5th Grade Science Scope and Sequence

Readiness TEKS= Red Font
1st Grade Math Scope and Sequence
First Semester
Supporting TEKS=Blue Font
Week 1
August 22-26
Procedures, Mathematical Tools, Calendar, Compare and Order
Week 2
August 29-September 2
Procedures, Mathematical Tools, Calendar, Compare and Order
Week 3
September 5-9
Calendar, Compare & Order, Addition using Concrete Models
Week 4
September 12-16
Calendar, Compare & Order, Addition using Concrete Models
Week 5
September 19-23
Calendar, Compare & Order, Addition using Concrete Models
Week 6
September 26-30
Identify and Describe 2D Figures, Combine 2D figures to Create New Figures
Week 7
October 3-7
Identify and Describe 2D Figures, Combine 2D figures to Create New Figures
Week 8
October 10-14
Identify, Describe and Sort 2D Figures, Combine 2D figures to Create New Figures
Week 9
October 17-21
Compare & Order, Addition and Subtraction Using Concrete Models and Write Number Sentences
Week 10
October 24-28
Compare & Order, Addition and Subtraction Using Concrete Models and Write Number Sentences
Week 11
October 31-November 4
Week 12
November 7-11
Compare & Order, Addition & Subtraction Using Concrete Models, Patterns and Write Number
Sentences, Related facts
Compare & Order, Addition & Subtraction Using Concrete Models, Patterns and Write Number
Sentences, Related facts
Week 13
November 14-18
Area, Addition and Subtraction Using Concrete Models and Patterns, Read and Write Numbers
Week 14
November 28-Dec 2
Collect and Sort Data, Identify, Describe and Sort 2D Figures
Week 15
December 5-9
Collect and Sort Data, Use Data to Construct Graphs
Week 16
December 12-16
Collect and Sort Data, Use Data to Construct Graphs, Capacity, Weight
Underlying Processes and Mathematical Tools will be incorporated throughout the year in all content objectives.
Humble ISD 2011-2012: 1st Grade Math
Heat Readiness TEKS= Red Font
e Energy
1st Grade Math Scope and Sequence
Second Semester
Supporting TEKS=Blue Font
Week 17
January 2-6
Order Events, Telling Time, Identifying Coins and Equivalency
Week 18
January 9-13
Estimate and Measure length, Compare and Order Length, Addition and Subtraction, Coins
Week 19
January 16-20
Estimate, Measure, Compare and Order Length, Relationship of Measuring Units, Coins
Week 20
January 23-27
Week 21
January 30-February 3
Week 22
February 6-10
Week 23
February 13-17
Estimate, Measure, Compare and Order Length, Relationship of Measuring Units, Addition
and Subtraction, Coins
Addition & Subtraction Using Concrete Models and Patterns and Write Number Sentences,
Related Facts
Addition & Subtraction Using Concrete Models and Patterns and Write Number Sentences,
Related Facts
Addition & Subtraction Using Concrete Models and Patterns and Write Number Sentences,
Related Facts, CBA #1
Week 24
February 20-24
Telling Time, Identify, Describe and Extend Patterns
Week 25
February 27- March 2
Identify, Describe and Extend Patterns, Skip Count Patterns, Odd and Even
Week 26
March 5-9
Identify, Describe and Extend Patterns, Skip Count Patterns, Odd and Even
Week 27
March 19-23
Fractions of a Whole and Set
Week 28
March 26-30
Fractions of a Whole and Set
Week 29
April 2-6
Addition & Subtraction Using Concrete Models and Patterns, Compare & Order, Create Sets of
Tens and Ones, Read and Write Numbers, CBA #2
Week 30
April 9-13
Skip Count Patterns
Week 31
April 16-20
Skip Count Patterns, Odd and Even, Create Sets of Tens and Ones
Week 32
April 23-27
Create Sets of Tens and Ones, Compare and Order, Read and Write Numbers
Week 33
April 30-May 4
Create Sets of Tens and Ones, Telling Time
Week 34
May 7-11
Identify, Describe and Sort 3D Figures
Week 35
May 14-18
Identify, Describe and Sort 3D Figures, EOY HEMI Assessments
Week 36
May 21-25
Complete HEMI Assessments
Week 37
May 28-June 1
Flex Week
Underlying Processes and Mathematical Tools will be incorporated throughout the year in all content objectives.
Humble ISD 2011-2012: 1st Grade Math