Books in the Disability Section of the Bethlehem Libraries
Downtown and North Locations
Autism and Your Church-Nurturing the Spiritual Growth of People with Autism Spectrum
Disorders by Barbara J. Newman ~ Many of our nurseries and Sunday School classrooms have one or more children with autism. Every individual is an important part of the body and this book is helpful for the classroom staff to find ways to minister to children with autism while blessing the entire group. Especially useful is section 4, “Ten Strategies for
Including Individuals with ASD.”
Barrier Free Friendships-Bridging the Distance between You and Friends with
Disabilities by Joni Eareckson Tada and Steve Jensen ~ This book is especially helpful if you feel uncomfortable or awkward approaching someone with disabilities. We all need true friendship, but for many people with disabilities their lives are filled with helpers and caregivers and few friends. As Christians we should be eager to bridge the gaps and reach out in friendship. This book is a helpful start in that direction.
Bright valley of Love by Edna Hong ~ This book shares the story of Gunther, an abused and disabled boy living in Nazi Germany. Society scorned the disabled and yet meek and compassionate followers of Christ saw through his broken body and nurtured Gunther’s soul. This is a book you will never forget.
Compassionate Caregiving by Lois D. Knutson ~ The theology in this book is not its strong point, but it is in the Disability section of the library because it’s a good resource for anyone navigating the often difficult and complicated world of caregiving. This book is full of practical and helpful information.
Developing Talents Careers for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome and High-
Functioning Autism by Temple Grandin and Kate Duffy ~ This is a practical and helpful book. At first glance it appears to be geared toward older teens and adults, but this book is also useful for parents with a younger child who would like to begin thinking and directing their child with autism toward meaningful life skills.
Exceptional Teaching-A Comprehensive Guide for Including Students with Disabilities by Jim Pierson ~ This is a handbook that no Disability Ministry should be without. The book is filled with practical information and a great go-to guide for questions about teaching people with disabilities.
Finding Your Child’s Way on the Autism Spectrum-Discovering Unique Strengths,
Mastering Behavior Challenges by Dr. Laura Hendrickson ~ There are so many books on autism, but this book is at the top of the must-read list especially for parents and caregivers. It is more than information, this book is an encouragement to families who face the diagnosis of autism and a real help in seeing God’s hand in the process.
The author’s Biblical perspective and practical advice are especially beneficial.
Just the Way I Am by Krista Horning ~ Krista’s book uses delightful pictures of some of the Bethlehem children with disabilities, scripture and simple truth-filled statements to highlight the certainty that God is our great designer. Her story at the end of the book is a testimony of God’s good work in using hard things to bring growth in wisdom and directing us to Jesus. What an amazing way to share God’s sovereign goodness with children (and adults).
A Lifetime of Wisdom-Embracing the Way God Heals You by Joni Eareckson Tada ~ I have given this book to many people. It is a precious gift for anyone who is suffering or trying to understand God’s hand in suffering. To read this book is to drink of the richness of the wisdom God freely gives to those who seek him in their suffering. It is a tear jerking, faith-filled testimony. You will be changed by this book.
Same Lake Different Boat-Coming Alongside People Touched by Disability by Stephanie
O. Hubach ~ This is one of the best books I have read about ministering to people with disabilities. Stephanie shares her faith and her life experience as a mom with a child with
Down syndrome. The Disability Ministry volunteers were given this book last year and the feedback was very positive.
Special Needs Special Ministry by Jim Pierson, Louise Tucker Jones and Pat Verbal ~
This is a book filled with stories of people starting disability ministries in their churches, sometimes with only one or two volunteers and one student. This book is practical and encouraging.
Thinking in Pictures and Other Reports From My Life with Autism by Temple Grandin ~
This book is written by a woman who has autism and it is a window into her mind.
Temple writes in a charming, matter-of-fact style and I honestly had a hard time putting the book down. After reading this book I will never look at autism the same again. It helped me gain not just insight, but understanding.
Too Wise to Be Mistaken, Too Good to Be Unkind by Cathy Steere ~ This is the journey of a young Christian mom whose first child has autism, but the message is very helpful for any parent raising a typical child or a child with disabilities. Cathy Steere does a good job of encouraging parents to remember that their first responsibility is to point their children toward Christ and show them their need for a Savior and that any diagnosis or recommended therapy is secondary to Biblical parenting.
The Unexpected Gift by Michelle Schreder ~ This is a sweet and encouraging book written by the mother of a son with autism. Her words express the feelings and experiences of so many Christian parents who are raising a child with disabilities. This book is easy to read and full of the author’s quest for Biblical answers to hard situations.