RT-PCR: Detecting Gene Expression You have a gene you are interested in, and the gene may cause the kidneys to develop. Thus, you want to see if the gene is “on” at the time that kidneys develop in embryonic mice. If the gene is “on” the gene will be coding for mRNA (messenger RNA; carries the code for a protein from DNA to the ribosome in the cytoplasm), and the protein coded by that mRNA will be made. However, it is not always possible to record whether the protein is being made due to lack of a specific antibody for the protein from that gene. Another way to analyze for gene expression (whether the gene is on and making mRNA) is to look for the presence of specific mRNA from that gene. mRNA analysis is typically done by the techniques of RT-PCR, qRT-PCR (see below), or Northern blot analysis. We will use RT-PCR (reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction) to detect RNA expression of the gene for phospholipase C-gamma. The Protocol (see figure immediately below; taken from our Textbook World of the Cell by Becker et al.): First, we will isolate total RNA from oocytes. Total RNA has mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA (ribosomal and transfer RNA, respectively). Second, Then we will add Reverse Transcriptase (RT) – which is an enzyme first found in retroviruses- that will take the mRNA and make it into complimentary DNA (cDNA). This is the reverse of transcription (making mRNA from DNA). RNA is reverse transcribed to a single stranded complimentary DNA (cDNA) molecule. Retroviruses are viruses with RNA and no DNA; the virus contains the RT enzyme that makes DNA from the viral RNA (in the host mammalian cell). The RT step takes place in the beginning of the PCR in the PCR machine. Third, we will use a PCR machine to make many many copies of the cDNA. We will obtain copies of part of the gene for a certain protein called Phopholipase C- (PLC-gamma). Thus, we are seeing if the PLC-gamma gene is on in Xenopus oocytes. The PCR reaction can use an oligo dT primer to synthesize the first strand by exploiting the presence of a poly(A) tail on mRNA. The use of an oligo dT prime to initiate first strand synthesis allows production of a cDNA from all mRNA transcripts (see Figure 20-31 from our textBecker’s World of the Cell). 1 This is how a cDNA library is constructed. But the use of oligo d(T) primers is not necessary in most RT-PCR reactions and can decrease the specificity of the PCR reaction. We will use a 3’ gene specific primer for the first strand synthesis. Once the cDNA strand is made, two gene specific primers (GSP) are used to amplify the gene or part of the gene of interest. The primers used for PCR can flank just a small region of the mRNA, or can be designed to amplify the entire mRNA molecule. Amplification of an entire mRNA can be challenging if the mRNA is greater than 3.5 kb. PCR makes many copies of a fragment of DNA (i.e., gene) and is a molecµlar technique based on the concepts of DNA replication. The components of a PCR reaction are (1) DNA polymerase (makes DNA), (2) dioxynucleotides (dNTPsbuilding blocks of DNA), (3) primers for replication of a specific region of DNA by DNA polymerase (DNA polymerase actually requires short strands RNA that are called primers- the two different primers only bind at ends of a segment of DNA within the gene of interest- the PLC-gamma geneso that you make many copies of the bit of DNA located within the primer binding sites), and (4) the proper buffer components for the polymerase to be active. As you recall from lecture/textbook, DNA replication involves steps of (1) unwinding the DNA double helix, (2) the laying down RNA primers to initiate DNA replication, and (3) DNA replication or elongation. PCR is based on this same principle. There are three major steps in PCR (1) denaturation (high temperature breaks the weak bonds binding the two strands of DNA together, making the double stranded DNA into single stranded DNA) (2) annealing (raising the temperature to allow DNA primers to bind the specific DNA sequence they are complimentary to- forming Watson-Crick 2 base pairs), and (3) elongation (a low temperature, DNA replication with DNA polymerase) (see Figure 19A-1—note the suggested temperatures). Denaturation of the DNA molecule is carried out at 95 C. This temperature will denature all human enzymes, and therefore a thermal-stable DNA polymerase is used (thermal-stable means the enzyme can withstand this high temperature—like ribonuclease that we studied; why is ribonuclease unusual??). We will use Taq DNA polymerase, cloned from the bacterium Thermus aquaticus. An important control for RT-PCR is a “no RT control.” RT-PCR is designed to amplify a specific nucleic acid sequence from RNA. In the process of isolating RNA, genomic DNA can contaminate the RNA prep. This contamination can lead to false positive results when looking for gene expression. There are a few methods to avoid false positives (1) use DNase to remove the DNA from the RNA prep, (2) design primers that flank an intron, and (3) use a no RT control reaction every time you do RT-PCR. In this lab you will perform RT PCR using RNA isolated from fresh Xenopus oocytes. You will amplify a region of the Phospholipase C- gene. The RNA samples will be isolated from fresh Xenopus oocytes. The RT-PCR amplification products should be 678 nucleotides (nt) long for phospholipase C-. Primers to use: 5’PLC-gamma 3’PLC-gamma TGTGGMGNGGIGAYTAYGG ATATGAATTCTGGTGGMGNGGIGAYTAYGG The PLCG (and PLD) primers are considered “degenerate” which means that the primer stock has a mixture of oligos representing multiple codon possibilities. Degenerate primers are used when exact nucleotide sequence is not known. This is common when we know the amino acid sequence of a protein (and/or going from protein sequence of one organism to another). For example, we know that an amino acid sequence has a particular amino acid, but this amino acid could be coded by different combinations of 3 nucleotides. The degenerate code usage is below. M = A or C R = A or G W = A or T S = C or G Y = C or T K = G or T H = A or C or T V = A or C or G B = C or G or T D = A or G or T N = A or C or G or T I = inosine We might also look at another enzyme; phospholipase D (PLD) and use these primers: 5' PLD TGGGCICAYCAYGARAA 3' PLD TCRTGCCAIGGCATICKIGG 3 The following procedures will be preformed: Part I) First lab period: a. high quality RNA will be isolated from Xenopus oocytes b. quantification of RNA by the spectrophotometer c. RT-PCR reaction Part II) Second lab period: a. gel electrophoresis to analyze the RT-PCR products Part I: Oocyte RNA with Stratagene’s “Absolutely RNA Miniprep Kit” The objective of this part of the experiment is to isolate high quality RNA, which means RNA that is not degraded and is free from DNA contamination. The Stratagene kit uses a spin column packed with a silica-based matrix that specifically binds RNA in the presence of the chaotropic salt guanidine thiocyanate. "Chaotropic" means chaos-forming, a term which in biochemistry, usually refers to a compound's ability to disrupt the regular hydrogen bond structures in water. This hydrogen bonding profoundly affects the secondary structure of polymers such as DNA, RNA and proteins as well as how water soluble something is. Chaotropic salts increase the solubility of nonpolar substances in water. The chaotropic salts are used to alter the characteristics of the water molecules which surround the DNA molecule. In this way the positive H cloud is weakened so that the DNA molecule can more easily bind the the Sibased matrix (http://www.protocol-online.org/archive/posts/8364.html). Chaotropic salts also denature proteins because they have the ability to disrupt hydrophobic interactions. They do not denature DNA or RNA but the denaturation of proteins not only aids in removing the proteins from the RNA but also prevents RNases from degrading the RNA molecules. Thus, they have two functions in the Kit: (1) denature cellular proteins (such as DNAse and RNAse), and (2) the high concentration of salt also facilitates binding of the nucleic acids DNA and RNA to the silica membrane in the column (http://www.clontech.com/clontech/techinfo/faqs/mn.shtml). A series of washes removes contaminants from the RNA and then the RNA is eluted off the column. This procedure eliminates the need for toxic phenol-chloroform extractions and time-consuming ethanol precipitations. The washing buffer contains nonchaotropic salts and 70% ethanol. Ethanol precipitates nucleic acid and this attaches the RNA more firmly to the matrix in the spin cup. Subsequently, washing is needed to get rid of the chaotropic salts cause these things will inhibit just about anything (PCR,qPCR) and even the new generation of ABI sequencers can't always handle these kits (http://www.protocolonline.org/archive/posts/8364.html). We use different washes: high salt and low salt. The high salt decreases the negative charge on the RNA allowing stronger interactions with the spin cut matrix. The low salt increases the repulsion between the RNA and the cup matrix, allowing elution of the RNA from the spin cup (http://www.protocol-online.org/archive/posts/8364.html). The protocol incorporates a DNase digestion step to aid in removing any remaining DNA. Material provided Quantitya Storage conditions Lysis Buffer 35 ml Room temperature 4 β-Mercaptoethanol (β-ME) (14.2 M) 0.3 ml Room temperatureb RNase-free DNase I (lyophilized) 2600 U Room temperaturec DNase Reconstitution Buffer 0.3 ml Room temperature DNase Digestion Buffer 2 × 1.5 ml Room temperature High-Salt Wash Buffer (1.67×) 24 ml Room temperature Low-Salt Wash Buffer (5×) 17 ml Room temperature Elution Bufferd 12 ml Room temperature Prefilter Spin Cups (blue) and 2-ml receptacle tubes 50 Room temperature RNA Binding Spin Cups and 2-ml receptacle tubes 50 Room temperature 1.5-ml microcentrifuge tubes 50 Room temperature --------------------------------------------------------------a Sufficient reagents are provided to isolate total RNA from 50 samples of 40 mg of tissue or 1 × 107 cells. b Once opened, store at 4°C. c Once reconstituted, store at –20°C. d 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) and 0.1 mM EDTA. Other items needed: Diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC)- inhibits RNase Ethanol [100% and 70% (v/v)]- to precipitate RNA or DNA Homogenizer Spectrophotometer set to 260 nm Note: any dangerous chemicals?? The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) information for Stratagene products is provided on Stratagene’s website at http://www.stratagene.com/MSDS/. Simply enter the catalog number to retrieve any associated MSDS’s in a print-ready format. Preventing RNase Contamination Ribonucleases are very stable enzymes that hydrolyze RNA- remember we noted this in an earlier lecture (why are they unusual?). RNase A can be temporarily denatured under extreme conditions, but it readily renatures (without chaperones- typical proteins irreversibly precipitate when their nonpolar amino acids are revealed during unraveling). RNase A can therefore survive autoclaving and other standard methods of protein inactivation. The following precautions can prevent RNase contamination: ♦ Wear gloves at all times during the procedures and while handling materials and equipment, as RNases are present in the oils of the skin. ♦ Exercise care to ensure that all equipment (e.g., the homogenizer, centrifuge tubes, etc.) is as free as possible from contaminating RNases. Avoid using equipment or areas that have been exposed to RNases. Use sterile tubes and micropipet tips only. ♦ Micropipettor bores can be a source of RNase contamination, since material accidentally drawn into the pipet or produced by gasket abrasion can fall into RNA solutions during pipetting. Clean micropipettors according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Stratagene recommends rinsing both the interior and exterior of the micropipet shaft with ethanol or methanol. Disposable sterile plasticware is generally free of RNases. If disposable sterile plasticware is unavailable, components such as 1.5-ml microcentrifuge tubes can be sterilized and 5 treated with diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC), which chemically modifies and inactivates enzymes (refer to Sambrook, et al.). Treating Solutions with DEPC Treat water and solutions (except those containing Tris base) with 0.1% (v/v) DEPC in distilled water. During preparation, mix the 0.1% DEPC solution thoroughly, allow it to incubate overnight at room temperature, and then autoclave it prior to use. If a solution contains Tris base, prepare the solution with autoclaved DEPC-treated water. Caution DEPC is toxic and extremely reactive. Always use DEPC in a fume hood. Read and follow the manufacturer's safety instructions. Nondisposable Plasticware Remove RNases from nondisposable plasticware with a chloroform rinse. Before using the plasticware, allow the chloroform to evaporate in a hood or rinse the plasticware with DEPCtreated water. Glassware or Metal To inactivate RNases on glassware or metal, bake the glassware or metal for a minimum of 8 hours at 180°C. Preventing Nucleic Acid Contamination Since we will use our isolated RNA to synthesize cDNA for PCR amplification, it is important to remove any residual nucleic acids from equipment that was used for previous nucleic acid isolation. PART Ia) PROTOCOL RNA ISOLATION: 1. KEEP EVERYTHING ON ICE & USE GLOVES (minimize holding tubes in your hands since this warms up the solution). Add 10 µl of chilled mercaptoethanol (-Me) to 1.5 ml of lysis buffer (in a v vial). Vortex to mix. -Me is a reducing agent (remember OILRIG?) that helps denature proteins as it breaks disulfide bridges that maintains tertiary/quaternary structure. 2. Weigh out 0.1 g of Xenopus ovary (this is about 100 oocytes) into a 1.5 ml v vial. Remove excess 0R-2 solution. 3. Add 600 µl of lysis buffer (with -Me) and homogenize tissue/oocytes with a blue pestle. 4. Transfer into a 2 ml microfuge tube. Let the heavy material settle to the bottom (wait 1 minute). 5. Avoiding the heavy material the bottom, transfer 600 µl of the homogenate to a Prefilter Spin Cup (blue) that is seated in a 2-ml collection tube. Snap the cap from the 2 ml centrifuge tube onto the blue spin cup by pushing on and stretching the 6 hinge. If you damage the lid (crimp edge of lid that is down into the blue spin cup), it will leak- check edge of lid visually!! 6. Spin at “max speed” in a Fisher or BioRad mini-fuge (2000 rcf, 6600rpm) or large microfuge (Eppendorf runs at 16100 rcf or 13200 rpm) for 5 minutes. 7. Discard the blue spin cup and KEEP THE FILTRATE (LIQUID) in bottom of receptacle (2ml centrifuge tube). 8. Add 500 µl of 70% ethanol (in RNAse free water) to the filtrate in 2 ml centrifuge tube. Cap the tube and vortex for 10 seconds. 9. Transfer 600 µl of this mixture to an RNA Binding Spin Cup (clear) that is seated in a fresh 2 ml collection tube. Cap the spin cup as before-looking for any crimps. 10. Spin for 1 minute. RNA will stay in the clear RNA binding spin cup, contaminates washed through cup into bottom of 2 ml tube. 11. Discard the filtrate (solution in bottom of tube). Transfer the remaining amount of mixture from step 9 and spin for an additional minute (basically repeat steps 10 and 11). 12. Discard the filtrate – now all the RNA from the ovarian tissue is bound to the one spin cup. 13. Add 600 µl of 1x Low-Salt Wash Buffer. Cap the spin cup and spin the sample for 1 minute. 14. Discard the filtrate. Replace the spin cup into the collection. Do not add anything to the spin cup. The next step is a drying step to dry the column. 15. Spin the sample for 2 minutes. Discard filtrate. 16. In a separate microfuge tube, add 50 µl of DNase Digestion buffer to 5 µl of RNasefree DNase1 enzyme. Mix by pipetting gently up and down. 17. Add the 55 µl of DNase solution to the top of the fiber matrix (inside the spin cup). 7 18. Incubate the samples for 15 minutes in a 37 C water bath (see photo) to digest the DNA (leaving – theoretically- only RNA). 19. Label clean 1.5 ml microfuge tubes for final RNA collection. 20. Add 600 µl of 1x High-Salt Wash Buffer. Cap the spin cup. 21. Spin the sample for 1 minute. 22. Discard the filtrate. Replace the spin cup into the collection. 23. Add 600 µl of 1x Low-Salt Wash Buffer. Cap the spin cup. 24. Spin the sample for 1 minute to remove contaminates. 25. Discard the filtrate. Replace the spin cup into the receptacle centrifuge tube. 26. Add 300 µl of 1x Low-Salt Wash Buffer. Cap the spin cup and spin the sample for 2 minutes. 27. Discard the filtrate. 28. Transfer the spin cup to the fresh 1.5 ml microfuge tube. 29. Add 30 µl of Elution Buffer to the center of the fiber matrix and incubate at room temperature for 2 minutes. This elution buffer removes the RNA stuck to the fiber matrix of the RNA binding spin cup. 30. Spin the sample for 1 minute. DON’T DISCARD FILTRATE IN BOTTOM OF CENTRIFUGE TUBE—THIS IS RNA. 8 31. Wash spin cup but repeating steps 29-30. You will collect this second elution in the same microfuge tube for a final volume of ~60 µl RNA. PART Ib) Quantitate the RNA using the Biophotometer. Note Accurate spectrophotometric measurement requires anOD260 ≥ 0.05. We use the spec to quantify RNA, DNA and protein. Nucleic acid (DNA, RNA) absorb light at 260 nm (versus 276-280 for proteins). Double stranded DNA at a concentration of 50 µg/ml has an OD260 of 1.0, 37µ/ml of single stranded DNA has an OD260 of 1.0, and 40 µg/ml of single stranded RNA (the normal form—what we have just isolated) has an OD of 1.0. Pure DNA preparations should have a 260/280 ration of 1.8, pure RNA preps should have a ratio of 2.0. If you have a poor ratio, then you might have to reextract the DNA or RNA prep with phenol:chloroform to remove protein impurities. 1. Press RNA (OD260 or A260) on the spectrophotometer. Blank the spectrophotometer at 260 nm with an appropriate buffer (e.g., TE or 10 mM Tris, pH 7.5- near neutral pH) in a UVette. (hit BLANK button- you should get a reading of 0.000 A). 2. Remove the blank UVette, press the DILUTION BUTTON, and type in µ of sample (then hit ENTER), and the µl of diluent (hit ENTER). For example, 5 µl and 245 µl. 3. In a second UVette, dilute a sample of your RNA (1:50) by placing 5 µl into a cuvette and then add 245 µl of TE buffer. Place a piece of laboratory film (e.g., Parafilm® laboratory film- use the covered side of the Parafilm against your sample) over the top of the cuvette and mix the sample well. 4. Take the reading. Record the A260, the A280, the A260/A280 ration and µg/ml values. 5. Calculate the concentration of RNA. The conversion factor for RNA is 0.040 μg/μl per A260 unit. Example: if the reading is 0.10- remember you programmed it to do the dilution calculation for you, but check this… Concentration of RNA= Absorbance260 × dilution factor × conversion factor 9 = 0.10×(DF: 250/5=50)× (1.0 OD260 for 0.040 μg/μl) = 0.2 μg/μl for the concentration of RNA 5. Calculate the yield of RNA by mµltiplying the volume in microliters by the concentration. For example, if you have 500 µl of RNA sample, you have 0.2 µg/µl x 500 µl = an RNA yield of 100 μg from about 100 mg of ovarian tissue (oocytes). 6. The ratio of the 260 nm measurement to the 280 nm measurement indicates purity. Ratios of 1.8 to 2.1 are very pure. Lower ratios indicate possible protein contamination (or low pH in the solution used as a diluent for the spectrophotometric readings). Proteins absorb at 280 and nucleic acid (DNA, RNA) at 260 nm. A second way of confirming that you have RNA is by running your sample on a gel. In part II, we will be running our cDNA on a gel. 10 Lane 1 2 3 4 5 6 4.0 kb 2.3 kb 2.0 kb 28S 18S Picture of total RNA isolation from Xenopus oocytes. Lane 1 and 6 contain DNA size markers. A DNA standard that is “4.0 kb” means the nucleic acid is 4000 bases long. Remmeber that the short/small nucleic acid moves faster and is closer to the bottom. Lanes 2-5 contain 5 µl samples from four different RNA preparations. The Ethidium bromide stains the nucleic acid, resulting in fluorescence under µultraviolet light. The major RNA bands seen are the 28S and 18S rRNA transcripts (RNA that makes up the ribosome; 28S and 18S are different sizes and the “S” stands for how fast it moves in density gradient centrifugation- S=Svedberg unit). Note that the amount of mRNA is relatively small and represented by faint minor bands. Some procedures only purify mRNA (by using the polyA tail found on mRNA), not the total RNA that includes r and tRNA. PART Ic) PROTOCOL for RT-PCR from Total Oocyte RNA: We will use Invitrogen’s One-Step SuperScript RT-PCR system. The most common problem is contaminating DNA--DNA from previous procedures as DNA from your skin (wear gloves) or aerosols of DNA solutions can get into pipettors, tubes, etc. Many labs have a spot where the tubes for or from the PCR machine are opened- so that upon opening, bits of DNA are released into the space around the PCR machine. Filters in your pipette tips prevent aerosols enter in the pipette itself, and often separate pipettors are used for PCR. Change your gloves frequently. Add DNA last to all reaction vials. 1. As before, SET UP All tubes and samples- ALL REACTIONS -ON ICE. Thaw the template RNA, primers, 2X Reaction Mix, and RNase- free water. Place them on ice. 2. We want ~50 ng of RNA per reaction tube—you can calculate this amount from the RNA quantification with the spec. We typically make a 1:100 dilution of your RNA sample (mix 99 µl of RNase-free water with 1 µl of RNA). 3. You will set up the following PCR reactions: TUBE 1. phospholipase-C TUBE 2. phospholipase-C control no RNA TUBE 3. phospholipase-C control no RT 1. Make up this MIXTURE #1 (keep on ice, in v vial): 11 component volume (for 3 reactions) RNase- free water 39 µl 2X Reaction Mix 75 µl RNase inhibitor (RNasin; from Promega) 5’ primer @ 5 uM 3µl 6 µl 3’ primer @ 5 uM 6 µl 2. To All 3 tubes, add 43 µl of the Mix #1. Tube 1 gets 5 µl of 1:100 dilution of RNA + 43 ul of Mix #1 + 2 ul of RT/Taq Tube 2 gets 5 µl of RNA free water (no RNA) + 43 ul of Mix #1 + 2 ul of RT/Taq Tube 3 gets 5 µl of 1:100 dilution of RNA + 43 ul of Mix #1 + 2 ul of Taq alone (not RT/Taq) MAKE SURE THAT YOU DO NOT CONTAMINATE STOCKS; USE A NEW PIPETTE TIP EACH TIME!! 3. To tubes 1 and 3, add 5 µl of the 1:100 dilution of RNA. Do not add RNA to tube 3, instead add 5 µl of RNase-free water. Tube 3 is your “no template control” (RNA is the “template”) and is used to evaluate the presence of nucleic acid contamination in your RT-PCR reaction. 4. To tubes 1 and 2, add 2 µl of “RT-Taq” enzyme mix (combination of reverse transcriptase and Tag DNA polymerase). Do not add RT Taq enzyme mix to tube 3, instead add 2 µl of Taq polymerase WITHOUT RT. Tube 3 is your “no RT control” to determine whether DNA is in your RNA preparation. 5. Take your samples to the thermal cycler (also called PCR machine). Transfer your entire ~50 µl sample into the “PCR strip tubes” and place them into the small sample wells in the front of rack. Mark the tab with your initial, and remember to place the samples from left to right (on the left is sample from tube 1, then tube 2, 3). 6. Select the PCR program called RTPCR50 which automatically brings up the following settings: Reverse transcription (make cDNA from RNA): 45ºC for 30 min 12 Initial PCR activation step: (heat denatures RT and other proteins) 3 step cycling—Denaturation temp(kills Taq): Anneal temp (allows primers to bind) Elongation temp (make DNA with Taq) 95º C for 2 min 94º C for 15 sec 50º C for 30 sec 68ºC for 1 min 40 cycles total Final extension: 68ºC for 5 min Cold hold (after ~4 hours, the PCR is finished, so this keeps the product cold for storage overnight) 4ºC hold Remove tubes from thermocycler and keep cDNA product at 2-8ºC. Next class period you will run your samples (10 µl sample + 5 µl dye) on a 1% agarose gel containing ethidium bromide, to visualize the RT-PCR resµlts. Questions to think about. 1. If either of your negative controls show amplification products, what can you conclude about the validity of your sample results? 2. What size fragment would you expect as a result of DNA amplification from genomic DNA contamination? Think of this result relative to the size product you expect from the RT-PCR amplification from RNA. 13 3. Discuss techniques that would actually quantify the amount of mRNA present. Some cells may have a high level of gene activity, versus those cells with intermediate amount, or zero amount of gene activity. See appendix below, use the web and your textbook. Appendix: Quantify the amount of mRNA: RT-PCR will confirm the presence of an mRNA, but is not considered a quantitative method (like qRT-PCR) due to saturation of detection of the end product (in other words, you may have different levels of gene activity and thus, different levels of mRNA, but “regular” RT-PCR produces the same amount of product cDNA for different starting amounts). However, RT-PCR can be designed to yield semi-quantitative expression data, but this requires an elaborate replication (time) course analysis that we will not perform. For truly quantitative mRNA analysis qRT-PCR also called real time (or quantitative) RT-PCR can be performed. qRT-PCR detects amplification of a gene sequence as PCR amplification is occurring. This yields quantitative data, as levels of amplification are being measured before the detection capacity reaches saturation. qRTPCR requires a highly specialized thermal cycler and fluorescent probes that allow for real time amplified product detection. Northern blot analysis, using labeled probes to detect mRNA levels can be qualitative or quantitative. Northern blot analysis involves separating the RNA molecµles by size in a denaturing agarose gel. The RNA is then transferred from the gel onto a nylon membrane. A nucleic acid probe designed to be complementary to the RNA sequence of interest is used to detect the presence and quantity of the RNA in the sample. Northern blotting requires the use of either radioactive or chemical detection of the probe and RNA hybridization. Finally, with enough money, microarray or GeneChip analysis can be done to look at expression of thousands of genes simultaneously in a semi-quantitative manner. 14