Scope and Sequence – Mechanics, Usage and Grammar Revised – Feb. 2009 ELA Committee Bold print denotes working toward mastery at that grade level Plain print denoted introduction or continuation of learning Gr. Mechanics Usage Grammar Capital Letters Subject/verb Communicate orally in K I Own first name Spacing Between words Punctuation Period, question mark, exclamation point, quotation marks, comma 1 2 Capital Letters I First word of sentence Proper nouns (names, months) Spacing Between words Punctuation Period at end of sentence Question mark at end of sentence Comma in date, year Capital Letters Proper Nouns Personal initials Titles (books, TV shows…) Uses in friendly letter Days, Months City, State Titles before names (Mr. Mrs. Dr.) Words as part of name (Aunt, Uncle) Abbreviations Punctuation Exclamation point Commas in agreement in oral sentences Oral sentence formation Use combination of sight words and phonetically spelled words to create a sentence Label pictures Nouns Form plural by adding s Verbs Subject/verb agreement (singular/plural) Sentences ing, ed endings Combine simple sentences around a topic Word Study Adjectives Contractions Nouns Add plural s Forms plurals of words ending in sh,ch,x,s,z y,v using appropriate changes Abbreviations – Days, Months Verbs Irregular forms Contractions Using the right word Homonyms sentences Sentences Definition of a sentence Types of sentences (statement/ question) Noun/Verb Definition of each Singular vs. plural nouns Adjectives Definition Word Study Base words ing, ed endings Compound words Sentences Types of sentences (statement, question, command, exclamatory) Simple sentence subject/predicate Paragraphs Nouns Common vs. proper Verbs Irregular forma Past/present tense of regular verbs Adjectives Definition Placement in sentences Using er, est to compare 3 4 friendly letters Underline book titles Apostrophe in contractions Apostrophe in singular possessive Colon with digital time Quotation marks in dialogue Commas in list of series Capital Letters Proper names Country, continent, oceans Titles before names (Mr. Mrs. Dr.) Abbreviations Personal initials Words used as names (Aunt, Uncle) Book titles Punctuation Period, question, exclamation Period with initials and abbreviations Commas separating describing words Commas with transition words (first, next, then) Quotation marks in dialogue Apostrophe in singular possessive Capital Letters Proper Names related to units of study Punctuation Comma/colons in Sentences Subject/verb agreement with regular nouns/verbs Expanded sentences with adjectives and/or adverbs Paragraphing Create compound sentences from simple sentences Write expanded sentences around a topic Nouns Forms plurals of regular words Irregular plurals Verbs Irregular forms Contractions Using right word Sentences Complex Sentences Paragraphing (at least 1 paragraph around a topic) Paragraphing multiple Nouns Plurals – regular and irregular Verbs Compound subject/verb Word Study Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms Base words, prefixes, suffixes Compound words Sentences Types of sentences (statement, question, command, exclamatory, imperative) Recognize and correct sentence fragments/run-ons Subject/predicate Combining sentences Paragraphing with transition words Nouns Singular possessive Pronouns Verbs Future tense Helping verbs – am, was, been, have Adverbs Definition Adjectives Placement Recognize articles (a, an) and use correctly Use er, est for comparing Word Study Base words, prefixes, suffixes Sentences Types of sentences Recognize and correct run-on sentences Subject/predicate review Paragraphing using business letters Quotation marks – titles, direct quotation, dialogue Commas, periods, question marks in direct quotations Commas in series of describing words Apostrophe in plural possessive Underline book titles agreement Irregular forms (bring, take, speak…) Contractions Using the right word Homonyms Sentences Complex sentences Paragraphing transition words and phrases Combining sentences Pronouns Types – subject/object Verbs Helping words Adjectives Comparative./superlative Adverbs Definitions Placement with verb Word Study Base words, prefixes, suffixes Compound words