1. Site Description 1.1 The site for the proposed development is located between Windy Ridge and Acre Road, with the north light structure of Acre Shed to the east, and a vehicular turning area for Acre Shed to the south of the site and I, 3 and 5 Acre Meadow to the north, with no’s 3 and 5 Acre Meadow being the nearest dwelling to the site. 1.2 The ex access to windy ridge runs approx east - west between the garden of no 5 Acre Meadow and the site for the proposed dwelling. The area around the drive is wooded but outside the application site. 1.3 There is a large single storey stone building on the site adjacent to Acre Road in the same position as the proposed new dwelling would be located, with a separate gated access point. 1.4 There is a row of trees along the southern boundary of the application site adjacent to a public footpath. 2. Proposal 2.1 The application is an outline proposal for the construction of a two storey dwelling. 3. Planning History 3.1 Delegated authority has been granted to the Head of Planning and Building Control to approve an application for the redevelopment of the Acre Shed site for the provision of a new Village Hall and residential units. The site for the proposed development is very close to this site and the effect of this proposal on the scheme for 31houses closest to the site will have to be assessed. 3.2 22/2004/4748 – Construction of detached two storey dwelling – Approved November 2004. 4. Planning Policy Background 4.1 Adopted Craven Local Plan policy H3- Residential Development Within Development Limits of Skipton and the Named Local Service Centres; BE11 – Development In Conservation Areas. 5. Parish/Town Council Comments 5.1 Cowling Parish Council has raised no objections to the proposed development. 6. Consultations 6.1 Highway Authority – commented on the previous application that the lowering the wall between entrances and approx 10m of wall to the south of the entrance would improve the access. These requirements could be the subject of a planning condition. 7. Representations 7.1 A letter has been received from the occupants of no. 5 Acre Meadow expressing concern that the new dwelling would overlook their property, and neighbouring properties. They are concerned that not even the trees and bushes within the grounds of Windy Ridge would afford protection from overlooking from the third floor windows, and that should a three storey development be approved there should be provision within the plans prohibiting the removal of f any of the trees and bushes running directly down the border between Windy Ridge and no 5 Acre Meadow. Additionally, all top floor windows should be limited to a Velux style which would provide some aid to concerns about overlooking. 8. Summary of principle planning issues 8.1 The main issues are whether or not the proposed development would meet the requirements of Local Plan Policies H3 and BE11 with particular regard to affect on neighbouring amenity.. 9. Analysis 9.1 Local Plan policy BE11 states that planning permission for development in or adjoining a Conservation Area will only be permitted if it makes a positive contribution to its character and appearance, or does not cause harm to the character and appearance of that area. 9.2 The proposal is an outline application and seeks consent only in principle for the development of the site for a single dwelling, therefore no details have been provided of the design or materials for the dwelling. These would be assessed at the reserved matters stage. 9.3 The assessment of the present application in the context of policy BE11 is limited to an evaluation of the contribution of the site in its present form to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area, and whether or not its loss to development, or the changes likely as a result of the development would be unacceptable. 9.4 The site forms part of the garden area of Windy Ridge which contains some mature trees along the southern edge and is set in area presently surrounded by Acre Meadow to the north, the Acre Shed industrial complex to the south and east and Windy Ridge to the west. 9.5 A large single storey stone building with a pitched and slated roof, apparently a garage, stands on the site at present, along with a greenhouse and LPG tank, and other garden structures in the same location as the proposed dwelling. 9.6 The garage has its own access to Acre Road and that would be used to serve the proposed new dwelling. 9.7 It is unlikely that any of the trees along the southern boundary of the site would need to be removed to allow development to take place, although some species within the site would have to be removed. 9.8 It is considered that the site for the proposed dwelling, being part of an existing residential curtilage, and already substantially developed with existing buildings and structures does not as it stands contribute in any particularly beneficial way to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. The redevelopment of the site with a two storey dwelling would in fact be likely to have a neutral effect on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and as such would not be harmful. 9.9 Local Plan policy H3 states that within the development limits of Cowling the redevelopment of land or premises will be permitted provided that the development amongst other things, does not damage the character and amenity of residential areas or create conditions prejudicial to highway safety. 9.10 The site for the proposed development is located within the development limits boundary of Cowling, and also forms part of the existing residential curtilage of Windy Ridge. The development of the site for residential purposes is therefore acceptable as it accords with the principle requirements of policy H3. As the application is in outline there are no details of the proposed dwelling to enable an assessment to be made of the effects on local residential amenity, but during the site inspection in assessing the potential for the development of the site as proposed there was no obvious reason why an appropriately designed two storey dwelling would not be acceptable on the site, and no reason to suppose that such a proposal might result in an unacceptable level of harm to the amenities of the existing dwellings in the vicinity of the application site. The existing garage on the site, which is of a similar scale on plan to the propose dwelling gives some indication of how the proposed development would be accommodated on the site along with the access. Taking this into account it is considered a reasonable assessment of the effect of any dwelling on the site can be made. 9.11 The Head of Planning and Building Control has delegated authority to approve an application for the redevelopment of the Acre Shed site adjacent to the application site for the proposed new dwelling, for a new village hall and 31 new dwellings. The application was detailed and indicated the house types on the site, and the site layout. The site for the proposed development to which this present application relates is adjacent to the north western side of plots 29, 30 and 31 of the new development which would be a row of three, two storey dwellings. According to the layout for the 31 dwellings the houses on plots 29, 30 and 31 have their front elevations facing approx to the north east and they are shown set back from Acre Road by some 20metres at the widest point, with their front gardens between their front elevations and Acre Road. 9.12 This planning application is in outline and no details of the proposed new two storey dwelling have been submitted, however the front gardens of the proposed dwellings on plots 29,30 and 31 fronting onto Acre Road, would not enjoy exclusive privacy in that location and it is likely they would be overlooked from other dwellings around the site in the proposed layout for the 31 units. Taking these factors into account it is unlikely that the proposed new single dwelling would cause serious harm to the living conditions of the future residents of the proposed new dwellings on plots 29,30 and 31 of the development on the Acre Shed site, even if windows were to be incorporated on the south eastern elevation overlooking the front gardens of those dwellings. 9.13 A similar argument would apply to the rear gardens of numbers 3 and 5 Acre Meadow which are presently subject to some degree mutual overlooking although they are elevated above Acre Road, and in any event are further away from the site for the proposed single dwelling and screened from the site by existing trees, shrubs and fencing. 9.14 It is considered therefore that the principle of the residential development of the site is acceptable and meets the principle requirements of local pan policy H3, and there would be no harmful effect on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area if the site was to be redeveloped, although the actual details of the development would be assessed as to their suitability for the site at the reserved matters stage. 10. Recommendation 10.1 Approval 11. Summary of Conditions 11.1 Standard time limit (outline) cond and reason. 11.2 Development only to be carried out in accordance with details approved as reserved matters and reason. 11.3 Withdrawal of permitted development rights and reason. 11.4 The frontage boundary wall of the site for the proposed development with Acre Road shall be lowered for the whole of its length to a height not exceeding 1 metre on both sides of the vehicular access to the site. 11.5 Reason. In the interests of highway safety. 11.6 The existing trees along the south eastern boundary of the site shall be retained as part of the development hereby approved. Before any of the development hereby approved is carried out on the site a post and rail fence of not less than 1metre in height shall be erected on the north western side of the existing trees 3m from their trunks and shall be retained in position for the whole of the period of the development. 11.7 Reason. In the interests of the visual amenities of the Conservation Area. 11.8 All external walls of the dwelling hereby approved shall be faced in natural stone. No works of construction on the dwelling shall commence until such time as a sample panel of at least 2 square metres in area, showing the type of walling stone to be used and the method of walling and pointing has been constructed on site, inspected and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The external walling shall eb carried out in accordance with the approved sample. 11.9 Reason. To ensure that the building will be of good appearance and harmonise with the other buildings in the Conservation Area. 11.10 No development shall be carried out in advance of the approval in writing of the DPA of sample of the roof slate to be used as the roof covering on the development hereby approved. The roof shall be clad in accordance with the approved sample. 11.11 Reason. To ensure that the building will be of good appearance and harmonise with the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. 12. Site Description 12.1 13. Proposal 13.1 14. Planning History 14.1 15. Planning Policy Background 15.1 16. Parish/Town Council Comments 16.1 17. Consultations 17.1 18. Representations 18.1 19. Summary of Principal Planning Issues 19.1 20. Analysis 20.1 21. Recommendation 21.1 22. 22.1 Summary of conditions