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TGD and Quantum Biology
PowerPoint presentation
Matti Pitkänen 08/09/2000
Postal address:
Köydenpunojankatu 2 D 11
10940, Hanko, Finland
E-mail: matpitka@luukku.com
URL-address: http://tgdtheory.com
(former address: http://www.helsinki.fi/~matpitka )
"Blog" forum: http://matpitka.blogspot.com/
A. Basic ideas and concepts
B. Superconductivity in living matter
C. Quantum model for EEG
A. Basic ideas and concepts
1. Basic conceptual framework
2. Applications
3. Many-sheeted Space-Time
4. Dark Matter and p-adic hierarchies
5. Number theoretical miracle
6. new view about Time and Energy
7. S-matrix in Zero Energy Ontology
8. (graphic)
9. seeing into the geometric-Past
10. Many-sheeted Meta
11. the notion of Magnetic Body
1. Basic conceptual framework
● TGD-inspired theory of Consciousness. Quantum jump as moment of consciousness. Notion of
"self". Self hierarchy.
● p-Adic physics as physics of cognition and intention.
● New view about the relationship between experienced- and geometric-time. New view about
memory and intentional action.
● Many-sheeted space-time. The notion of magnetic body.
● Dark matter hierarchy and dynamical Planck constant: zooming. Hierarchy of Macroscopic
quantum phases. Dark EEG photons can have energies above thermal threshold.
2. Applications
● “Dropping” of particles to larger space-time sheets as a universal mechanism of metabolism.
"Quantum credit card" as a mechanism of remote metabolism.
● TGD-based view about high Tc superconductivity. New view about cell membrane.
● Effects of ELF EM fields on vertebrate brain. Cyclotron condensates of dark ions at flux quanta of
dark magnetic field.
● A model for a hierarchy of EEGs. Dark matter at magnetic flux body receives information from
and controls ordinary matter in living system.
● The notions of super- and hyper-genome. Great leaps in Evolution as increases in the largest value
of Planck constant associated with the system.
3. Many-sheeted Space-Time
● Both microscopic and Macroscopic structures correspond to topology of space-time. Physical objects
as space-time sheets. Many-sheeted space-time.
● Topological field quantization. The notion of field/magnetic body. Magnetic flux quanta, massless
extremals/ topological light rays.
( Massless Extremals )
● Universal metabolic energy quanta. “Dropping” of particles to larger space-time sheets can liberate
metabolic energy as Zero-Point kinetic energy. General mechanism of metabolism. Metabolic
energy quanta universal and determined by p-adic length scale hypothesis.
● Hierarchy of scaled variants of standard model physics. Long-ranged QCD, EW interactions in
various length scales.
4. Dark Matter and p-adic hierarchies
● Dark matter hierarchy and dynamical Planck constants. Hierarchy of Macroscopic quantum
phases. Zoomed-up variants of particles with same masses. h(M4)= na£h0 and h(CP2)= nb£h0.
Observed Planck constant heff= (na/nb)h0.
● Preferred values of na and nb correspond to n-polygons constructible using compass and ruler
number theoretically suggestive since the quantum phase exp(iπ/n) is expressible using iterated
square rooting to rational number and thus very simple:
n= 2k Õs Fs ,
Fs = 22s +1 , s = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ?
Given Fs at most once. The known Fermat primes 3,5,17, 257, 216+1.
● n = 2k11 , k=0,1,2,… seems to be favored in living matter. 211 is a fundamental constant in TGD.
5. Number theoretical miracle
● p-Adic space-time sheets as correlates of cognition and intention. Discrete number of rational
(algebraic) points common with real space-time sheets.
● p-Adic fractality due to p-adic effective topology. p-Adic length scale hypothesis: p≈2k, k integer,
preferredly prime.
● Mersenne primes 2n-1 and Gaussian Mersennes (1+i)n -1 important for elementary particle physics.
● Number theoretical miracle: k=151,157,163,167 define Gaussian Mersennes spanning the range
10 nm-to-2.5 microns. These length scales are crucial for living matter.
6. new view about Time and Energy
● Inertial (or Poincare) energy conserved. Sign of energy depends on time orientation of space-time
sheet. Negative energy space-time sheets. Possible to distinguish between positive energy
particle propagating to geometric-Fast and negative energy particle propagating to geometric-Past
if super-canonical conformal weight expressible in terms of zeros of Riemann Zeta is complex.
Negative energy signal corresponds to phase conjugate photon: positive energy photon
propagating to geometric-Fast is not equivalent with negative energy photon propagating to
geometric-Past. Phase conjugation corresponds to conjugation for super-canonical conformal
weights expressible in terms of zeros Riemann zeta.
● Interpretation in terms of phase conjugation for laser photons generalized to apply to all particles.
Phase conjugate states have negative time orientation.
geometric Time. Self-assembly.
Second Law in reversed direction of
7. S-matrix in Zero Energy Ontology
● Zero energy ontology. Physical states have vanishing conserved quantum numbers. Everything
creatable from vacuum by intentional action (quantum jump transforming p-adic space-time sheet
to real space-time sheet).
● Initial/final states of particle reaction correspond positive/negative energies. Positive energy
ontology good approximation if temporal distance between positive and negative energy states
long in time scale of perception.
● New interpretation for coherent states of Cooper pairs! Could also DNA and other biomolecules
appear in quantum superposition?
● Could thermodynamical states involving “superposition” of states with different conserved quantum
numbers have quantal counterparts?
8. (graphic)
9. seeing into the geometric-Past
● Remote metabolism by sending negative energy to a system able to receive it (say, populationinverted laser. Dropping of particles to larger space-time sheets and liberation of zero point kinetic
● General mechanism of intentional action. Intention to desire as p-adic-to-real transition. Desire to
initiate action realized as negative energy signal to geometric-Past where it induces neural activity
leading to the action. Negative energy topological light rays (M(assless)E(xtremal)s). Charged
entanglement by massless W MEs). Libet’s finding that neural activity precedes conscious
decision support this view.
● Long-term memories and new view about space-time. Time mirror mechanism of memory recall.
Seeing into geometric-Past by time reflection from the brain of geometric-Past just like seeing in
ordinary sense by ordinary reflection.
10. Many-sheeted Metabolism
10. the notion of Magnetic Body
● Magnetic body uses biological body as motor instrument and sensory receptor. Communications
and control using scaled variants of EEG. Josephson radiation and cyclotron radiation. Magnetic
bodies contain dark matter in large h phase. Cyclotron BE condensates, Cooper pairs.
● Findings of Libet and others about strange delays of consciousness can be understood as time delays
due to the communication of sensory data to the magnetic body. Onion-like structure.
● Mechanism for intentional action applied by magnetic body. Makes system extremely flexible.
Findings of Libet again!
● Charged entanglement and large h negative energy quanta of exotic W bosons make possible
remote control by inducing modifications of classical EM fields at space-time sheets of ordinary
inducing ionic currents in living matter. Many-sheeted Faraday law.
● Magnetic body as user of metabolic energy using "quantum credit card" by sending negative
energy to the energy storage. Extreme flexibility.
B. Superconductivity in Living Matter
1. Findings about high Tc Superconductivity
2. Quantum criticality due to presence of 2 kinds of Cooper pairs
3. Exotic Cooper pairs
4. Model for Exotic and BCS Cooper pairs
5. Why the doping fraction is in critical range?
6. Excitation Energies
7. arguments and findings challenging notions of Ionic Pump and Channel
8. TGD-based explanation of Anomalies
9. Model for Cooper pairs of high Tc superconductor
1. Findings about high Tc Superconductivity
Cuprates. Formation of stripes in anti-ferromagnetic CuO planes. Mott insulators with
magnetically “frozen” valence electrons which somehow begin to conduct along striples which are
anti-ferromagnetic defects containing holes added by doping. Critical doping fraction 0.15.
● In superconducting phase, stripes must fluctuate. Coherence lengths short: Type II superconductor
if h ordinary(!).
● Spin 1 and L=2: J=2 states Cooper pairs present. Evidence also for S=0 BCS-type Cooper pairs.
● Simple power law behavior for resistance as function of temperature also above Tc up to another
critical temperature Tc1. Power law behavior and spin glass character suggests quantum
criticality involving competition of 2 phases. Anti-ferromagnetic order destroyed by disorder
allowing possibly phononic superconductivity.
● Poorly understood excitation energies. Onset of optical absorption at 50 meV. Second derivative
for photon absorption peaked at 68 meV. Resonant neutron scattering at 41 meV. References.
See also this.
2. Quantum criticality due to presence of 2 kinds of Cooper pairs
● Competition of 2 phases below pseudo gap temperature Tc1>Tc. Both phases correspond to large
Planck constant. Exotic and BCS-type Cooper pairs.
● Exotic Cooper pairs due to some new interaction and unstable against decay to ordinary h state at
quantum criticality. Reduction of superconductivity to conductivity. Quantum criticality
explains scaling laws and fluctuating stripes.
● BCS-type Cooper pairs with large h and thus high Tc.
● The value of Planck constant h = 211 h0. Scaled-up electron has size L(149=127+2´11=149)=5 nm.
Thickness of lipid layer of cell membrane. Exotic Cooper pair consists of a pair of zoomed up
electrons topologically condensed on cylinders of length L(151)= 10 nm in different layers.
3. Exotic Cooper pairs
● Coherence lengths scaled up to 1-4 mm! Ordinary superconductors have coherence lengths up to 1
● Tc scaled up too.
● Dual of Type I superconductor instead of Type II superconductor! Stripes analogous to magnetic
defects in Type I superconductor. Anti-ferromagnetic quantal counterpart of superconductor of
Type I in critical magnetic field.
● Large size of exotic Cooper pairs solves the problem of integrating the supra phases assigned with
stripes to supra phase in longer length scale.
● Exotic Cooper pairs formed from neighboring electrons with parallel spins in hole-stripe by a phase
transition increasing h. Breakdown of anti-ferromagnetism necessary.
4. Model for Exotic and BCS Cooper pairs
● Exotic Cooper pairs: pairs of cylindrical space-time sheets containing electron per sheet.
● Wormhole contacts feed EM charge to large space-time sheet. If 2 wormholes per electron, then
wormholes have quark-antiquark pair at partonic throats.
● Wormhole contact light Higgs-like particle. Scaled-up dark color force binds the cylinders to
exotic Cooper pair! Exotic Cooper pairs can possess spin.
● Minimization of energy using data about transition energies fixes the size scale of Cooper pair to
L(151). Thickness of cell membrane and of lipid layer as predictions!
● Electrons of BCS-type Cooper pair inside single cylinder and bound by phonon interaction.
● Exotic Cooper pair can decay to BCS-type pair: second electron hops to the space-time sheet of
its companion. Generates BCS-type phase below Tc<Tc1.
5. Why the doping fraction is in critical range?
● Cusp type (van der Waals) singularity with T and doping fraction p as variables explains the
existence of superconductivity in a finite range for p. How to understand this?
● Assume that stripes are fixed structure with fixed hole concentration. Fractality inspires the notion
of super-stripe having also fixed hole density. Super-stripe has thickness L(151)=10 nm
consisting of 2 layers of thickness L(149) =5 nm and carries supra currents. Super-stripe contains
stripes of thickness of few atom lengths and average length L(149).
● Lattice of super-stripes. Distance between super-stripes fixed by doping fraction. The density of
super-stripes cannot be too large (Coulomb repulsion) and their distance cannot be longer than
coherence length. This gives limits on p.
● Inside super-stripes, electrons in quantum critical state below Tc1 and able to transform to both
ordinary and dark electrons.
● Note: super-canonical radial conformal weights of electrons correspond to zeros of Riemann ζ at
6. Excitation Energies
● Excitation energies. 68 meV BE for BCS-type Cooper pair with members at same layer. 27 meV
BE for exotic Cooper pair with members at different layers. 41 meV energy transforms pairs to
each other. Criticality: both kinds of pairs co-exist.
● 50 meV critical voltage for nerve pulse generation!: quantum criticality? 50 meV as the energy of
Josephson photon kicking Cooper from interior phase to the boundary phase? Is cell a high Tc
● Generalization to bio-superconductivity. Super-stripes which look locally like flat membranes
replaced by cell membranes. Are only cell membranes super-conducting? Cell interior contains a
lot endoplasma membranes.
7. arguments and findings challenging notions of Ionic Pump and Channel
● Astronomical number of channels and pumps needed. Further problem: Also cat can walk
through the door allowing dog to get in. One could perhaps circumvent the problem by coding
various chemicals using a reasonable number binary digits but can this be achieved in the
framework of standard chemistry? Channels and pumps could be also generated by selforganization process when needed.
● Quantal character and universality of cell membrane ionic currents. Cell membrane can be even
replaced with a polymer membrane without any essential changes!
● Ionic currents through cell membrane flow even in absence of metabolic energy feed.
● Cellular water does not behave like ordinary water. Does not leak out when cell is rotated,
“ordered water” in some sense.
● References. See also this.
8. TGD-based explanation of Anomalies
● Electron and ionic currents could flow as supra- and dark-currents via cell membrane spacetime sheet: small dissipation.
● Universality: the purpose of ionic channels and pumps is not what it is believed to be. Magnetic
body perceives the state of cell membrane environment. Could channels and pumps act as
sensors? Information about ion concentrations by measuring flows through channels and pumps.
● Cell is high Tc superconductor. Could electron pair in cell membrane transform to a dark electron
pair with much larger electron size so that Bose-Einstein condensate is generated? Cell membrane
as quantum critical system (electronic super-canonical conformal weights correspond to zeros of z)
. This in a narrow range of temperatures only (around 37 oC?).
● Cell membrane as interface between different sectors of imbedding space characterized by different
values of Planck constants?
9. Model for Cooper pairs of high Tc superconductor
C. Quantum model for EEG
(mhtml:http://www.helsinki.fi/~matpitka/tgdppt/tgdbioeegweb.mht!tgdbioeegweb_files/frame.htm )
1. Effects of ELF EM fields on Vertebrates
2. Explanation in terms of large h photons
3. Why Only Vertebrates?
4. Model for a hierarchy of EEGs
5. General structure of EEG
6. Scaled Variants
7. The notions of super- and hyper-genome
8. Quantum leaps in Evolution
1. Effects of ELF EM fields on Vertebrates
ELF EM fields have effects on vertebrate brain at harmonics of cyclotron frequencies of
biologically important ions (in particular, the Ca++ ion in a magnetic field of B= 0.2 Gauss [the
nominal value of Earth's B is 0.5 Gauss] ).
● Odd harmonics favored. Suggests that quantal transitions are in question.
● Thermal noise should mask all effects which appear in very weak fields. Effects appear in amplitude
windows at 10-7 V/m and in the range 1-10 V/m. The latter window corresponds to amplitudes of
● Classical models not satisfactory. Vacuum dielectric constant appears in cyclotron frequency rather
than that of water. Cyclotron radii of order 1 meter and should be perturbed badly by Brownian
● References.
2. Explanation in terms of large h photons
● Effects seem to be quantal. But this is “impossible” since ELF photon energies ridiculously small.
For k=4 level of hierarchy (h= 2k11h0), EEG photons would have energy above thermal energy.
● BE = 0.5 Gauss should be accompanied by a dark magnetic field Bd = 0.2 Gauss (carrying dark
Cyclotron frequencies: If dark cyclotron condensates at magnetic bodies generate cyclotron
radiation involved with bio-control and coordination, then radiation at harmonics of cyclotron
frequencies might interfere with quantum control by magnetic body.
● Amplitude windows: Suppose perturbing field defines a perturbing voltage for Josephson junction.
If perturbing voltage V1 is constant in relevant time scale and comprable to the constant voltage V0
over Josephson junction, then Josephson current is of form J=J0sin(ft), f= Ze(V0-V1)/h .
If f corresponds to a biologically important frequency (say, a frequency-defining biorhythm), a
strong biological effect can result in the amplitude window. Explanation requires hierarchy of
Josephson junctions.
3. Why Only Vertebrates?
● Why only vertebrates? Evolutionary level↔highest value of h present in organism! Only for
vertebrates k=4 level would be present at level of single organism and makes possible EEG.
Evolution as increase of largest h!
● At collective level, even bacteria (behaving socially!) could possess k=4 level. Time scale of DNA
expression is 0.05 seconds and indeed suggests collective EEG. EEG of and nest and beehive?
● Also higher levels (h=2k11h0) at least up to k=7 corresponding to the time scale of order lifetime
present. Prediction for time scales of hierarchy of memories. Hierarchy of biorhytms.
4. Model for a hierarchy of EEGs
● Why EEG? Control and communication.
Communication from cell membrane to magnetic body. Control by magnetic body through
genome by activating various gene expressions. Flux sheets through DNA strands make possible
the control.
● Model for high Tc superconductivity suggests that cell is quantum critical high Tc superconductor.
At least, cell membrane must be superconducting in quantum critical sense. Both quantum control
of cell interior by magnetic body and genome and communication from cell membrane to
magnetic body must be simultaneously possible. Electron pairs transformed to large h phase at
cell membrane which is quantum critical system. This might be possible only in a narrow range
of temperatures about 37 oC.
● Cell membrane and its scaled-up variants as Josephson junctions with universal voltage same for
all scaled versions. Josephson energy ZeV does not depend on h whereas Josephson frequency fJ
scales as 1/h. Josephson energy for cell membrane just above thermal threshold. Electronic
Cooper pairs. Quantum critical super-conductivity.
● Cyclotron frequencies fc = ZeB/2πm do note depend on h. Cyclotron energies scale like h so that for
high enough level of hierarchy one obtains energy above thermal threshold. k>3 for B=0.2 Gauss.
5. General structure of EEG
● Frequencies combinations of harmonics of cyclotron frequencies fc and Josephson frequency fJ .
● Josephson current determines the spectrum of Josephson radiation.
J = J0*sin(ZeV0t +Ze s V dt) contains frequencies of form
fn = nfc +/- fJ ,
fJ= eV/hbar if V(t) contains only cyclotron frequencies. Noise also present. Alpha band and its
harmonics as cyclotron radiation. Satellites of these bands as Josephson radiation.
● Alpha band corresponds to cyclotron transitions for biologically important bosonic ions. Beta
and theta bands as satellites fc +/- fJ. Perturbations of membrane voltage by cyclotron frequencies
in Josephson current create theta and beta band.
● The narrow resonances in theta and beta bands (3,5,7 Hz) and 13,15,17 Hz (Nunez) correspond to
biologically important bosonic ions with cyclotron frequencies alpha band [ (8,10,12) Hz].
6. Scaled Variants
● Strong perturbations (by control signals or noise) lead to a chaotic looking behavior. Beta band is
good example.
● EEG during sleep. Scaled-down version Bd/2 of Bd needed. Scaled-down alpha around 5 Hz, etc..
Left (right) brain hemisphere corresponds to Bd (Bd/2)?
● Scaled variants of EEG predicted. Scaled variants of alpha band in particular. Preferred scalings by
powers of 211. Prediction of a fractal hierarchy biorhythms by just scaling EEG peaks. More
general scalings correspond to Fermat integers. p-Adically scaled variants of magnetic fields are
also possible. EEG patterns should appear in several time scales.
● EEG hierarchy considerable user of metabolic energy. Ionic pumps and channles not so.
● Fractally scaled-up variants of cell as magnetic flux quanta? Ionospheric cavity and layer below
it as analog of cell membrane at the level of dark space-time sheets.
7. The notions of super- and hyper- genome
● Magnetic body controls biological body via genome. Magnetic flux sheets traverse through DNA
strands through DNA. Makes possible for magnetic body to control genetic expression.
● Magnetic flux sheet can traverse through several genomes. Flux quantization with increasing flux
unit requires increase of flux sheet width: more genomes at flux sheet. Genomes along the same
flux quantum-like lines of text. Flux quantum contains rows of genomes like book page contains
the text lines. Fusion of genomes to super-genome: organs become coherent wholes.
Fusion of super-genomes to hyper-genomes so that groups of organisms form higher level
conscious and genetically controlled entities. Cultural evolution evolution of hyper-genome.
● Coherent gene expression in organs and groups of organisms as a clear cut test. Could introns
correspond to hypergenome? Is electromagnetic expression of genes possible?
8. Quantum leaps in Evolution
● Leaps in Evolution are quantum leaps but in a new sense!
● Highest value of h present in organism characterizes its evolutionary level. The higher this value
of h, the longer the geometric time span of mental, the time scale of long-term memory, and the
time scale of planned behavior. The lower the frequency scale of highest scaled variant of EEG
present, the larger than magnetic body of the organism. Evolution at higher levels growth of
magnetic bodies.
● The most important levels correspond to h = 2k11h0, k=0,1,2,... k=7 seems to be highest level which
still correspond to a time scale not longer than human life span. Quantal variant of chakra
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