Name : ________________________ I need to complete 20 Point Activities points this week. Due: ______________ 30 Point Activities: 1. ABC order- Write your words in cursive or print in alphabetical order. (A to Z) 9. Silly sentences- Write cursive or print sentences using words beginning with the letters from your words. Example for spelling word 2. Reversed words - Write your words in cursive trains: Tommy really ate insects naturally slowly. or print in ABC order-backwards! (Z to A) 3. Rainbow Words – Write your words with vowels in one color and consonants in another color. 4. Backwards Words- Write your words forwards in cursive or print, then backwards. Ex.: mild - dlim 5. Picture words - Draw and color a picture dictionary of your words. 6. Technology Words - Type your word list. Each word must be in a different font. 7. Triangle or Stair Words - Write your words adding one letter at a time. The result will be triangle or stair shaped words. (See example on back.) 8. Choo Choo Words - Write your words in cursive connecting all the words. Write each word in a different color. 10, Tongue Twisters: Write a tongue twister for each word. 11. Magazine words - Use an old magazine or newspaper, and find your word. Cut it out, and glue it on your paper beside your word written in cursive or print. 12. Part of Speech - Write your words in cursive or print, and the part of speech beside each. You may use a dictionary. 13. Syllable Spelling - Write your words in cursive or print, then separate according to the syllables. You may use a dictionary. Ex.: Con-tract 40 Point Activities: 16. Dictionary Check – Write out a definition for each word in your own words. You may use a dictionary for help. 17. Story words - Write a short story in cursive or print using all of your words. Underline the spelling words in the story. 18. Math Spelling- Complete the activity using the Math Twist sheet. 19. Secret Agent Words –Write a code for each letter of the alphabet. Write each word in cursive or print, then in code. Ex.: A=1; B=2, etc. mild= 13-9-12-4 . Use the worksheet. 20. Telephone Words – Write your words in cursive or print, and then translate your words into numbers from a telephone keypad. (See keypad on back.) 21. Word Worth – Complete a Word Worth Sheet. Use the worksheet. 14. Ambidextrous Words – Write your words with your right hand and left hand. 22. Sentence Building –Complete a sentence building sheet. Use the worksheet. 15. Word Search - Make and complete a word search on 23. Crossword - Make and complete a crossword puzzle using Study Options 10 Points Each (You MUST Choose One!) Pen Spelling – Write each spelling word NEATLY in pen. Vowel Fraction Spelling – Write each spelling word and then find the fraction of vowels. (Example: fraction 3/8) Consonant Fraction Spelling - Write each spelling word and then find the fraction of consonants. (Example: fraction 5/8) ~ Sidewalk Spelling - Using sidewalk chalk, write your words outside. ~ Back Rub Spelling - Have a parent call out the spelling words to you, and spell them on their back. ~ Scrabble Spelling – Play a game of Scrabble, using your spelling words ~ Cheer your words - Pretend you are a cheerleader and call out your words! ~ Practice Test - Take a practice test at home. Write any missed word 3x each. ~ Pasta Words - Write your words by arranging alphabet pasta or Alphabits. ~ Sound Words - Record your words and their spelling. Then listen to it, checking to see that you spelled the words correctly. ~ 3D words - Use refrigerator alphabet magnets, modeling clay, or Play-Doh to make your words. ~ Look-Say-Cover-Write - Copy your word list a paper, look at each word, cover it by folding the paper in half, and write it. Telephone Keypad ~ = Needs a parent signature to verify that you actually completed it. Each assignment must be labeled with its title, number, and point value. Don’t forget to do a study option! Save a tree! You may complete more than one assignment on a sheet of paper. All assignments must be handed in on Friday with the spelling packet. w wo wor word Triangle Words *Spelling Contract modified from the original: w wo wor word Stair Words