Lecture 29 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE SPINAL CORD, BRAINSTEM AND CEREBELLUM The three main principles of the sensorimotor function are: Motor output is guided by sensory input. The system that controls motility is hierarchically and interactionally organized. This system coordinates sequences of simultaneous complex movements of many muscles controlled by the central sensorimotor programs. Learning and experience may change the nature of sensorimotor control. After learning a new motor skill, control is shifted to a lower sensorimotor level. GENERAL ORGANIZATION OF THE SOMESTHETIC INPUT SOMATOSENSORY MECHANISMS The sensations of the body are detected by several somatic senses. The subdivisions of the somatic sensory system are: exteroceptive sensation (cutaneous senses) proprioceptive sensation (kinesthesia) visceroceptive sensation angioceptive sensation Exteroceptive senses are: touch pressure vibration heat cold pain Proprioceptive senses are: tension of the muscles tension of the tendons angulation of the joints deep pressure from the bottom of the feet Visceroceptive and angioceptive sensation involves: pain fullness 1 heat or burning sensations SKIN RECEPTORS ACCORDING TO THE TYPE OF STIMULUS The Pacinian corpuscles function exclusively as touch, vibration and pressure receptors. However, other types of receptors may also function as touch and pressure receptors. Also, no solid evidence has been found to link pain, warmth or cold with any single type of receptor. A single receptor may act as both a mechanoreceptor and thermoreceptor or nociceptor. Only the pattern of firing may distinguish different modalities. 1. Mechanoreceptors 2. Thermoreceptors 3. Nociceptors 4. Proprioceptive receptors: They are found mostly in muscles, tendons and joints. We are seldom aware of their input. The position (proprioceptive) sense can be divided into: * static position sensors indicating the position of body parts; * kinetic sensors detecting the rate of movement MUSCLE SPINDLES The muscle spindles are kinesthetic receptors composed of a spindle-like capsule of connective tissue parallel to the muscle fibers. They contain a few short and very slender striated muscle fibers called intrafusal muscle fibers. They are attached to the extrafusal muscle fibers. In the central region of the intrafusal fiber, there are few or no actin and myosin filaments. This area is the receptor portion of the muscle spindle. The intrafusal fibers and spindles may be divided into: nuclear bag fibers containing a large number of cell nuclei aggregated into an expanded bag in the central portion of the receptor area. nuclear chain fibers, thinner and shorter than the nuclear bag fibers. The muscle spindles contain two sets of afferent nerve endings: 1. annulospiral nerve endings (primary), wrapped around the muscle fibers. Their afferent fibers are large and myelinated. The primary nerve endings innervate both the nuclear bag fibers and the nuclear chain fibers. 2. flower-spray nerve endings (secondary); their afferent fibers are thin and they are located on the side of the primary ending. The secondary nerve fibers innervate only the nuclear chain fibers. There are two types of responses of the muscle spindle: the static and the dynamic. The static response is elicited when the spindle is stretched slowly. Both 2 the primary and the secondary nerve endings are activated. The number of nerve impulses from both fibers is the same and may last many minutes. The nuclear chain fibers are probably activated since both types of nerve endings innervate them. The dynamic response appears when the spindle is extended quickly. Only the primary ending is activated and fires rapidly as long as the spindle is expanding. If the expansion stops, the firing ceases. The nuclear bag fibers are probably involved in this response. The muscle spindles also contain a motor nerve terminal from the small (gamma) motoneurons located in the spinal cord. These gamma fibers may be divided into gamma-d (dynamic) and gamma-s (static) fibers. The gamma-d fibers excite the nuclear bag fibers and the dynamic response of the fiber is enhanced. The gamma-s fibers stimulate the nuclear chain fibers and enhance the static response of the fiber. The muscle spindle may be excited in two ways: lengthening of the whole muscle which stretches the middle portions of the intrafusal muscle fibers. or, by the contraction of the end portions of the intrafusal muscle fiber induced by gamma innervation. The muscle spindles fire continuously at a certain rate. The stretching of the spindle increases the rate of firing, its shortening decreases the rate. GOLGI TENDON ORGANS About 1 mm long, they are encapsulated sensors located in all tendons. About 10 - 15 nerve fibers are associated with each Golgi tendon organ. They are sensitive to the rate of tension and have a high threshold. The impulses from these organs pass through the nerve fibers to the spinocerebellar tracts or locally to a single inhibitory interneuron which inhibits the motoneurons. They respond to increases of muscle tension and protect the tendon and muscle from excessive stretching. They adapt very slowly and may even fire continuously. The Golgi tendon organ has both dynamic and static responses. PACINIAN CORPUSCLES The pacinian corpuscles are in the muscle fascias; also around joints and ligaments. They mediate sensitivity to joint movements and rotation. Their number is small. They are stimulated mainly when the joint moves suddenly. They are innervated by a large myelinated A fiber. They show a rapid adaptation. 3 SOMESTHETIC INPUT THROUGH THE SPINAL CORD All impulses from the receptors first enter the peripheral afferent nerve fiber, then the spinal ganglion, then the dorsal roots and finally the spinal cord. The surface of the body is divided into dermatomes, more-or-less parallel bands on the skin that correspond to the embryonic distribution of nerve fibers. Each dermatome is innervated by one segment of the spinal cord. In humans, they are irregular in shape and they overlap. In the spinal cord, the afferent fibers branch and form two systems: 1. DORSAL COLUMN-MEDIAL LEMNISCAL SYSTEM Medial branches of the dorsal root fibers form the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system. The nerve fibers of this system are large and myelinated. This system is uncrossed at the spinal level. The first synapse is in the dorsal column nuclei of the medulla (nucleus gracilis, nucleus cuneatus). The fibers of these nuclei cross the midline in the medulla and form a bundle of nerve fibers called the medial lemniscus going toward the ventrobasal complex of the thalamus. The transmission of nerve impulses in this system is very rapid, precise and has a high degree of spatial organization. Finally, it reaches a discrete area of the cortex. The divergence of nerve impulses into various brain areas is small and depends on the intensity of the stimulus. The modalities transmitted by this system are: - touch and pressure sensation requiring precise localization and gradation of the stimulus; - vibratory sensations and signals of movement against the skin; - position of body parts as perceived by the kinesthetic receptors. The detection of the position of body parts depends on the joint receptors. Their input is analyzed and integrated in the thalamus by two types of neurons: * those activated when the joint is at full rotation; * those activated when the joint is at minimal rotation. 2. SPINOTHALAMIC SYSTEMS The lateral branches of the afferent nerve fibers terminate in the dorsal horns and form the anterior and lateral spinothalamic system. Neurons of the dorsal horns send fibers across to the other side. These fibers then travel up the spinal cord through the lateral and ventral columns. The fibers of this system are thin. Some of them terminate at all levels of the brain stem, from the medulla to the posterior thalamus. Others join the medial lemniscus and end in the ventrobasal 4 complex of the thalamus. The degree of spatial organization is not very high but this system can transmit a broad spectrum of sensory modalities. The velocity of transmission is low, the gradation of intensities is not very accurate, and the ability to transmit repetitive signals is poor. These systems transmit: pain; thermal sensation; crude touch and pressure; tickle and itch; sexual sensations. All input from all pathways terminates in the ventrobasal complex of thalamus. The thalamic neurons send fibers from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex. Sensory input from the lateral and ventral spinothalamic tracts also terminates in the reticular formation, the central gray of the midbrain, the cerebellum, the thalamus and the cerebral cortex. Each area serves a specific function. Thus, the cerebellum uses sensory input for subconscious control of motor functions; the thalamus performs crude analysis of sensory input; the cerebral cortex provides detailed analysis of sensory input. MOTOR FUNCTIONS OF THE SPINAL CORD The descending pathways of the spinal cord (the corticospinal pathway in particular) reach the alpha and gamma motoneurons of the ventral horns or interneurons in the same area. The alpha motoneurons are more numerous than gamma motoneurons. They are the final common path for motor movement. However, interneurons are thirty times more numerous than all anterior motoneurons. Alpha motor neurons may be divided into two classes: larger cells have fast conduction velocities, they innervate fast-twitch, high-force but fatigable muscle fibers; smaller alpha motoneurons are slower, innervate slow-twitch, low-force, fatigue-resistant muscle fibers, During voluntary movement, mainly the lateral (crossed) corticospinal tract from the motor area of the cerebral cortex (pyramidal pathway) excites the spinal motoneurons. The corticospinal tract terminates mainly on the interneurons. The motoneurons are also innervated, directly or indirectly, by: the reticulospinal pathway from the reticular formation of the brain stem; the rubrospinal pathway from the nucleus ruber; the (lateral) vestibulospinal tract; 5 monosynaptic and polysynaptic segmental inputs. Motor neurons represent the final common path for all these pathways. In the ventral horns, there are small motoneurons forming the Renshaw cell inhibitory system. They are innervated by the collateral branches of the motoneuron axons and are responsible for the feedback innervation of the neighboring motoneurons. SPINAL REFLEXES Beside the mediation of voluntary movements, the spinal cord can perform several reflex functions. Spinal reflexes are involuntary motor responses to certain sensory stimuli. They may be classified into: muscle - stretch reflexes superficial reflexes The Muscle Stretch Reflex The muscle stretch reflex is also called the tendon reflex, or myotatic reflex. An adequate stimulus to elicit this reflex is the passive stretching of the muscle. During neurological examination, this is achieved by the tapping of the tendon, directly or through the examiner's finger. The receptor is the muscle spindle. The reflex is initiated by the primary nerve endings in the spindle and terminated by the secondary fibers and by the Golgi tendon reflex. It is a monosynaptic reflex mediated by the motoneurons controlling the same muscle that has been stretched. The dynamic stretch reflex is elicited by a strong signal from the primary endings of the muscle spindles when the muscle is suddenly stretched. An instantaneous muscle contraction follows. Then, a static stretch reflex follows which is weaker but maintains the muscle contraction as long as the muscle is kept in the stretched state. The muscle spindles are also involved in the inhibitory stretch reflex. When the muscle is passively shortened, muscle inhibition follows. The stimulation of the muscle spindles also prevents some types of oscillation and jerkiness of body movements. The irregular signal from the motoneurons causes a relatively smooth contraction due to the response of the muscle spindles. Examples of the stretch reflexes: Biceps reflex localized in the spinal cord segments C5-6; Triceps reflex localized in C6-8; Quadriceps reflex(knee jerk) localized in L2-4; Gastrocnemius (ankle jerk, Achilles' tendon reflex) localized in L5-S2. These reflexes normally participate in the regulation of muscular contraction and posture. The contraction of the muscle is terminated by a local feedback mediated by inhibitory interneurons (recurrent collateral inhibition). The 6 interneurons performing this function are called the Renshaw cells. The Golgi tendon reflex is also involved in the termination of the stretch reflex. Superficial Reflexes The superficial reflexes are also called polysynaptic spinal reflexes, withdrawal reflexes or flexor reflexes. They are elicited by a painful or tactile stimulation of the skin and involve groups of muscles. During neurological examination, these reflexes are elicited by a light touch with a cotton swab or a blunt stick. Examples of superficial reflexes are: Epigastric from the spinal segments Th6-9 Mediogastric from Th9-11 Hypogastric from Th11 - L1 Plantar from L5-S2, normal response is flexion of toes Some superficial reflexes only appear in pathological situations. One of them is the Babinski reflex that is elicited like plantar reflex, but the toes are extended, or fanned. The interneuron pool in the spinal cord mediates the flexor reflexes and the shortest circuit has at least three to four interneurons. The diverging circuits spread the excitation to the necessary muscles and inhibit the antagonist muscles, too. After the stimulus is over, a repetitive afterdischarge may be produced. The pattern of the response depends on the sensory nerve that is being stimulated ("local sign"). Reciprocal Inhibition The agonistic muscles are those acting together in one direction. On the other hand, the antagonistic muscles act one against another. The antagonistic muscles are innervated in a reciprocal way. When one muscle is contracted, the antagonistic muscle must relax. In reality, both agonist and antagonist muscles are always contracted to some degree. This is called cocontraction. Reciprocal innervation also depends upon the inhibitory interneurons. Simultaneous contraction of both extensors and flexors results in a rigid limb, a condition termed spasticity. The crossed extensor reflex appears about 0.2 - 0.5 sec after the flexor reflex. The opposite limb is extended. The afterdischarge of the motoneurons is prolonged due to the activity of the reverberatory circuits among the interneurons. Basic locomotor actions Rhythmic stepping movements of a single limb are often observed in the 7 limbs of animals with a transacted spinal cord, even when the lumbar spinal cord has been severed. There is a central pattern generator controlling alternating movements such as walking. Each limb has its own pattern generator. There is oscillation between the flexor and extensor muscles with a rebound excitation of the antagonists. Reciprocal stepping of opposite limbs that also appears is accomplished by reciprocal innervation. Diagonal stepping of all four limbs, the "Mark Time Reflex" may also be observed in an animal with a sectioned spinal cord. This reflex is a manifestation of reciprocal innervation along the spinal cord. The scratch reflex is elicited by a tickle sensation or itching. It involves a position detection and a to-and-fro scratching movement. An oscillation circuit is necessary to accomplish this reflex. A large number of muscles (up to 19) are involved in this reflex. The Postural Reflexes In a decerebrated animal, the positive supportive reaction holding the body in an upright position is elicited by pressure on the food pad; It causes the limb to extend (positive supportive reaction). It involves a system of interneurons similar to the flexor and cross-extensor reflexes. Pressure on one side of the foot causes extension in the same direction (magnetic reaction). The righting reflexes may also be demonstrated in cats and dogs with a severed spinal cord. When placed on their side, they make incoordinated movements in an attempt to stand up (cord righting reflex). These righting reflexes are therefore mediated and integrated by the spinal cord. SPINAL SHOCK Transection of the spinal cord is followed by a period of spinal shock during which all spinal reflexes are depressed. The spinal motoneurons are hyperpolarized. In humans, this period may last several weeks. Its cause is uncertain. FUNCTIONS OF THE BRAIN STEM THE RETICULAR FORMATION The medulla is a source of three descending pathways: from red nucleus from vestibular nuclear complex from reticular formation The reticular formation constitutes anatomically the core of the brain stem. It 8 is composed of interneurons in a meshwork of axons. Its role is the integration of data from widespread sources, from sense organs, the cerebral hemispheres and the cerebellum. Inputs into this system are heterogeneous, output fibers are widespread. The functions of the reticular formation may be divided into the descendent and ascendent part. The descendent part involves: * the motor function and stabilization of posture. * maintenance of homeostasis (respiratory center) * pneumotaxic center executing the turnover of inspiration into expiration. The ascendent part is very complex and involves: * alert wakefulness * rousing from sleep * alerting and focusing of attention * perceptual association The ascendent function of RF shall be discussed together with the mechanisms of sleep. THE DESCENDENT FUNCTION OF THE RETICULAR FORMATION The control of motility, the descendent function, is just one of many functions of the reticular formation. Descendent fibers from the reticular formation go into the spinal cord and modify motor activity and sensory input. The reticulospinal pathway controls the gamma motor system, and, therefore, muscle tonus. Ascendent fibers go into the diencephalon and then into the cerebral cortex where they influence the level of consciousness. The reticular nuclei controlling antigravity muscles are divided into two portions: the pontine reticular nuclei that send the pontine (medial) reticulospinal tract to the spinal cord; these fibers excite the antigravity muscles; the medullary reticular nuclei that project via the medullary (lateral) reticulospinal tract sending inhibitory signals to the antigravity muscles. The medullary nuclei get input from the collaterals of the corticospinal tract, the rubrospinal tract and other pathways. The damage to the medullary reticular nuclei is followed by an excessive effect of the pontine nuclei followed by an increased tension of antigravity muscles 9 (decerebrate rigidity, spastic rigidity). The gamma motoneurons, called also fusiform neurons, innervate the muscle spindles. Their axon diameter is small. They participate in two motor functions: 1. First, they control of the body posture also called body hold system. These neurons obtain their direct input from the facilitatory and inhibitory regions of the reticular formation, from the vestibular nuclei and from the nucleus ruber, and indirectly from the cerebellum, basal ganglia and from the cerebral cortex. The nucleus ruber has a predominantly inhibitory influence on the α- and γmotoneurons of the extensor muscles and excitatory influence on the flexor muscles. The fibers originating in the Deiters' nucleus and lateral RF activate the extensor muscles and inhibit the flexor muscles. The muscle tone is maintained, in particular the muscle tone of the antigravity muscles. 2. The second function of the gamma motoneurons involves the control of the movement. About 31% of all motor fibers innervating the muscle belong to the gamma system. Whenever the alpha motoneurons are activated to elicit movement, the gamma motoneurons are activated simultaneously. This is called coactivation of both systems. The purpose of coactivation is to hold the muscle spindle contracted. This contraction prevents the muscle spindle from opposing the muscle contraction. Second, it maintains the damping function of the muscle spindle regardless of change in the muscle length. FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBELLUM The cerebellum is a dumbbell shaped mass set across the back of the pons. It contains a medial constricted part (vermis) and the right and left cerebellar hemisphere. It forms the roof of the 4th ventricle. The main anatomical divisions of the cerebellum are: the anterior lobe; the posterior lobe; the flocculonodular lobe (the oldest, vestibular cerebellum). Gray matter of the cerebellum The cerebellar cortex is formed by gray matter. The vermis located between the two hemispheres controls the muscle movements of the axial body, the neck, the shoulders and the hips. There is a topographical representation of the body in the vermis. The cortex of the hemisphere is divided into: the intermediate zone concerned with the control of muscular contractions in 10 the hands, fingers, feet and toes; the lateral zone that controls the overall planning of sequential motor movements. This zone is associated with the association areas of the cerebral cortex, such as the premotor cortex and the somatic and sensory association areas. Within the white matter of the cerebellum are found the deep cerebellar nuclei: the fastigial nucleus (in the vermis), the globose n., the emboliform n., the dentate n. (in the hemisphere). The dentate is the most lateral nucleus. The Cerebellar Cortex The cerebellar cortex has numerous transverse sulci parallel to each other. The cells of the cerebellar cortex are arranged in layers. The structure of these layers is the same in all parts of the cortex and in all vertebrates. The size of the cerebellum depends on the complexity of movements. The three layers of the cortex are: - the molecular layer on the surface that is formed by dendrites and fibers coming from deeper cortical layers. It contains a small number of cells, basket cells, stellate cells and Golgi cells. - the middle layer that is one cell thick and contains Purkinje cells. These cells have large flask-like bodies. Their dendrites extend in a sagittal plane to the outer surface of the cortex. They are innervated with climbing fibers that come from the inferior olivary nucleus of the medulla and other brain areas. There is approximately one climbing fiber for every 10 Purkinje cells, and about 300 synapses are on each Purkinje cell. - the granule cell layer that is formed by closely packed cells. It is innervated with mossy fibers coming from all parts of the brain, mainly from the brain stem and the spinal cord. Each granule cell has 3-5 short dendrites with mossy fibers attached and sends an axon to the molecular layer where it is divided into two branches, parallel fibers, which then pass through the dendrites of the Purkinje cells and synapse with each cell on the way. There is one Purkinje cell for every 500 - 1000 granule cells; 80,000 to 200,000 parallel fibers synapse with each Purkinje cell. The cerebellar cortex receives input from the spinal cord, the inferior olive, the vestibulum, and the sense organs of the head, the retina and the cochlea, and several areas of the cerebral cortex including the motor area. The relay nuclei of the cortico-pontine fibers are in the pontine nuclei. The names of the main pathways to the cerebellum are: - the corticopontocerebellar tract - the olivocerebellar tract - the vestibulocerebellar tract 11 - the reticulocerebellar fibers - the dorsal and ventral spinocerebellar tracts that transmit information mainly from muscle spindles, less from other receptors. The efferent pathways from the cerebellum connect the cerebellum to the brain stem, to several midline structures of the thalamus, to the ventrolateral and ventromedial nucleus of the thalamus and further to the cerebral cortex, the red nucleus and reticular formation. Primary Intrinsic Circuits The signals that come from the cerebral cortex go to the agonist muscles and their collaterals go to the cerebellum. The fibers afferent to the cerebellar cortex synapse with the granule cells. From the granule cells, the impulses go to the dendrites of the Purkinje cells and to the dendrites of the basket and stellate cells. The Golgi cells, basket cells and stellate cells located in the cerebellar cortex are all inhibitory cells with short axons. They are responsible for lateral inhibition of the Purkinje cells. The Purkinje cells innervate the deep cerebellar nuclei and have an inhibitory effect on them. The Purkinje cells fire continuously, as do the deep nuclear cells. The collaterals of the mossy and climbing fibers excite the deep nuclei. The activity of the neurons in the deep nuclei predicts the next movement. Their spikes are complex, oscillatory, lasting up to one second. Functions of the Cerebellum The cerebellum is involved in a number of functions: non-motor functions involve the control of emotions, integration of the sensory input, learning and memory, attention, higher cognition, ability to plan and schedule activities, time estimation, and possibly even in states such as schizophrenia and autism. Adult and child cerebellar patients have difficulty modulating their emotions, they react either too much or not at all. motor control, functioning in cooperation with other centers such as the spinal cord, the reticular nuclei and the cerebral cortex. The cerebellar cortex is divided into narrow sagittal zones with different functions, about 1 mm wide and more than 100 mm long. Each zone controls a particular motor mechanism. The signals from the periphery indicate the actual position of the body part, how rapid the movement is and in what direction. The cerebellum then calculates where the limb will be in the coming fraction of a second. The Control of Postural and Equilibrium Movements 12 The flocculonodular lobe and portions of the vermis are involved in the control of body equilibrium, in particular during rapid changes in the head and body positioning. Selective ablation of the flocculonodular lobe in dogs abolishes the syndrome of motion sickness that is a consequence of excessive and repetitive labyrinthine stimulation. The vermis is also involved with the orientation in space. It controls the axial and girdle muscles. Its lesions induce trunk ataxia, staggering and diminished or absent response to rotational stimulation of the labyrinths. Control of Voluntary Muscle Movements The circuitry for voluntary muscle movement is independent of the circuitry controlling body balance. The intermediate zone of the cerebellar cortex and the globose and emboliform nuclei controls the planning and coordination of movements of the distal parts of the limbs. Their lesions induce dysmetria, intention tremors and the inability to perform rapidly changing movements. The main function of the cerebellum is to turn on the agonist muscles and simultaneously turn off the antagonist muscles at the onset of movement. At the end of the movement, the turn off signal is sent to agonists and the turn on signals to the antagonists. The distal limb movements are controlled by an input of direct information from the motor cortex conveying the intended plan of movement. The feedback information from the peripheral parts of the body then reports the actual movement result. Following this, the nucleus interpositus sends corrective output signals back to the motor cortex through the relay nuclei of the thalamus; also, through the magnocellular portion of the red nucleus to the rubrospinal tract, and further to the most lateral motor neurons in the anterior horns which control the distal parts of the limb. Smooth, coordinated movements of the fingers and hands are assured by this mechanism. The ventral spinocerebellar tract transmits the signals intended for muscles back to the cerebellum ("efference" copy). This signal is then integrated with the signals arriving from muscle spindles. Similar signals also go to the inferior olivary nucleus. The Timing and Sequencing of Movements The lateral zone of the cerebellar hemisphere and the associated dentate nucleus controls the timing and sequencing of movements. The cerebellum plans the next sequential movement. In humans, this area is highly developed. The response chunking hypothesis postulates that individual programs controlling 13 behavior are joined into higher order "chunks" of behavior. The lateral cerebellar hemispheres communicate with the premotor and sensory portions of the cerebral cortex. There is a two-way communication between these two areas. The plan of the sequential movements is transmitted from the cerebral cortex to the lateral zones of the cerebellar hemispheres. Also, the lateral hemispheres predict ahead of time how far different parts of the body will move. Thus, the successive movements may begin in time and the progression of the movements is smooth. The Damping of the Movements Almost all movements of the body are pendular and have a tendency to overshoot. The cerebellum may stop the pendular movements and the "intention tremor". Control of Ballistic Movements Many rapid movements of the body occur so rapidly that feedback control is impossible. These are called ballistic movements. Their entire movement is preplanned and has to run a certain distance and stop. The cerebellum controls the execution of these movements. Learning in the Cerebellum Most motor acts have to be learned. This is accomplished by repetition. Then, the movements become more precise and automatic. During the process of motor learning, the sensitivity levels of the cerebellar circuits and the Purkinje cells in particular are adjusted. If a new movement is learned, the intended movement usually does not match the achieved movement. This difference is detected by the inferior olivary complex activated both from the corticospinal tract and from the sensory endings in the muscles. The inferior olivary nucleus is the comparator testing how the actual performance matches the intended performance. Under resting conditions the climbing fibers fire once a second. If there is a mismatch, the climbing fibers originating in the inferior olive are either activated to a maximum of 4 discharges per second, or inhibited down to zero discharges per second. This "error signal" is transmitted to the Purkinje cells and alters the longterm sensitivity of the Purkinje cells. Each discharge of the climbing fibers causes long-lasting depolarization of the dendritic tree of the Purkinje cells followed by a strong output spike from the Purkinje cells. The error signal changes the sensitivity of the Purkinje cells to the discharges from the parallel fibers coming from the 14 granule cells. When the movement is learned as desired, the error signal is not sent. Cerebellar Damage The destruction of small portions of the cerebellum rarely leads to abnormalities in motor function. A lesion must involve the deep nuclei to cause serious dysfunction. The consequences of the lesions may be classified into the following groups: Hypotonia, disappearance of the muscle tonus. Dysmetria and ataxia are the most important signs. Dysmetria is the term describing the overshooting of movements with a subsequent overcompensation. Incoordinate movements resulting from dysmetria are called ataxia. The intention (action) tremor is a consequence of dysmetria. It is characterized by overshooting causing a tremor of the fingers toward the end of the movement. Cerebellar nystagmus is a tremor of the eyeballs during their fixation on a certain feature in the visual field. Dysarthria is the lack of coordination of the muscles involved in the speech, located in the larynx, the mouth and the respiratory system. Vocalization is jumbled. Adiadochokinesia or dysdiadochokinesia is a defect of the sequencing of movements. It appears when the damaged cerebellum cannot predict movement. The progression of movements is lost. The hypotonia of muscles is caused by a loss of the deep cerebellar nuclei. 15