ESTORIL – PORTUGAL, 11TH TO 13TH OCTOBER 2000 Cross- sector meeting on Advances in Model-based Diagnostic, Monitoring, and Optimisation Applications to Environmental and Industrial Systems Modelling emerged as a key process-quantifying tool to achieve the industrial and environmental sustainable development. During the meeting new modelling concepts, new applications for model-based systems and new projects in the model-based engineering will be discussed. Scientists, administrators, environmentalists and industrialists are invited to attend and share their experiences and expectations. The cross-sector feature is expected to generate an open and creative atmosphere... The meeting is aimed at giving “modellers” a chance to help making sustainable development a concrete concept. Don’t miss the opportunity to be there. Keep in touch through: Aim of the Meeting Modelling emerged as a key technology for the development of advanced diagnostic, monitoring and automatic supervision systems associated to the control of industrial or environmental processes. Recent applications to a number of industrial sectors and environmental situations have shown the viability of using modelling at the core of advanced optimisation procedures. The demand for integrated environmental monitoring and industrial optimisation reinforced the role of model-based engineering in the simultaneous building of competitive “green label” industry and a healthy, cleaner and safe environment. Different approaches to model-based systems were developed, experimented or applied in the last years, namely on the field of model-based control and design. Although this initiative is also devoted to future development of R&D projects in model-based-engineering, stateof-the-art applications will be presented. New ideas and concepts for research and technological developments with application to different industrial sectors and environmental situations will be discussed in a cross fertilisation environment of innovation and interchange. Trans-sector discussions are expected to lever new research and development opportunities. An especially fruitful confrontation between recent developments in technical and environmental processes is foreseen. Special attention will be paid to the recent modelling project results in the following sectors: Incineration, biomass combustion, co-incineration, combustion based industrial processes and thermal power generation, in one hand, and air quality, noise in urban regions, surface water quality, soil and deep water contamination and coastal waters pollution, in the other. The organisers believe this meeting, and in general, the initiatives promoting the model-basedengineering tools use in industry and environment offer a significant contribution to concretise the sustainable development principle. The meeting is an initiative of IrRADIARE, Lda – Portugal. Meeting Background This meeting on Advances in Model-based Diagnostic, Monitoring, and Optimisation Applications to Environmental and Industrial Systems follows the Open Workshop on Advanced Modelling and Sensoring Tools for Energy Saving in Industry held 1996 in Sintra, Portugal and the Workshop on Advanced Control for Industrial Glass Melters held 1997 in Maastricht, The Netherlands. In both meetings the cross-sector fertilisation approach proved its advantages in dissemination of innovative ideas and in the promotion of research results, and in concretising new concepts for R&D projects in model-based engineering. International Organising Committee The international organising committee is formed by: Dr. Teresa Bertrand (IST-Technical University of Lisbon) Dr. Paul Lybaert (Faculté Polytechnique de Mons) Eng. Marcos Nogueira (IrRADIARE, Lda), Chairman Eng. Jean-François Simon (Air Liquide) Ir. Frank Simonis (TNO-Institute of Applied Physics - Eindhoven) Advisory Committee The following committee is able to give high-level advice on the meeting programme issues: Prof. Maria da Graça Carvalho (Instituto Superior Técnico – Portugal), Chairperson Prof. Naim Afgan (Instituto Superior Técnico – Portugal) Prof. João Luis Azevedo (Instituto Superior Técnico – Portugal) Prof. Ruud Beerkens (TNO/TDP – The Netherlands) MSc. Joseph Chmelar (Glass Service Inc. – Czech Republic) Dr. Christian Copin (Gaz de France – France) Dr. Trevor Demayo (University of California, Irvine – United States of America) Prof. Frederich Duhme (Technischen Universität München – Germany) Dr. Alicia Duran (Instituto de Ceramica y Vidro – Spain) Prof. Tiago Farias (Instituto Superior Técnico – Portugal) Prof. Norberto Fueyo (Universidad de Zaragoza – Spain) Prof. Kemo Hanjalic (Delft University of Technology – The Netherlands) Dr. William Hopwood (Sustainable Cities Research Institute – United Kingdom) Prof. Stanislav Kasa (Institute of Chemical Technology – Czech Republic) Dr. Ing. Eugeny Kenig (Dortmund University – Germany) Dr. Robert van Kessel (TNO/MEP – The Netherlands) Eng. William Kobayashi (PRAXAIR, Inc – United States of America) Dr. Andeas Koras (Centre for Renewable Energy Sources – Greece) Dr. Wilfried Linz (Schott Glas – Germany) Prof. Frederic Lockwood (Imperial College – United Kingdom) Prof. Nelson Martins (Universidade de Aveiro – Portugal) Prof. Hector Meunier (Faculte Polytechnique de Mons – Belgium) Dr. Philippe Meunier (Saint-Gobain Recherche – France) Dr. Jean-Bernard Michel (Centre d’ Electronique et de Microtechnique – Switzerland) Prof. Ramiro Neves (Instituto Superior Técnico – Portugal) Prof. Angela O.Nieckle (PUC Rio de Janeiro – Brazil) Prof. Rosa Nomen (Institut Químic de Sarrià, Spain) Prof. Andrzej Nowak (Technical University of Silesia – Poland) Dr. Sauro Pasini (ENEL Ricerca – Italy) Dr. Maria Luisa Pelizza (Ansaldo Ricerche – Italy) Prof. Jose Carlos Pereira (Instituto Superior Técnico – Portugal) Prof. Marcel Rijckaert (Catholic University of Leuven – Belgium) Prof. João Alves e Sousa (Universidade da Madeira – Portugal) Local Organising Committee The meeting will be locally organised by: Ms. Maria Fernanda Afonso (Instituto Superior Técnico) Dr. Teresa Bertrand (Instituto Superior Técnico) Dr. Diana Mota (IrRADIARE, Lda) Eng. Marcos Nogueira (IrRADIARE, Lda) Promoting and Sponsoring Organisations The meeting is an initiative of: IrRADIARE, Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia e Ambiente Lda. OEIRAS - PORTUGAL The meeting is sponsored by: Instituto Superior Técnico – Technical University of Lisbon Meeting Topics All scientific and key technological topics involved in Model-based Diagnostic, Monitoring, and Optimisation Applications to Environmental and Industrial Processes are welcome. In an indicative basis the following topics are listed: - Model-based process control and stabilisation systems; - Model-based optimisation procedures; Environment: - Modelling in optimisation expert - Model-based tools sustainability systems; assessment; - Glass melting process modelling; - Model-based environmental - Utility boilers modelling; management; - Ceramic industrial furnaces modelling; - Integrated environmental assessment; - Incineration furnaces modelling; - Air quality modelling; - Non-ferrous melting and metallurgy - Urban noise modelling; furnaces modelling; - Groundwater flow modelling; - Co-incineration process modelling; - Watershed modelling system; - Industrial process model-based - Surface-water flow modelling optimisation systems; - Coastal waters modelling; - Combustion systems modelling; - Urban environmental management model-based systems; - Air quality management model-based tools; Industry: Call for Contributions Authors are invited to submit by e-mail an abstract of approximately 500 words to the meeting organising committee. Please make clear objectives, originality, methodology, applicability and results of your work. The participants are invited to choose the written material they offer to the meeting proceedings: - an original paper; an oral presentation supporting slides copy; a poster print; an authorised copy of an already published paper or report on the presentation subject. The format is free. Please mention a reply fax or e-mail address. A more dynamic exchange of ideas, concepts and findings may be expected from a meeting where the burden of a formal publication is not present. Call for Meetings The Meeting Organising Committee is pleased to host parallel bilateral meetings suggested by the participants and participating organisations. Research project meetings, presentations on new technologies, announcements of future initiatives, short training courses, book presentations, among others subjects, are welcome. The meeting organisers are invited to contact the organising committee on this subject. Publication Meeting proceedings will be available at participants’ arrival. A final paper reporting the key contributions will be published as the meeting conclusions. All the oral or posters presenting participants will be referred, and their contribution summarised. This publication will be prepared by the organising committee and reviewed by the advisor committee. This publication will be disseminated with the objective of valorising modelling and promoting model-based-engineering as a key concept for a sustainable development achievement. Information to the Attendees During the workshop the following items will be distributed to the attendees: - Copy of the workshop presentations; List of participants; Detailed information on the material to be presented in bilateral parallel meetings; The official language of the meeting will be English. Venue The meeting will be held in the Congress Area of the Hotel Estoril Eden – Estoril, Cascais, Portugal. The Hotel Estoril Eden is one of the most appropriate venues for this meeting. Its location over the superb “Baía de Cascais” (Cascais Bay – Atlantic Coast) provides the appropriate atmosphere of concentration and tranquillity required by the involvement in the meeting activities. Estoril is about 20 Km far from the Airport of Lisbon. The easiest way to get there is by taxi (about 30 EURO) – which is recommended. Train is available at 5 minutes walking from the Hotel Estoril Eden (Monte Estoril Station). Bus directly from the Airport of Lisbon is also usable. The major car rentals operate at Lisbon Airport and at Cascais. In the Lisbon Airport travelling information and car rental can be easily found. More detailed travelling information will be given to the registered attendees. The weather in Estoril in October is typically sunny, mild and partially cloudy. Important Dates The following deadlines will be considered in the preparation of the meeting: Final date for receipt of abstracts 11th September 2000 Final date for the registration and contribution sending 30th September 2000 Programme Outline 11th October Session 1 – Environmental model-based management systems Session 2 – Modelling as part of advanced sensors systems in industrial processes Session 3 – Model-based advanced studies on environmental protection problems Session 4 – Panel on new modelling concepts 12th October Session 5 – Industrial process model-based optimisation Session 6 – Model-based optimisation of combustion systems Session 7 – Modelling tools integration and interfacing with other engineering tools Session 8 – Panel on new modelling research challenges and projects 13th October Session 9 – Model-based optimisation of incineration and co-incineration processes Session 10 – Model-based optimisation of biomass combustion and CHP applications Session 11 – Modelling tools for pollutants dispersion and contamination assessment Session 12 – Synthesis Panel Social Programme 10th October Welcoming Port 11th October Surprise Scientific Presentation Meeting Banquet Musical Evening 12th October Outdoor Activities 13th October Best Poster and Presentation Prizes (Elected by the participants…) Post meeting tours should be arranged directly with the travel agency below. A representative will be available during the meeting. Hotel Accommodation The density of the meeting work-programme and the required concentration on the meeting lectures, posters and presentations, …and social events… demand the participants to be accommodated very close to the meeting venue. Accommodation is provided at Hotel Estoril Eden where the meeting will be held. The registration form includes hotel reservation features. Travel Agency For additional visits and local trips, the following agency may be contacted: Agencia Abreu Lda Taguspark, Núcleo Central 2780-920 PORTO SALVO PORTUGAL Tel. +351.214.220.190 Fax +351.214.220.199 or Correspondence and Inquires All correspondence concerning the conference should be addressed to the meeting organising committee or to the local organising committee: Diana Mota / Marcos Nogueira IrRADIARE, Lda Taguspark, Núcleo Central 238 2780-920 PORTO SALVO PORTUGAL The meeting homepage may be found at the following site: Registration Attending the meeting requires the registration until Sept. 15, 2000. Later registration has to be confirmed by the Organising Committee. The attached form should be sent to the meeting local organising committee: or Fax: +351.214.211.463 Participation Fees The meeting fee is 400 EURO, payable by cheque or bank transfer to IrRADIARE, Lda. The meeting fee includes: - copy of the meeting proceedings; coffee and refreshments; participation in the social events; utilisation of meeting rooms for bilateral and project meetings; exhibition of books, software, internet sites, small instruments (to be arranged in a case by case basis). The meeting fee is payable by bank transfer to: Banco Comercial Português, Av. 5 de Outubro, 1050-059 Lisboa, Portugal, Bank Account: 144478203 and Bank Identification Number 0033 0000 00 14447820305. Participants are requested to send a fax copy of the wire transfer to the organising committee.