Translation from Russian to English Language

Translation from Russian to English Language
Научно-практический журнал “Рефлексотерапия” –
Москва, 2002, №1
Reflexotherapy. Moskow, 2002, Russia
Гринберг Я.З. (Grinberg J.Z.)
RITM OKB ZAO, 347900, Russia, Rostov region,
Taganrog, Petrovskaya 99, tel/fax: (863-44) 2-56-07,
Функциональный континуум регуляторных
сравнение методов лечения
Article name:
comparing therapies
Development of SCENAR-therapy, its wide use in treatment, polliative and preventive
care make it necessary to compare SCENAR-therapy with other methods of treatment.
The article [1] formulates criteria for comparing different therapies, these are:
possibility to use in a wide range of different pathologies, therapy effectiveness and
time, no contradictions, possibility to use as monotherapy and complementary therapy,
easy to train and use. And we also should not forget about such a criterion as
But developers and users want to know therapy mechanisms, what it is similar to and
its possible consequences. All that gives rise to one more aspect for comparison. From
this point of view we should compare therapies as a whole and show how they
correlate. And it is the aim of this article.
Any treatment methods are directed to liquidate pathology. Nowadays there is an idea
of active formation of pathological reactions using usual signal mechanisms [2]. And a
disease can be characterized as peculiar form of homeostasis preservation in extreme
conditions. The reason why regulatory reactions are so inadequate (and that requires
additional intervention-treatment) is that they were worked out as a means of urgent
adaptation during evolution, and in pathology, as a rule, they are factors of long time
Achieving the set aim is based on the idea of functional continuum of regulative peptides
[3]. Every peptide has a unique set of activities and at the same time many bioactive
manifestations of every peptide are either similar or close to manifestations of other
peptides. And as a result, that creates preconditions for relatively continuous, smooth
transition from one combination of compatible functions to another. Thus, regulative
peptides together with other humoral regulators provide realization of any combined
biological activities.
To compare treatment methods, let us take definite formalization. Let vector
X - {х1, х2,..., xn} (1)
defines the body’s condition, where xi (i from 1 up to n) are components of X vector.
Their composition and number are not restricted. According to the conception of the
functional continuum of regulative peptide, let vector (1) be restricted by values of the
mediators and regulative peptides. In this case vector length (n value) is about 2000
and continues to increase, as not only new peptides, but also new peptide families are
being discovered annually.
It should be emphasized that vector X has space distribution, i.e. it is different in
different areas of the body. Components xi are closely connected with each other and
are in a complicated system of interactions (modulations). That is the system of
hierarchic subordination of some regulators to other, and a complex system of direct
actions of regulatory peptides on many functions of the body, and the formation of
chains and cascades after their decomposition.
Let’s define Xн with components xiн, as a vector that corresponds the normal body
condition, and Xп, with the components Xiп, as a vector corresponding pathological
state of the body.
Transformation of vector Xн into Xп represents the “wish” of a body to preserve
homeostasis in concrete pathological conditions. Compensatory reactions rush to
transform Xп into Xн (probably to some other normal state). According to the
formalization accepted, therapy is an intended external influence on vector Xn, which
together with compensatory reactions contributes to Xп → Xн transmission.
Let’s correlate some well-known approaches to treatment with the accepted model.
If a disease is well-studied, xi components that mostly define the pathological process
are stimulated in order to remove the reason of this pathology. In fact we deal with
specific etiological therapy. Although, “accurate” solution of the task seems to be
impossible as vector X is extremely long, system of interrelations between xi
components both in health and disease is too complicated, and X space distribution in
the body.
The last factor (X space distribution) shows obvious problems in such kind of treatment
(according to the principle of Hippoctratus “contrary cures contrary”): xi stimulation is
“accurate” in one area and appears to be inaccurate in another one. So, body response
(in these places) will be directed to the opposite side and on the body level the effect
may be unpredictable. In orthodox medicine such a specific treatment is, as a rule,
energy-intensive (i.e. doses of exposure are quite high) and that leads to complex
restructurings of Хп in the Хн-direction with all the problems that are known to
accompany such treatment. It should be noted that the above understanding of the
pathological reactions brings us to the fact that this treatment is informational.
Another example of the specific treatment is homeopathy. Homoeopathists use any
body responses on physical, emotional and mental levels to choose the medicine that
will be “similar” to the disease. And that makes xi components deviate even more in
the whole body and, consequently, activates defensive body functions in fighting the
SCENAR-therapy contributes to significant changes in many of the xi components. Due
to its intensive activity SCENAR-stimulation causes local stress in nerve cells:
immediate emission of “ready peptides”, formation of new peptides, increasing the
general recourse of regulatory substances (according to the type of G. Selye general
adaptive syndrome). The body decides itself what it needs and what it should relieve
So, judging by these three examples we can say that any treatment is informational
and, consequently, the approach offered in this article allows to compare different
therapies (understand well-known treatment methods).
The article is provided with the assistance of:
RITM Australia Pty Ltd
Petrovskaya 99,
4/130-134 Pacifc Hwy
Taganrog 347900
Greenwich NSW 2065
Russian Federation
Translated from Russian to English Language by: Nadezhda Sumina September 2008, Petrovskaya 99,
Taganrog 347900, Russia