2015-46 Announcement on the Replacement of Sponsor

Stock code: 600795 Stock abbreviation: GDPD
Bond code: 122151 Bond abbreviation: 12 GD 01
Bond code: 122152 Bond abbreviation: 12 GD 02
Bond code: 122166 Bond abbreviation: 12 GD 04
Bond code: 122324 Bond abbreviation: 14 GD 01
No.: L. 2015-46
GD Power Development Co., Ltd.
Announcement on the Replacement of
Sponsor Representative Responsible for
Continuous Supervision
The Board of Directors and all directors of the Board of our company hereby
guarantee that all contents in the Announcement shall include no falsified description,
misleading statement of major omission and shall assume the joint and several
liabilities for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents.
Whereas, it is hereby notified that:
GD Power Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)
received Notification on Replacement of Sponsor Representative for Continuous
Supervision of GD Power Development Co., Ltd. on August 21, 2015 sent by UBS
Securities Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “UBS”), the sponsor institution of
the Company. Former consistence supervision sponsor representative of the Company,
Mr. Tang Shuangding, ceased to hold the office of sponsor representative during
consistence supervision period of publicly convertible bond offering due to job
change. In order to ensure normal proceeding of consistence supervision of the
Company, UBS appointed Mr. Liu Wencheng to fulfill consistence supervision instead
of Mr. Tang Shuangding. See resume of Mr. Liu Wencheng in attachment.
After the replacement of sponsor representative, persons in charge of consistence
supervision of the Company are Mr. Liu Wencheng and Mr. Cui Wei.
GD Power Development Co., Ltd.
August 22, 2015
Resume of Mr. Liu Wencheng
Mr. Liu Wencheng, sponsor representative, has more than 15 years’ experiences in
investment banking business. As sponsor representative and major member of project
team, Mr. Liu participated in 2015 CEB domestic preferred stock offering project,
2015 Dongxing Securities A share IPO project, 2011 NCI A+H share IPO project,
2009 CPIC A+H share IPO project, 2008 financial advisor project of China Telecom
purchasing CDMA network of China Unicom, 2007 CNPC A share IPO project, 2007
Ping An Insurance A share IPO project, 2006 BOC shareholding reform and A share
IPO project. Mr. Liu Wencheng joined UBS in 2007 and had worked in China Galaxy
Securities Co., Ltd.