Studio in Art

Studio in Art
Project: Photo Reference Book
Name: ____________________________________________
Date: _________________
Concept: Learn to compose photographs utilizing the elements and principles of art. Apply the various subject genres to the
photographs. Create a reference work to utilize when creating future original works or art. Also, students will use craftsmanship in
measuring for and compiling their photo reference books.
History: Photography will be briefly explored. Students will learn about how the invention of photography impacted art. Students
will study well-known photographers including
Art Process Learned: Book making, photography.
Vocabulary: ART SUBJECT MATTER (Discovering Art History, Ch 2):
___________________ subjects – The artist is telling a _____________________
___________________ subjects – Any religious subject from any religion
___________________ subjects – Using literary sources such as famous ________________ and _______________
___________________ subjects – Paints of the ________________ ___________________
___________________ subjects – Buildings and activities taking place in an _____________ environment
The __________________ - the human ______________. Briefly tell why nudes have been a favorite subject among artists:
The __________________ - ________________ of people
The __________________ - When artists make pictures of _____________________
___________________ subjects – Most memorialize of lend importance to an _______
10. ___________________ subjects – normal, _____________ activities of ____________ people
11. ____________________ - a painting of __________________ objects
12. ____________________ __________________ - when artists make ______________ statements about their
_________________ or __________________
13. _____________________
14. _____________________ - when artists include their _______________ about the _____________________
15. _____________________ - the ___________________ of subject matter into basic and often geometric ________________
16. _____________________ Painting – based on _____________ and _______________ rather than __________________
Assignment: You will create a book that will be used as a reference for future projects. You will take your six photographs for
each subject matter category. Applying critical thinking, you will analyze each group of photos for their strengths and weaknesses,
writing about each group. You will then create a bound book to contain them.
Take a minimum of 36 photographs, six in each assigned category
*Cut your assessment sheets to a uniform size that will fit the black sheets given to you.
*Analyze your photographs for strengths and weaknesses. On your assessment sheets, write about which photo is the
strongest and which is the weakest, using specific details to support your opinions. Of course, write eligibly and in
complete sentences. Be sure your spelling and grammar is correct. 
Take your board pieces. Tape your thin strip to your large piece, leaving about a 1/4 inch gap. Do this for both the front &
back pieces.
Place your board on top of your printed paper. Leave a uniform edge of at least ¾ of an inch around the piece to fold
inward. Trim if necessary. Remember, on the side that will be your bound spine, you need to leave enough to fold so that
it goes past the taped part by at least ¾ of an inch, so it must be longer. Do this for both the front & back pieces.
Lightly trace the taped board onto the unprinted side of your trimmed paper. Make a dot about 1/16 of an inch from the
four corners. Using a knife and a straight edge, cut away from the dots at two angles (not straight across). See illustration
below. Do this for both the front & back pieces.
Using a brush, apply a thin, even coat of Modge Podge to the board. Be sure to go to the edges; keep the front of your
paper clean. Press the board onto the paper. Use your hand or the bone to gently work out any wrinkles. While it is wet,
use your bone to gently stretch it into the gap. Do this for both the front & back pieces.
Flip the board. Fold the edges inward. Apply a thin, even coat of Modge Podge, then press the edges down, working
opposites sides together. Gently work out any wrinkles with your hand or the bone. Again, take the bone and gently work
the paper into the crease where the board has been taped to create your spine so that the paper stretches a little. Do this for
both the front & back pieces.
Carefully measure and cut your inside end papers so that a half inch of your folded cover paper is left exposed from the
top, bottom, and outside edges and from the taped gap of your spine. Apply a thin, even coat of Modge Podge, then press
the paper down. Gently work out any wrinkles with your hand or the bone. Try not to let any adhesive seep out, but if it
does, quickly wipe it with a damp paper towel. Do this for both the front & back pieces.
10. Place your covered boards under some heavy books to prevent them from warping while they dry.
11. Once your covers are dry, Carefully stack your black papers so that all edges are perfectly aligned. Clip them. Now align
the stack to your boards so that there is an even quarter inch gap at the top, bottom, and outer edge, but it butts right about
against the edge of that will be your book’s spine. Carefully clip this together, using two bull clips.
12. Now create a very light vertical guideline ½ inch from the spine’s edge on what will be the back cover. Mark the halfway
point. Now mark one inch from the top and one inch from the bottom. Create a 4 th mark halfway between the middle and
top marks. (Use the folded half piece of scrap trick for a shortcut.) Finally, create a 5 th mark halfway between the middle
and bottom marks.
13. Drill holes at your five marks, using a drill bit that will allow for your sting or ribbon to pass through each hole twice,
snugly. Be sure to have a piece of wood beneath your work while drilling.
14. Starting at the middle hole, bind your book using your ribbon or twine (cut to 41/2x the length of the spine, as
demonstrated in class.
15. Using a ruler, pencil and glue stick, glue your assessment papers and your photos to the black pages. When you open your
book, the first black page should be blank. Flip that page, glue your landscape assessment sheet on the back of this first
blank piece of paper. On the facing page, glue your first two landscape photographs; on the back of those, your next two
landscape photographs; on the facing page, your last two landscape photographs. On the back of the paper that has your
last two landscapes, glue your assessment for your portrait. Follow the same procedure. Do the same for your four
remaining subject groups, following the order on your grading rubric sheet.
16. When your book is complete, fill out your grading rubric and turn it in.
*You may want to do these steps while your covers are drying.
Your finished project should:
Have six good quality landscape photos, portrait photos, architectural photos, surreal photos, depth of field photos, and
still life photos
Feature 36 photos, each of excellent overall composition & originality
Be in the form of a book that is complete, assembled according to the directions
Exemplify impeccable craftsmanship