Guiding Reflection Questions Please use any and all reflection questions to guide your conversation around this video Lesson Title Teacher, School Grade Content Standards of Focus Common Core Instruction: Making a Claim Using Two Texts with Similar Themes Roseanne Alfieri-Willsen, Milton Terrace South Elementary School 5 ELA RL.5.1 RL.5.9 1. Standard Specific Questions What evidence can be collected from this video that shows the standards addressed in this lesson? RL.5.1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. RL.5.9: Compare and contrast stories in the same genre (e.g., mysteries and adventure stories) on their approaches to similar themes and topics. CORE ACTION 1: Focus each lesson on a high quality text (or multiple texts). What evidence from this video supports that this lesson is focused on high quality text? 1. How did the teacher balance class time with reading, speaking, listening and/or writing about the text? CORE ACTION 2: Employ questions and tasks that are text dependent and text specific. What evidence can be collected from this video that supports that this teacher employs questions and tasks that are text dependent and text specific? 2. What questions and tasks were used to attend to the academic language (i.e., vocabulary and syntax) in the text? CORE ACTION 3: Provide all students with opportunities to engage in the work of the lesson. What evidence can be collected that supports that the lesson and teacher moves provide all students with opportunities to engage in the work of the lesson? 1 1. What teacher moves were used to provide the conditions for all students to focus on text? 2. What evidence is there that the teacher expects evidence and precision from students and probes students’ answers accordingly? 3. In this video, how has the teacher acted on knowledge of individual students to promote progress toward independence in grade-level literacy tasks? 4. Is there evidence of a need to strengthen students’ reading foundation skills? How does the teacher explicitly and systematically attend to this? OVERALL EXTENSION QUESTION: What student evidence illustrates effectiveness of the strategies used in this lesson? What aligned upgrades might be considered to better provide all students with opportunities to engage in the work of the lesson? GROUP PROTOCOL Group Evidence Round Protocol – meant for groups of 4 or less 1. (5-10min) View video 1; record running evidence on Collection Template – both teacher and student actions – with timestamps (this will help with discussion.) 2. (5min) Independently answer guiding reflection questions. 3. (20min) Evidence Comparison Round. While listening to evidence, look to see if you also have the same evidence. a. (2min – 30 seconds each) Each person in the group shares response to the first guiding reflection question b. (2 min) Compare evidence for each guiding question. What evidence did all group members indicate? What evidence should be added to your own list? What evidence should be retagged to another area in the guiding questions, and why? c. Repeat a & b for remaining questions d. (10min) Group calibration: View video 2 and Guiding Reflection Questions evidence tagging document; compare evidence collection template with the highlighted captions. e. (5min – 1min each) Share something learned from calibration exercise. 4. (5min – 1 minute each) Each person in the group shares response to the extension question. 2