CoRe - evolutionary theory - U4

Sandra Murray
EDF4402: Biology Education
UNIT 4: Continuity and Change
Area of study: Change over time
Biology Big Idea: Evolutionary theory
What you intend This area of study is very interconnected therefore students should have an integrated understanding of these
the students to
concepts, and their relationship to other areas of study in the Biology VCE study design (VCAA, 2005).
learn about this
- Evolution is the change of populations and species over time
- Evolutionary theory suggests that all living organisms share a common origin.
- Phylogenetic trees are used to represent relatedness.
- Can be used to explain the diversity of life visible today.
Evidence for evolution
Students should know the different types of evidence for evolution, including;
- the fossil record (how fossils are formed, relation to geological time scale, intermediate forms),
- biogeography (distribution patterns of organisms providing evolutionary information, allopatric and
sympatric speciation),
- comparative anatomy and embryology (the differences between homologous and analogous features,
divergent, convergent and parallel evolution, and vestigal structures),
- molecular evidence (the consistent use across all organisms of the molecules required for life,
molecular similarity between closely related species).
They also should have an understanding of the type of evidence these forms provide, how they can be
interpreted, and their limitations.
 Natural selection
Students should understand natural selection is a mechanism of evolution involving the principles of;
- Reproduction and inheritance: organisms reproduce and their offspring inherit genetically based
- Variation exists in populations: mutations as a source of new variation, sexual recombination, and gene
flow result in variation that is random.
- Within a population the reproductive potential of organisms is greater than the number that will survive,
Sandra Murray
EDF4402: Biology Education
due to limited resources in the environment.
Some individuals will be more likely to survive and reproduce thus contributing to the next generation
This results in populations changing over time.
 The development of evolutionary theory
There have been different contributors to the modern theory of evolution over history, in particular;
- Lamarck: theory involving inheritance of acquired characteristics developed according to need.
- Darwin and Wallace: theory of natural selection where variation leads to different biological fitness,
resulting evolution over time.
- Mendel: segregation of alleles and inheritance of variation
Why it is
important for
students to
know this.
The theory of evolution is a unifying theme in biology, as it is used to explain the diversity of life, and explain
the creation of new species and extinction.
It also incorporates much of the knowledge within the discipline of biology, especially inheritance, variation,
species diversity, the importance on the environment, and reproduction. Therefore an understanding of the
theory of evolution can help to consolidate student knowledge across many biology domains.
Evolutionary biology is a topical area, and also has a clear historical element. This can enable students to
view biology (and science) as a human activity that relies on evidence and development over time.
What else you
know about this
idea (that you
do not intend
the students to
know yet).
about students
thinking and
connected with
Human intervention in populations leading to artificial selection.
Aspects relating to human evolution, which will be covered in this Area of study.
 Foundational knowledge
Requires very good understanding of all biology concepts previously covered in units 1-3 of VCE biology.
In particular inheritance, population level dynamics and organisms interacting in their environment.
 Alternate conceptions
Students may have alternate conceptions about evolution topic, in particular;
Sandra Murray
teaching this
EDF4402: Biology Education
Evolution is purposeful change by organisms according to need or disuse in response to an
environmental condition.
- Non-random change in genetic traits, eg. evolution is deterministic.
- Mutations are deleterious to the heath of an organism.
- Acquired characteristics are heritable.
- Fitness viewed as strength, intelligence, and ability, rather than reproductive success.
Students are also likely to have difficulty comprehending the large time scale involved, and often have an
anthropomorphic way of thinking, thus limiting evolutionary explanations to humans and apes.
 Religious beliefs
The topic of evolutions is commonly viewed as being incompatible with many religious beliefs, which may
interfere in student engagement with this big idea.
(and particular
reasons for
using these to
engage with
this idea).
 Case studies.
Are used to apply understandings of the theory of evolution to real or hypothetical examples. Furthermore,
group discussion on case studies will facilitate sharing of ideas and learning from each other. Case studies
with extended written responses are also likely to be one of the formats for assessing this big idea in the final
 Practical activities.
Hands on experience can enable students to engage further with content, apply understandings and enables
challenging of prior conceptions (especially if students are asked to predict what they think will happen, eg.
Predict Observe Explain method). Some examples include;
- Activity sourced from Burton and Dobson (2009). Students are able to ‘see’ evolution in action over the
course of a few generations from a mythical population of spoons and forks.
- Evolution of the chocolate bar activity sourced from Burks & Boles (2007). For giving students practice
in building and understanding phylogenetic trees.
- The natural selection of stick-worms (ENSI, 1999). Can see selection of different coloured matchsticks
relating to environment.
- Inquiry based simulations of evolution using ICT, eg. Soderberg & Price (2003).
Specific ways of  Case study responses:
Extended written responses that can be evaluated for understanding of major concepts and misconceptions.
Responses likely to range from complete understanding and application of knowledge, to evidence of students
Sandra Murray
or confusion
around this idea
(include likely
range of
EDF4402: Biology Education
holding alternate conceptions (see alternate conceptions above).
 Concept map
Students complete their own concept map of major terms included in the topic (eg. variation, natural selection,
populations, environment, evolution), which is then assessed for depth of understanding and/or
misconceptions by complexity and accuracy of links.
Burks, R. L., & Boles, L. C. (2007). Evolution of the chocolate bar: A creative approach to teaching phylogenetic relationships with
evolutionary biology. The American Biology Teacher 69(4), 229-237.
Burton, S. R. & Dobson, C. (2009). Spork and Beans: Addressing evolutionary misconceptions. The American Biology Teacher
71(2), 89-91.
Cavallo, A. M. L. & McCall, D. (2008). Seeing may not mean believing: Examining students’ understandings & beliefs in evolution.
The American Biology Teacher 70(9), 522-530.
Evans, B., Ladiges, P., McKenzie, J., Batterham, P., & Sanders, Y. (2005). Biology Two. Port Melbourne, VIC: Heinemann.
Evolution & the Nature of Science Institutes (ENSI). (1999). The natural selection of stick-worms. Retrieved August 6, 2010 from
Soderberg, P., & Price, F. (2003). An examination of problem-based teaching and learning in population genetics and evolution
using EVOLVE, a computer simulation. International Journal of Science Education 25(1), 35-55.
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (2005). Biology: Victorian Certificate of Education Study Design. Retrieved 21 July
2010 from
Woods, C. S., & Scharmann, L. C. (2001). High school students perceptions of evolutionary theory. Electronic Journal of Science
Education 6(2), 1-19.