PIUG 2006

Cynthia Barcelon Yang, Chair
Ginger DeMille, Secretary
Doreen Alberts, Vice Chair
Ken Koubek, Treasurer
Suzanne Robins, Edlyn Simmons and Heidi Stone, Directors
PIUG 2009 Boston Biotechnology Meeting
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Amgen, Inc.
1 Kendall Square, Bldg. 1000
Cambridge, MA 02139
+1 617-444-5000
____________________________________________________ (the “Company”) hereby agrees
to sponsor the PIUG 2009 Boston Biotechnology Meeting, to be held on Wednesday, February
11, 2009 at AMGEN, 1 Kendall Square Bldg 1000, Cambridge MA (“the PIUG 2009 Boston
Biotechnology Meeting”) at the sponsorship level checked below. The Company agrees to pay
to Patent Information Users Group Incorporated (“PIUG”) the sponsorship fee corresponding to
the sponsorship level checked below by January 15, 2009.
Sponsorship Level (Please check one)
Donation = $ 2500 (full page ad, 4 registrations, luncheon sponsor)
Donation = $ 1500 (half a page ad, 3 registrations, breakfast sponsor)
Donation = $ 1000 (quarter of a page ad, 2 registrations, breaks sponsor)
All levels include the following benefits.
o Recognition as a Sponsor on the PIUG 2009 Boston Biotechnology Meeting web page,
with company logo linked to company website
o Recognition as a Sponsor in the PIUG 2009 Boston Biotechnology Meeting book
distributed to all attendees at the meeting
o Announcement on the PIUG Discussion List
o Verbal acknowledgement during the introductory remarks
o One 5-minute product review slot for Platinum sponsors, placement to be determined
o Distribution of literature and promotional giveaways to conference participants (please
note that there is no exhibit space due to space limitations)
o Promotion (including the PIUG web site) of sponsor workshops related to the PIUG
PIUG 2009 Boston Biotechnology Meeting Contract
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o Complimentary registrations (number of registrations vary according to sponsorship
o Sponsoring Vendors of the PIUG 2009 Boston Biotechnology Meeting will be given
special savings on meeting space at the Boston Marriott Cambridge and the Cambridge
Residence Inn. Vendors can choose a 20% Discount on Meeting Room Rental OR
Double Marriott Reward Points for their program. In order to receive this special,
arrangements are required to be made by contacting Stephanie Sadowski by phone at
617-981-2300 or by email at stephanie.sadowski @ marriott.com. Special is based on
availability and is valid on February 10, 2009, February 11, 2009 and February 12, 2009.
Authorized Signature ____________________________________________________
Print Name and Title ____________________________________________________
Company Name_________________________________________________________
Street Address__________________________________________________________
City / State / ZIP________________________________________________________
Web Address for Linking from the PIUG Meetings Page_________________________
Sponsor Contact Person___________________________________________________
City / State / ZIP_________________________________________________________
E-mail Address__________________________________________________________
Please send completed form to:
Qin Meng (qmeng @ amgen.com)
1 Kendall Square, Bldg 1000
Cambridge, MA
FAX: 617- 577-9913
For payments using other than the PIUG 123SignUp, please contact Ken Koubek
(kkoubek @ rohmhaas.com)
Please note that acknowledgment of sponsorship and posting on the PIUG 2009 Boston
Biotechnology Meeting page will not be done until the Sponsorship Fee is received by PIUG.
Final Deadline for receipt of all payments and completed agreements is January 15, 2009.
PIUG 2009 Boston Biotechnology Meeting Contract
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