FARM LAND SECTION - Readington Township

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The history behind Readington Township's Open Space Preservation.
Over two decades ago, in 1977, Readington Township was undisputedly rural. Open
farmland predominated. It was at this point in the Township’s history, however, that a
growing contingent of people realized that if they didn’t plan for something different than
their neighbors to the east of them, this rural character that they cared so much for would
be totally lost in the face of wall to wall subdivisions.
In 1978, Readington became the first township in New Jersey to hold an Open Space
Referendum. A ballot question asked the voters if they would favor bonding in the
amount of one million dollars for open space preservation and they overwhelmingly
supported the question. The Township went on, in 1979, to develop an Open Space
Master Plan, which called for the preservation of land for agriculture, recreation, and
conservation purposes. A separate report summarized a variety of techniques available to
implement this Master Plan. The benefits of these early planning efforts, as well as of a
renewed surge of interest, effort and success in the last eight years, are now readily
Currently there is about 16,000 acres of undeveloped land in Readington Township.
Approximately 21% of the open acres, that is 3,303 acres, are protected by Farmland
Preservation easements. Approximately 17 % of the open acres or 2,701 acres have been
preserved for recreation and conservation purposes through Township, County and State
efforts. In addition to this, the Township currently has, in various stages of the acquisition
process, preservation projects that will protect over 529 acres in the next year. It
continues to use a variety of preservation strategies, and a variety of funding sources.
In this 25-year period, Readington has certainly not stopped development. Its
Preservation Program has, however, saved, not only significant amounts of land, but
important elements of the Township’s once rural character. This Program has continued
to enjoy political and popular support and has begun to show that open space preservation
Burjan Farm
The Burjan Farm is one of a number of working family farms operating in Readington Township.
Joyce Burjan, her two sons, Martin and Daniel, their families, and her daughter Chris, raise hay, straw
and grains for feed, and pheasants for sale to hunters. The pheasants are used to stock many of the
Counties hunting grounds. The recently preserved farm is located just north of the village of Three
Bridges on Old York Road. In October signs around town invite neighbors to stop by the farm to pick their
own pumpkins.
a. 240 acres, Farmland Preservation.
b. Location, Old York Road, near Three Bridges, NJ
c. Raises game pheasants, grains and hay.
The Walter Kanach family ran a herd of dairy cows on this 82-acre farm for many decades before
Readington Township purchased it as part of a 440-acre preservation project. In 2001, the farm was
auctioned with a deed restriction to assure that the farm would be preserved for agriculture and
conservation in perpetuity. The Chesla family, successful bidders for the farm, is presently busily restoring
the farms historic barns and house.
a. 82 acres, Green Acres Conservation Easement.
b. Location, Lazy Brook Road, near Three Bridges, NJ
c. Former dairy farm, now growing corn and hay.
Lane/Zweerink Farm
This 49 acre farm on Pleasant Run Road was preserved with the help of Green Acres and the Trust
for Public Lands. Its preservation assures that a favorite view shed along one of Readington’s most
scenic roads is protected. The Zweerink family has lovingly restored the historic house and barns. They
presently keep horses, raise sheep and sell fresh eggs.
a. 49 acres, Green Acres Conservation Easement.
b. Location, Pleasant Run Road
c. Raises horses, and sheep, produces eggs and grains.
Mason Farm
The preservation of the 800-acre former Sam Kanach Farm allowed Bill Mason to buy an additional
160 acres of preserved land and expand his family farm to 247 acres. He and his grandson, Judd
Walters, presently raise cows, pigs, hay and grains. Proudly displaying a “Preserved Farmland” sign, the
farm fronts on both Old York Road and Higginsville Road just north of Three Bridges.
a. 247 acres, Farmland Preservation.
b. Location, Old York Road and Higginsville Road, near Three Bridges
c. Raises cows and pigs, produces grains and hay.
Readington River Farm
Most are already familiar with the “Buffalo Farm” on County Route 523. Walter and Ann Dobozynski
formerly ran this scenic 230-acre farm as a dairy, but sold it to the state for preservation in 1995. Scarlot
and Jerry Doyle and their son Eric were the successful bidders on the preserved farm. Township
residents can now drive in on weekends to visit the farm store and purchase locally grown buffalo meat.
a. 233 acres, Farmland Preservation.
b. Location, County Route 523
c. Raises buffalo and pigs, produces hay and grains.
Kowal Farm
Things haven't changed much on Cole Road thanks to Readington’s preservation efforts. This view
across the 110-acre Kowal Farm was preserved as part of a 183-acre preservation project completed in
1999 with the joint cooperation of Green Acres, the Farmland Preservation Program and the New Jersey
Conservation Foundation.
a. 110 acres, Farmland Preservation.
b. Location, Cole Road
c. Raises grain and hay.
Dobozynski Farm Park
Sometimes a place is so special that everyone agrees it should be preserved for future generations
to enjoy just like it is. This park on Woodschurch Road is such a place. Feel free to drive in, park and take
a hike up Round Mountain. Trails starting just past the historic barns and across the open fields connect
with the counties Round Mountain Preserve. One of the nicest mature forests in Hunterdon is found on
Round Mountain where over 300 acres has been purchased with Green Acres money and is open to the
a. 97 acres, Green Acres, Public Land.
b. Location, Woodschurch Road, adjacent to Round Mountain.
c. Includes historic barns as well as fields and woodland for hiking.
Connects to County parkland on Round Mountain.
Raritan River Preserve
This large expanse of open, rolling farmland was just preserved through the joint effort of
Readington Township and the State of New Jersey’s Green Trust Program. The land has been preserved
with 100% state funds for the purpose of providing watershed protection for the South Branch of the
Raritan River and for wildlife habitat protection. The land can be accessed from either River Avenue or
from Rockafellows Mill Road.
a. 346 acre, Green Acres Public Land.
b. Location, Rockafellows Mill Road and River Avenue.
c. Includes historic house and fields and woodland for hiking.
Rockaway Preserve
The folks living in East Whitehouse have known for years that a short walk through the woods north
of town rewards the hiker with a beautiful view of the Rockaway Creek from the atop high bluffs that
overlook the river. Today, most of these woods, a total of 113 acres has been preserved using Green
Acres funds and a whole new generation of East Whitehouse kids will have the opportunity to enjoy these
a. 113 acres, Green Acres Public Land
b. Location, Old Highway, East Whitehouse
c. Hiking trails through wooded land and along the Rockaway Creek.