University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire Department of Anaesthesia Medical student information pack last updated:22.12.08 Cyprian Mendonca 1 Contents Page Introduction 3 Consultant Contact details 4 Teaching time table 5 Learning objectives 5 Consultant time table 6 MCQ test 6 Bleep numbers 7 Training Assessment form 8 last updated:22.12.08 Cyprian Mendonca 2 MB ChB Phase II Anaesthesia training module Introduction Welcome to the department of Anaesthesia. I hope that you will enjoy your time in our department, and find it useful part of your training. This module will offer you a range of knowledge and clinical skills. Knowledge: preoperative assessment, recognising increased risk of peri-operative morbidity and mortality, cardiovascular physiology, pharmacology of basic anaesthetic drugs, pharmacology of analgesics, physiology of postoperative nausea and vomiting, common intra-operative problems, standard intra-operative monitoring and basic principles of regional anaesthesia and pharmacology of local anaesthetic drugs. Clinical skills: assessment and management of airway and breathing, performing bag and mask ventilation, insertion of laryngeal mask airway and venous cannulations. Your tutor will choose an appropriate and most convenient theatre list which is suitable for teaching. Please meet your tutor during the first week of attachment and find out the appropriate theatre list where you can join them for subsequent weeks ( (please refer consultant time table, page 4.). You have to spend at least two sessions a week in anaesthesia. At the end of each session you must choose a topic for discussion at next session and read about it. To make best use of this module you must follow the given objectives. Try and make use of all available learning opportunities in the theatre such as going through patients notes, medications, investigations like ECG, Blood tests, chest X-ray, CT, MRI scans and any other clinical material available. Portfolio cases: You should choose at least one case presenting for a surgery where you should describe preoperative assessment, briefly about the intra-operative and post operative management, no need for detailed anaesthetic management. More importance should be given to the relevance of co-existing medical problems, postoperative pain control, fluid balance, prevention and management of postoperative nausea & vomiting. In order to get maximum benefit you should discuss the cases with your consultant rather than handing it over at last moment. If you have any particular problems such as your allocated tutor is not available..etc. please do not hesitate to contact me. On a scheduled list if your allocated tutor is not available, you are welcome to join the same theatre session. Anaesthetist doing that particular list would be happy to teach you, please request them. Following information will be updated to you on the day of induction 1. Time table of tutors (theatre allocation) 2. Anaesthesia training assessment from (objectives are described) 3. Partnership student/tutor allocation and teaching programme. 4. Assessment: MCQ test at the end of this block (week 8, Wednesday pm). last updated:22.12.08 Cyprian Mendonca 3 Consultant Contact details Specialty lead, Teaching Co-ordinator: Dr Cyprian Mendonca Department Extn: 25892, 25891, 25871, direct line: 02476965892 Department website: Dr V. Susarla, Consultant Anaesthetist is the teaching co-ordinator for anaesthetics at George Elliot Hospital and Dr M Sebastian Consultant Anaesthetist, is the teaching co-ordinator for anaesthetics at Warwick general Hospital. CONSULTANT E. MAIL ADDRESS Dr Amutike Dr Anne Scase Dr Bhasin Dr Danha Dr Hillermann Dr J Larosa Dr Krishnamoorthy Dr Z Kazmi Dr P Joshi Dr Radhakrishna Dr Ramachandran Dr Mendia Dr Mendonca Dr Murthy Dr Ruhnke Dr Tripathy Dr Watson Dr Elton last updated:22.12.08 Cyprian Mendonca 4 Teaching time table Teaching: A part of the teaching is centralised in the form of lectures and practical demonstration in addition that you will receive from your consultants. Airway management is an important skill which will be taught to you at the beginning of the attachment. Please refer the tutorial time table below. Feed back: An evaluation form will be given to you during the final week of the attachment. We value your suggestions and comments and they will help us to improve the course. Tutorials and practical sessions at CSB. The following is draft only, will be updated with each block. please refer to the updated version of combined teaching time table (on the website, will be usually emailed to you) Week 1 ( induction day) Week 2 (Thursday, 13:30-16:00) Week 2 (Friday , 13:30-16:00) Week 8 (Wednesday 12.00-13.00) Airway management Simulator sessions Pre-operative assessment Introduction to general anaesthesia Fluid balance Regional Anaesthesia Management of shock Anaesthesia MCQ test Simulator session: Simulator sessions usually held on Tuesdays. On rotation six to eight students are allocated to each session. During this session you will have opportunity to practice airway management skills and learn common intra-operative problems. Learning objectives: Refer to WMS course document, chapter 5critical care: anaesthesia and Resuscitation Pre-operative assessment for anaesthesia: You should be able to recognise patients who have increased risk for surgery and anaesthesia, the need and interpret the preoperative blood tests, chest radiographs and ECGs, to recognise patients who have an increased risk of peri-operative morbidity and mortality. Pharmacology: You should have basic knowledge of commonly used anaesthetic drugs. Intra-operative monitoring: to understand intra-operative monitoring such as ECG, BP, pulseoximetry. Intra-operative problems: Recognition and treatment of common intra-operative problems such as hypotension, hypertension, arrhythmias, tachycardia and bradycardia. Clinical skills: To learn basic resuscitation skills, airway management skills and intravenous cannulations. Postoperative problems: To understand the pathophysiology of postoperative last updated:22.12.08 Cyprian Mendonca 5 nausea- vomiting, to understand the principles of various methods of managing postoperative pain. Consultant time table: Please refer to the time table below. Majority of consultants work flexibly, so if they are not available in the allocated theatre, please contact the anaesthetic department for update on the weekly rota. Weekly anaesthetic rota is available on internet, You can also contact your tutor on their pager or mobile through switch board. Handbook of Anaesthesia: You would be able to access this from Junior Rotation page: Consultant time table Consultant Dr Amutike Dr Bhasin* Dr Hillermann Dr Krishnamoorthy Dr P Joshi Dr Radhakrishna Dr Ramachandra Dr Mendonca Dr Murthy** Dr Ruhnke Dr Tripathy** Dr Watson** Dr Wyse Dr Elton Dr J Larosa Dr Kazmi Dr A Scase Monday AM PM Tuesday AM PM TH16 TH12 Wednesday AM PM TH16 TH 9 TH 12 TH15 TH 5 RSC DU TH14 TH14 TH 5 TH9 TH5 TH10 TH6 TH11 TH11 RSC TH15 TH12* TH6 TH6 TH2 TH15 TH15 RSC TH14 RSC TH14 TH4 DU TH4 TH22 Obst TH9 RSC TH8* TH11 TH11 TH10 TH10 TH6 TH6* Thursday AM PM Friday AM PM TH 9 Cardiac RSC DU Cardiac RSC* TH 16 TH11 TH16* TH9 TH23 TH15 CW RSC TH15* CW* RSC TH5 TH5* RSC RSC TH8 DU TH8 TH9 TH22 Obst RSC TH8* DU TH4* TH20 DU: surgical day unit theatre at UHCW TH1-TH25: 1st floor theatre:UHCW RSC: Rugby St.Cross Hospital, main theatres. **: are also on ITU rota. During ITU week they are available in ITU. *: alternate weeks. MCQ test At the end of block there will be an MCQ test, usually conducted on the same day as orthopaedic exams. This test is designed to assess student’s knowledge on pharmacology on most commonly used drugs during surgery and anaesthesia, and peri-operative management of patients presenting for surgery. last updated:22.12.08 Cyprian Mendonca 6 Bleep No consultants 1483 Amutike 1847 Bhasin 1484 Elton 1855 Hillerman 1861 Kazmi 1862 Krishnamoorthy 1863 Larosa 1865 Mendonca 1866 Murthy 1871 Radhakrishna 1872 Ramachandra 1481 Ruhnke 1874 Scase 1886 Tripathy 1857 Watson 1877 P Joshi 1850 R Danha 1482 Ziauddin 1683 Mendia last updated:22.12.08 Cyprian Mendonca 7 Training Assessment form This forms the part of your objectives during this module and also a guidance for you to read about the topics before attending the theatre session. Don’t keep everything to the last moment, try and complete at least one topic every week. It is very important that you read the topic before hand. MBChB Phase II Anaesthesia Training Assessment Name:……………………. Activity Yes No Date Tutor’s Signature Able to obtain relevant pre-operative history Understands the pre-operative investigations Understands the factors that can increase peri-operative morbidity and mortality. Understands how to assess airway and breathing Able to maintain airway and to perform bag and mask ventilation Understands indications /contraindications of spinal anaesthesia Understands common intra-operative problems such as hypertension, hypotension, bradycardia, tachycardia and blood loss. Understands the treatment of post operative nausea and vomiting. Attended simulator session (SimMan) Has gained basic knowledge of post operative analgesia Understands use of monitoring such as ECG, NIBP, and pulse oximetry Understands recognition of hypovolaemic shock and its management. Any comments: last updated:22.12.08 Cyprian Mendonca 8