Registration Form MODERN INFORMATION SOCIETY FORMATION: PROBLEMS, PERSPECTIVES, INNOVATION APPROACHES Conference on Wave Electronics and Its Applications 1-5 June, 2015, St.- Petersburg, RUSSIA 1. Title (Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms.) 2.Sex 3. Last name 4. First name 5. Proffession/Position 6. Company 7. Address: Home Office Street address /PO Box City Post/Zip Code Phone Country Fax 8. Passport № Email 9. Date of birth (dd/mm/yy) 10. Date of issue (date of expiry dd/mm/yy) 11. Valid until (date of expiry dd/mm/yy) 12. Date of arrival to Russia (approximately - this date will be pointed at your invitation for getting entrance visa) 13. Date of departure from Russia (approximately - this date will be pointed at your invitation for getting entrance visa) 14. Cities for visiting in Russia 15. City, where you prefer to get you visa (Russian Embassy or Consulate should be there) 16. Are you coming with accompanying person? YES Name of the accompany person: NO 17. Do you plan to submit paper? YES NO If you answer "YES" on the question #16, please, answer next questions too (questions 18 -31) Page #1 Registration Form (accompanying person) MODERN INFORMATION SOCIETY FORMATION: PROBLEMS, PERSPECTIVES, INNOVATION APPROACHES 1-5 June, 2015, St.- Petersburg, RUSSIA 18. Title (Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms.) 19.Sex 20. Last name e 21. First name 22. Proffession/Position 23. Company 24. Address: Home Office Street address / PO Box City Post/Zip Code Phone Country Fax 25. Passport № Email 26.Valid until (date of expiry) 27. Date of birth 28. Date of arrival to Russia (approximately - this date will be pointed at your invitation for getting entrance visa) 29. Date of departure from Russia (approximately - this date will be pointed at your invitation for getting entrance visa) 30. Cities for visiting in Russia 31. City, where you prefer to get you visa (Russian Embassy or Consulate should be there) Page #2 Please submit your completed registration form and copy of the first page of your passport with following information: passport number, date of issue, and your full name to the Organizing committee.