2016 Voluntary Financial Contribution Each year, schools (through their P&C) request parents/caregivers to make a voluntary financial contribution per student per year. This money is used by the school, explicitly to fund additional resources, being the purchase of new library books, IT equipment, home readers or new facilities for students to use to support their learning. These additional resources enhance the learning opportunities for all students and are vital in a new school context. The costs of providing instruction, administration and facilities for the education of students at the school are met by the Queensland State Government, Department of Education and Training for students enrolled at the school, who are Australian citizens or permanent residents, or the children of Australian citizens or permanent residents. The school is resourced by the State Government through school grants to provide a core educational service. Section 56 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 provides that the Principal may ask the parents of a student of the school to make a voluntary financial contribution to supplement government funding for instruction, administration and facilities for the education of the students at the school. The Bellmere State School Parents & Citizens’ Association, in partnership with the school, has endorsed the Voluntary Financial Contribution scheme for 2016. The scheme provides vital funds to support student learning within the Bellmere State School learning community. Parents/Caregivers are strongly encouraged to participate by joining the contribution scheme. Please note that your contribution makes a direct difference in the resources available for your child / children. The Voluntary Financial Contribution scheme at Bellmere State School operates under the policy and guidelines of the Department of Education and Training, Queensland. The purpose of the scheme is to enable the school to provide the best possible learning experiences and resources for all students by providing additional resources. In 2016, the P&C have agreed that additional funds and fundraising will target the construction of multi-purpose courts in our school grounds. A voluntary financial contribution is not a fee and is separate from any fee charged by the school. Anyone experiencing financial difficulties may take advantage of paying their contributions by instalments. Where cases of genuine hardship exist, parents are invited to contact the school Business Services Manager so that special arrangements can be made if parents wish to join the scheme. All contributions to this voluntary financial scheme are gratefully received and make a significant difference to the learning opportunities for all students. In our first year of this Scheme, contributions made to the Scheme will result in families being responsible for growing our Foundation Money Tree. Leaves of varying amounts can be ‘purchased’ and placed on our Money Tree. This Money Tree will be visible on a wall in the Resource Centre, and will develop over the year as voluntary financial contributions are received from the community. Amounts of contributions will be printed on each leaf. Ideal contributions will range from $20 (or more) per student or community member/organisation or $50 (or more) from a family. It will be great to see our tree grow with our community. Voluntary Financial Contribution The school is resourced by the State Government through grant funding to provide a core educational service to students. Voluntary financial contributions are used by the school to provide an enhanced educational service and to enhance resources available for student learning, recreation and comfort. Yes I wish to make a voluntary financial contribution to the school in 2016. I have read and understand the Operating Statement (see reverse) for the contribution and understand that this contribution is voluntary, and that the funds are to be used to enhance the instruction, administration and facilities of the school. Privacy Statement The Department of Education and Training through the school is collecting your personal information in accordance with section 56 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 in order to administer the voluntary contributions in an efficient, ethical and secure manner. The information will only be accessed by school employees conducting the voluntary contributions. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given permission or the Department of Education and Training is authorised or required by law to make the disclosure. Version 1.0 2016 Voluntary Financial Contribution Student ID Number Student Given Name Family Name Yr Level Voluntary Contribution 1. $ 2. $ 3. $ 4. $ 5. $ Total $ Parent/Carer Details/Community Member/Organisation (please print) Given Names: Family Name: Address: Contact Numbers: Home: Work: Mobile: Email: Fax: Parent/Carer Signature: Date: Payment Arrangement Now: I wish to make a single payment of the total amount above. Instalments: I wish to make instalment payments of the total amount of $_________ on the following dates: st Instalment (11th December 2015) nd Instalment (11th March 2016) rd Instalment (20th May 2016) Payment Payment Method I wish to make payment by: EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) EFTPOS (Credit/Debit Card) Cheque Cash Payment by EFT can be made to the school bank account BSB: 064-405 Account Number: 10700604 To ensure correct identification of the payment, please ensure that the payment reference clearly includes the STUDENT/FAMILY/ COMMUNITY MEMBER’S NAME along with the characters VFC, e.g. JohnSmithVFC For payment by Credit/Debit Card, I hereby authorise the school to debit my: MasterCard Visa Other (please specify) ________________________ Expiry Date: Card Number: For an amount of $________ (total amount above), or $________ during the first two weeks of the first three terms (equal instalment payments), or in accordance with the Payment Arrangement completed above. Name of cardholder as it appears on the card: Signature of cardholder: Version 1.0