Yarmouth flythroughs 2013 Channel Coastal Observatory National Oceanography Centre European Way Southampton SO14 3ZH Tel: +44 (0)23 8059 8467 Fax: +44 (0)23 8059 6320 e-mail: cco@channelcoast.org Website: www.channelcoast.org Document Title: Reference: Status: Date: Project Name: Explanation of the visualisations produced for the CCATCH The Solent Yarmouth flythrough TR 50 Final 13th May 2013 CCATCH The Solent: Yarmouth flythrough Fledermaus flythrough - Gareth Grewcock and Dr Samantha Cope Flood modelling - Dr Matthew Wadey Project manager – Dr Samantha Cope Yarmouth flythroughs Contents CCATCH The Solent: Yarmouth flythroughs Channel Coastal Observatory: Yarmouth flythroughs Contents 1. 2. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1 Flooding flythrough ..................................................................................................... 1 2.1 Base data ..................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Flooding grids using LISFLOOD-FP software ......................................................................... 4 2.3 Visualisation using Fledermaus software ................................................................................ 4 3. 4. 5. 6. Erosion mapping.......................................................................................................... 5 Acronyms ..................................................................................................................... 7 Glossary ....................................................................................................................... 7 References ................................................................................................................... 7 i Yarmouth flythroughs List of Tables & Figures List of Tables Table 1: Reference still water levels (including the flood scenario levels) 2 List of Figures Figure 1: Still water level return periods for Yarmouth for the baseline year of 2008 (source: McMillan et al., 2011) and the scenario water levels referred to in the flythroughs 2 Figure 2: Gap in the DTM along the embankment between the A3054 and the River Yar boatyard 3 Figure 3: Photograph along the embankment the A3054 and the River Yar boatyard. Looking south to the River Yar boatyard 3 Figure 4: No Active Intervention (NAI) and With Present Management (WPM) indicative erosion zone for Yarmouth (shapefiles courtesy of the IOW SMP2) ii 6 Yarmouth flythroughs 1. Introduction Introduction Hampshire County Council is working with 6 other partners on an EU Interreg IVa – 2 seas cross-border programme project called ‘Coastal Communities 2150 and Beyond’ (CC2150). Hampshire County Council’s element of the CC2150 project is ‘Coastal Communities Adapting to Change (CCATCH) – the Solent’. This builds on the work that was carried out through the ‘CCATCH – the Solent trial’ project which covered the coast from Beaulieu to Calshot by widening it to the whole of the Solent region. The CCATCH – the Solent project is focusing on 6 discrete stretches of coast and involves all sectors of the local community in developing a plan for the future of the coastal area. These sites may not be the most at risk but reflect a range of the different communities and issues around the Solent and are: Beaulieu to Calshot. Southampton, Upper West Itchen Netley and Royal Victoria Country Park Solent Breezes Holiday Park Hayling Island and Langstone. Yarmouth, Isle of Wight As part of CCATCH - the Solent project, the Channel Coastal Observatory were commissioned by Hampshire County Council to undertake a visualisation of Yarmouth town to demonstrate to the Yarmouth community how they will be affected under a range of future flooding scenarios. Erosion maps were also produced using the Isle of Wight Shoreline Management Plan 2 outputs. 2. Flooding flythrough The flythroughs visualise three water level scenarios as specified by the Yarmouth Coastal Defence Working Group. These are listed in Table 1 and Section 2.3. To understand the nature of extreme flood events, sea level is decomposed into three additive components: mean sea level, astronomical tidal level and a residual (often referred to as surge) component (refer to Pugh, 1987). Scenarios 2a and 2b are used here, to replicate a similar level of flooding to that observed during the 10 March 2008. The exact magnitudes of each sea level component at Yarmouth that day is unknown, although the tide gauges elsewhere in the Solent, and the observed high water level at Yarmouth, suggest over a metre surge on top of the spring tide. According to recent return period analysis, Scenarios 2a and 2b are equivalent to approximately 1 in 20 and 1 in 65 year events respectively (Figure 1). The relatively large range of probability associated with this 0.1m water level variation highlights the small differences between ‘extreme event’ magnitudes and their definitions on this part of the south coast. The deliverables from the project focus on Scenario 2a, rather than Scenario 2b. This is because flooding the terrain model (Section 2.1) to the requested Scenario 2a water level produced an area of flooded hinterland greater than that experienced on the 10th March 2008. Using Scenario 2b would have resulted in even more of an over-estimation of flooding. 1 Yarmouth flythroughs Flooding flythrough The addition of 0.3m to Scenario 2b to provide Scenario 3 generates a hypothetical event of a probability which is implausible at present day mean sea level, and is hence relevant as a scenario for mean sea-level rise. Scenario 3 is not depicted on Figure 1 as it is out of the remit of present day return period analysis given the addition of the 0.3m of mean sea level. Level Scenario Reference Scenario description mCD mOD MLWS 0.80 -1.18 MLWN 1.60 -0.38 MSL 2.20 0.22 Scenario 1 MHWS 3.00 1.02 N/A HAT 3.10 1.12 Scenario 2a MHWS + 1.1m storm surge 4.10 2.12 Scenario 2b HAT + 1.1m storm surge 4.20 2.22 Scenario 3 HAT + 1.1m storm surge + 0.3m SLR 4.50 2.52 N/A Table 1: Reference still water levels (including the flood scenario levels). Scenario 2b Scenario 2a HAT Scenario 1 (MHWS) Figure 1: Still water level return periods for Yarmouth for the baseline year of 2008 (source: McMillan et al., 2011) and the scenario water levels referred to in the flythroughs. The flood simulations for all scenarios assumed present-day defences, buildings and topography. 2.1 Base data High resolution Lidar data was used to represent the land surface for the flood simulations and flythroughs. This data was flown by the Environment Agency (EA) in 2008, and provided via the Southeast Strategic Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme. Lidar is commonly attributed with a vertical accuracy of +/- 0.15m, although survey reports provided by the EA suggest the accuracy exceeds +/- 0.10m in most areas. A less quantified uncertainty is the EA’s data cleaning procedures to generate the filtered ‘digital terrain model’ (DTM) (omitting vegetation, cars, etc.). The original Lidar data was collected at 1m resolution, producing a dense grid of points to represent the land surface of Yarmouth and the surrounding areas. This resolution was retained for the modelling and visualisation. 2 Yarmouth flythroughs Flooding flythrough To represent surface features that are relevant to the main routes of floodplain flow, the EA’s defence/asset survey data set was appended to the DTM. This represented the defence layout and crest heights (which may be missed by the sampling of the Lidar survey). Buildings were digitised (using the aerial photography and raw Lidar data) and appended to the DTM, to benefit both the flood modelling and the quality of the visualisation. This produced a master DTM. The embankment between the A3054 and the River Yar boatyard required additional attention as there appeared to be a gap in the DTM (Figure 2). This let water through the embankment in the LISFLOOD-FP software (see Section 2.2), thereby flooding the reedbed area behind the embankment and the River Yar boatyard at a much lower tide than expected. Following liaison with the Yarmouth Coastal Defence Working Group and a site visit (Figure 3), it was confirmed that the embankment was indeed continuous. The flooding predictions were subsequently rectified. A3054 Reedbeds Embankment Gap in DTM Figure 2: Gap in the DTM along the embankment between the A3054 and the River Yar boatyard Figure 3: Site visit photograph along the embankment looking north towards the A3054 3 Yarmouth flythroughs Flooding flythrough 2.2 Flooding grids using LISFLOOD-FP software One of the most simplistic methods to generate a flood map is to combine a still water level (SWL) with a DTM, to view land above or below the given SWL. However, such methods do not consider hydraulic connectivity (as a result of defences or other flow diverting features), or mass conservancy. Therefore, most flood studies prefer to generate a more realistic approximation of flood extent by using some form of two-dimensional numerical simulation which accounts for the dynamics of flow over the floodplain surface. This includes the amount of inflow possible due to the rise and the fall of the tide, and interaction with the effects of defences and topography. Such models vary hugely in complexity with regard to the physics that the model attempts to replicate (refer to Neelz et al., (2009) for more details). In principle, there are numerous 2D models that would be suitable for this task, although licensing and set-up costs are typically high. The model used for the Yarmouth flood simulations was LISFLOOD-FP (Bates and De Roo, 2000, Bates et al., 2010) which was developed by a team of researchers at the University of Bristol. This is a non-commercial model, and its availability for this visualisation is due to its application within a flood research project in the Solent region (refer to Wadey et al., 2012). This model has been tested and validated, with variants previously used for coastal flood modelling at sites around the UK (Bates et al., 2005) including the Solent (Wadey et al., 2012). In reality, whilst the flood scenario simulations provided here would be dominated by the still water level (tide and storm surge), waves would contribute to additional flooding. However, methods available for quantifying wave overtopping volumes and coupling these to inundation modelling can produce uncertain results (e.g. Smith et al., 2012); although this may be a consideration for future work. 2.3 Visualisation using Fledermaus software Fledermaus Professional is the industry leading interactive 3D geo-spatial processing and analysis tool. The outputs from the LISFLOOD-FP software were processed, along with the master DTM and aerial photography and inserted into the Fledermaus software to visualise the following three flooding scenarios: Scenario 1 - MHWS Scenario 2a – MHWS+1.1m surge Scenario 3 – HAT+1.1m surge+0.3m SLR (year 2050) The visualisations focused on the town and Thorley Brook, as requested by the Yarmouth Coastal Defence Working Group. Two sets of outputs were produced for the project: Output 1: Each flood scenario was visualised as a static water level with the camera moving Output 2: The water level was visualised rising through each flood scenario with the camera moving 4 Yarmouth flythroughs 3. Erosion mapping Shapefiles showing future indicative erosion zones were provided by the Isle of Wight Council from the Shoreline Management Plan (2010) for the following scenarios: No Active Intervention (NAI) – the NAI scenario assumes there is no expenditure on maintaining or improving existing coastal and flood defences; therefore defences will fail at a time dependent upon their residual life and the condition of the fronting beaches and intertidal areas. With Present Management (WPM) – the WPM scenario assumes all existing management practices are continued and defences are maintained to provide a similar level of protection over the next 100 years to that provided at present. Both scenarios covered the following epochs: Erosion up to 2025 Erosion up to 2055 Erosion up to 2105 The NAI and WPM scenarios are depicted in Figure 4. There is no erosion shown in Figure 4 for the With Present Management scenario as the shoreline is defended. 5 Yarmouth flythroughs Erosion mapping Figure 4: No Active Intervention (NAI) and With Present Management (WPM) indicative erosion zone for Yarmouth (shapefiles courtesy of the IOW SMP2). 6 Yarmouth flythroughs Acronyms 4. Acronyms CD – Chart Datum DTM – Digital Terrain Model EA – Environment Agency HAT – Highest Astronomical Tide Lidar – Light Detection and Ranging MHWS – Mean High Water Springs NAI – No Active Intervention OD – Ordnance Survey SLR – Sea-Level Rise SMP – Shoreline Management Plan SWL – Still Water Level WPM – With Present Management 5. Glossary Return period – the probability of a given water level, usually with reference to an annual probability of occurrence, e.g. a 1 in 200 year water level has a 1/200 = 0.005 probability of occurring in any given year (although this does not necessarily mean that this level cannot be exceeded in a given year). The return periods used are referenced to the year 2008. Regional sea-level rise in the past decade has been approximately 1.7 mm per year (Haigh, 2011) hence the most recently derived return periods do not require significant adjustment. Water level – the term ‘water level’ and ‘sea level’ in this report refer to the same phenomenon: the still water level (comprising tide, mean sea level and surge) which does not incorporate the effects of gravity (wind or swell) waves. 6. References BATES, P. D. & DE ROO, A. P. J. 2000. A simple raster-based model for flood inundation simulation. Journal of Hydrology, 236, 54-77. BATES, P. D., DAWSON, R. J., HALL, J. W., HORRITT, M. S., NICHOLLS, R. J., WICKS, J. & MOHAMED AHMED ALI MOHAMED, H. 2005. Simplified twodimensional numerical modelling of coastal flooding and example applications. Coastal Engineering, 52, 793-810. BATES, P. D., HORRITT, M. S. & FEWTRELL, T. J. 2010. A simple inertial formulation of the shallow water equations for efficient two-dimensional flood inundation modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 387, 33-45. HAIGH, I. 2011. RE: Quantification of sea-level rise at the Southampton and Portsmouth tide gauges. Personal communication with Ivan Haigh on 25th January 2012. MCMILLAN, A., BATSTONE, C., WORTH, D., TAWN, J. A., HORSBURGH, K. & LAWLESS, M. 2011. Coastal flood boundary conditions for UK mainland and islands. Project: SC060064/TR2: Design sea levels.: Published by: Environment Agency, Bristol, UK. NÉELZ, S., PENDER, G., BATES, P., FALCONER, R., LIN, B. & WRIGHT, N. G. 2009. Desktop review of 2D hydraulic modelling packages. Science Report: SC080035. Environment Agency, UK. 7 Yarmouth flythroughs References PUGH, D. T. 1987. Tides, surges and mean sea-level. A handbook for engineers and scientists, Wiley, Chichester. SMITH, R. A. E., BATES, P. D. & HAYES, C. 2012. Evaluation of a coastal flood inundation model using hard and soft data. Environmental Modelling & Software, 30, 35-46. WADEY, M. P., NICHOLLS, R. J. & HUTTON, C. 2012. Coastal Flooding in the Solent: An Integrated Analysis of Defences and Inundation. Water, 4, 430459. 8 Yarmouth flythroughs References 9