UNION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF NEW BRUNSWICK BOARD OF DIRECTORS October 3, 2014 1. U.M.N.B. held a Board of Directors meeting on Friday, October 3, 2014 in the St. Andrews Room, Algonquin Hotel, Saint Andrews, NB. ATTENDANCE Mayor David Hanson, Rexton Mayor Bev Gaston, Doaktown Mayor Gerald Gogan, Petitcodiac Mayor Terry Keating, Salisbury Mayor Ken Chorley, Hampton Councillor Beth Thompson, Quispamsis Mayor Stan Choptiany, Saint Andrews Mayor Teresa James, Blacks Harbour Mayor Gary Mersereau, Fredericton Junction Deputy Mayor Gisèle McCaie-Burke, New Maryland Mayor Arthur Slipp, Woodstock Mayor Elaine English, Canterbury Councillor Jacqueline Leclair, Dalhousie Councillor Tracy Culligan, Belledune Mayor Richard Keeley, Grand Falls Councillor Stephen Chase, Fredericton Mary Jane Banks, Past President, AMANB Deputy Mayor Lisa Harris, Miramichi - regrets Councillor France Roussel, Drummond Raymond Murphy, Executive Director 2. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1100 hours with President Arthur Slipp presiding. President Slipp welcomed everyone to the meeting. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Mayor Elaine English and second by Mayor Ken Chorley to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING It was moved by Mayor David Hanson and second by Deputy Mayor Gisele McCaieBurke to approve the minutes of the August 22nd & 23rd Board of Directors meeting. Motion carried 5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (a) Web site update The Executive Director mentioned that the update was nearly complete with the exception of the translation of the information into French; once this is done we will be up and running and fully functional. In addition, future updates will be done by the UMNB office. (b) Proposal from Frank Cowan Company The Executive Director mentioned that the agreement between UMNB and Frank Cowan Company had been signed and would become effective on January 1 st of 2015. c) Information package for Tracy on UMNB The ED reported that this had not yet been done but would be within the next couple of weeks once the busy time following the annual conference was over. d) Resolutions package The ED reported that this year there was two resolutions submitted for consideration by the annual meeting. Any other resolution to come before the meeting requires unanimous consent. e) Department of Transportation & Infrastructure meeting The ED reported that a meeting would be scheduled involving DELG as well as the Department of Public Safety and DTI on the issue raised at the last Board meeting dealing with hurricanes/weather events. Of particular interest was Hurricane Arthur and its aftermath – the follow up and disaster relief compensation, who responds and what expectations are from all sides. f) RTIPPA requests A meeting will be held soon to seek clarification on some of the outstanding issues especially who pays and re-imbursement. 6. TREASURER’S REPORT It was moved by Mayor Elaine English and second by Mayor Terry James that the financial statement to August 31, 2014 be accepted as presented. Motion carried 7. CORRESPONDENCE It was moved by Councillor Stephen Chase and second by Mayor Bev Gaston to receive and file correspondence. Motion carried 8. FEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES REPORT It was moved by Mayor Terry James and second by Councillor Gerard Richard to receive the FCM report for information purposes. Motion carried 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Nothing to report. B. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE The Executive Director reported on the following Conference registration numbers – similar to 2013 o Conference format – all workshops to be held in the Van Horne Ballroom except for those during the annual meeting portion of the weekend. o Sponsorships – more than expected at the August meeting but less than last year o Trade show numbers – much better than anticipated in August; 35 in total o Media Advisory – press release has been sent out to media outlets throughout the province o Nominating report – Mayor Hanson reported that since an amendment was made to the constitution there would be no nominations from the floor o at this year’s conference. Only one position is being contested, that being 1st Vice President. o Entertainment – The Diabolos from St. Stephen Also mentioned was that the 2015 conference will be in Fredericton again. C. MEDIA ADVISORY Covered above. D. NOMINATING COMMITTEE Covered above. E. PERSONNEL Nothing to report. F. PROTECTIVE SERVICES Nothing to report – to be provided at annual meeting. G. RESOLUTIONS/POLICIES/CONSTITUTION Covered earlier. 10. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT (a) Age Friendly communities – Both the ED and President attended a workshop sponsored by the City of Fredericton on age friendly communities and the issues faced by municipalities in making them age friendly. Both mentioned that the speaker from Winnipeg was excellent and Fredericton was to be commended for its leadership on this issue. It was moved by Councillor Tracy Culligan and second by Mayor Gary Mersereau to accept the Executive Director’s report as presented. Motion carried 11. ZONE REPORTS These will be done at the annual meeting. 12. a) OTHER BUSINESS None DIRECTORS CONCERNS Date of November meeting raised due to the annual conference of AFMNB on November 14th & 15th. This will be decided on at the post AGM Board meeting. NEXT BOARD MEETING The next Board meeting will be held October 5th at the Algonquin Hotel – St. Andrews room immediately following the annual conference. Lunch will be served on site. 14. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Councillor Beth Thompson and second by Mayor Terry James that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried 12:00 PM