O/o The Commissioner and Director
of Municipal Administration Department,
A.P., Hyderabad.
Dt: 21.02.2014
Sub: Municipal Administration Department – Municipal Solid Waste Management –
“SWATCHATA” Initiate one week drive from 25.02.2014 to 04.03.2014 in all Hotels,
Function Halls and Kalyana Mandapams etc., on Food Safety and Hygiene aspects –
Requested – Regd.
Ref: As per the instructions of the C&DMA
All the Municipal Commissioners in the State are aware that this office is putting all its
efforts to improve the environment and public health in the ULBs across the State. In this
context, to sensitize all the stakeholders of the society on implementation Sanitation, Health and
Hygiene issues etc., various IEC and Awareness activities were taken up which needs to be
replicated and scaled up. Given the fact, that contamination of food is a major root cause for
various diseases, especially group dining’s like Hotels, Restaurants, Function Halls, Marriage
Halls, Community Halls and Bars etc. There is need to promote better food safety, hygiene and
sanitation practices to improve the health and environment to start with.
In this context, there is a need to create awareness on Food Safety, Sanitation, Hygiene
practices including control food wastage among various stakeholders like Hotels, Restaurants,
Function Halls, Kalyana Mandapams, and other mass cooking facilities in the endeavor to
improve the public health and environment.
Some of the revealing facts on Food Hygiene and Wastage are as follows;
 The global burden of infectious diarrhea involves 3-5 billion cases and nearly 1.8
million deaths annually, mainly in young children, caused by contaminated food and
 Under the Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) in India, food poisoning
outbreaks reported from all over India in 2009 increased to more than double as
compared to the previous Year (120 outbreaks in 2009, as compared to 50 in the year
 An outbreak of food poisoning due to epidemic dropsy (mustard oil contaminated with
argemone oil) was reported from Delhi in 1998 in which 60 persons lost their lives and
more than 3000 cases were hospitalized.
 As per the FSSAI survey, 70 per cent milk samples collected across the country by
food safety authority did not conform to standards.
 According to United Nations Development Program, about 40% of food is wasted in
India., the country is letting food worth a whopping Rs 44,000 crore go waste each
year due to lack of adequate storage infrastructure.
 The urban Indian is increasingly wasting more food over the years. If food is wasted,
it means that all the resources and inputs used in the production of all the food are
also lost.
As part of the initiative, all the Commissioners are instructed to implement the activities
enlisted in annexure (I-V) by conducting a week long drive captioned as “SWATCHATA”. The
RDMAs are requested to monitor the implementation of the activities. The report of the
implementation may be submitted to this office on completion of the drive on 05.03.2014 without
Encl: Annexure I – Week Schedule
Annexure II - Checklist for Inspection
Annexure III - Model indicative Display Boards for Hotels/Restaurants/Bars
Annexure IV - Model indicative Display Boards for Function Halls/Marriage Halls
Annexure V - Model indicative Display Boards for Kitchens
Yours faithfully
Sd/- Dr.B.Janardhan Reddy
Commissioner & Director
1. The Commissioners of GVMC and VMC
2. All the Municipal Commissioners in the State through RDMAs concerned.
3. The RDMAs of Hyderabad, Warangal, Ananthapur, Rajahmundry, Guntur and Vizag regions
for necessary action.
Copy to the following for information and action:
All the District Collectors and Special Officers of Municipalities/Corporations through RDMAs
Copy submitted to the Principal Secretary (UD) to Government, MA&UD Department,
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Copy submitted to the Principal Secretary (MA) to Government, MA&UD Department,
Government of Andhra Pradesh
For Commissioner & Director
Annexure I
Preparatory Activities
Activity Description
Internal staff meetings and preparation of draft notices, briefing to press etc., on
preparatory activities
Identify the No. of Hotels/Restaurants/ Marriage/Function and Community halls,
Catering groups/ Bars in the ULB jurisdiction
Week Schedule
Activity Description
Health Officers to inspect the cooking areas, food storage depots, toilets and
other facilities in the premises and submit the reports using the checklist
Organizing meetings with owners of the Hotels, Restaurants, Function Halls,
Community and Marriage Halls to orient on the Food Safety and Hygiene aspects
to be adopted in their premises in multiple sessions
Conduct orientation and awareness programs to the catering groups and other
working staff on the Food Safety and Personal Hygiene, Wastage of Food,
Waste Segregation and Disposal
Circulate necessary instructions to mandatory installation of sign boards on
Cleanliness, Good Hygiene Practices, Wastage of Food , Conservation of Water
and Energy, Use of biodegradables etc., in most visible locations in the Function
Halls, Community and Marriage Halls in local language, and besides cashier
counter in Hotels, Restaurants, and Bars
Annexure II – Checklist
Checklist for Inspecting Food Safety, Hygiene and Sanitation practices in the Hotels,
Restaurants, Function Halls/ Kalyana Mandapams
Name and address of the function
Name and address of the owner with
Area of the premises
Seating Capacity of the Hall
Type of structure: Permanent: (RCC
roof)/Semi permanent
(Asbestos/G.I.sheet roof)
No. of floors:
Kitchen Area in Sqfeet
Washing Area in Sqfeet
Storage Area in Sq feet
Dining Area in Sqfeet
Maintenance related issues
Kitchen Area
Whether there is adequate number of wash
basins fitted with taps for running hot and cold
water. ( Yes / No)
Are there sufficient number exhaust fans
provided in the kitchen@ 1to 3 depending on
the area(Yes/ No)
Exhaust system in kitchen in good working
condition, and kept clean ( Yes / No)
Efficient drainage provision for disposal of
waste water to main drain (Yes / No)
Working area is well ventilated and lighted.
(Yes / No)
Hygienic conditions in the kitchen/cooking
Area is maintained
Twins Bins with lids for temporary storage of
Wet and Dry Waste ( Yes / No)
Availability of clean water and adequate
storage arrangements ( Yes or No)
Are any pest control measures undertaken
(Yes /No)
Is Hot Water used for rinsing the Utensils
cooking (Yes / No)
11 Equipment’s/ vessels kept clean, washed, dried
and free from moulds and fungi(Yes / No)
/ No
12 Cooks and Kitchen personnel are appropriately
wear clean protective clothing, Aprons, Caps
for hair covering, footwear, gloves, facial mask
etc. (Yes/ No)
13 Hand washing facilities provided whenever they
enter or re-enter kitchen areas and hand
washing facilities equipped with, liquid soaps,
and towels ( Yes / No)
14 White washing of walls once in 6 months and
all ceilings and surfaces free of flaking paint,
corrosion, rust and other materials(Yes / No)
15 Whether there are adequate facilities for toilets
as per the seating capacity ( 1 toilet seat for
every 25 users)( Yes / No)
16 Whether there are adequate number of wash
basin near toilets fitted with liquid soaps. ( Yes /
17 Adequate lighting and exhaust systems in
toilets ( Yes / No)
18 Are there proper doors mats near the toilet
doors (Yes/ No)
19 Are there charts displayed indicating the
frequency of cleaning of toilets No of
times/days with disinfects (like phenyl etc)
(Yes / No)
20 Signage on toilets indicating the Men and
Women in local language ( Yes/ No)
21 Adequate, well designed storage facilities that
moisture free, clean, free from pest infestation
and well maintained. ( Yes / No)
22 Whether periodic cleaning and disinfection of
store is carried out and record thereof is
maintained. (Yes / No)
23 Fridge and temperature display units are in
good working condition and maintained at
temperature 5 oC. with uninterrupted power
supply facilities
( Yes / No)
24 Proper pest-proof measures taken to prevent
infestation of pests like Rat traps,etc ( Yes/No)
25 Chemicals, detergents and other cleaning
materials are stored in designated areas away
from food items ( Yes / No)
26 Raw food/ meat/ poultry and ready-to-eat foods
are kept separate. ( Yes/ No)
Personnel Hygiene
Food service persons attired in clean
protective clothing, Aprons, head cover,
footwear, disposable gloves mask etc. ( Yes /
Restriction to unhygienic practices such as
eating, smoking, spitting, etc., within the food
preparation area are adhered to and strictly
enforced. ( Yes / No)
Signage on Cleanliness and good hygiene
practices ( Yes / No)
UV Fly Traps and fly screens ( Yes/ no)
Medical Examination of the Food handlers
every 6 months ( Yes / No)
Food and other Waste Reduction and
Common items like sambar, chutneys etc kept
in buffet type to avoid food waste ( Yes/No)
Usage plastic disposable for serving ( Yes /
Proper Storage of waste generated in three
bins system with lids Food Waste,
Recyclables and Inserts ( Yes / No)
Suggestions for Improvement
Time limit prescribed for compliance of suggestions:
(Signature of Inspecting Officer)
Annexure III - Model indicative Display Boards for Hotels/Restaurants/Bars
Information to be displayed on sign boards in Hotels and Restaurants besides
cash counter mandatory Functions for hygienic maintenance:
 All cooking, serving and eating utensils like plates, pots, pans, dishes, knives,
forks, spoons, etc.)must be kept constantly clean and rinsing in hot water
 Raw fruits and vegetables used in meals or salads to be thoroughly washed in
potable water before serving.
 Drinking water and water used for food preparation should be safe water, clean
boiled water or filtered water
 Kitchen and Dining areas shall be free from dust and floor area shall be kept dry
 Cooking and Serving utensils shall be clean and not broken or chipped
 Ready-to-eat food shall be handled with utensils like Scoops, Spoons, and
disposable hand gloves
 Wash basins and liquid soaps, disposable napkins are to be provided for hand
 Food handlers shall wear clean protective clothing, Aprons, caps for hair
covering, gloves, facial mask.
 Toilets are kept clean
 No plastic material less than 40 microns shall be used for packing the food.
 No Child Labour shall be engaged (below 14 years)
 Twin Dust Bins with lids in the premises
 Complaint register is to be maintained at cash counter
 If any of the above not complied, complaint can be register at cash counter and
informed to municipal complaint Helpline No. ______________ or Sanitation Incharge Sri._______________on his Mobile No._______________
Issued in the interest of
Public Health by
Municipal Commissioner
Annexure IV - Model indicative display boards in Function halls and
Marriage halls (in local language)
 Equipment’s / vessels in kitchen and dining area are to kept clean, washed, dried
and free from moulds and fungi
 Cooks and Food serving personnel are appropriately wear clean protective
clothing, Aprons, Caps for hair covering, footwear, gloves, facial mask
 Exhaust fans in kitchen in good working condition, and kept clean
 Wash basin facilities equipped with, liquid soaps, and towels in kitchen, toilets
and dining area
 Kitchen and store room walls to be white washed once in 6 months and all
ceilings and surfaces free of flaking paint, corrosion, rust and other materials
 Kitchen, toilets and other working areas to well lighted and ventilated
 Adequate facilities for toilets with separate facilities for men and women ( 1 toilet
seat for every 25 users)
 Toilets to be provided with adequate water and shall be kept clean with
 Proper drainage facilities for free flow of waste water from kitchen into the main
 Adequate, well designed storage room/s that are moisture free, clean, free from
pest infestation
 Hot Water to be used for rinsing the utensils cooking
 Restriction to unhygienic practices such as eating, smoking, spitting, etc., within
the food preparation area are adhered to and strictly enforced
 Proper Storage of waste generated in three bins system with lids for
Waste, Recyclables and Inserts to me made available
Note: If the above are not complied with, you may lodge a complaint in complaint
register available with the hall authorities or to the Municipal office phone
Issued in interest of Public health
_________ Municipality /Corporation
Annexure V - Model indicative Display Boards for Kitchens
Information to be displayed on sign boards in kitchen area of Hotels, restaurants,
function halls and marriage halls
1. Maintain Cleanliness and Hygiene
 Wash your hands before handling food and often during food preparation
 Wash your hands with soap after using the toilet
 Wash and sanitize all surfaces and equipment used for food preparation
 Wear clean protective clothing, Aprons, head cover, footwear, disposable gloves,
facial mask etc.
 Protect kitchen areas and food from insects, pests and other animals
 Use hot water for rinsing the utensils
 Don’t smoke or spit, blow nose in the kitchen and dining area
2. Keep food at safe temperatures
 Do not leave cooked food at room temperature for more than 2 hours
 Refrigerate promptly all cooked and perishable food (preferably below 5°C)
 Keep cooked food piping hot (more than 60°C) prior to serving
 Do not store food too long even in the refrigerator
 Don’t overload refrigerators or line shelving with foil or paper
3. Use safe water and raw materials
 Select fresh and wholesome foods
 Use portable water for cooking food and beverages
 Choose foods processed for safety, such as pasteurized milk
 Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, especially if eaten raw
 Do not use food items or ingredients beyond its expiry date