PSI Malawi

Creative Brief
PSI Malawi
1 Health Field
Diarrhoea Prevention and Treatment
2 Item
‘PHUKUSI LA UKHONDO’ Mother Care Kit Leaflet
3 Background
3 to 4 sentences
explaining need for
Diarrhea is one of the major causes of child mortality and morbidity in children under 5 in Malawi. The DHS
2004 reported that the child mortality rate was 133 deaths per 1000 live births. Mothers and caregivers rank
diarrhoea as the second biggest health threat among their under five children.
The major source of diarrhea infection is by the drinking of contaminated water and poor hygiene and
sanitation. In response to this, PSI/M in collaboration with UNICEF is developing a mother care kit package
that will be distributed to mothers and pregnant women in Blantyre and Salima to promote good hygiene
practices, benefits of treating water with WG Liquid, good storage of treated water and treatment of
dehydration by using Thanzi ORS.
The mother care kit will consist of
A storage water bucket
A bar of soap
A sachet of Thanzi ORS
A bottle of WG liquid
A water treatment and diarrhea treatment leaflet
This CB outlines the requirements for the leaflet to highlight issues of good hygiene, good water storage,
water treatment, dehydration treatment
4 Target Group
Mothers and pregnant women with under five
in Blantyre and Salima
5 Research
What do we know about
our Target Group from
our research?
6 Behavioural Objective
What do we want
people to do after they
see this item?
7 Communication Objective:
What are the 1 or 2 key
messages you want to
give the target group?
Over 30% still accessing unsafe water for drinking
Practice poor hygiene and do not properly store drinking water
Have low self efficacy for dehydration prevention
Have low education
Have low income
To enhance self efficacy for good hygiene practices, encourage the treating of drinking water and
storing it properly to prevent contamination that may cause diarrhoeal diseases
Mothers and pregnant women can prevent deaths caused by diarrhoea through promotion of good
hygiene, drinking of safe water and storage,
Mothers can treat dehydration in children under five which is caused by diarrhea
8 Positioning statement
Consider Target,
Competition and
Reason to Buy
To loving and caring mothers and pregnant women ‘PHUKUSI LA UKHONDO’ is the best and complete kit
that will promote good hygiene, treatment of dehydration and drinking of safe water to prevent diarrhoea
diseases among their children
9 Call to Action
For example: “Buy
Chishango condoms!”
Drink safe water and practice good hygiene to promote good health among children at all times
10 Creative Considerations
Consider tone, brand
The leaflet shall be of A4 size folded two times, use Thanzi ORS and WG liquid blue colors
personality, colour
schemes, clothing to be
worn etc.
Should have the name ‘PHUKUSI LA UKHONDO’’, Mother care Kit logo, WG liquid logo and Thanzi ORS
logo (see other CB)
Inside Front, Inside Back, Back
Following points 1 – 4 deed to be depicted with colorful illustrations in story format, appealing to rural
audience, stating important points as below in either bullet point caption format or speech bubble format
Good hygiene and sanitation (e.g. hand washing with soap after using the latrine, before
handling food, and safe disposal of excreta)
Consistent treating of water with WG liquid (e.g. WG liquid kills germs that cause diarrhea
disease, WG liquid is easy to use, 1 bottle of WG liquid gives you and your family 1 month of safe
drinking water, treat all your drinking water with WG liquid all year round to protect you children
from diarrhea, WG liquid is available from your nearest retail outlet)
Good water storage (e.g. always use covered bucket for storing water, always use one cup for
drawing the water from the bucket and one cup for actual drinking
Consistent treatment of dehydration in children (e.g. always keep Thanzi ORS at home and
administer to your child at first signs of diarrhea, Thanzi ORS is available from your nearest retail
Bottom of Back Cover
UNICEF, USAID, GoM and PSI/M logos
11 Logos
12 Technical/Program
Geographical placement
Other Languages?
Materials to be used
Pre-test required? BY WHEN?
Salima and Blantyre
150 gsm
January 20, 2007
February 5, 2007