeley,R.G Shuttleworth A.C/ Smith R.S Shuttleworth A.C/ Smith R.S Shuttleworth A.C/ Smith R.S Shuttleworth A.C/ Smith R.S 636.70897 PIE 636.70897 SHU 636.70897 SHU 636.70897 SHU 636.70897 SHU AH AH AH AH AH Clinical veterinary surgery Shuttleworth,A.C/ Smith. R.S 636.70897 SHU AH Clinical veterinary surgery Shuttleworth,A.C/ Smith. R.S 636.70897 SHU AH Clinical veterinary surgery Text book of small animal surgery Shuttleworth,A.C/ Smith. R.S Slatter Douglas 636.70897 SHU 636.70897 SLA AH AH Atlas of Approaches for general surgery of the dog and cat 636.70897 SMI AH Techniques in large animal surgery The cat diseases and clinical management Smith Mark M/ Waldron Don R Turner A. Simon/ Mcilwraith C. Wayne Sherding Robert G 636.70897 TUR 636.8089 SHE AH AH The cat diseases and clinical management Raising rabbits Rabbit farming and its economics Rabit farming and its economics Making profits with Dairy Cows and Quotas Dairy Technology in the tropics and subtropics Maintenance systems for the dairy plant Small scale horn processing Sherding,Robert G Attfield Harlan D Phull Archana/ Phull Rajiv Kumar Phull Archana/ Phull Rajiv Kumar Throup, Gordon Berg, Van Den Hall, H.S/ Tuszynski ILO 636.8089 SHE 636.9322 ATT 636.9322 PHU 636.9322 PHU 6362142 THR 637 BER 637 HAL 637 ILO AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH Dairy and food processing plant maintenance: theory and practice Jha, S.N 637 JHA AH Fundamentals of Dairy Chemistry Johnson, WrBB/ Alford 637 JOH AH Dairy technologiest's handbook Ramasamy,D/ Shibu,A.V/Gopi 637 RAM AH Dairy Technologist Handbook Ramasamy,D/ Shibu,A.V/Gopi 637 RAM AH Dairy Technologist Handbook Ramasamy,D/ Shibu,A.V/Gopi 637 RAM AH Dairy Technologist Handbook Ramasamy,D/ Shibu,A.V/Gopi 637 RAM AH Villahe technology handbook Village milk processing Animal Blood processing and utilization Volunteers in Technical Assistance Lambert,J.C Divakaran,S 637 VOL 637,1 LAM 637,3 DIV AH AH AH The technology of Milk processing Anantakrishan,CP/Khan 637.1 ANA AH Dairy farming and milk production Anantakrishnan C.P/ Padmanabhan P.N 637.1 ANA AH Milk payment and quality Barrell, G.K 637.1 BAR AH Quality milk production Dweyr, W/ Crowe/ Fox 637.1 DWE AH The technology of traditional milk products in developing countries FAO 637.1 Fao AH Milk and milk processing Herrington,B 637.1 HER AH Milk and milk processing Milk production from pasture Herrington,B Holmes, C.W/ Wilson, G.F 637.1 HER 637.1 HOL AH AH Off-taste in raw and reconstituted milk Kim, H/ Hardy/Novak 637.1 KIM AH Off-taste in raw and reconstituted milk Kim, H/ Hardy/Novak 637.1 KIM AH Village milk processing Lambert, JC 637.1 LAM AH Utilization of renewable energy sources and energy-saving technologies by scmall-scale milk plants and collection Riva,G 637.1 RIV AH Solar enerygy in small-scale milk collection and processing Tuszynski,W.B/ Diakowska/Hall 637.1 TUS AH Milking, milk production hygine and udder health Akam.DN/Dodd 637.12 FAO AH Milking, milk production hygine and udder health FAO 637.12 FAO AH Textbook of Dairy Chemistry Mathur,M.P/ Roy/ Dinakar 637.127 MAT AH Traditional cheese making Dubach, Josef 637.3 DUB AH Chemical and Microbiological analysis of milk and milk products Sharma, Ramakant 63788.1 SHA AH Chemical and Microbiological analysis of milk and milk products Practical Beekeeping in new Zealand Sharma, Ramakant Matheson Andrew 63788.1 SHA 638.1 MAT AH AH From Farmers to fishers: developing reservoir acquaculture for people displaced by Dams Pierce, Barry Costa 639,302 PIE AH From Farmers to fishers: developing reservoir acquaculture for people displaced by Dams Pierce, Barry Costa 639,302 PIE AH From Farmers to fishers: developing reservoir acquaculture for people displaced by Dams Pierce, Barry Costa 639,302 PIE AH From Farmers to fishers: developing reservoir acquaculture for people displaced by Dams A hand book of fosh farming Pierce, Barry Costa Agarwal S.C 639,302 PIE 639.302 AGA AH AH Buffalo/Fish and Duck/ Fish integrated systems for Snall-scale farmers at the family level Approaches to the regulation of fishing effort Textbook of fish diseases AIT Beddington John R/ Retting R Bruce Conroy D.A, Herman R.L 639.302 AIT 639.302 BED 639.302 CON AH AH AH Fish: Processing and preservation Cutting Charls L 639.302 CUT AH Handbook on small-scale freshwater fish farming FAO 639.302 FAO AH 639.302 FAO 639.302 HIL 639.302 HUS AH AH AH 639.302 MAA AH The state of world fisheries and aquaculture On-farm fish culture Fresh fish quality and quality changes Fish culture in central east africa Hildrands Aldin Huss Henrik Hans Maar A/ Mortimer M.A.E/ Lingen Van Der A history of fishes Norman J R 639.302 NOR AH Small scale fisheries in Asia Freshwater fish culture Theodore Panayotou Sinha V.R.P/ Ramachandran V 639.302 PAN 639.302 SIN AH AH The biology of fishes Kyle Harry M 639.302 SIN AH Aquaculture systems and practices: A selected review 639.4 BAL AH A manual of fresh-water aquaculture Leaf protein and its by-products in human and animal nutrition Manual on household food consumption Marketing Eggs and poultry Baluyut Elvira A Santhanam R/ Sukkumaran N/ Natarajan P Pirie N.W REH, Emma Stewart,G.F 639.4 SAN 641.3 PIR 644 REH 644.375 STE AH AH AH AH Poultry Eggs Marketing licestock and Meat Winton, Andrew L/ Winton Kate Barber Fenn, M.G 644.375 Win 644.9 FEN AH AH Guidelines for slaughtering, meat cutting and further processing FAO 644.902 FAO AH Manual on meat cold store operation and management Munoz, G.Cano 644.902 MUN AH Women's roles in Innovation of food cycle technologies Small scale processing of pork Meat Hygine Meat Science and Industry Dried salted meats: charque and carne-de-sol UNIFEM ILO Gracey,J.F/ Collins, D.S Izumimoto, Masatoshi Norman, G.A/ Corte, O.O 664 UNI 664,364 ILO 664,9 GRA 664,9 IZU 664,9 NOR AH AH AH AH AH Universal Meat Hygine in Public health care Meat Production and processing Profitable Beef Production Small scale processing of beef Singh, Vijender Purchas, R/ Hogg/Davies Cooper,McG/Willis, B ILO 664,9 SIN 664,902 PUR 664,92 COO 664,92 ILO AH AH AH AH Meat Hygiene for developing countries Lawrie's Meat Science Joshi, BP Lawrie, R.A 664.9 JOS 664.9 LAW AH AH Universal Meat Hygine in public health care Practical meat Inspectiom Singh, Vijender Wilson, Andrew 664.9 SIN 664.9 WIL AH AH Wilson's practical meat inspection Wilson. WG 664.9 WIL AH Wilson's practical meat inspection Wilson. WG 664.9 WIL AH Wilson's practical meat inspection Wilson. WG 664.9 WIL AH Guidelines for slaughtering meat cutting and further processing FAO 664.902 FAO AH Slaughterhouse and slaughterslab design and construction Eriksen,P.J 664.9029 ERI AH Standard design for small-scale modular slaughterhouse FAO 664.9029 FAO AH Slaughterhouse vleaning and sanitation Beef Cattle Production Skaarup, Tove Nicol,A.M 664.9029 SKA 664.92 NIC AH AH