Hudák Martin Írásbeli vizsga: A megadott könyvek szókincse és

Hudák Martin
Írásbeli vizsga: A megadott könyvek szókincse és témái, valamint a tanított nyelvtani szerkezetek
gyakorlati használata különböző feladattípusokban.
Szóbeli vizsga:
New English File Intermediate (units 1-7)
1A Eating habits, eating out
1B Famous cheating moments (8. old.); Sports (Watching and doing sports)
1C Families of the future (12. old.); Your family; Sisters, brothers
2A My life without money (22.old.)
2B It was just a holiday… (26. old.); Turning points in our life
2C Race to the sun (29. old.); Travelling, transport
3A Culture shock (38. old.); Cultural differences
3B Appearance
3C Never give up (47. old.)
4A School; Your school
4B Houses you’ll never forget (59. old.); Your home
4C Friends
5A Slow Food and Slow Cities (71. old.)
5B Differences between women and men
5C Jobs
6A Shopping; Making a complaint (86.old.)
6B Films
6C Heroes and icons (94-95. old.)
7B Jack the Ripper … (104.old.)
7C Watching TV, favourite TV programmes
New English File upper-intermediate
1A Three minutes to get … (6-7. old.)
1C Health and illnesses; Get stressed, stay young (15.old.)
2A National stereotypes
2B Air travel
3A Crime and punishment; Making the punishment fit … (39.old.)
3B Weather, Global warming (42.old.)
3C The risk factor (44.old.)
4B How I trained my husband (57.old.)
4C Body talk (63.old.)
5A Music; What’s your soundtrack? (71.old.)
5B Sleepy people (73.old.)
6A One small word … (84.old.)
6B City life and country life; Amish in the city (88-89.old.)
6C Inventions; Suffering for science (94.old.)
7A Regrets
7B Marketing techniques