The Climate for Christ - Bethany Community Church

Matt Morgan
(309) 677-0028
“The Climate for Christ”
I. The Context for Proclaiming Christ (Chapters 1-5)
Background: Isaiah’s Introduction vs. Amos (1:1) & Micah (1:1)
A. In the Midst of Failure – Charges Brought Against Israel
1. National Failure (1:2-9)
 The Witnesses are Called to the Stand (v.1)
a. Israel’s Rebellion
b. Influence on People
i. Internal – Both head and heart
ii. External – From head to toe
c. State of the Nation
i. Destroyed – “stripped before their eyes”
ii. Surrounded – a people under siege
2. Spiritual/Religious Failure (1:10-20)
a. Exploitation of Grace – Rom 6:15
b. Heart Attitude in Worship
c. Ineffective Prayer – “Pray on Sunday, prey on our neighbors the rest of the week.”
d. Reference to the Coming Redeemer
i. Symbolic Nature of Wool/Snow – both pure from the beginning
ii. Cry for Obedience – risk/reward of our choices (Duet 28:27)
3. Social Failure (1:21-24)
a. Justice turned to corruption/murder
b. Erosion of Value – silver to dross, wine to water
c. Wicked Rulers – bribes, thieves, and cruel leaders have become the standard
B. In Light of Past, Present, and Future Conditions – Attitude of a Nation in Rebellion
1. Israel – “What could have been” (2:2-4)
a. A Leader Among the Nations
b. Haven for Spiritual Knowledge
c. Place Known for True Justice
d. Center for Lasting Peace
2. Current State of the People (2:5-4:1)
 1st Exhortation – “let us walk in the light of the Lord.” (v.5)
a. Israel’s Response – Reliance Upon Their Own Strength (2:6-9)
i. Conformity to the World
ii. False Security – looked to the works of their hands for protection
iii. Poor Associations – turned to idols/false religion
b. God’s Verdict and Judgment (2:10-21)
i. Humbled Eyes – our aims/interests are redirected (Ps 123:2;131:1)
ii. Pride Removed – our standing before God is always humility (Rom 12:3)
iii. Exaltation – our worship is to be for God and God alone
 2nd Exhortation – “stop trusting in man” (2:22)
“…taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5
Matt Morgan
(309) 677-0028
c. Collapse of Society – Caused by the Moral Erosion (3:1-15)
i. Stability Removed Through Sovereign Intervention
ii. Root Cause of the Collapse
iii. Just Reward & Punishment
d. Women of Israel – Action Requiring Punishment (3:16-4:1)
i. Physical Punishment
ii. Replacing Beauty with Modesty
iii. Loss of Leaders in the Home
iv. Destitute Cities
 3rd Exhortation – pleading for the removal of the disgrace that has plagued the
nation (4:1)
3. Future Glory (4:2-6) – The End Calls Upon the Beginning
a. Triumphant Return – Despite Israel’s failure (Rev 21:3-5; Zech 3:8-10)
b. Absolute Justice – Judgment & Fire
c. Protective Environment – His intimate presence
C. In Spite of Pour Fruit (5:1-30) – Consequences of Our Return on God’s Grace
1. The Magnitude of God’s Grace (5:1-2)
2. Our R.O.I (5:2-4) – what was the return on God’s precious investment of grace
3. Consequences of Our Actions (5:4-31) – God’s Righteous Judgment Executed
a. Protection/Provision Removed (v.4-6)
b. Explanation of the Violation (v.7)
i. Justice vs. Bloodshed
ii. Righteousness vs. Cries of Help/Distress
c. Sentence and Punishment Handed Out (6 Woes) (v.8-25)
i. Woe to – greedy land owners chasing material riches (Mic 2:2,9)
 Punishment – 10 acres of grapes  6 gallons of wine, 6 bushels seed = ½
bushel produce (ie-MAJOR FAMINE)
ii. Woe to – drunkards chasing after earthly pleasures with no regard for the
 Punishment – Exile from God and a grave that “enlarges its appetite”
pointing to the certain eternal death of those who die in sin
iii. Woe to – those who defiled the Lord and ridiculed His prophets
iv. Woe to – those who had reversed the true moral definitions of the nation
v. Woe to – those who are filled with pride and arrogance (Prov 16:18)
vi. Woe to – corrupt judges who were stealing justice by taking bribes and
abusing alcohol
 Punishment – The Lord’s anger is going to be like a raging fire and is so
powerful it will make the mountains shake and fill the streets with dead
 YET – at the end of v.25 we see that all of the punishment delegated by
God upon His chosen people is not enough to propitiate his anger
 Propitiation – an atonement or atoning sacrifice; reparation made by giving
an equivalent for an injury, or by doing or suffering that which will be
received in satisfaction for an offense or injury – How do you put out the
“…taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5
Matt Morgan
(309) 677-0028
d. Imminent Invasion (v.25-31)
i. Assyria – conquered northern Kingdom in 722 B.C.
ii. Babylon – conquered Jerusalem in 586 B.C.
“…taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5