PARENT INVOLVEMENT PLAN - Maury County Public Schools

1. Describe how the Title I school will involve parents in an organized, ongoing and timely
way, in the planning, review and improvement of programs for Parent Involvement and the
written Parent Involvement plan.
 The Parent Involvement Plan will be distributed and explained to parents
attending the annual Parent Orientation at the beginning of the school year.
Parents not in attendance will have the information sent home to them within one
week of the orientation.
The district parent involvement policy may be viewed on the county website and
the school’s Parent involvement Plan may be viewed on MPMSVPA’s website.
Both plans will be made available in the school office.
Parent Involvement professional development will be provided to teachers on how
to increase parental involvement.
Needs Assessment surveys will be conducted annually to determine the
effectiveness of the parental involvement program and determine what action
needs to be taken, if any, to increase parental participation.
2. When and how will the District written parent involvement policy and plan and the school
level policy and plan be shared with parents of participating students in a way that is easy for
parents to understand?
 An annual Parent Orientation meeting to which all parents are invited will be held
at the beginning of the school year to explain the School-wide program. Letters
explaining the program will be sent home for those not attending orientation.
 Teachers will also discuss any questions/concerns at parent/teacher conferences.
3. Describe how the school makes the school level policy and plan available to the local
 The school level policy and plan may be viewed on MPMSVPA’s website.
 A copy is also available in the school office.
4. How will the Title I school explain the Title I Schoolwide program to parents of participating
 The Title I Program will be explained at our Open House/Parent Orientation
meeting in July or August.
Parents will also receive information during parent/teacher conferences.
Reading Language Arts/Math tutors will talk to parents of students they are
serving to further explain the program.
5. What parent meetings and activities will be provided at the school site, to help parents learn
how to be more involved in the successful education of their children? When will these
meetings/activities take place?
 Parent Workshops will be held each semester.
 Parent/Teacher Conferences – September 17, 2015; November 17, 2015; February
16, 2016; and April 11, 2016.
 Parents are invited to school-wide and/or grade level special events/activities
throughout the school year.
 Progress reports are given every 4 ½ weeks as well as the end of each nine week
6. Describe how the Title I school will provide parents with timely information about programs
for parent involvement.
 Parents will receive written communications about events on a regular basis.
 The School Messenger phone system will contact parents about school related
 MPMS’s website will contain up-to-date information on school events.
 Monthly school newspaper article in The Daily Herald
 Invitations with follow-up reminders will be sent home for workshops and special
 School-wide newsletters will be sent home to provide more details of any parent
7. Describe how the Title I school will provide parents with a description and explanation of the
curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student
progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
 Parents will be invited to meetings such as Parent Orientation and Parent/Teacher
Conferences to explain how each grade level follows the current curriculum
standards. Written communication, in a language parents can understand when
possible, will be used to inform parents about the type of academic assessments
used to measure student progress and the proficiency levels students are expected
to meet. Assessments include, but are not limited to, formative assessments such
as pre-assessments and practice assessments, as well as summative tests. Parents
receive student report cards and progress reports each nine weeks. When
possible, an interpreter will be available to explain the curriculum to non-English
speaking parents.
8. Describe how the Title I school will provide parents with opportunities for regular meetings (if
requested), to formulate suggestions, to participate in decisions relating to the education of their
children, and to respond to any suggestions as soon as practically possible.
 Parents are invited to serve as members of the School-wide Leadership
Committee and are to bring to the committee any concerns relating to the
education of their children.
 Parent/Teacher Conferences are held during each 9-weeks grading period to
inform the parent of their child’s progress and to discuss any concerns or
suggestions they may have.
 Parents may request conferences as needed.
 E-mails, letters, phone calls, and assignment books/agendas will be used to keep
in constant contact with parents.
9. Describe the types of materials or information that are provided to parents in a language they
can understand.
 Parent-School Compacts are available in both English and Spanish.
 Invitations and reminders to parent workshops and special events are sent home in
a language and form that parents understand.
 Parents receive transitional material brochures (e.g. beginning middle school and
moving to high school) in a language that parents understand.
 Middle Years Newsletter
 Parent Involvement Fliers
 Title I Newsletter
10. Describe how the Title I school has developed, with parents, a school-parent compact and
how this compact is distributed to parents.
 The compact is addressed during our annual School-wide Leadership Committee
meeting each spring. The committee, composed of an administrator, teachers, and
parents is presented a compact and asked to review and offer suggestions to
improve the effectiveness of this document. It is distributed to all students and
their parents at the beginning of the school year to be signed and returned. A copy
is filed with the school-wide facilitator, one copy is filed by the teacher, and one
copy is given to the parent.
 The compact is distributed at the beginning of the year. It is discussed at the
Parent Orientation/Open House, as well as at parent/teacher conferences. The
compact is also provided in a language and form that parents understand.