

Fig. SI-1. RT-PCR from eyes of triple -/- animals and wild-type C3H animals. RT: reverse transcriptase; WT: wild type; Triple KO: Opn4






; cry1: cryptochrome 1; cry2: cryptochrome 2.

Fig. SI-2. In mice aged 70 days, the lens showed good transmission at all wavelengths greater than 320nm (a), with no significant difference between wild type (n = 8) and rd/rd cl (n = 8) mouse lenses. There was a small age-dependent change in lens transmission of wildtype mice at

40 day old (n = 3, 3 mice x 1 lens each), 70 day old mice (n = 8, 4 mice x 2 lenses each) and 270 day old mice (n = 4, 2 mice x 2 lenses each) (b), but the change between 70 day-old and 270 dayold mice (the age range primarily used in this study) was negligible over the wavelengths relevant to this work.

Methods: To provide an irradiance correction for the percentage lens transmission relative to transmission at 600nm, lens transmission was described at 1-nm intervals between 305 and 700 nm in extracted lenses, scanned in air using a Shimadzu UV-2101 (PC) S spectrophotometer, fitted with an integrating sphere [1, 2]. There has been no description of significantly pigmented corneas and humours in any mammal [3]; therefore these were not scanned.

1. Douglas, R.H. and McGuigan, C.M., The Spectral Transmission of Fresh-Water Teleost

Ocular Media - an Interspecific Comparison and a Guide to Potential Ultraviolet



Sensitivity .

Vision Research , 1989. 29 (7): p. 871-879.

Douglas, R.H. and Thorpe, A., A Common Framework for the Effect of Age on Short-

Wave Absorbing Compounds in the Ocular Lenses of Fish .

Investigative Ophthalmology

& Visual Science , 1993. 34 (4): p. 1256-1256.

Douglas, R.H. and Marshall, N.J. (1999) A review of vertebrate and invertebrate ocular filters. In 'Adaptive Mechanisms in the Ecology of Vision' (eds. S.N. Archer, M.B.A.

Djamgoz, E.R. Loew, J.C. Partridge and S. Vallerga), Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Fig. SI-3. Actograms of wheel running for one triple-heterozygous and one triple-knockout mice under a 16:8 hr LD cycle, double-plotted on a 24-hr time scale. Same format as in Fig. 4 in paper, but showing a different set of mice.

Fig. SI-4. Same experiment as in Fig. S3 here and Fig. 4 in paper, but showing another tripleknockout mouse recorded up to 53 days. Red arrows indicate times of cage change.
